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Proposed Changes to the Static Data Export (SDE)
- unitID: 141 unitName: "Hardpoints" displayName: "hardpoints" description: "For various counts to do with turret, launcher and rig hardpoints"- unitID: 142 unitName: Sex displayName: "1=Male 2=Unisex 3=Female" description: null
- stationID: 60000004 security: 0 dockingCostPerVolume: 0.0 maxShipVolumeDockable: 50000000.0 officeRentalCost: 10000 operationID: 26 stationTypeID: 1531 corporationID: 1000002 solarSystemID: 30002780 constellationID: 20000407 regionID: 10000033 stationName: "Muvolailen X - Moon 3 - CBD Corporation Storage" x: 1723680890880.0 y: 256414064640.0 z: -60755435520.0 reprocessingEfficiency: 0.5 reprocessingStationsTake: 0.05 reprocessingHangarFlag: 4
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