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EVE General Discussion

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50000? What happens when we have 60k, 70k or 80k players on at one time?

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#61 - 2012-01-10 20:28:04 UTC
Rath Kelbore wrote:
David Grogan wrote:
there is still alot of improvements ccp needs to make before alot of the bitter vets return.

also during the height of the 80k ish pcu alot were bots which have now been banned or hunted out of the high sec ice belts by hulkageddon events and later goons & co.

Did that happen? 80k pcu I mean. I thought the record was somewhere right around 65k during the alliance tournament 2 years ago??

That's only because they (CCP/EVETV) got every man and his dog to log in alts...hardly indicative of a normal days player participation Ugh

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams

Epic Ganking Time
#62 - 2012-01-10 20:33:10 UTC
Naradius wrote:
David Grogan wrote:
there is still alot of improvements ccp needs to make before alot of the bitter vets return.

TBH, many of the vets that have left, that I know, aren't even bothered enough to see what is happening to/in EVE...they are too busy kerploding tanks.

So what? People change... tastes change... I think it's smarter policy to think about moving EvE forward and focusing on making the game the best game it can be without worrying about bittervets. If the game is great people will want to play. If it is not they won't. The equation is really that simple in my view. If you code it (and it rocks)... they will come...

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Rath Kelbore
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#63 - 2012-01-10 20:46:47 UTC
Naradius wrote:
Rath Kelbore wrote:
David Grogan wrote:
there is still alot of improvements ccp needs to make before alot of the bitter vets return.

also during the height of the 80k ish pcu alot were bots which have now been banned or hunted out of the high sec ice belts by hulkageddon events and later goons & co.

Did that happen? 80k pcu I mean. I thought the record was somewhere right around 65k during the alliance tournament 2 years ago??

That's only because they (CCP/EVETV) got every man and his dog to log in alts...hardly indicative of a normal days player participation Ugh

That is very true. Not what I was getting at though. What is the PCU record. 65k or 80k as the person I quoted said??

I plan on living far, so good.

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#64 - 2012-01-10 22:38:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Malcanis

And that was for the alliance tourney. The highest "ordinary day" PCUs were around the 55k mark.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#65 - 2012-01-10 22:50:56 UTC
Personally I'd like to see space games become cool again and play EVE with a couple of million other subscribers.
Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#66 - 2012-01-15 21:47:28 UTC
#67 - 2012-01-15 22:14:50 UTC
Gogela wrote:
If you code it (and it rocks)... they will come...

If having the better product was drove customer usage we'd be using:

Betamax instead of VHS
HD-DVD instead of bluray
Component instead of HDMI
*more that I can't think of but would be interested to see a list*

In fact, many technologies that we DO use were invented 50+ years before they were "invented" yet not adopted.

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#68 - 2012-01-15 22:50:11 UTC
A majority of space is empty, there is plenty of room. The one thing is having more playing in a single system, versus on the entire server.

"Love the Life you Live, Live the Life you Love"

Scatim Helicon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#69 - 2012-01-15 23:11:53 UTC
Cyzlaki wrote:
Personally I'd like to see space games become cool again and play EVE with a couple of million other subscribers.

EVE's main draws are the single shard, the drama, and the no-holds-barred warfare, not 'spaceships are cool'.

Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.

Epic Ganking Time
#70 - 2012-01-16 00:32:37 UTC
mkint wrote:
Gogela wrote:
If you code it (and it rocks)... they will come...

If having the better product was drove customer usage we'd be using:

Betamax instead of VHS
HD-DVD instead of bluray
Component instead of HDMI
*more that I can't think of but would be interested to see a list*

In fact, many technologies that we DO use were invented 50+ years before they were "invented" yet not adopted.

"better" is relative.

Betamax was a better technology, but Sears wanted too much for the licencing so sony and panasonic went VHS. Consumers therefor went VHS (cheaper) and broadcast networks went beta (for quality). They just diverged into different markets.

HD-DVD was in fact inferior quality despite the lower price point to consumers (blu-ray higher capacity and ability to write and playback at same time). It nevertheless had some licencing problems with manufacturers.

I do use component instead of HDMI.

The EvE experience has always been buggy imho. Yet here we are... still flying CCP spaceships Big smile

It's a combination of the ambition of the game and the promise. This summer people just got sick of empty promises.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

#71 - 2012-01-16 02:00:52 UTC
Gogela wrote:
mkint wrote:
Gogela wrote:
If you code it (and it rocks)... they will come...

If having the better product was drove customer usage we'd be using:

Betamax instead of VHS
HD-DVD instead of bluray
Component instead of HDMI
*more that I can't think of but would be interested to see a list*

In fact, many technologies that we DO use were invented 50+ years before they were "invented" yet not adopted.

"better" is relative.

Betamax was a better technology, but Sears wanted too much for the licencing so sony and panasonic went VHS. Consumers therefor went VHS (cheaper) and broadcast networks went beta (for quality). They just diverged into different markets.

HD-DVD was in fact inferior quality despite the lower price point to consumers (blu-ray higher capacity and ability to write and playback at same time). It nevertheless had some licencing problems with manufacturers.

I do use component instead of HDMI.

The EvE experience has always been buggy imho. Yet here we are... still flying CCP spaceships Big smile

It's a combination of the ambition of the game and the promise. This summer people just got sick of empty promises.

Yeah, I was just pointing out... better doesn't always win out.

Oh, another example... vacuum tubes and silicon transistors were invented at around the same time, but vacuum tubes became widespread first.

There are plenty of ways a shoddy product can be sold as the hottest thing on the block, and plenty of ways awesome products fade into oblivion (look at the music industry for a steady stream of examples.)

I guess tying back to the title of the thread, the issue isn't what to do when we've got high PCU's, the issue is what will CCP do in order to get the subs to begin with. Unfortunately improving the quality of the game isn't a prerequisite to getting new customers, fortunately it's vital if they want to keep the customers they've got.

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#72 - 2012-01-16 20:28:52 UTC
Betamax was a better technology, but Sony would not licence it to other manufacturers. JVC let everyone licence VHS and the difference in quality was only relevant for about 18 months. VHS soon caught up and surpassed Beta in quality. So all the other manufacturers went VHS. Consumers therefore went VHS (cheaper) and broadcast networks went beta (for quality) ((only at first)). They just diverged into different markets. Beta was just another lame attempt by Sony to control the medium. By the time Sony let others manufacture Beta machines, it was too late.

Epic Ganking Time
#73 - 2012-01-17 00:25:52 UTC
hmmm. I stand corrected.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Atticus Lowa
Lowa Corp Industries and Security
#74 - 2012-01-17 06:07:46 UTC
You know a previous poster said something about 9000 member single alliances...

im pretty sure goonswarm is actually wary of the games popularity, if alot of people come more possiblity of people grouping up and wearing them down...

actually this is a good thing, not so much the goonswarm is evil, but one superalliance dominon (from what i understand BoB was an earlier version) is a bad thing.

anyways more people means more work means more money and more fun! so uh... CCP MAKE WITH THE WIN!!! Big smile
Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#75 - 2012-01-30 12:48:28 UTC
50360 on Sunday, not bad at all.

Daily average is climbing back above 30k, which is still down from the 35-36k average that we had back in Jan 2011 and Jan 2010. So down, but definitely improving.
Julyan Fox
The crossroad Co.
#76 - 2012-01-30 12:56:17 UTC
Duvida wrote:
Perhaps I'm overly optimistic, but with the recent change in game direction, EVE Online may be well on its way to the stated numbers online at the same time. Will the server handle it? Will space seem too crowded? Will the empires discover new systems for null, low and high sec space?

And on a 'not my business, but really wishing' note, will there be a place for those former CCP folks to become current CCP folks again if they so desire, if things continue to go well enough for these numbers to be seen?

My noctis 5 salvagers and tractor beams says no. My double click spaming to move into a direction says no either

I have the feeling there's still some margin for a bit of optimization bandwidth consumption wise.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#77 - 2012-01-30 13:09:56 UTC
Scrapyard Bob wrote:
50360 on Sunday, not bad at all.

Daily average is climbing back above 30k, which is still down from the 35-36k average that we had back in Jan 2011 and Jan 2010. So down, but definitely improving.

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#78 - 2012-01-30 13:21:35 UTC
players getting older ? kids, family etc. Eve is very time consuming game .. that's why
ugh zug
Gallente Federation
#79 - 2012-01-30 13:34:04 UTC
i doubt they will consider adding more highsec until amarr space is filled as much as caldari space is now.

Want me to shut up? Remove content from my post,1B. Remove my content from a thread I have started 2B.

Goonswarm Federation
#80 - 2012-01-30 14:26:41 UTC
Akita T wrote:
Edit : partial ninja'd ! Heh.

There was a dev reply not that long ago (can't find it, but it's there on the old forums) where this exact issue was discussed.
If memory serves right, the current architecture can support somewhere up to 190k (or was it 192k? 196k?) simultaneous users (although the performance won't be pretty) as far as the "interface" nodes are concerned, and if for some reason they get enough subscribers to make that a somewhat less than freak occurrence, they can easily upgrade the hardware to handle more.
The problem right now is users per node, or better said, users per single CPU core (at the extreme, one node handles just one solar system, like, say, the Jita node), and increasing that is an ongoing concern, achievable both via software upgrades/tweaks (plenty of data about that in various blogs) and occasional hardware upgrades.
The long-term goal is to have a node be able to use more than just a single CPU core...

P.S. Found it :

That, or CCP should go bot murdering in Jita :))


If EVE is real, does that mean all of us are RMTrs?[/b]