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Newbie looking into moving into a WH

Astaced Starseeker
Sweet Deals Corporation
#1 - 2016-02-03 10:51:51 UTC
So I'm new and looking to move into a wormhole. So what do I need to think about before I move, what Class Should I aim for etc
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2016-02-03 12:00:41 UTC
Astaced Starseeker wrote:
So I'm new and looking to move into a wormhole. So what do I need to think about before I move, what Class Should I aim for etc

How noob is noob Blink just a ballpark... 20mil skill points in indi is different to 10mil all caldari...

No Worries

Goonswarm Federation
#3 - 2016-02-03 12:01:28 UTC
Move into a C6, will be easiest to run sites in, bring a small POS and a month worth of fuel, don't bring stront, cos no moon mins =no POS bashing in W-space (yay), and that's about it. Don't mine gas, rather bring a hulk for all the ore inside. Bring an alt with a scan probe launcher in an ibis, and some drones. That's it! A vexor can easily handle c6 sites, and later you can upgrade to an ishtar. You'll be making 200-400M an hour so your investment of 200M will be made back soon.

Anyway, enjoy!
Astaced Starseeker
Sweet Deals Corporation
#4 - 2016-02-03 12:08:28 UTC
ChromeStriker wrote:
Astaced Starseeker wrote:
So I'm new and looking to move into a wormhole. So what do I need to think about before I move, what Class Should I aim for etc

How noob is noob Blink just a ballpark... 20mil skill points in indi is different to 10mil all caldari...

I have 13 mil skill points a little spread out but mostly in missiles and shield
Astaced Starseeker
Sweet Deals Corporation
#5 - 2016-02-03 12:09:18 UTC
Borsek wrote:
Move into a C6, will be easiest to run sites in, bring a small POS and a month worth of fuel, don't bring stront, cos no moon mins =no POS bashing in W-space (yay), and that's about it. Don't mine gas, rather bring a hulk for all the ore inside. Bring an alt with a scan probe launcher in an ibis, and some drones. That's it! A vexor can easily handle c6 sites, and later you can upgrade to an ishtar. You'll be making 200-400M an hour so your investment of 200M will be made back soon.

Anyway, enjoy!

m8 I'm not that stupid sorry :)
Andrew Jester
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#6 - 2016-02-03 15:16:53 UTC
are you looking to join a WH corp? Or just do WH stuff? I swear there's a thread about it in the HORDE section of the forums if it's the latter

If thuggin' was a category I'd win a Grammy

Astaced Starseeker
Sweet Deals Corporation
#7 - 2016-02-03 15:33:01 UTC
Andrew Jester wrote:
are you looking to join a WH corp? Or just do WH stuff? I swear there's a thread about it in the HORDE section of the forums if it's the latter

prob but I'm lazy
Andrew Jester
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#8 - 2016-02-03 16:19:00 UTC
like I know 100% there is

If thuggin' was a category I'd win a Grammy

Astaced Starseeker
Sweet Deals Corporation
#9 - 2016-02-03 16:46:40 UTC
I'm checking also I'm jkust intrested in living in a WH and Learning how its is
Persephone Alleile
Tartarus Covert Operations
#10 - 2016-02-03 19:34:40 UTC
Astaced Starseeker wrote:
I'm checking also I'm jkust intrested in living in a WH and Learning how its is

it's good.
Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#11 - 2016-02-04 01:20:57 UTC
Astaced Starseeker wrote:
So I'm new and looking to move into a wormhole. So what do I need to think about before I move, what Class Should I aim for etc

What are you looking to be doing in wormholes? What kind of things can you fly? Are you going to solo or join a corp?
Be more specific and people might attempt to come to your assistance.


People who put passwords on char bazaar Eveboards are the worst.

Caldari State
#12 - 2016-02-04 01:33:41 UTC
Find a C2/C3 WH corp with at least 10 active members.

Living in WH space is an art. It can be very tedious and will challenge the soul of even the most hardened capsuleer.

You will be constantly under attack and you won't even know it. Gangs roam WHs like CFC members roam NAMBLA-CON. They are everywhere and you won't know they are with you until the 15 man T3 fleet has you scrammed and neuted.

The key is numbers. Spend a few months in a lower-class WH ot make sure its what you want and if it is then look for a C5/C6 group.
Goonswarm Federation
#13 - 2016-02-04 12:06:42 UTC
^ lies and slander, the true way is mining, mining is great!
Fiendish Dr Wu
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2016-02-04 13:50:58 UTC
I'd suggest simply daytripping in wormholes to get a feel for it. Take a drake / cerberus / jackdaw or something into a C1 or C2 and run some sites for a taste of PvE, or take a stealth bomber or stratios in to try stalking.

I highly reccomend you watch Asayanami Dei's wormhole fundamentals series of youtube videos. You'll learn a lot for starting out.

Your best bet for finding a wormhole home is a c1/c2 wormhole. If you're interested in PvP look for a C2 with null static. For PvE try and get a C3 static. C3 sites might be a bit of a challenge (in PvE) until you can fly a decently skilled tengu/gila etc, but are by far the best for solo farming. Basically whatever content you want to do the most, make sure its readily available through your static.

In a C2 you wont get rolled into by the larger WH entities very often, and you still have easy access to high/low/null sec.
C2 chains can get quite long but arent as populated as C5s so you'll mostly encounter small corps of 20 or less people, who wont be dropping faction battleships on you quite so often.

Make sure you can scan (both probes and dscan) well though, you'll be doing it a lot.

If you decide you'd like to live in WH space long term - definitely get a corp or you'll get very bored very fast unless PvE is all you want to do.
Ranger Industries
The Rogue Consortium
#15 - 2016-02-04 19:30:57 UTC
Remember to always keep an eye on local too. If it's clear, you don't have to worry about being ganked.

Big smile
Astaced Starseeker
Sweet Deals Corporation
#16 - 2016-02-04 20:09:43 UTC
Pook600 wrote:
Remember to always keep an eye on local too. If it's clear, you don't have to worry about being ganked.

Big smile

It always clean in WHs :)
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#17 - 2016-02-05 00:39:54 UTC
Join a wh Corp.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

KC Kamikaze
#18 - 2016-02-06 15:55:09 UTC
Astaced Starseeker wrote:
Andrew Jester wrote:
are you looking to join a WH corp? Or just do WH stuff? I swear there's a thread about it in the HORDE section of the forums if it's the latter

prob but I'm lazy

If you are lazy solo wh operations are not for you. It's a lot of work in any class hole. If you go for something with a kspace static do not pick a hole with a high sec static unless you like frequent pvp and odds that are at best 1v4.
Lord Kalus
Not PurpIe Shoot It
ISK Positive
#19 - 2016-02-07 18:55:52 UTC
Jessica23Atreides wrote:
Find a C2/C3 WH corp with at least 10 active members.

Living in WH space is an art. It can be very tedious and will challenge the soul of even the most hardened capsuleer.

You will be constantly under attack and you won't even know it. Gangs roam WHs like CFC members roam NAMBLA-CON. They are everywhere and you won't know they are with you until the 15 man T3 fleet has you scrammed and neuted.

The key is numbers. Spend a few months in a lower-class WH ot make sure its what you want and if it is then look for a C5/C6 group.

It helps to have scout alts to keep eyes on all of your entries. When you hear door activations you'll know if it's time to bug out if you can't handle whats inbound. If you have that as a viable option it's alright to even run mining barge fleets (as long as they stay aligned) as they'll be able to get out in time. Once you've adapted to the particulars W-space is really pretty easy.
#20 - 2016-02-10 18:38:44 UTC
I suggest looking into joining a WH Corp and learning the ropes through them. WH living can be tedious, lonely, and a good bit to learn. Would be a lot easier with support.
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