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SDE Size of Module and Reprocessing Named Items

First post
Flicky G
Brave Empire Inc.
Brave United
#1 - 2016-01-29 09:01:31 UTC

I'm trying to learn SQL and python via writing some eve online related tools.

So far, so good although the one thing I can't find any reference to is how to determine what sized slot a module fits into.

Armor Repairer I is a low slow module
10MN Afterburner I is a medium slot module

How can I determine this programatically?

I guess I just need to know what column / table the size is and I should be able to work the rest out. (no need for spoon feeding!). I've been through the schema a few times and haven't been able to find anything obviously linked to this.

A second aspect is how to work out the reprocessing output for named modules - this isn't very important as they're usually worth a lot less than the module's market value, but it's nagging at me for completeness.


Mr Mac
Dark Goliath
#2 - 2016-01-29 10:07:07 UTC
12 - Low Slot
13 - Medium Slot
14 - High Slot

You can find in dgmAttributeType table
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#3 - 2016-01-29 12:39:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Steve Ronuken
invTypeMaterials contains what you get back when you reprocess something. (used to also be the materials to make it. Not any more)

That's be at 100%, so you'll need to drop it to the 50% + scrap metal reprocessing.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Desmont McCallock
#4 - 2016-01-29 14:11:46 UTC
To save you some hassle I'm referring you to this post regarding incorrect data in the SDE about the processing materials of some modules.
Flicky G
Brave Empire Inc.
Brave United
#5 - 2016-01-29 18:26:59 UTC
Thanks everyone - much appreciated.

Flicky G
Brave Empire Inc.
Brave United
#6 - 2016-01-29 23:38:51 UTC
Mr Mac wrote:
12 - Low Slot
13 - Medium Slot
14 - High Slot

You can find in dgmAttributeType table

This doesn't work as I expected - these values describe how many slots a ship has. Although that's also useful, these values aren't assigned to any modules.

Reading the schema for dgmAttributeType and dgmTypesAttribute was a good tip, but the only other reference I can find for anything 'like' slot, size, module, medium etc in dgmAttributeTypes is #135, which doesn't seem to be listed for any item in dgmTypeAttributes.

I'm clearly barking up the wrong tree - is anyone able to give me a nudge in the right direction?


Incidently, dgmAttributeType.attributeID = 633 is the meta level (for anyone searching for that)

Mr Mac
Dark Goliath
#7 - 2016-01-30 08:32:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Mr Mac
Flicky G wrote:
Mr Mac wrote:
12 - Low Slot
13 - Medium Slot
14 - High Slot

You can find in dgmAttributeType table

This doesn't work as I expected - these values describe how many slots a ship has. Although that's also useful, these values aren't assigned to any modules.

Reading the schema for dgmAttributeType and dgmTypesAttribute was a good tip, but the only other reference I can find for anything 'like' slot, size, module, medium etc in dgmAttributeTypes is #135, which doesn't seem to be listed for any item in dgmTypeAttributes.

I'm clearly barking up the wrong tree - is anyone able to give me a nudge in the right direction?


Incidently, dgmAttributeType.attributeID = 633 is the meta level (for anyone searching for that)

lol! my bad!

11 - Low Slot
13 - Medium Slot
12 - High Slot

You can find in dgmEffects table

SELECT te.effectID
FROM dgmTypeEffects as te
join dgmEffects as e on te.effectID=e.effectID
where te.typeID=1952 and e.effectID in (11,12,13)

typeID 1952 is Sensor Booster II.
Keep in mind the invTypes table is not in original MSSQL database. Use Steve's/Desmont's convertor
Flicky G
Brave Empire Inc.
Brave United
#8 - 2016-01-30 14:27:18 UTC
Fantastic, that's just the job. I hadn't searched for 'power', as I'd forgotten that's the in game reference!

I'm using Steve's SQL version, here's the sqlite3 statement for anyone else interested

SELECT dgmTypeEffects.effectID, dgmEffects.effectName
FROM dgmTypeEffects
JOIN dgmEffects
ON dgmTypeEffects.effectID = dgmEffects.effectID
WHERE dgmTypeEffects.typeID = 1952;



Many Thanks