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Lucy Callagan
Goryn Clade
#41 - 2016-01-19 22:43:51 UTC
I hope you are flying a nightmare.
Switch Savage
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#42 - 2016-01-19 22:47:49 UTC
I was going to write a longer response as to why AB on a BS is god awful (outside of nightmare) but i just do not have it in me.
Ace Lapointe
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#43 - 2016-01-19 22:56:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Ace Lapointe
@ChromeStriker: Yeah, you should read parts at least, there are aspects of Battleships that Cruisers just plane have better, like Sensor Strength, and that, but I am not going to repeat myself, again, hope you understand, and as to the WW2 thing, not really the Bismarck took on a Battleship and Battlecruiser with Air Support and they had Destroyers, and all the Bismarck had was a Heavy Cruiser, thoes big ships could be brought down by smaller Cruisers yes, lots and lots of them, pounding it counstantly, launching torpedo's, while planes bombed them, they effective had to dedicated 10+ Cruisers to a Battleship kill because, Battleships would take out a Cruiser per volley, at 3 times the range a Cruiser to engage at, and some ships, like the Bismarck (Only one I actaully know all the numbers for, could actaully out run a lot of allied ships that could fight it, while it still fired at them, it had the est sonar and radar tech availible to the Germans, it was the fastest ship with the most firepower, without gimping one aspect for another, it was the perfect ship of it's time, but yes, with a proper support fleet, it would never have gone down, and it would probbaly still float today in a nice museum.

@Switch Savage: I am not comparing them to Medium Blasters, and Large Blasters on a Megathron Track better then Mediums do on most Blaster Hulls, and smash most Laser too, I have .129 on mine, that is amazing! So no idea where you got that.

And meta? Screw the meta, I always fly my Mega, I always loose it, but only 2 times has it died in a negative way, and both times was holding something so my friends could get their more expensive stuff out, Mega is fine, moves faster then a Hype, does more DPS then a Hype, fits what I want to do to a T, Hyperions are great for Solo, yes, how many People in 3-5 man Cruiser Gangs do you that that engage a 2000-3000 DPS Tank before Links for a fight? None, there for, terrible Solo Battleship, I want fights, people will engage a Mega, all the time, and with Support, and with proper support of a Small Gang, it is better. Once again, ISK DOES NOT MEAN BETTER, why does everyone for get this, a expesnive ship doesn't mean it is better, it means it has a role, but I am not goign to repeat that again either, what I will say, is why do Damps, for example, effect a massive Battleship the same as they effect a Rookie ship? Do you think that makes any sense? Maybe if Damps has sizes, and a BS sized one hit it would make sense, but they don't have that, what I was saying is Sensory Strength should mean something more then ECM chance, or making it harder to be scanned down, which, in a Battleship, you have very little hope in avoiding a proper scanner without being build for that once task.

And I know what you mean, I do pick my fights, which is why I haven't lost many when I wasn't with a Spectre group or something (They always die in Spectre, haha!), but yeah, don't put down the Mega powers over the other ships, I get mine to go faster then a lot of Cruisers, and do 900+ heated damage, while carrying a sacred Heavy Neut, (Before you ask, it is made to work for Small Gang/Solo, but mostly Small Gang and Duo stuff. And Ihave never had an issue hitting smaller ships, I have volleyed off even a Succubus before, all I do is remember my Tracking, watch the Tranversal and that, and time Neut and Scram/Web combo's right, and bam! Worked for me so far.

And for that stuff about AB, I once used a triple Prop Mod fit for laughs with a Police roam, and we had Sig Links and I was using the AB and the Battleships we were facing weren't hitting me.. So it has merits.. But one Web.. And yeah.. Merits deleted, haha!
Switch Savage
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#44 - 2016-01-20 09:38:34 UTC
Ace Lapointe wrote:
@ChromeStriker: Yeah, you should read parts at least, there are aspects of Battleships that Cruisers just plane have better, like Sensor Strength, and that, but I am not going to repeat myself, again, hope you understand, and as to the WW2 thing, not really the Bismarck took on a Battleship and Battlecruiser with Air Support and they had Destroyers, and all the Bismarck had was a Heavy Cruiser, thoes big ships could be brought down by smaller Cruisers yes, lots and lots of them, pounding it counstantly, launching torpedo's, while planes bombed them, they effective had to dedicated 10+ Cruisers to a Battleship kill because, Battleships would take out a Cruiser per volley, at 3 times the range a Cruiser to engage at, and some ships, like the Bismarck (Only one I actaully know all the numbers for, could actaully out run a lot of allied ships that could fight it, while it still fired at them, it had the est sonar and radar tech availible to the Germans, it was the fastest ship with the most firepower, without gimping one aspect for another, it was the perfect ship of it's time, but yes, with a proper support fleet, it would never have gone down, and it would probbaly still float today in a nice museum.

@Switch Savage: I am not comparing them to Medium Blasters, and Large Blasters on a Megathron Track better then Mediums do on most Blaster Hulls, and smash most Laser too, I have .129 on mine, that is amazing! So no idea where you got that.

And meta? Screw the meta, I always fly my Mega, I always loose it, but only 2 times has it died in a negative way, and both times was holding something so my friends could get their more expensive stuff out, Mega is fine, moves faster then a Hype, does more DPS then a Hype, fits what I want to do to a T, Hyperions are great for Solo, yes, how many People in 3-5 man Cruiser Gangs do you that that engage a 2000-3000 DPS Tank before Links for a fight? None, there for, terrible Solo Battleship, I want fights, people will engage a Mega, all the time, and with Support, and with proper support of a Small Gang, it is better. Once again, ISK DOES NOT MEAN BETTER, why does everyone for get this, a expesnive ship doesn't mean it is better, it means it has a role, but I am not goign to repeat that again either, what I will say, is why do Damps, for example, effect a massive Battleship the same as they effect a Rookie ship? Do you think that makes any sense? Maybe if Damps has sizes, and a BS sized one hit it would make sense, but they don't have that, what I was saying is Sensory Strength should mean something more then ECM chance, or making it harder to be scanned down, which, in a Battleship, you have very little hope in avoiding a proper scanner without being build for that once task.

And I know what you mean, I do pick my fights, which is why I haven't lost many when I wasn't with a Spectre group or something (They always die in Spectre, haha!), but yeah, don't put down the Mega powers over the other ships, I get mine to go faster then a lot of Cruisers, and do 900+ heated damage, while carrying a sacred Heavy Neut, (Before you ask, it is made to work for Small Gang/Solo, but mostly Small Gang and Duo stuff. And Ihave never had an issue hitting smaller ships, I have volleyed off even a Succubus before, all I do is remember my Tracking, watch the Tranversal and that, and time Neut and Scram/Web combo's right, and bam! Worked for me so far.

And for that stuff about AB, I once used a triple Prop Mod fit for laughs with a Police roam, and we had Sig Links and I was using the AB and the Battleships we were facing weren't hitting me.. So it has merits.. But one Web.. And yeah.. Merits deleted, haha!

You cannot directly compare tracking numbers between varying gun sizes. A Medium blaster with .129 tracking is NOT the same as .129 tracking on a large. Have a read up on how signature size of the weapon changes the tracking formula.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#45 - 2016-01-20 10:15:56 UTC
Switch Savage wrote:

You cannot directly compare tracking numbers between varying gun sizes. A Medium blaster with .129 tracking is NOT the same as .129 tracking on a large. Have a read up on how signature size of the weapon changes the tracking formula.

I wouldnt worry too much about it, this guy seem to only see what he wants to see lol.

No Worries

Demerius Xenocratus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2016-01-20 11:30:51 UTC
Turret BS are trash for solo in the current meta of svipuls, T2 frigate logi, AF's, and more svipuls. And now MJD dessies and 37.5k 200 EHP scram platforms. You can dual web a svipul with your mega; if he's at 1000m he's just going to laugh at you. And no utility high is a fail. Missiles or drones with all the utility bells and whistles (mjd, neut, cap booster, application mods) is the way to go, in addition to not fighting in or near the home systems of large and active pvp corps who will immediately drop a falcon and a geddon on your head. Or just a griffin, because ewar does remain laughably broken.

Battleships can still tank a ton and pump out massive DPS. They're amazing in the right situations. Turret BS are fine for wasting big targets. But they're bad at svipuls online. Fly a geddon, domi, or armor raven instead.
big miker
Handsome Millionaire Playboys
#47 - 2016-01-20 12:43:17 UTC  |  Edited by: big miker
I like it how HICs utterly wrecked mwd battleship roaming ( solo / small gang ). In the currentmeta i'm almost forced to fly the Nightmare. Battleship buffs should be very mild, they are very strong ships in the hands of the right pilot. Nerf t3 destroyers and t3 cruiser HP subsystem.

The buff I suggest to start with battleship wise is as following :
- Increase warp speed to 2.4au/a
- Increase all battleship lock ranges to be above 100km
- slightly increase sensor strengthe and scan resolution

Edit: make the HIC scram a separate script with less range

This would be a good start in my opinion. I don't want to see solo battleships everywhere since they are designed around having support.
Master Sergeant MacRobert
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#48 - 2016-01-20 17:50:27 UTC
big miker wrote:
I like it how HICs utterly wrecked mwd battleship roaming ( solo / small gang ). In the currentmeta i'm almost forced to fly the Nightmare. Battleship buffs should be very mild, they are very strong ships in the hands of the right pilot. Nerf t3 destroyers and t3 cruiser HP subsystem.

The buff I suggest to start with battleship wise is as following :
- Increase warp speed to 2.4au/a
- Increase all battleship lock ranges to be above 100km
- slightly increase sensor strengthe and scan resolution

Edit: make the HIC scram a separate script with less range

This would be a good start in my opinion. I don't want to see solo battleships everywhere since they are designed around having support.

And +2 au/s across the board to all ship hulls, please

"Remedy this situation or you shall live out the rest of your life in a pain amplifier"

Demerius Xenocratus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#49 - 2016-01-20 19:19:03 UTC
big miker wrote:
I like it how HICs utterly wrecked mwd battleship roaming ( solo / small gang ). In the currentmeta i'm almost forced to fly the Nightmare. Battleship buffs should be very mild, they are very strong ships in the hands of the right pilot. Nerf t3 destroyers and t3 cruiser HP subsystem.

The buff I suggest to start with battleship wise is as following :
- Increase warp speed to 2.4au/a
- Increase all battleship lock ranges to be above 100km
- slightly increase sensor strengthe and scan resolution

Edit: make the HIC scram a separate script with less range

This would be a good start in my opinion. I don't want to see solo battleships everywhere since they are designed around having support.

That HIC change was moronic. I'm already enjoying 37k insta lock gatecamps that I can't even heat MWD and burn out of. There were other ways to damp down the kiting meta, such as removing OGB. This was not a good idea.
Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#50 - 2016-01-20 19:28:35 UTC
Demerius Xenocratus wrote:
big miker wrote:
I like it how HICs utterly wrecked mwd battleship roaming ( solo / small gang ). In the currentmeta i'm almost forced to fly the Nightmare. Battleship buffs should be very mild, they are very strong ships in the hands of the right pilot. Nerf t3 destroyers and t3 cruiser HP subsystem.

The buff I suggest to start with battleship wise is as following :
- Increase warp speed to 2.4au/a
- Increase all battleship lock ranges to be above 100km
- slightly increase sensor strengthe and scan resolution

Edit: make the HIC scram a separate script with less range

This would be a good start in my opinion. I don't want to see solo battleships everywhere since they are designed around having support.

That HIC change was moronic. I'm already enjoying 37k insta lock gatecamps that I can't even heat MWD and burn out of. There were other ways to damp down the kiting meta, such as removing OGB. This was not a good idea.

That's not what that change was geared toward.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#51 - 2016-01-20 20:09:02 UTC
Every day or so, there is a video on Reddit of someone using a Battleship and wrecking small gangs. Either EVE has a plague of incompetent small gangs, or Battleships are fine.
Demerius Xenocratus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#52 - 2016-01-20 22:29:56 UTC
Estella Osoka wrote:
Demerius Xenocratus wrote:
big miker wrote:
I like it how HICs utterly wrecked mwd battleship roaming ( solo / small gang ). In the currentmeta i'm almost forced to fly the Nightmare. Battleship buffs should be very mild, they are very strong ships in the hands of the right pilot. Nerf t3 destroyers and t3 cruiser HP subsystem.

The buff I suggest to start with battleship wise is as following :
- Increase warp speed to 2.4au/a
- Increase all battleship lock ranges to be above 100km
- slightly increase sensor strengthe and scan resolution

Edit: make the HIC scram a separate script with less range

This would be a good start in my opinion. I don't want to see solo battleships everywhere since they are designed around having support.

That HIC change was moronic. I'm already enjoying 37k insta lock gatecamps that I can't even heat MWD and burn out of. There were other ways to damp down the kiting meta, such as removing OGB. This was not a good idea.

That's not what that change was geared toward.

What else would it be geared towards? 37k scram off a hull with the potential for 200k EHP, not exactly hard to predict.
Mira Chieve
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#53 - 2016-01-20 22:37:00 UTC
I find it quite sad that Battleships actually perform much better with small guns rather than large ones, since you can waste everything in scram range and then MJD off.

This does not usually happen with large guns since there always has to be a 10mn svipul or some cap boosted ab frig that you just cant get rid of. Sure, large guns have great DPS on paper, but in reality they struggle to apply at least a fraction of that. And one heavy neut will not save you most of the time since the cycle time takes just too damn long/the enemy has a nos or whatever.

I would like to see the current roster of T1 BS properly (large guns) usable for solo expand a bit, as atm we are basically limited to missile boats, the geddon/hype which no one will fight anyway, the Spacepotato which is always a bait and maybe the Tempest since it can sport 2 neuts and has a decent amount of mids. The others suck because of bad slot layouts (no utility high, 4 mids just arent enough to fit everything necessary, as you are pretty much forced to fit an MJD (an adorable golden retriever puppy is brutally slaughtered every time you undock a BS without an MJD) and a cap booster, leaving you with only two slots for tackle, prop(pretty much pointless on most hulls), eccm, sebo to boost that puny lockrange etc.) But really, all the usable hulls have at least 5 mids (except for the geddon which has other redeemening qualities).

All the other turret hulls are basically usable only with small guns, but even there it is basicaly only the Mael for shield (Rokh just has too much of a history of being a smartbomber and thus is too scary, plus the mael holds more drones) and the Abba for armor (makes use of at least one bonus plus decentish lockrange).

Maybe we should just accept the fact that not all Battleships are supposed to be usable as solo boats, but even so, I would like to see at least their sensor strenghts and locking ranges buffed across the board. I am not entirely sure whether I could get behind a tank buff, since shield fits are pretty decent with double XL ASB / XL SB and CB. Maybe one could justify some buffs to buffer tanked armor boats, as I find their tanks somewhat lacking, mainly because they cant really be self-buffed by links and drugs.

Still, solo Mael roams in Querious are the most fun thing in EVE for me, and I will keep flying BS hulls whether they get buffed or not. Especially when after Plat insurance one loses only around 50 mil on a loss.
Lucy Callagan
Goryn Clade
#54 - 2016-01-20 23:36:36 UTC
Demerius Xenocratus wrote:
Estella Osoka wrote:
Demerius Xenocratus wrote:
big miker wrote:
I like it how HICs utterly wrecked mwd battleship roaming ( solo / small gang ). In the currentmeta i'm almost forced to fly the Nightmare. Battleship buffs should be very mild, they are very strong ships in the hands of the right pilot. Nerf t3 destroyers and t3 cruiser HP subsystem.

The buff I suggest to start with battleship wise is as following :
- Increase warp speed to 2.4au/a
- Increase all battleship lock ranges to be above 100km
- slightly increase sensor strengthe and scan resolution

Edit: make the HIC scram a separate script with less range

This would be a good start in my opinion. I don't want to see solo battleships everywhere since they are designed around having support.

That HIC change was moronic. I'm already enjoying 37k insta lock gatecamps that I can't even heat MWD and burn out of. There were other ways to damp down the kiting meta, such as removing OGB. This was not a good idea.

That's not what that change was geared toward.

What else would it be geared towards? 37k scram off a hull with the potential for 200k EHP, not exactly hard to predict.

It's not such a threat against kiters (exept for gatecamps) since they are super slow and a decent kiting gang will be able to project its dps and point @50-60km.

They are even fine since they provide some super defensive scrams
The Wings of Maak
#55 - 2016-01-22 21:51:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Icarius
For bs, the warp speed is just ... lame. fix it

But in fact, all warp speed need revamp, why a truck is faster than a cruiser?
And whith our wonderfull warp speed of 2au we may catch orcas.
And with our wonderfull scan res, if ever your target is not aware of the cloak + ab "exploit", you will have the pleasure to see your target warp away before you lock it

So scan res should be fix too ... but it is impossible, it would remove the old stealth nerf of non consentual pvp.

Have you never noticed that for any class of ship, it is almost impossible to lock a ship within the same class before it warp away. A long time ago it was possible for a fregate to insta lock, alone, without sensor booster, a shuttle.
Now you have to fit a sensor booster to prevent your target from escape.
Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#56 - 2016-01-22 23:03:32 UTC
Demerius Xenocratus wrote:
Estella Osoka wrote:
Demerius Xenocratus wrote:
big miker wrote:
I like it how HICs utterly wrecked mwd battleship roaming ( solo / small gang ). In the currentmeta i'm almost forced to fly the Nightmare. Battleship buffs should be very mild, they are very strong ships in the hands of the right pilot. Nerf t3 destroyers and t3 cruiser HP subsystem.

The buff I suggest to start with battleship wise is as following :
- Increase warp speed to 2.4au/a
- Increase all battleship lock ranges to be above 100km
- slightly increase sensor strengthe and scan resolution

Edit: make the HIC scram a separate script with less range

This would be a good start in my opinion. I don't want to see solo battleships everywhere since they are designed around having support.

That HIC change was moronic. I'm already enjoying 37k insta lock gatecamps that I can't even heat MWD and burn out of. There were other ways to damp down the kiting meta, such as removing OGB. This was not a good idea.

That's not what that change was geared toward.

What else would it be geared towards? 37k scram off a hull with the potential for 200k EHP, not exactly hard to predict.

Heavy Dictors have historically been used to tackle capital ships. Hence the high EHP. They are also supposed to be the counter to Interceptor, Deep Space Transports, and T3 Cruisers with the interdiction nullifier sub; because of their infinite point.
Fourteen Maken
Karma and Causality
#57 - 2016-01-23 16:46:01 UTC
svipuls insta popping frigates on gates, command destroyers to jump bigger ships away from the safety of the gate where they can be ground down by a gang and easily killed, now im hearing about 37km insta locking scrams. wtf they're turning low sec into a prison nobody will want to roam in low sec if every other gate has an insta locking blob on it.
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#58 - 2016-01-23 17:59:06 UTC
Fourteen Maken wrote:
svipuls insta popping frigates on gates, command destroyers to jump bigger ships away from the safety of the gate where they can be ground down by a gang and easily killed, now im hearing about 37km insta locking scrams. wtf they're turning low sec into a prison nobody will want to roam in low sec if every other gate has an insta locking blob on it.

They need to make a specific script to scram the MWD/MJD with shorter range (like 18) AND they need to make it reduce the scan resolution of your ship.

Funny how ccp keep nerfing VALID mobility optiosn like burnign from the gate or MJD from the gate, but does nothign with the cloak trick that inhibits MUCH more fights.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#59 - 2016-01-23 18:00:27 UTC
Estella Osoka wrote:
Demerius Xenocratus wrote:
Estella Osoka wrote:
Demerius Xenocratus wrote:
big miker wrote:
I like it how HICs utterly wrecked mwd battleship roaming ( solo / small gang ). In the currentmeta i'm almost forced to fly the Nightmare. Battleship buffs should be very mild, they are very strong ships in the hands of the right pilot. Nerf t3 destroyers and t3 cruiser HP subsystem.

The buff I suggest to start with battleship wise is as following :
- Increase warp speed to 2.4au/a
- Increase all battleship lock ranges to be above 100km
- slightly increase sensor strengthe and scan resolution

Edit: make the HIC scram a separate script with less range

This would be a good start in my opinion. I don't want to see solo battleships everywhere since they are designed around having support.

That HIC change was moronic. I'm already enjoying 37k insta lock gatecamps that I can't even heat MWD and burn out of. There were other ways to damp down the kiting meta, such as removing OGB. This was not a good idea.

That's not what that change was geared toward.

What else would it be geared towards? 37k scram off a hull with the potential for 200k EHP, not exactly hard to predict.

Heavy Dictors have historically been used to tackle capital ships. Hence the high EHP. They are also supposed to be the counter to Interceptor, Deep Space Transports, and T3 Cruisers with the interdiction nullifier sub; because of their infinite point.

Problem is with 37 km range they are a hard coutner to all minmatar ships trying to play as minmatar ships. That range is too long to shutdown eveything.

If MWD are such a problem just remove them fromt he game completely, would get a better balance.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Asinae Antaelis
#60 - 2016-01-24 21:42:55 UTC
I am not into pvp for now, but an idea that comes to my mind is that point/scram/turret disruptor/web have the same cap usage whatever their are aimed at.
Maybe they should adjust the cap consumption of these modules dependong on the target size:
for example to use a web agains a frigate will use 1Gj per cycle, but 2Gj to web a destroyer, 3Gj to web a cruiser and so on.
so a frigate trying to web something bigger will burned faster its capacitor so less capacitor available for dps/afterburner etc...
this way it will bea little bit harder for the small to control the big...
Just an idea, passing by!