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AG Battles, adventures and derring–do
A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head A painting of me
I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.
Things that went boom
Storytime with Moon Moon New stories semi frequently-ish!
Promising Young Murderer, Education Appreciated.
Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.
ISD BH Supogo
Equipment Certification and Anomaly Investigations Division (ECAID)
Interstellar Services Department
The 8 Golden Rules of Eve
Why Do They Gank?
Thieving pirates discuss INTEGRITY; Anarchist gankers give us LAWS; and Whoring merc's cry then blow off clients with INSULTS.
Up is down and down is up in the C&P Forum.
Tear Gatherer. Quebecker. Has no Honer. Salt Harvester.
Broadcast 4 Reps -- YOU ARE NOT ALONE, EVER
Instigator of the First ISD Thunderdome
CCL Loyalist