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How to Install Windows Eve Client on a Mac

Xerxes Fehrnah
The Fallout Shelter
#1 - 2016-01-20 17:17:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Xerxes Fehrnah
This is not supported by CCP. But this worked for me. Maybe don't uninstall your Mac Client until you get this working. I have mine working with the new launcher.

Install Xcode from the app store. It's a 4.5 GB download, and it is slow as hell. Set this up to download overnight and find it installed the next morning.s

Next, install Homebrew. Homebrew is software that helps you download things like WINE (WINE IS NOT an EMULATOR) which puts a Unix-based windows installation simulator on your Mac. Yes, your Mac basically has a Unix back-end behind all those graphics. To install, open a terminal window and paste this:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Now you are going to diagnose any problems with this install by typing in the terminal window

brew doctor

This will tell you anything that might be a problem. You will need some very, very easy and basic unix skills to fix issues here.

Now tell Homebrew to install the latest developer version of Wine. Paste this in:

brew install wine --devel

This will take a LONG time. Let it do its thing.

Now you will install an application called Winetricks which will help you load various Microsoft drivers and libraries that normally you would download from the Windows Update site.

brew install winetricks

Now that you have that installed, it's time to install a ton of libraries and settings using winetricks. You will see lots of installer windows pop up and ask questions. You will accept the license agreements. You will say NO when asked to share info with Microsoft. You will say YES to restart my computer when prompted (this will not restart your Mac. It will just cause the terminal window to do some more text showing a virtual system reboot and won't interrupt anything.

Past this:

winetricks comctl32 corefonts dotnet40 eufonts gdiplus gdiplus_winxp ie8 msls31 physx pngfilt tahoma vcrun2005 vcrun2008 vcrun2010 vcrun2012 vcrun2013 wininet wsh56vb d3dx9_36

Hit enter. Do what I said above in response to all prompts. Yes accept agreements, no sending data back to MS, yes system restart. Is all of this stuff necessary? No idea. It works though. What is it?

vcrunxxxx = libraries for visual C, Microsoft's coding language which apparently the launcher is made with. The numbers in the names are years.
physx is graphical gaming engine enhancer.
ie8 is internet explorer 8
comctl32 = libraries for windows normally found in the windows folder
corefonts = the standard MS fonts that come with windows
dotnet40 = the dotnet programming libaries version 4.0
gdiplus = no idea

It would be nice for CCP to tell us what libaries they used to build the game so we could whittle this list down without reinstalling and installing over again to find out what is necessary and what is not. vcrun2012 and vcrun2013 are new thanks to the new launcher.

Now paste this:

winetricks xmllite

That one you do on its own because when successful, the process will hang in the terminal window. Give it a minute to ensure it has stopped working, then close the terminal window out and reopen it.

When it hangs, you will see this message in the terminal window (probably):

fixme:mlang:GetGlobalFontLinkObject 0x89d6f0: stub 

Now you are going to tell winetricks to configure WINE to know how much videocard memory you have. My Mac says it has a gig of videocard in it, but WINE always thinks it has zero. So, if you have a gig, then you will type:

winetricks videomemorysize=1024

Winetricks will update the registry in the WINE installation with the right setting.

If your graphics card is 528 MB, then you would replace 1024 with 528. If it is 2 GB, then replace it with 2048.

You are almost there.

Now you need to make sure Wine doesn't screw up and try to run DirectX 11 on a Mac. Macs only support DirectX 9 and lower. To do that type this:


When you do "winecfg", you gotta go into the "Libraries" tab, select "d3d11" from the dropdown list (beside the greyed out Add button), then press ADD, then EDIT it ...

A windows settings window will appear. It opens by default into "Applications" tab. Go to the Libraries tab. It has a list of libraries. select "d3d11" from the dropdown list (beside the greyed out Add button). Push the ADD... button. After it is added, select it and push EDIT... Select the option to DISABLE it. Push OK, Apply, Save, whatever.

Now find another library called msvcr120.dll, and add it. Now push edit on it in your list, and choose NATIVE (windows). Save it.

Last, go to the eve download page, and download the Windows installer. It will be named eveinstaller80987987.exe or somesuch nonsense.

It went into your downloads folder. Go there in the finder and rename the file to something easier to type like installer.exe.

Now open the terminal window again. It will put you in your home directory. You need to to your download directory. Type

cd Downloads

Now you are in the Downloads folder. Now let's fire up the installer. If you renamed it installer.exe, then you can just paste this:

wine installer.exe

There it goes!

now you need to launch it.

You will paste this in the terminal window to launch it. After you paste it once, you can probably just hit the up arrow in the terminal window after that to get the command again.

wine .wine/drive_c/EVE/eve.exe

And... it works. You're done. Fire up Eve accounts, multitask.

Known issues: When you alt-tab away from Eve and back, you will lose the ability to type in text areas. You just alt-tab away and alt-tab back again to fix it. If you click on your ship in space after alt-tab, and it zooms in and radial menu stops working, just hit ESC, and close the settings window.

Good luck. Fly safe o7
Hjord Berserkr
#2 - 2016-01-21 11:50:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Hyrkali
Tl;dr:Works like a charm and it is the best solution I got so far to avoid the dreaded assertion error. Had to remap keyboard key via Razer Synapse to mimic Mac client's layout... Big smileBig smile

That was a good and long read! Kudos for explaining every single thing. ShockedBig smile I'll test that during the day, I have a client's youtube upload to manage and he has over 16 go of files to upload, I'll be around for a while!

EDIT: The process was pretty quick, took me only around an hour to get into the launcher and see the file downloads.

I would clear up two things :
1. The "hang" you describe after "wintricks xmllite"... I got my own hang after that last prompt in the terminal:
fixme:mlang:GetGlobalFontLinkObject 0x89d6f0: stub 
I'm figuring other might get to that point as well, and it could be a reference as to know if it is completed...

2. When you do "winecfg", it opens by default into "Applications" tab, you gotta go into the "Libraries" tab, select "d3d11" from the dropdown list (beside the greyed out Add button), then press ADD, then EDIT it ...

Edit :
So far, so good. I did hit a wall when trying to make my CMD on my keyboard act like the CTRL for PC, and the ALT on my keyboard like the ALT on PC, and I couldn't remap those key via xmodmap (didn't figured out how to). So I made a profile on my Razer App for my keyboard that inverts those keys...

It would be VERY nice that CCP adds an auto shortcurt updater, such as "use default MAC client config" or "Reset to default Window client config"...
Amarisen Gream
#3 - 2016-01-21 18:56:49 UTC
Thanks for this guide - will try it with

As you listed a lot of the extras, this will make "installing" the base of wine and wine tricks as a single event. . .

Will come back here once i get home internet again, and test.

"The Lord loosed upon them his fierce anger All of his fury and rage. He dispatched against them a band of Avenging Angels" - The Scriptures, Book II, Apocalypse 10:1

#NPCLivesMatter #Freetheboobs

Xerxes Fehrnah
The Fallout Shelter
#4 - 2016-01-21 20:45:04 UTC
Hyrkall - your suggestions have been added into the post.
Hjord Berserkr
#5 - 2016-01-22 13:34:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Hyrkali
Another tip, that can be used for lots of thing, is that you can create a Shortcut on your desktop that will run that "launch game" command.

Creating a desktop shortcut for launch
Arrow1. Create a "launcher.command" text file using TextEdit app on your desktop and paste in the command to launch the game.
wine .wine/drive_c/EVE/eve.exe

Arrow2. If you try running it, it will give you an error telling you "The file could not be executed because you do not have appropriate access privilege". That is normal behavior for any unknown .command file. To fix this, go into terminal, browse for your "launcher.command" file :
cd Desktop

then set the proper privilege to it using that command :
chmod +x launcher.command

Arrow3. You can now "clean" your shortcut to make it look better.
Right-click on your "launcher.command" file and go into "Get info".
From there, you can "Hide extension", rename it to "EVE Online" and even change its icon.

To change the icon or your shortcut, do "Get Info" on your classic Mac Launcher (you did keep it, right?) and drag the icon (from the Preview dock) above that uglier "white page with terminal on top"-icon inside that "Get Info" window from your shortcut (or you can also click on any icon in your Finder, copy it (CMD+C), click back on your uglier icon in the "Get Info window" and paste it (CMD+V).
See: for more details, at Changing icons

Hope that helps. Big smile
Hjord Berserkr
#6 - 2016-01-25 16:02:02 UTC
I'm currently testing EFT inside that wine install. So far, the software seems to be running but I'm still testing it.

Just download EFT (current version is 2.33) and unzip the folder. You should end up with a folder named "EFT2.33".

Navigate to your .wine folder. To find this .wine folder in your Finder, navigate into the "Go" menu (Finder must be selected app), and select "Go to folder..." (or press CMD+SHIFT+G from Finder). Type "~/.wine" and Enter.

Then copy the EFTx.yz (x.yz are the version number, currently 2.33) inside your .wine/drive_c folder.

You can now run EFT using a similar command, in the current case:
wine .wine/drive_c/EFT2.33/EFT.exe
Erin Crawford
#7 - 2016-01-26 18:36:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Erin Crawford
Xerxes Fehrnah wrote:
How to Install Windows Eve Client on a Mac

Easiest thing to do is use PlayOnMac. In most cases it worked even better than CCP's wine port thingy.

In my experience the games runs smoother and I was even able to use high-quality shading settings without any issues, where i can't on the mac version - so I get all the beauty of the PC version on the mac = happiness Big smile

How and why a little outfit like this can accomplish this and CCP can't develop their own native mac app, even after more than 10 years, is beyond me!

"Those who talk don’t know. Those who know don’t talk. "

Xerxes Fehrnah
The Fallout Shelter
#8 - 2016-01-27 00:36:08 UTC
Erin Crawford wrote:
Xerxes Fehrnah wrote:
How to Install Windows Eve Client on a Mac

Easiest thing to do is use PlayOnMac.

I have tried Play on Mac and could never get it to work on my Mac. The wine install description I posted is a pain in the rear, but it is reliable.
Xerxes Fehrnah
The Fallout Shelter
#9 - 2016-01-27 00:37:11 UTC
Hyrkali wrote:
I'm currently testing EFT inside that wine install.

I have used EFT successfully in this wine installation. But I find Pyfa to be a superior tool with a better layout. I found EFT, which I was very excited to get working, a step backward from Pyfa.
Hjord Berserkr
#10 - 2016-01-27 14:14:59 UTC
Same here, I used to use PlayOnMac, but after a crash, the network connection stopped working so I couldn't rely on that anymore. I had to find another solution to allow me to play without all those "Assertion Failed Crash"...

I know not Pyfa, I'll look it up. But I found EFT to be most commonly used, even though the stats are not always precise...
Hjord Berserkr
#11 - 2016-01-29 00:12:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Hyrkali
Sadly, apparently the most recent launcher update broke my install... I'll hope to f ind a fix, but I kinda doubt it... :S
Launcher's screen is all white, sometime, pressing enter launche a browser page, talking about the launcher's beta... As if something was still "behind" all that white...

EDIT: Based of I fixed my own launcher by adding the following in my desktop shortcut :
export QT_OPENGL='software'
wine .wine/drive_c/EVE/eve.exe

Hope that helps some of your out...
Amanda Fuller
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#12 - 2016-01-29 05:10:56 UTC
Hyrkali wrote:
Sadly, apparently the most recent launcher update broke my install... I'll hope to f ind a fix, but I kinda doubt it... :S
Launcher's screen is all white, sometime, pressing enter launche a browser page, talking about the launcher's beta... As if something was still "behind" all that white...

You only have to

export QT_OPENGL=software

before running

wine .wine/drive_c/EVE/eve.exe

Hjord Berserkr
#13 - 2016-01-29 05:34:13 UTC
Thanks! I had found the solution on my phone, while not sleeping in bed. By the time I got back up and posted about that here, you posted the same solution while I was also typing xD

Thanks for the help and taking the time to reply.
Hjord Berserkr
#14 - 2016-02-09 14:56:09 UTC
Yet again, as of today, the launcher works, but fails to launch the game. It tries, you get the green loading bar, then it goes back to "scrolling blue" and will not launch...

I haven't seen anything on the forum as of now about that issue, perhaps someone is more informed and can help me fix this?
Xerxes Fehrnah
The Fallout Shelter
#15 - 2016-02-10 14:57:59 UTC
I cannot make wine and Eve work any longer. I guess I jinxed myself by posting that. :( I have gone back to the Mac client, and my Mac despises me for it.