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Cartheron Crust
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#61 - 2016-01-24 23:06:27 UTC
Asinae Antaelis wrote:
I am not into pvp for now, but an idea that comes to my mind is that point/scram/turret disruptor/web have the same cap usage whatever their are aimed at.
Maybe they should adjust the cap consumption of these modules dependong on the target size:
for example to use a web agains a frigate will use 1Gj per cycle, but 2Gj to web a destroyer, 3Gj to web a cruiser and so on.
so a frigate trying to web something bigger will burned faster its capacitor so less capacitor available for dps/afterburner etc...
this way it will bea little bit harder for the small to control the big...
Just an idea, passing by!

That's actually a decent idea. With some tweaking around with numbers could be very workable.
Demerius Xenocratus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#62 - 2016-01-25 03:20:13 UTC
Estella Osoka wrote:
Demerius Xenocratus wrote:
Estella Osoka wrote:
Demerius Xenocratus wrote:
big miker wrote:
I like it how HICs utterly wrecked mwd battleship roaming ( solo / small gang ). In the currentmeta i'm almost forced to fly the Nightmare. Battleship buffs should be very mild, they are very strong ships in the hands of the right pilot. Nerf t3 destroyers and t3 cruiser HP subsystem.

The buff I suggest to start with battleship wise is as following :
- Increase warp speed to 2.4au/a
- Increase all battleship lock ranges to be above 100km
- slightly increase sensor strengthe and scan resolution

Edit: make the HIC scram a separate script with less range

This would be a good start in my opinion. I don't want to see solo battleships everywhere since they are designed around having support.

That HIC change was moronic. I'm already enjoying 37k insta lock gatecamps that I can't even heat MWD and burn out of. There were other ways to damp down the kiting meta, such as removing OGB. This was not a good idea.

That's not what that change was geared toward.

What else would it be geared towards? 37k scram off a hull with the potential for 200k EHP, not exactly hard to predict.

Heavy Dictors have historically been used to tackle capital ships. Hence the high EHP. They are also supposed to be the counter to Interceptor, Deep Space Transports, and T3 Cruisers with the interdiction nullifier sub; because of their infinite point.

I know what they are used for I don't understand why they needed to suddenly become a vastly more effective and ISK efficient counter for MWD/MJD fit subcaps than the already extant Gallente recons which don't have the same EHP and require faction and links to even get close. I don't understand what you think this change was geared toward if not to damp down the kite meta.

One of the few things about gatecamps that make them tolerable is that the campers actually need a fairly extensive and well thought out setup to guarantee a kill, especially sans bubbles. If they don't have long fast-lock long point with multiple long range webs or a linked keres/lachesis/arazu - you have a decent chance of heating mwd and burning off. Now all it takes is one armor tanked HIC with sebos in the mids and you're toast unless you can cut through a BS sized tank before help arrives.
Demerius Xenocratus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#63 - 2016-01-25 03:21:56 UTC
Lucy Callagan wrote:
Demerius Xenocratus wrote:
Estella Osoka wrote:
Demerius Xenocratus wrote:
big miker wrote:
I like it how HICs utterly wrecked mwd battleship roaming ( solo / small gang ). In the currentmeta i'm almost forced to fly the Nightmare. Battleship buffs should be very mild, they are very strong ships in the hands of the right pilot. Nerf t3 destroyers and t3 cruiser HP subsystem.

The buff I suggest to start with battleship wise is as following :
- Increase warp speed to 2.4au/a
- Increase all battleship lock ranges to be above 100km
- slightly increase sensor strengthe and scan resolution

Edit: make the HIC scram a separate script with less range

This would be a good start in my opinion. I don't want to see solo battleships everywhere since they are designed around having support.

That HIC change was moronic. I'm already enjoying 37k insta lock gatecamps that I can't even heat MWD and burn out of. There were other ways to damp down the kiting meta, such as removing OGB. This was not a good idea.

That's not what that change was geared toward.

What else would it be geared towards? 37k scram off a hull with the potential for 200k EHP, not exactly hard to predict.

It's not such a threat against linked kiters (exept for gatecamps) since they are super slow and a decent kiting gang will be able to project its dps and point @50-60km.

They are even fine since they provide some super defensive scrams

Fixed that for you. 37k scram is pretty problematic for unlinked kiters in not orthruses.
Lucy Callagan
Goryn Clade
#64 - 2016-01-25 12:35:58 UTC
Demerius Xenocratus wrote:
Fixed that for you. 37k scram is pretty problematic for unlinked kiters in not orthruses.

I think you forgot the fact that I ALWAYS fly with a least mid-grade snakes
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#65 - 2016-01-25 12:50:48 UTC
one triple damp maulus can have a dramatic effect on a hics scram range.
Fourteen Maken
Karma and Causality
#66 - 2016-01-25 21:31:00 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
one triple damp maulus can have a dramatic effect on a hics scram range.

that's no use for people who want to move around low sec solo. insta locking 37km infinity scram sounds like nothing's getting past it except maybe mwd cloakies with perfect internet connection or double nano interceptors.

I don't know what's going on in low sec anymore but gate camps were already quite restrictive when i was last there and now they have these new tools I'm imagining it's worse and will keep getting worse as more and more people train into hics and command destroyers. This is the problem with battleships and battlecruisers imo, not much wrong with their on grid performance but slow align times, slow lock times, and slow warp speeds means you never get to pick your fights and it's hard to escape from gate camps and blobs. you basically rely on enemy gangs making a mistake and taking a fight they can't win.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#67 - 2016-01-25 21:35:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Crosi Wesdo
If the hic is camping its no different to any other camp.

In fact id rather face a camp that relies on a hic as its primary tackle than most other staples since the hic probably has quite a low scan res ceiling no matter how much remosebo it gets.

I personally dont see many hics being used for that purpose.

If you are roaming solo with no scout then you have zero basis for complaint and will die to almost any camp. Complaining about that would be devaluing the meaning of why people chose to solo in the first place.

The sense of entitlement from the younger players who not only want to solo in this game but they feel like they deserve to do well, is staggering.

TL;DR Solo is bulls**t, this game is not at all about solo. If you choose solo, dont be a B***h.
Fourteen Maken
Karma and Causality
#68 - 2016-01-25 23:05:14 UTC
jesus calm down I didn't attack you I'm just saying gate camps rule out a lot of other play styles.

no i don't have a scout and I have no intention of getting one, if that rules out solo roaming then so be it I just think it's the wrong direction for low sec - might as well be bubble hell if all the main routes are camped by insta lockers.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#69 - 2016-01-25 23:09:47 UTC
Not sure where i wasnt calm. If you want to roam solo with no scout then you are going to die to camps. My point is that new hics havent made any difference to this.
Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#70 - 2016-01-26 17:17:27 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
Not sure where i wasnt calm. If you want to roam solo with no scout then you are going to die to camps. My point is that new hics havent made any difference to this.

Exactly, I worry more about insta-locking thrasher gate camps than a HIC. A gang of 10 thrashers will alpha you off the field before you even know what happened.
Fourteen Maken
Karma and Causality
#71 - 2016-01-26 18:09:06 UTC
gate camping is already easy so it doesn't matter if they make it easier - nice logic.