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[ISHTI] Condemnation of Pornography – Legal Statement

Khazarn Areth
Amarr Empire
#81 - 2012-01-09 15:46:33 UTC
Ston Momaki wrote:
no one finds liberty, but rather bondage.

Well if thats your thing then thats your thing, whatever rocks your ship so to speak.

Bloody Omir's coming back Monsters from the endless black Wading through a crimson flood Omir's come to drink your blood

Lyn Farel
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#82 - 2012-01-09 21:53:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Lyn Farel
Alica Wildfire wrote:
Lyn Farel wrote:
You should actually read the Scriptures and books before burning them.

I have read them. That's why they are burning.

And I asked myself if I might misunderstood their message, but when I check the interpretation of the Theology Counsel I confirm my own reading. And this means the scripture in their official way of interpretation support slavery, support racism, support the use of Vitoc to enforce the control over the slaves.

And this means, I use all your theological books for heating purpose now.

There are books that are meant for reading. But some books are not. This is not because I don't understand them. It's because I indeed do. And I don't fall for the wrong Gallente-like sort of liberalism of racism- and hate-printings. I spend a couple of Thrasher hulls for crewmen, that want to intercept cargo vessels that leave Amarr stations, to spread copies of those scriptures all around our space. Because I don't exactly buy the stuff I burn. I confiscate it. To buy it would mean to give money to the enemy.

Of cause this will destroy some of my Amarr standing but who cares if you have minus 9.0 or minus 10.0? The 24th crusade doesn't like me either. Maybe this is due to a few dozen podkills of crusaders.

For Amarr Empire I am counted as a terrorist anyway. And not only just for my regular smuggle trade of Small Arms into Empire space. Maybe my affiliation as Minmatar Militia and my long history of destroyed Amarr installations count towards it.

There are people that just talk. Some are for deeds. There are books for reading and some other…

Alica takes an exemplar of the 'Book of Reclaiming' and reads:

"I give to you the destiny of Faith,
And you will bring its message to every planet of every star in the heavens:
Go forth, conquer in my Name, and reclaim that which I have given."
- The Scriptures, Book of Reclaiming 22:13

…are made to serve mankind different.

She smiles, when she opens a small cast-iron stove and throws the concoction into the fire and puts a pot of water on the stove to make hot water for Minmatar Spiced Wine. She nips on a hot steaming glass of wine.

You should see the paper machine that I use to produce toilet paper on my facilities. The squiggles you use in your scrolls are great for cleaning. You may call me a savage if you like and I'll wear that with pride. But at least I'm a clean one. And my rooms are warm and cozy. Sebiestor ingenuity even finds practical use for such books.

Where you see comic relief and provocative manners that you are probably proud of, I only see utter ignorance - how can someone be so uneducated ?

What are the Scriptures ? If you do not even know how to answer to that question, that will only prove my point.

People burning books for the simple reason that one of them might be unacceptable do not deserve any mercy.

Alica Wildfire wrote:
Tiberious Thessalonia wrote:
There are a lot of things you can accuse the Amarr empire of being. Sexist is not one of them, Ms. Wildfire.

The scriptures only talk of the MAN or MEN. When they talk of women they talk of slaves. Never of leaders. Never of prophets. They talk about women when they talk of whores. They talk about women when they talk about sin and temptation.

The only "positive" picture the scriptures paint of women is of a mother. Great.

Girl get laid and serve as a breeding machine or you are worthless.

No sexism, eh?

Much like in all the ancients texts I have had the occasion to read in most of the cultures, to my knowledge.
Rek Jaiga
Teraa Matar
#83 - 2012-01-09 23:13:13 UTC
Lyn Farel wrote:

What are the Scriptures ? If you do not even know how to answer to that question, that will only prove my point.

A collection of assorted knowledge and teachings, be they about everyday life to the divine. All of this from the mouth of God, says the priests.

Lyn Farel wrote:

People burning books for the simple reason that one of them might be unacceptable do not deserve any mercy.

Rather extreme, don't you think? To be merciless over books? Of course, the Scriptures are no mere writings to an Amarrian, are they?
Alica Wildfire
Industry Network
#84 - 2012-01-10 09:21:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Alica Wildfire
Lyn Farel, first about the question about the picture of the woman that is drawn by Matari culture, I can say that some of the most powerful figures in our tales are women. For example the tale about the Valkyries that collect the best of those fallen in battle and bring them to the goddess Frigg, to her Fólkvangr. Goddess over life and death, weaver of fate. Warrior-girl and smart protector of home and family, of clan and tribe, superior to the man-warrior of rape and insanity, of madness and brutality. Protection and defence. This is what the Minmatar culture has to give to women.

What has the Empire to give? Slave pits and industrialized rapecamps. At least they keep the girls high on Vitoc to ease their suffering, yeah?

Ston Momaki wrote:
…Art that focuses on eros draws the mind, emotions, and appreciative senses to the dignity of human intimacy. It celebrates individual liberty as it is joined with the individual liberty of another in an act of mutual physical, emotional, psychic, and spiritual unity.

Pornography is one of the ultimate forms that expresses human frustration and isolation. …

That is why pornography leads to exploitation. Pornography, unlike the art of eros, focusses only on the liberty of one while denying the liberty of the other. In the end, no one finds liberty, but rather isolation.

Interesting statement and well observed. The question is, where you draw the line.

The question is where stops art, where begins pornography? As with every art there is a step of compression, a step into abstraction of the whole issue. And with the step into abstraction you'll take shortcuts. If the shortcut is emphasizing the spiritual nature of sexuality or if it is lowering it down into profanity is a hard to link to scenes.

Well, you can say if it is well played it is art. Well you can say the best art is when it is not played but showed. You can argue that describing the scene with a lot of words is art. You can argue that letting away any words and show the bodies is art.

I think the line between art and pornography is indeed arbitrary. It is in the eye of the beholder. And while I can take any profane shilling shocker and easily begin to interpret is as if it were a piece of art, and would indeed get some aspect out of it that are of value, you can rip apart every piece of culture as if it was worthless on the other side as a critic. There is no thing like pornography, there is no profanity.

Both are aspects of ignorance of the beholder. And with ignorance they are aspects of the context the beholder is looking at them. It's prejudice, not fact.

I have seen an interesting experiment, while I was studying the Vherokior fiddle. One of the best Matari fiddlers of the Republic was standing at the entrance of a commuting center on Matar and played some of the most valuable ancient tunes on his very rare and ancient violin. People were ignoring him "just as an other street-musician beggar" and thousands were passing by without listening. In fact they didn't even seen him while he was standing right in front of them.

In a music hall they would have had to pay small fortunes to join his audience and listen to his performance. Given out for free in the context of a commuting center they were ignorant to his art.

I think the same happens with pornography. People have moral issues with watching naked bodies, people only see the context of profanity, where there is nothing like profanity. There is no thing in the world that is boring. There are just people that never have learned to watch with the right sense of mind. And see the world with the eye of an artist.

That's what I think. And when I start burning books I don't burn them because I have not looked into them, I do not understand them and am ignorant. I burn them because I understand them oh too well.

What they call pornography is innocent. It's clearly a form of art, however you may dislike it if you want, but that doesn't change the fact. I can't see it as profanity. I'm not able to observe it like that. It's showing truth.
Propaganda is not. It's a weapon and an assault. And where the one is showing people making love to each other is the other showing people how to hate each other. Propaganda is always lying. And it begins with the lie about gods, about religion, about ideologies, wanting to manipulate and control people. And that I will fight and burn.

The things that are real can never be profane in the sense of banal. That's the basic idea behind science. The word profanity means the absence of spirituality. But while there are no spirits in the world of matter all spirituality we can gain is over matter and knowledge of matter. All spirituality we can get is by observation and only by imagination if that imagination can be confirmed by observation, which means by experiment with matter. The only way to miss the spirituality of our world is to look away from the things that are and turn to an imaginative world we would prefer from our ideology our "how the world should be". A world of lies but of facts. But I prefer to live in a world that has more words for genitals than for killing each other.

Make porn, not scriptures!


Lyn Farel
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#85 - 2012-01-10 21:57:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Lyn Farel
Rek Jaiga wrote:
A collection of assorted knowledge and teachings, be they about everyday life to the divine. All of this from the mouth of God, says the priests.

What say the priests here is irrelevant, but my question was aimed to captain Wildfire. What she is actually burning is not the Scriptures, it is merely the Book of Reclaiming, and yet, she shuns it all together.

Rek Jaiga wrote:
Lyn Farel wrote:

People burning books for the simple reason that one of them might be unacceptable do not deserve any mercy.

Rather extreme, don't you think? To be merciless over books? Of course, the Scriptures are no mere writings to an Amarrian, are they?

Knowledge is the very essence of humanity. Without it, we are mere animals, or even nothing at all. So it might indeed be the worst crime of all to burn it to ashes.

Alica Wildfire wrote:
Lyn Farel, first about the question about the picture of the woman that is drawn by Matari culture, I can say that some of the most powerful figures in our tales are women. For example the tale about the Valkyries that collect the best of those fallen in battle and bring them to the goddess Frigg, to her Fólkvangr. Goddess over life and death, weaver of fate. Warrior-girl and smart protector of home and family, of clan and tribe, superior to the man-warrior of rape and insanity, of madness and brutality. Protection and defence. This is what the Minmatar culture has to give to women.

What has the Empire to give? Slave pits and industrialized rapecamps. At least they keep the girls high on Vitoc to ease their suffering, yeah?

Not really, no. I do not see the point to argue with someone not even able to take some detachement.
Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#86 - 2012-01-11 02:07:46 UTC
Ms. Wildfire, quick question if you please. Do you hold to an epistemology of Empiricism? It appears that you do. I ask that I may better understand your approach to issues.

Sincere thanks,

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Mikkel Lybecker
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#87 - 2012-01-11 03:02:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Mikkel Lybecker
Oh no. I relook at this thread after several days and not only is it still going for some inexplicable reason, but people are actually discussing the incredibly daft, boring, pointless, never-been-a-worthwhile-conclusion-drawn-from-it-in-over-20000-years dead horse discussion that is "is porn art"? I closed that avenue off on the bottom of the first page (because I saw this nonsense coming) so you people would know better than to go there, but here you all are ideologically circle-jerking anyway. Ugh.
Alica Wildfire
Industry Network
#88 - 2012-01-11 09:34:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Alica Wildfire
Mikkel Lybecker wrote:
Oh no. …

Oh no. Don't drink and write Mikkel. And for getting off sexual frustration you are in the wrong sort of bulletin. It may frustrate you that after 20.000 years people still talk about issues. But I guess you made my point without even noticing. That boredom comes from ignorance.

Not from the fact that the world has nothing to give or that things are too shallow.

I expected better from a Gradient member. From fellow Minmatar. We are not like that. Ignorance is the only unforgivable crime - to close your eyes to the world. Especially if you are Minmatar. Maybe you're fighting the wrong cause, do you?


Mikkel Lybecker
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#89 - 2012-01-11 12:48:55 UTC
I'll drink and write if I want to.

Any conversation that goes on for 20000 years is probably overstaying its welcome just a little.

Implying that I'm some kind of traitor to my race because I don't find endless back-and-forth pseudo-philosophical conversations about other people's fetishes useful or interesting is drawing a very long bow indeed.

I was going to write something else but I forgot what it was. I think I need another drink.
Valerie Valate
Church of The Crimson Saviour
#90 - 2012-01-11 13:35:06 UTC
It is simple:

nude person in some form of historical scene, possibly posing with a historical weapon = Art

nude person in a contemporary scene, posing with everyday objects, such as a datapad = Erotica

nude person in an obvious sexual pose = pornography

And with that said, I refer to my previous post in this thread, some time ago:

Down with this sort of thing.

Doctor V. Valate, Professor of Archaeology at Kaztropolis Imperial University.

Leopold Caine
Stillwater Corporation
#91 - 2012-01-11 13:43:48 UTC
Mikkel Lybecker wrote:

Implying that I'm some kind of traitor to my race....

She does that.
If you would win the war against the Empire tomorrow, she'd probably be the first one to say 'them Krusual are just a weight on the matari society, we should purge them out'

Valerie Valate wrote:
And with that said, I refer to my previous post in this thread, some time ago:

Down with this sort of thing.

Probably a Theology Council provocation, hm?
  • Leopold Caine, Domination Malakim

Angels are never far...

Stillwater Corporation Recruitment Open - Angel Cartel Bloc

Alica Wildfire
Industry Network
#92 - 2012-01-11 13:48:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Alica Wildfire
Mikkel, I don't exactly understand what you mean with the word pseudo-philosophical, especially what you mean with "pseudo", while of cause I know the words, the meaning of this combination is vague and I don't think I should guess. But maybe when you get sober again, you can ashame us all with some real philosophical contribution to this conversation, that would us pseudo-philosophers make flush in front of so much wisdom in one person.

But until now it seams the vapor of alcohol has set like fog over the brilliance of your speeches.

No-one said you are a traitor. I just said I hope you can do better, after you have overcome some of your flaws. Means that behind all this foggy something I am quite sure is a brilliant mind, that just is covered by frustration, drug influence and cynicism that you are not performing on the level on which I would like to see you and that would fit you better, I think.

You may disagree with me. You may close your eyes to the world. But if you do that it's just a cowardly form of suicide.

And -yes- you made a point. Since 20000 years people talk about things like the weather, like their families, what to do about their children, how to help a fellow comrade that is going down in public or things like that. And they all try to find out how the world is ticking, if there is a superior being, a universal maker and all that.

But that this conversations and disputes is going on for so long doesn't mean they are all pointless. If you think that you are just ignorant. And what I think about that I already said. I personally believe people talk about these issues for such a long time, because they are essential, which is quite the opposite position you take.

You can do better. I believe in that. Anyone can.


Arkady Sadik
Electus Matari
#93 - 2012-01-11 14:29:02 UTC
Alica Wildfire wrote:
Mikkel, I don't exactly understand what you mean with the word pseudo-philosophical, especially what pseudo means.
I took it as a reference to the general tone of the discussion: Devolving into some sort of ad hominem flaming and repeating points without changing anything in the hopes that if the same thing is said three times, it will suddenly convince everyone else. Her point being that if 20,000 years of repeating the same arguments didn't convince certain people, another 20 pages on IGS won't do it, either (a sentiment I can agree with, but I don't feel the need to jump into a discussion to tell people who apparently enjoy the topic). I do not think her comment was intended as an attack on anyone in particular here. And from knowing Mikkel personally, she is not in the habit of thinking herself as much smarter than the rest of the world, so I guess that was a misunderstanding, too.

To make a philosophical debate on "is this art," you need a definition of the term "art." The discussion thus should be "what do we mean when we use the term 'art?'" But that's not the content of this discussion - it's not about "art" at all, but about ethics. The topic is whether certain behavior is "ok" or "not ok," but that debate is thinly hidden beneath the cover of a discussion of "this is art" "no it is not" with the implied assumption that "if it's art, it's ok" (a somewhat interesting assumption to begin with that would also need to be examined in a philosophical debate on the topic of "art").

Well, as I'm already here, I might as well note something on-topic:

The original topic of this thread is a basic disagreement on social norms. Every society implements norms on what is and is not acceptable (as well as "considered courteous" and "considered rude") within that society. The reasons for many norms arbitrary. The goal for all of them is to make a society work well, which means that the people within the society are feeling good.

Considering that the reasons for such norms are mostly arbitrary, it is no wonder that it's difficult to simply convince others with rational arguments of their validity. You need to accept certain basic premises from which then the norms follow logically, but if you disagree with those premises, the norms are not logical at all. In the case of the original post, I would argue that the person in question broke a norm implemented and accepted by their social group. I consider breaking the social norms of a society you voluntarily live in to be rude, and would argue that the correct way to go about it is to find a new social group first, and then act on your personal preferences. As a consequence for breaking the norms of a social group, exclusion is a pretty good solution. The person should find a social group that fits better with their personal premises and norms than their old group.

At least exile is a much saner solution to the problem than slavery or death.

There are other interpretations of the situation, though. For one, the person in question denies the allegations, which makes it possible that this is a simple attempt at disinheriting an unwelcome family member. Alternatively, this might also be a semi-hidden advertisement campaign by the producer of the work in question.

There's also some sidetracking of a discussion regarding a large amount of contradicting texts called "The Scriptures" that vary from very explicit to extremely vague, where a lot of people spend a lot of time debating which texts exactly belong to that group of texts they consider "the REAL scriptures" and which do not, and also regarding how metaphorical certain explicit phrases really are - up to the point where debating parties can almost literally argue that "war means peace." Those discussions seem to me to be mostly attempts at reconciling inconsistent personal belief systems, though.
Alica Wildfire
Industry Network
#94 - 2012-01-12 14:12:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Alica Wildfire
Arkady Sadik wrote:
Devolving into some sort of ad hominem flaming and repeating points without changing anything in the hopes that if the same thing is said three times, it will suddenly convince everyone else. Her point being that if 20,000 years of repeating the same arguments didn't convince certain people, another 20 pages on IGS won't do it,…

And I agree with that. But we are neither disputing those issues for those who have closed their ears, nor for those who are on our side of the argumentation. We dispute issues for those who want to understand.

And things may be said in so many different ways.Like poetry is saying the same thing in a new way. And this new way sometimes is just the way that someone understands, who was unable to understand before. This is what we try.

To make a philosophical debate on "is this art," you need a definition of the term "art."

It is true that the perception of what is art and what is not art is arbitrary and is also part of the culture the beholder is coming from. But the dispute the issue of this opens the minds and make people understand. It is enlightening in best case. If we just permanently agree with everybody that we do not agree we will never understand anything.

And this is the path into war and destruction.

For example I had a dispute with one of my teachers about what is art or not. He said, that he was fed up with low quality performances and can't stand them anymore. Which he meant was, I think, that he was fed up with people that want the status of an artist, that are no artists in their heart, they just want to count as those, because it pleases their ego. But that was not what he said.

So I vehemently disagreed. I have seen pictures of young children that had no polished technique in it. But a lot of expression of feelings. Like the expressionists paint for example. People may not understand what they are doing, but for me such a picture has a lot more emotional value than one of those technical perfect pieces of graphical art, that are without any meaning at all - those used in commercials. Technique has nothing to do with art. It will come if you work hard, but it is more a thing that you can't avoid to learn over time. The important thing is, how I see it, the heart behind it.

And what we beholder have to learn is to distinguish between technique and content, depth. I personally reject propaganda, while I'm perfectly aware that every expression of a piece of art wants to propagate a message. But is this message coming from his heart or is it a lie? Is he doing it, because he is feeling it or is he just paid for it and feels nothing?

I support the point of view that you can see this when you look at a work. You see it if you look at a warrior, too.

But it is a difficult issue. I also said that you can see art everywhere when you look at the world with the eye of an artist. If you begin to understand the world. Though the impression you have.

And those important questions stay for 20000 years, because the world changes, we change and with this the meaning of art changes too. And we must talk about this to understand. To understand the other. To come together. That's why I'm fighting ignorance when I see it. At least I have to say when I see it. There is no progress in a world of universal con-sense. The only progress in the world comes through conflict. And art is maybe the best way to fight this conflict.

That's why we must talk about it. The alternative is bloodshed in consequence.
It is in-acceptable to agree to not agree. The world is conflict and every minutes of consense where a suppressed disagreement stays will result in a more powerful, more violent battle the next time. The rebellion was one of those events and the "reclaiming" is an other. After 1000 years of "consense" under the whip hundreds of worlds went into rebellion. We still have no idea how many lives that did cost and how much blood.

There's also some sidetracking of a discussion regarding a large amount of contradicting texts called "The Scriptures" that vary from very explicit to extremely vague, where a lot of people spend a lot of time debating which texts exactly belong to that group of texts they consider "the REAL scriptures" and which do not, and also regarding how metaphorical certain explicit phrases really are - up to the point where debating parties can almost literally argue that "war means peace." Those discussions seem to me to be mostly attempts at reconciling inconsistent personal belief systems, though.

And this is the reason why I think any religion is a bad base of operation to come together. Any comings together of religious leaders in the world that end in "peace" end in an ignorant "we agree to disagree". The only way to come together can be the logical and moral base science had come up with hundreds of years. Base of understanding of the human nature, of the world and being together that are based on facts and not ideologies or religions.

And the door to do that is -I think- art. And culture as the communities way to express themselves. The task is not to find a common culture but to understand the alien one. To understand with the eye of an artist and scientist, with an open heart and mind.


Arkady Sadik
Electus Matari
#95 - 2012-01-12 14:37:24 UTC
Alica Wildfire wrote:
And I agree with that. But we are neither disputing those issues for those who have closed their ears, nor for those who are on our side of the argumentation. We dispute issues for those who want to understand.
Indeed, indeed. It's one of the interesting aspect of public forums that debate is not done for the benefit of the person you debate with, but for the silent auditors. It's a kind of theatre performance. An art in itself.

And things may be said in so many different ways.Like poetry is saying the same thing in a new way. And this new way sometimes is just the way that someone understands, who was unable to understand before. This is what we try.

It is true that the perception of what is art and what is not art is arbitrary and is also part of the culture the beholder is coming from. But the dispute the issue of this opens the minds and make people understand. It is enlightening in best case. If we just permanently agree with everybody that we do not agree we will never understand anything.
Yes. The point I was trying to make is that the debate should probably not be about what art "is", but what we - individually - refer to as "art," and what all we mean to imply when we use the term - the connotations of the term "art." That's exactly the kind of debate you want: The debate to produce mutual understanding. Restricting ourselves to telling each other that something is or is not "art" is just detracting from that issue.

As a case in point, the discussion here is not - as I mentioned - about whether some kinds of depictions of sexual acts are "art" or not, but whether they are "ok" or "not ok", and why we believe that they are that. Debating whether they "are art" is just detracting from that actual point.

Strictly speaking, it does not matter whether we call it "art" or anything else: We think this is "ok" and even "good" for various reasons. We attribute those reasons to the term "art", but if we simply discuss whether it "is art" or "is not art", we ignore what we actually value there and simply discuss whether the other person's use of the term "art" is "correct". And that's completely missing the point of the discussion.

The discussions that get entrenched in the debate about what is or is not the correct use of the word "art" are boring. The discussions that are hidden because of those debates would be extremely interesting.

It is in-acceptable to agree to not agree.
I strongly disagree. On the contrary, I find it extremely important to have many disagreeing opinions. But only once you understand how a different group is different, can you accept them as different - it's ok for them to be different, there is no need for everyone to be alike. Diversity is good. Each tribe is different, each clan is different. Diversity is our strength. And that's how it should be.
Odelya d'Hanguest
Order of St. Severian
#96 - 2012-01-12 14:47:52 UTC
Kaleigh Doyle wrote:
I find all of this amusing and none of this surprising, given the source...
Happy birthday, Kaleigh!
From: Odelya d'Hanguest
To: Kaleigh Doyle
If you fancy lesbian adventures and can keep a secret, drop me a message. I would love to see you wearing one of my uniforms while shouting anti-war slogans.

Love from the sacred flower garden,

And if you'd been slightly less crass in your approach I might have even taken you up on your offer, If you're this obvious in private, I could only imagine what sort of cringe-inducing orgy you managed to fabricate in in front of a poorly lit holo-vid recorder. Young girls these days are all energy and no technique; Amateurs.


Well, I take back this generous offer. Now that I've seen your full body, you're a bit too adipose for my taste. (Maybe see a nutritionist?) And when it comes to the discussion art—pornography: You only need to open your mouth, Kaleigh, and it is pornography. If I however would decide to open my legs and let the whole population of Heimatar in, it would be art.

Love (to the rest of you),
Exalted Cherry Blossom
Darc Kaahar
Space Men
#97 - 2012-01-12 14:54:54 UTC
What the shuddering ****?
Alica Wildfire
Industry Network
#98 - 2012-01-12 17:23:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Alica Wildfire
Arkady Sadik wrote:
Alica Wildfire wrote:

It is in-acceptable to agree to not agree.
I strongly disagree. On the contrary, I find it extremely important to have many disagreeing opinions. But only once you understand how a different group is different, can you accept them as different - it's ok for them to be different, there is no need for everyone to be alike. Diversity is good. Each tribe is different, each clan is different. Diversity is our strength. And that's how it should be.

Ah here is a point where I feel misunderstood.

It is the same way "War is Peace" is a general misunderstanding like "Slavery is Freedom". Indeed to turn around the facts to express the opposite is a very artistic form of making a point, that needs explanation.

I just used a different form of "War is Peace" when I said that's inacceptable to agree to disagree and that we have to live in a permanent world of confrontation to keep peace. But the form of battle, the quality of confrontation that is meant with this is indeed not war and killing. It's talking about how we get to peace, it's a permanent ceasefire negotiation. This is the best peace we truly can get without the need to conquer the other side, win the battle and destroy their sort of life and culture to make it like ours. This poisonous sort of peace was between Amarr and Minmatar when they kept us in slavery. Both cultures agreed to disagree, we suffered. Finally it erupted in an epic battle that is still going on and cost tenthousands of lives every day if not more.

Because any static peace is just to agree to disagree and the conflict potential is adding up over time with that. And every static peace is ignoring the fact that the world is permanently changing, both sides are changing and the needs and abilities to accept certain compromises change more or less dramatically.

So this dichotomy is not to take literal. And any attempt to do so is futile and absurd. But like it is in any form of expression if you look at it with the mind of an artist, you can salvage truth from it. It does not make it right or wrong, but context always gives sense.

This is how I understand the Scriptures could be read. But then there is nothing sacral in the scriptures but in the way people approach it with their problems. Still the dichotomy is neither real nor true. It's like an enigma that leads to enlightening. But if you take Scriptures as-is it leads to madness. Like "War is Peace" to take literal. It must not taken literal nor static. It must be openly questioned and disputed with an open, skeptic mind. Then and only then it is leading to something and doesn't need to be burned. While the Amarrian culture is blocking indeed this way to approach their scriptures by forbidding any form of exegesis that is not sanctioned by their inquisitive high-priests as heresy the Scriptures remain useless, futile and destructive. The cultural disaster of Amarr is that they forced a peace on their religion instead letting it live in a constant change through interpretation. The only result this permanent peace can have is either the destruction of their religious culture or their oppressing Empire.

And we Minmatar just try to keep them at distance on gunpoint and reject any attempt to "outsource" their internal struggle on the outside world by projection.

As long as their own religion is dead and enslaved by their Empire it is best for the Amarr when we burn their holy scriptures until they understand our form of interpretation of them and change their state of mind, to negotiate a compromise we Minmatar can accept. A compromise without the need to threaten and enslave my kin.

You only need to open your mouth, Kaleigh, and it is pornography. If I however would decide to open my legs and let the whole population of Heimatar in, it would be art.

That indeed would be an interesting way to see pornography.

By the state of mind in which it is produced. Still hard to look into minds to see the state. I doubt that there is any approach to the construct of "pornography" that is not putting cultural, moral or state force on the freedom of those who legally want to exhibit their bodies and try to sell some sort of image of them to the public.

Even if Kaleighs mouth would be producing things we don't like to hear or imagine. She may do so if she finds someone who buys it.


Kaleigh Doyle
#99 - 2012-01-12 17:41:34 UTC
Odelya d'Hanguest wrote:

If I however would decide to open my legs and let the whole population of Heimatar in, it would be art.

I think a milennia of slavery is enough punishment for the Matari.
Alica Wildfire
Industry Network
#100 - 2012-01-12 18:41:43 UTC
Kaleigh Doyle wrote:
Odelya d'Hanguest wrote:

If I however would decide to open my legs and let the whole population of Heimatar in, it would be art.

I think a milennia of slavery is enough punishment for the Matari.

If this is becoming a cultural experiment I offer free transportation opportunities by my fleet for willing participants from the Matari population to the set of this event, inside Minmatar space. And I think we can start with selling trousers and panties of Odelya for funding the event.
She won't need them anymore.

How many clones do you have ready for action?

Ah on the other hand sex with a mindless clone shouldn't be so much fun.