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CSM Campaigns

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Niko Lorenzio for CSM XI - Pro Synergy, HS, LS, Emergent Gameplay

Niko Lorenzio
United Eve Directorate
#1 - 2016-02-09 10:37:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Niko Lorenzio
Greetings Comrades!

My name is Niko Lorenzio, also known as Nikolai Vodkov (founder of Pro Synergy) and Valkyrie D’ark. I am not a widely known name in EVE, I do not have a backing of a large nullsec bloc and I don’t really have a presence in the EVE media. I do however have the experience, passion and understanding of EVE which I believe you may find useful in representing you in CSM XI.

In the interest of your time I’m going to post a summary of my beliefs and opinions below. If you would like me to elaborate my thoughts on a specific subject, please do not hesitate to ask either here or by contacting me in person.

  • What is the CSM and why it matters

More than anything else, I see CSM as players’ ambassadors to CCP. CSM’s small size allows us to have ongoing, intimate, back and forth discussion with members of CCP. I believe this is the main strength of the CSM and cannot be substituted by less personal feedback channels like forums, reddit, etc.

  • Why will you be an effective CSM member?

I have the experience and knowledge to contribute to the discussions.
I have the passion to dedicate myself to the CSM for the entire term.
I am patient, honest and a teamplayer which would help with holding dialogue with CSM and CCP.
I can see and analyze an issue from many different angles.
I can detach my personal interests from discussions as I have a broad perspective and tend to view things on a macrolevel.

  • Who/What do I represent

I’m not running to represent any particular group, space or playstyle. I want to represent the values which I find fundamental to EVE and its success. While there are many, I'd like to highlight a few that I feel have been compromised or forgotten in recent years.

  • Social Interaction Tools - Corp, alliance, fleet and other communication and organizational tools need much improvement.
  • Death is a serious matter - Risk and losses are important because they gives assets and relationships value.
  • Meaningful Choices - EVE should be about long term strategic planning and choices should carry meaningful consequences.
  • Emergent gameplay - Game mechanics and features should give rise to creative, unscripted and unpredictable behavior.
  • Specialists - Interdependence between players enriches the universe and fosters cooperation, which leads to stronger communities.
  • Player freedom/control - Players should be given the freedom over how they experience both the EVE client and New Eden.
  • Player agency - Over the universe but also over the game's development and direction.
  • Persistent Universe - Players’ investments should not be undermined without careful consideration and debate.
  • Communication - As curators of New Eden, CCP needs to be open and communicative with content creators (players).
  • Conflict drivers - Limited resources, limited space, strategic locations give value to holdings and provoke conflict.

These are rather vague, so I’m posting commentary on how some of these would apply to past and current topics.

  • Citadels

I have several concerns regarding the upcoming citadels.
We know from past that balancing things with price alone is a terrible idea. I would like there to be some kind of limiting factor to promote competition over “Citadel space.” We also need to be careful not to end up with a situation where one entity ends up with a 100 of them in one system, making them practically unbeatable. Possible solutions: Limit 1 XL per system, 1 large per planet, 1 medium per moon. And/or, rising fuel/maintenance costs with each additional citadel in system.

I dislike the idea of automated transfer. Current proposal makes it too advantageous to simply abandon the assets rather than attempt to defend/evac/retrieve them. Evacs and the emergent gameplay surrounding them should be encouraged. Possible solutions: Have the option to retrieve assets from wreck or jettison to safe spots. Uncollected assets will be available for automated transfer after 30 days. Possibly add an option for the conquering party to release assets for automated transfer earlier.

I’d like to see more interesting options than simply owning or blowing them up, i.e. transferring ownership, incapacitating and conquering them.

  • Carrier Rebalance

I like the fact that they are breaking up carriers into two distinctive roles, encouraging specialists and ATK gameplay and reducing dependence on alts. Ideally all major roles within fleets should be filled by individual pilots with interesting and unique gameplay.

  • Skill Point Trading

I could write an entire article on this subject but in short, I hate this proposal. It introduces non-vanity microtransactions to EVE. It allows for instant specialization into any area, reducing dependence on others. It tempts people to grind for ISK to “level up,” undermining one of the unique appeals of EVE - grind free progression. It is a massive ISK faucet (Yes, faucet not a sink, as turning unused idle SP into active SP makes it a faucet regardless of penalties) which will further raise the bar of entry and make higher end up ships/skills more ubiquitous and harder to compete with. Worst of all, CCP did not even attempt to communicate their real motivation and reasoning for this proposal to the players, refusing to even acknowledge the massive resistance to this change.

  • Removal of Language Channels

Chat channels are the first tool that new players use to find and meet other players. The language channels were being used by thousands of players on daily basis, but more importantly they were used by newbros to find their native communities. Their removal is a big loss for EVE and makes no sense whatsoever.

The CSM XI Election are now open until March 25th, 2016. Consider Niko Lorenzio for CSM XI.

CSM matters, your voice matters, your vote matters!

Niko Lorenzio
United Eve Directorate
#2 - 2016-02-09 10:37:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Niko Lorenzio


Please feel free to contact me anytime. I welcome your thoughts and questions here or via a method listed below. I love talking to all kinds of players about anything other than politics, religion or sports.

Ingame:......... Niko Lorenzio / Valkyrie D’ark
Channel:........ CSM
Slack:........... @nikolorenzio
Twitter:.......... @NikoLorenzio


EVE-Guardiant Interview
EVE_NT Interview
Vote Match Page
CSM Watch Interview


I have compiled a list of recommended candidates for your convenience. If you do not have time to do the research yourself, please vote for them in the order that they appear. Login at and follow this link to cast the votes. Please remember to vote with each of your active accounts.

  1. Niko Lorenzio
  2. Jin'taan
  3. DoToo Foo
  4. Utari Onzo
  5. Joffy Aulx-Gao
  6. Capri Sun KraftFoods
  7. commander aze
  8. Apothne
  9. Nikolai Agnon
  10. Mr Hyde113
  11. Nashh Kadavr
  12. Petrified
  13. Sogor
  14. Diana Olympos

I used vote match and other criteria to eliminate candidates and narrow down the list. I did extensive research on the remaining candidates, ranking them mostly based on their beliefs about EVE and CSM. Here is the spreadsheet with all the candidates and notes.

  1. Eliminated all candidates who did not even bother to create an official forum post.
  2. Eliminated all Imperium candidates from their official ballot. It’s not that they might have some good candidates; but, they are already guaranteed to get in at least 3 candidates, which is more than enough influence for any single entity in the game.
  3. Eliminated all candidates which support introduction of any kind of microtransactions (other than PLEX, cosmetic, extractors)
  4. Eliminated all candidates which support CREST update/creation of market orders. Anything that affects the game universe and not just the character should not be possible via CREST. It opens up a huge door to program automation/botting and makes it extremely difficult to compete against by smaller groups/individual pilots.
  5. Eliminated all candidates who think that suicide ganking should be impossible. Eliminate all candidates who think suicide ganking should be easier than it is now. Nobody in EVE should ever be completely isolated from others, including unwanted PVP.
  6. Eliminated all candidates who believe that Alliance income should be mostly top-down.
  7. Eliminated all candidates who did not put in adequate effort into their campaign (Forum post, written & verbal interview, filling in vote-match, etc.)
  8. Marked orange large nullsec bloc candidates. Their playstyle is guaranteed to be well represented and we need a more diverse CSM. I did not apply this to Provi or MC candidates because they have a smaller base and their playstyle is very different from your average big bloc coalition.
  9. Marked orange candidates that have been playing for less than two years. A fresh perspective would be welcome but these candidates need to be scrutinized more closely.
  10. Marked orange candidates who are in NPC corps. I support “solo” play style but I am suspect of candidates in NPC Corps.

The CSM XI Election are now open until March 25th, 2016. Consider Niko Lorenzio for CSM XI.

CSM matters, your voice matters, your vote matters!

Invisible Exchequer
#3 - 2016-02-26 11:09:10 UTC
So, Niko kindly agreed to answer some questions for me, interview here
StupidGenius Charante
Alea Iacta Est Universal
Blades of Grass
#4 - 2016-02-29 06:43:33 UTC
Here is the CSM Watch interview with Niko Lorenzio for the CSM 11 election.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5 - 2016-03-05 22:58:14 UTC
He finally decided to run for CSM... :)
Pro Synergy
#6 - 2016-03-07 07:52:44 UTC
I would totally vote for Niko Lorenzio, since this is a person so familiar with high sec challenges and interesting creations in EVE as well as higher risk things out in null and low sec. (actually I already did vote).
Julia's Interstellar Trade Emperium
#7 - 2016-03-08 03:52:08 UTC
Endorsed. As a businessman, I have never been disappointing by this candidate, fun gamer, gets my votes.

"Dogma is kind of like quantum physics, observing the dogma state will change it." ~ CCP Prism X

"Schrödinger's Missile. I dig it." ~ Makari Aeron

-= "Brain in a Box on Singularity" - April 2015 =-

Melek D'Ivri
Illuminated Overwatch Group
#8 - 2016-03-10 05:23:34 UTC
If you enjoy EVE, Niko is the guy you need in CSM. If you don't enjoy EVE, Niko is the guy you need in CSM. I know he will do his hardest to keep the fun parts fun, the mundane parts less mundane, and listen and work with both sides of the coin. This is finally a CSM candidate I personally am excited for.
Scheulagh Santorine
The Math Department
#9 - 2016-03-13 00:37:15 UTC
Since Niko has requested a question, I thought I would oblige him. Here it is:

You are stationary in a ship with mass 100,000,000 kg on a station undock in 0.0-space. You do not have aggression. You are about to get bumped by a hostile ship. Unfortunately, you are using your right hand to eat a burrito and you can not use the mouse to enter any piloting directional commands! The only decision you can make is to turn on your 100MN afterburner by hitting a function key with your left hand, or leave it off. If your goal is to prevent being bumped out of docking range by minimizing bump distance, should you activate the 100MN AB?


S. Santorine

============================== I used to shoot things. Now I do math.

S. Santorine

Writings on some formal methods in EvE-OnlineEVE Math & Physics Blog

Niko Lorenzio
United Eve Directorate
#10 - 2016-03-14 03:41:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Niko Lorenzio
Scheulagh Santorine wrote:
Since Niko has requested a question, I thought I would oblige him. Here it is:

You are stationary in a ship with mass 100,000,000 kg on a station undock in 0.0-space. You do not have aggression. You are about to get bumped by a hostile ship. Unfortunately, you are using your right hand to eat a burrito and you can not use the mouse to enter any piloting directional commands! The only decision you can make is to turn on your 100MN afterburner by hitting a function key with your left hand, or leave it off. If your goal is to prevent being bumped out of docking range by minimizing bump distance, should you activate the 100MN AB?


S. Santorine

Thanks for a very interest question!

First of all, assuming the said station is open to my docking request, I don't need the mouse. Alt+Space, arrow key, D (custom shorcuts) all executed with my free left hand and I'm safely in station.

If that wasn't an option, it depends. Whats the size, speed and mass of the hostile ship, am I in my invul timer and what direction am I facing? Assuming its a smaller ship, I might turn it on to make my mass bigger and the bump less effective. I might also leave it off so it's easier to turn back around to face the station if turning it on will not be enough to avoid getting bumped out.

The CSM XI Election are now open until March 25th, 2016. Consider Niko Lorenzio for CSM XI.

CSM matters, your voice matters, your vote matters!

Scheulagh Santorine
The Math Department
#11 - 2016-03-14 13:40:21 UTC
Niko Lorenzio wrote:

Thanks for a very interest question!

First of all, assuming the said station is open to my docking request, I don't need the mouse. Alt+Space, arrow key, D (custom shorcuts) all executed with my free left hand and I'm safely in station.

If that wasn't an option, it depends. Whats the size, speed and mass of the hostile ship, am I in my invul timer and what direction am I facing? Assuming its a smaller ship, I might turn it on to make my mass bigger and the bump less effective. I might also leave it off so it's easier to turn back around to face the station if turning it on will not be enough to avoid getting bumped out.


Sometimes more information doesn't make things easier. Except for being able to pilot back to docking range, which I expressly made impossible because of your burrito eating, none of the other distinctions matter. You can choose whichever arrangements for the other parameters that you'd like.


S. Santorine

============================== I used to shoot things. Now I do math.

S. Santorine

Writings on some formal methods in EvE-OnlineEVE Math & Physics Blog

Niko Lorenzio
United Eve Directorate
#12 - 2016-03-14 17:54:09 UTC
Scheulagh Santorine wrote:
Niko Lorenzio wrote:

Thanks for a very interest question!

First of all, assuming the said station is open to my docking request, I don't need the mouse. Alt+Space, arrow key, D (custom shorcuts) all executed with my free left hand and I'm safely in station.

If that wasn't an option, it depends. Whats the size, speed and mass of the hostile ship, am I in my invul timer and what direction am I facing? Assuming its a smaller ship, I might turn it on to make my mass bigger and the bump less effective. I might also leave it off so it's easier to turn back around to face the station if turning it on will not be enough to avoid getting bumped out.


Sometimes more information doesn't make things easier. Except for being able to pilot back to docking range, which I expressly made impossible because of your burrito eating, none of the other distinctions matter. You can choose whichever arrangements for the other parameters that you'd like.


S. Santorine

Yes, I would activate the afterburner then.

The CSM XI Election are now open until March 25th, 2016. Consider Niko Lorenzio for CSM XI.

CSM matters, your voice matters, your vote matters!

Scheulagh Santorine
The Math Department
#13 - 2016-03-16 01:27:53 UTC
Niko Lorenzio wrote:

Yes, I would activate the afterburner then.

Thank you for answering. I'm posting all my solutions sometime this weekend.

Best of luck with the CSM elections!


S. Santorine

============================== I used to shoot things. Now I do math.

S. Santorine

Writings on some formal methods in EvE-OnlineEVE Math & Physics Blog

aria Iapetus
Pro Synergy
#14 - 2016-03-16 21:32:30 UTC
I sure agree on the language channels and the skill faucets. not happy about those changes one little bit.
Lucy Royal
Scary Ships On D-Scan
#15 - 2016-03-19 18:11:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucy Royal
** Reserved +1

Pro Synergy - Allowing high sec missioning clients to improve their income per hour, while contributing to our communitarian efforts to guide and support new and old pilots alike.

Niko Lorenzio
United Eve Directorate
#16 - 2016-03-25 05:28:29 UTC
Then you everyone for your support and effort you guys put into promoting me and CSM in general.

The CSM XI Election are now open until March 25th, 2016. Consider Niko Lorenzio for CSM XI.

CSM matters, your voice matters, your vote matters!

Niko Lorenzio
United Eve Directorate
#17 - 2016-04-21 17:19:53 UTC
I would like to thank everyone again for their support and votes during the campaign. While I have not managed to get on myself I'd it to think we are least helped Jintaan secure his victory. Well done all.

The CSM XI Election are now open until March 25th, 2016. Consider Niko Lorenzio for CSM XI.

CSM matters, your voice matters, your vote matters!