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SP injectors or "how to make some money on it"

#21 - 2016-02-03 18:07:54 UTC
Purple Helmet wrote:
Will the ISK value of these injectors increase over time like PLEX or decrease over time as the market starts being liquidated by them as they arn't really an investment item such as PLEX.

Good question and I wish I knew the answer. If the main source of injectors comes from plex being converted to aurum then they should track the plex price and maybe influence it upwards as well.

Other things to consider, as Edwin pointed out, are the accumulated AUR on accounts that have been around through the Summer of Rage and still have their 5500 per account.

There is also AUR tokens to consider as CCP may decide to bundle these with starter packs, or as part of plex packages, etc., so anything could happen here and that would have a dilutative effect on tracking plex prices.

Like Sabriz, I'm staying cash heavy at the moment as I think traders are going to come out on top however things fall out as they are there to arbitrage differences. Although everything depends on how this is implemented, notably the AUR price for an injector and how it is or isn't taken up by the players.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#22 - 2016-02-06 05:24:39 UTC
At the recently announced price...I doubt you can.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Amarr Empire
#23 - 2016-02-09 13:28:07 UTC
So far so good, prices are around 200 300 milions for 500.000 sp . I spent 130 -180.
Training cost of 500.000 with curent plex prices are 300.000 (with perfect remap and +5)

Opportunities multiply as they are seized.

Gen Saint
No Fun Entreprise
#24 - 2016-02-10 01:38:02 UTC
Lets crush some numbers about SP farming for ISK,

According to my understanding of the process, as far as the numbers are atm, this is not a viable option unless you fuel your SP farming account with an other toon either with ISK or USD to pay for the sub fees.

Proof (?):


- today's approximative market data are used for calculation purposes
- Plex pruchase price is almost equal to Plex selling price (average between sell and buy order)
- SP extractor pruchase price is almost equal to SP Extractor selling price (average between sell and buy order)
- SP injector pruchase price is almost equal to SP Injector selling price (average between sell and buy order)
- Annual sub. Fees
- Extractor are purchased in bundle with NO special promo 10 extractor = 10 000 AUR
- Assuming the ISK value of extractor are given by the AUR cost at 800 AUR, we can calculate the ISK value of SP Extractor at 1000 AUR (assuming 300M ISK / 800 AUR)
- all training is done with +5 / +5 implant and maximal remap (2700 SP/h / 24h / 30 days)
- CCP bills annual sub on a 360 days rotation
- the SP farming toon is over 5,5M SP
- Skill extractor extract 500K SP per run


Plex ISK value...............1270.........M ISK
Montly sub. Fees............10.95.......USD
SP Extractor AUR Value1000........AUR
SP Extractor ISK Value...375.........M ISK.........(300 M ISK market value if purchased at 800 AUR)
SP Injector ISK Value......660.........M ISK

We know that:
- 1 month of training = 10.95USD = 1 PLEX = 3500 AUR = 1270 M ISK = 1944M SP

Calculations - AUR approach:

- on year base we find that:
i can learn :........................................................2700 SP/h x 24h x 360 days...............= 23328000 SP
To extract all the SP in 1 year i need:..............Euclidean division (23328000 / 500K).= 46................extractors
To purchase all extractors needed, i must get:46 extractors x 1000 AUR / extractor..= 46000.........AUR
To get all the AUR needed, i must get:.............46 000 AUR / 3500 AUR/PLEX ..........= 13.14..........PLEX (14 rounded up)
To fuel learning alt, sub fees paied:.................12 months x 1 PLEX/month ................= 12...............PLEX

- wich lead us :
i need to purchase..........................................................................................................= 26................Plex
each plex cost 1270M ISK.................................26 PLEX x 1270M ISK........................= -33020.........M ISK
I'ill sell the injectors at 660M ISK........................46 injectors x 660M ISK......................= 30360.........M ISK

.....................................................................................................................Total income:......-2660.........M ISK / year

Calculations - ISK approach:

- on year base we find that:
i can learn :.......................................................2700 SP/h x 24h x 360 days................= 23328000........SP
To extract all the SP i can in 1 year i need:.....Euclidean division (23328000 / 500K)..= 46...................extractors
To purchase all extractors needed, i must get:46 extractors x 375 M ISK / extractor..= 17250............M ISK
To fuel learning alt, sub fees paied:.................12 months x 1 PLEX/month..................= 12.................PLEX

- wich lead us :
i need to purchase...........................................................................................................= 12.................Plex
each plex cost 1270M ISK...............................12 PLEX x 1270M ISK..........................= -15240...........M ISK
Purchased extractors.....................................................................................................= -17250...........M ISK
I'ill sell the injectors at 660M ISK......................46 injectors x 660M ISK.......................= 30360............M ISK

.................................................................................................................. Total income:......-2130.............M ISK / year

In conclusion, it is not a profitable operation since you must fuel the farming account with approximatively 2200M ISK per year. Did i miss something? Is my undersatnading of the situation correct?

According to calculation, as soon as the ISK value of SP injectors reach approximatively 720 M ISK, the SP farming operation breaks even ISK-wise, assuming the ISK value of PLEX doenst increase. After few simulations, from this point, if the ISK value of PLEX, injector and extractors increase at the same rate, the operation will always breaks even.
Frontier Trading Company
#25 - 2016-02-10 05:07:57 UTC
your calc for 1000 AUR extractor, wich is stupid, as 800 option exists.

after adjustment of (accrding to your calcs) (375m-300m)*46 = +3450

+ Free to Play EVE / alt account
MK Financial
#26 - 2016-02-10 23:00:38 UTC  |  Edited by: N00B-SAIB0T
Mephiztopheleze wrote:
I doubt we'll see huge numbers of injectors hitting the market. Most folk with some redundant SP kicking around will probably use it for themselves rather than selling it off.

That would be me. I have an unfocused older character with 40 million SPs.

I have a dilemma though. I need 69 extractors at a cost of ~20 billion ISK (~300 million/Extractor) if I want to extract 34.5 million SPs out of that alt. Trying to determine if I can be happy with using half of the points for this character and selling off the other half. Preferrably I'd love to keep them all and I can afford to spend ~20 billion, but parting with that much at once isn't easy.

It's a big price tag, using the SPs on yourself, so hard to say how many would do it.
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#27 - 2016-02-11 11:00:54 UTC
People are talking about running an account *solely* for SP harvesting.

This is not the efficient way to create skill injectors.

The efficient way is for people who have alt accounts for other reasons that contain perfect skilled characters (for their assigned roles). Cyno alts; spy alts; accounts with 3 PI characters; accounts with three gank characters; accounts with a dedicated bump alt; booster alts; production alts.

A PLEX in normal use generates two things - a month of skill training, and a month of game access. For these accounts the SP are a waste product that can now be sold.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

The Monocled Elite
#28 - 2016-02-11 12:53:21 UTC  |  Edited by: iBLACK MAMBA
Ruvin is spot on. But people are realising this and the time of bargains in the Character Bazaar has passed.

I personally have made over 100bn ISK in pure profit in the last two days, due to exactly what Ruvin described. I started buying undervalued characters a few months ago.

I didn't care what they were trained in, it was a pure ISK to SP conversion ratio that I was interested in. Got some great bargains.

Now the good times are over, but for those of us who speculated and bought up terrible characters with lots of SP cheaply, the last few days have been an absolute bonanza.

I can now afford a titan AND a titan sitting alt, all from the pure profit of c.70bn total investment (characters and plex from the market to convert to AUR to get the extractors).

I still keep an eye on the character sell forum, but the good times are over. You might get a bit of profit if you're lucky.
Noblefist stargazer
Tech Builds
Pandemic Horde
#29 - 2016-02-11 13:03:55 UTC
Purple Helmet wrote:
Will the ISK value of these injectors increase over time like PLEX or decrease over time as the market starts being liquidated by them as they arn't really an investment item such as PLEX.

i did buy plex last night
start on 100b when i was done transfor to AUR

5 hours work 1 trill now the price is going down not worth it anymore...

buy plax transfor to AUR but x10 ext sell = profit = perfect marked skill...
Amarr Empire
#30 - 2016-02-11 15:25:34 UTC
but plex is 3500 aur , so 3 plex is 9500 aur. so its 2.5 plex for 10 extractors.

10 extractors are 3b.
2.5 plex is 1250 + 1250 +625 3.1b.

were is the profit ?

Opportunities multiply as they are seized.

Reckless Abandon
#31 - 2016-02-11 16:10:16 UTC
1 PLEX worth of training makes 2 mil SP, so 500k SP costs 0.25 PLEX to create.
800 AUR costs 800/3500 PLEX = 0.23 PLEX.
=> Total cost to create an injector is 0.48 PLEX.

As long as injector prices are above 0.48x the PLEX price, there's the profit. Currently 0.48 PLEX = 610m so as long as prices stay above that, it's profitable.
Amarr Empire
#32 - 2016-02-11 16:32:28 UTC
he said : buy plax transfor to AUR but x10 ext sell = profit
i dont see profit there . he starts with 3.2 ends up with 3 .

As for your math, thats ideal scenario with plex cost of what 1250 ? also there is broker fee and i think some other small costs that add up. To consider something worth it i would want atleast a few % of profits .... 650 670 with current prices would be acceptable .

Opportunities multiply as they are seized.

Reckless Abandon
#33 - 2016-02-11 16:47:13 UTC
Ruvin wrote:
As for your math, thats ideal scenario with plex cost of what 1250 ?

I kept the formula as 0.48 PLEX precisely because the price of PLEX changes. If the price of injectors is more than 0.48x the price of PLEX, it's profitable. Currently if a PLEX costs 1250m then the injectors need to cost 600m to break even. If PLEX rise to 1.5b then injectors would need to rise to 720m.

Yes broker fees adds a small % to your costs, assuming you don't have a decently trained trade alt. But you can reduce your other costs with various tricks... which I won't share here Blink
The Monocled Elite
#34 - 2016-02-11 17:26:12 UTC
Ruvin wrote:
he said : buy plax transfor to AUR but x10 ext sell = profit
i dont see profit there . he starts with 3.2 ends up with 3 .

You buy 16 plex (current price: 20bn)
You convert to AUR
You get 70 extractors

You sell the extractors for 21bn.

1bn instant profit. Take about 5 minutes.
Amarr Empire
#35 - 2016-02-11 20:08:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Ruvin
I only wish i had more liquid isk 1 month ago ....i actually expected this to be a lot "worse" i mean i expected LOADS of undervalued SP at the start. But the price got stable from day 1. That was my only mistake.

And everything i invested just doubled, no effort no math, just lots of clicking .... after using 60 extractors you start of getting tired.

My only regret is not doing it on bigger scale, a collateralized loan with 10 15% return would've netted 80 85% profit.

Well, until next time.

Opportunities multiply as they are seized.

#36 - 2016-02-12 11:05:00 UTC
Character bazaar will die. First the prices in bazaar will adjust to skill injector prices in game and after that it just dies. Why? Because there is absolutely no reason for buying character which name and history you cannot touch.
Dr Mibbles
Goonswarm Federation
#37 - 2016-02-12 11:08:32 UTC
I think there will still be a role for the Character Bazaar, just a much reduced one.

People with SP rich chars, but low on ISK who cannot afford the initial investment in extractors, for example. They will need the SP resellers to buy their chars off them.

But margins will be slim.
Amarr Empire
#38 - 2016-02-12 11:34:40 UTC
Chameleopardis wrote:
Character bazaar will die. First the prices in bazaar will adjust to skill injector prices in game and after that it just dies. Why? Because there is absolutely no reason for buying character which name and history you cannot touch.

the price will be a lot "worse for the buyers"
Focused chars are less meaningfull.

But dont forget diminushing returns, those can keep the bazaar competitive as an alternative.

Opportunities multiply as they are seized.

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