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Ace Lapointe
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2015-12-24 23:22:51 UTC
1c3crysta1 wrote:
Ace Lapointe wrote:
Fourteen Maken wrote:
there's some room to buff battleships, maybe some cruiser weapons should be nerfed. The idea of mass affecting the strength of webs is interesting.

Agreed on both, and yeah, I think it would max sense, as the energy required to do that to another ship would be enormous.

Your wording there gave me an idea, what if the cap needed to web a target was dependant on the weight of said target? So that smaller ships would have to be careful about webbing bigger targets unless they've compensated with a cap-strong fitting?

That is something I have been toying with, it would make sense, so while the Web effect is still 60%, it requires mass of target, times power grid or capacitor, so while to Web a Frigate might only take 5 Cap per cycle, to Web a Battleship would require 50-100 or something, that way bigger ships would be need to Web bigger ships. Or they run the risk of Capping themselves out.
Dani Maulerant
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2015-12-25 00:04:53 UTC
Ace Lapointe wrote:

That is something I have been toying with, it would make sense, so while the Web effect is still 60%, it requires mass of target, times power grid or capacitor, so while to Web a Frigate might only take 5 Cap per cycle, to Web a Battleship would require 50-100 or something, that way bigger ships would be need to Web bigger ships. Or they run the risk of Capping themselves out.

Then I would suppose giving EAFs and Recons role bonuses that keep them as or near effective in EWARs against bigger targets as current standard. Might see them more often like that.
Ace Lapointe
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2015-12-25 02:40:55 UTC
Dani Maulerant wrote:
Ace Lapointe wrote:

That is something I have been toying with, it would make sense, so while the Web effect is still 60%, it requires mass of target, times power grid or capacitor, so while to Web a Frigate might only take 5 Cap per cycle, to Web a Battleship would require 50-100 or something, that way bigger ships would be need to Web bigger ships. Or they run the risk of Capping themselves out.

Then I would suppose giving EAFs and Recons role bonuses that keep them as or near effective in EWARs against bigger targets as current standard. Might see them more often like that.

Completely agree, but I want to see Sensor Strength, as those 2 Ship types have massive Sensor Strengths, and Sensor Strength should impact more then just ECM and Scanability, no?
Thanatos Marathon
#24 - 2015-12-25 04:13:13 UTC
Who says Machs are the only good BS? What a load of BS.
Samira Kernher
Cail Avetatu
#25 - 2015-12-25 13:12:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Samira Kernher
Ace Lapointe wrote:
a Battleship should be able to warp into something that small and dominate the field, now I am not saying it should be able to take on a 10 man Cruiser Camp that is set up right, but a bloody 6 man camp, yes, a Battleship should be able to obliterate that

You went against a group of ships collectively worth at least three times as much as your battleship, with logi and dedicated ewar, and you think you should have 'obliterated that'? You didn't 'warp into something small', you warped into a fleet far more capable than your battleship and should consider yourself lucky that you actually got out. You say they should have to ship up... but they were already shipped up. What they had there was more than enough to handle a single t1 battleship and that's the way it should be. Physical size does not equate to power. They outnumbered you, outtanked you, and outpriced you. The only thing you might have had over them was dps, but that's only because they had chosen to bring ewar ships over dedicated attack ones.

While I will agree that some battleships could do with some buffs (gun battleships in particular feel underpowered due to lacking the versatility of missile and drone battleships. A Rapid Heavy type gun battery module would be nice, along with more scan res), they can do fine if you don't bite off more than you can chew.

I fly battleships in solo/small gang environments. I like them because they're quite capable while still being cheap. Yes, a t2 cruiser might be better. But it's also more expensive than a t1 battleship. Solo battleships are good at fighting off groups of t1 frigs or cruisers, or very small numbers of faction/t2 ones if you fly well.

And honestly, you don't think something that powerful and electronically superior should be able to be Jammed and Damped

Electronically superior? You were against dedicated ewar boats.

Again, size does not equal power.
Ace Lapointe
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2016-01-19 00:13:16 UTC
Haven't been on for a while, just saw this, so here is reply:

First of all, size doesn't equal power? Actually, in the world of ships it really does, look at the Bismarch, the Yamoto, any Russian Dread or Battleship, German designs, hell, any country worth it's salt, all the big ships are the most powerful, the most armoured, the most electronically supperior, by a long shot, for example, the Bismarch took on a small fleet before it was sunk, and it sunk an Admiral-class Battlecruiser (Which, despite history saying the Bismark was the biggest, the Hood was in fact larger, so yeah, there is that), and damaged a Battleship pretty bad, while being shot at by Destroyers, and managed to escape, while loosing fuel due to damage and being fairly citically damaged I might add, cause, *Drum roll* bigger ship means bigger engines, it could go faster! What a surprise that bigger means better, in almost every way.

And that gang is better then my ship cause for some stupid reason a Vexor Navy can out DPS a lot of Battleships, proving it needs a nerf or BS's need a Buff, 1 Logi ship should not be able to hold in the face of a Battleship, 2-3 yeah sure, but one? Hell no, proving the Cruiser Logi's Hull needs a Nerf or the bigger ships need a Buff to DPS, 2 Svipuls, which even their pilots call cancer, cause they are OP as hell, which out perform most Cruisers, hence proving they need a Nerf or bigger ships/equal ships need buffs to combat them, a Azuru, no problem with that holding me forever, that is what it is meant to do, it is a good ship, not cancerous at all, same with a Huginn, great ships, nothing wrong with them, get them in DPS range they crack without Logi support.

Battleships are under-powered to what they should be at, to what they should be capable of, that, or, more reasonably, nearly everything else is to powerful for what it should be, T3D's should not be able to replace Cruisers, have the Sig's of Frigates, and the Speed of Frigates, and in some cases, Interceptors, Cruiser are decent where they are, though T3 Cruisers and T2's still should not be able to achieve Battleship/Maurder level EHP, that is bull, no matter what way you spin it, Ceptors are in a good place, AF's need some desprate Buffs to give it a reason to exist, though, I am happy T3D's finally got banned from Small PLEX's like they always should have been, that in itself is a small buff to the AF's, now they are DPS lords of Smalls, EAF's are all really good when flown well, as are Bombers, the new T2 Dessies are good, not to much EHP/DPS, but good Utility, but the fact that some Cruisers (Faction, T2, T3) can match the EHP of Battleships, that is bull, hence why Battleships need more, they take so long to get to a fight, so people should be trying to break the enemy before they can bring Battleships, because once they arrive the other side has to upship to Battleships/Battlecruisers or be destroyed.

Also, if you honestly think price means anything when you look at how good things are.. Then your an idiot.. And I know your not so don't speak like a credit card warrior, a ship can be worth a billion and up and can still be Solo'd by a T2 Cruiser, I have seen a Local with a Golem get taken out by a Vaga, price means sweet **** all, price means it has a specitalty, for example, in RL, a military rifle, lets say any piece of crap Assault rifle, hmm.. M4A1, let's go with that, I hated that when we had to train with them, is expensive (In regards to it's class), and is regarded as a great all round rifle (This is BS), now, an A-47 is worth 10x less, and is 50x better, jams less, has a bigger caliber, better range, better durability, better adaptability, isn't plastic, can be used in melee, you know who wins in that fight with 2 people with equal skill? The bloody AK, why? It is bigger, and better, sure there is luck, but that is an unknown quantity and can't ever be caculated or counted on.

Sufice to say, a Battleships is a god damn Battleship, THEY ARE MEANT FOR BATTLE! Cruisers were made to support BATTLESHIPS IN BATTLES, cause they do not have the damage or raw power to hold the line, and BATTLECRUISERS were made as a counter to BATTLESHIPS! Hence the same Gun sizes but better speed and smaller signature. Battleship is big, Battleship is for power, because it is big, Battleship have big Guns, because it is big, and armor to match, because it is big, so where, do you know anywhere other then Nuclear bombs and things that use massive cheical and sub-nuclear reactions, does a small thing have more power the the bigger version? No where, cause bigger does mean more power, in almost every way.

Also, as to the comment about Electronically Superior, yes, a Battleship has more Sensor Srength then most ships, and that should actually, you know, protect it from things that interfer with, you know, Sensors, so again, size, equals power, even seen how big they have to make reactors to power the Aircraft Carriers? They are huge, ever see the Guns that fire the most powerful rounds in the world? They are massive, size, almost always equals power. Sorry to say it, but in this regard (To size equaling power), you are wrong.

Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#27 - 2016-01-19 00:20:56 UTC
A torpedo is smaller than any ship. No ship feels confident in a fight against a well deployed torpedo.
Ace Lapointe
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2016-01-19 00:44:30 UTC
The ships that fire torpedo's still tend to be 70m and up in length, Torpedo's are just as powerful as a broadside cannon, only difference is they hit in places where it opens the door for flooding, in fact, their are torpedo's that aren't even built to blow up ships, they are built to sink them with little to no show of damage, so A, the enemy crew notice to late, and B, doesn't leave 20km's worth of smoke and wreakage to give intel away, and give away positions, haha! Sneaky bastards, but once again, torpedo's need to be fired, from ships (Some planes and other amphibious craft as well), which are very large (In relation to RL ships). But same math for when a squad of infantry find out there is a guy 1km ahead of them at he top of the valley, with a 50. Cal, and same for armored colums when they get intel the enemy has mines, RPG's, hell, anything that goes sploody really..
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#29 - 2016-01-19 00:49:12 UTC
Torpedos do not need to be fired from ships. Theres multiple platforms for deploying them. Just saying.

On that topic, russian docs were leaked recently that showed nuclear reactor powered nuclear yielding torpedos with a range of 2000km designed to wipe out coastal cities and docks. Obviously they dont exist beyond the purpose of wasting more US military development funds but the concept is a strong one.
Ace Lapointe
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2016-01-19 00:55:34 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
Torpedos do not need to be fired from ships. Theres multiple platforms for deploying them. Just saying.

On that topic, russian docs were leaked recently that showed nuclear reactor powered nuclear yielding torpedos with a range of 2000km designed to wipe out coastal cities and docks. Obviously they dont exist beyond the purpose of wasting more US military development funds but the concept is a strong one.

Read what I said.. Here I will copy and paste it - " Sneaky bastards, but once again, torpedo's need to be fired, from ships (Some planes and other amphibious craft as well), which are very large"

Yes, tech like that is already being built by other countries, havent seen these docs though, got any links? Love reading about other miltiaries, and I might add, that tech is a long way off, not the long range Torpedoes, but a reactor to power that in a size enough to fit ito a speciallised Torpedo, not to mention cost.. Cause once you test that monster, other countries will have defences, plus.. If you know where it is being fired from, just build walls of stone under the water, or have movable walls (Cranes), and move them around when a torpedo like that is detected. Trust me, every country would have who ever made these things watched like a hawk, and if they fired one, another country would know within minutes, and most of the world a little after that. Still a scary prospect.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#31 - 2016-01-19 00:58:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Crosi Wesdo
Submarines are not planes or amphibious vehicles. Nor are ambitious plans for smart torpedoes fired from thousands of miles away.

The docs were snapped by a high resolution camera. they were being carried without a cover folder or case into a russian govt building which kinda proves they dont exist beyond a scare tactic.

Apparently they also featured on a russian state news program as if to prove their propaganda credentials even more.
Ace Lapointe
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2016-01-19 01:19:18 UTC
Submarines are watercraft, dumb it down.. A lot.. And it's a form of ship, but there are actually Ampibious Submarine Assault Craft, US and Russia have a few, pretty cool things, if somewhat ugly.. And I imagine this torpedo will be launched form a large dock, similar to a un-manned Submarine I would guess. and oh.. Yeah.. That doesn't sound legit.. Shame.. I might have to do some reading around, see if I can find something, haha!
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#33 - 2016-01-19 01:31:30 UTC
So submarines are amphibious and docks are basically submarines?

Why do i keep bumping into these people on EVE-O forums?
Ace Lapointe
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#34 - 2016-01-19 01:45:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Ace Lapointe
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
So submarines are amphibious and docks are basically submarines?

Why do i keep bumping into these people on EVE-O forums?

No, ships are not amphibious either, though, there are ships that are, ships raw definition is something that transports goods or people via sea, no on the sea, or under the sea, via the sea, so, by that, all vessels that travel below, or on the sea, touching the water in some way, are ships, boats however, pacifically say they are a small craft that travels on the water, one of my old captains had to gives us extra duties when a stupid admiral got upset that we called his "ship" a boat, and yeah, we had to sit through hours of him and his men ranting on about the differences, but that is what you get when land is naught but a fond memory, haha!

There were actually plans and still are I beleive to make submersible docks for Submarines, that could move, esstentially making it a big Submarine by definition.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#35 - 2016-01-19 09:17:56 UTC  |  Edited by: ChromeStriker
I will admit i havent read everything so appologies if its been said before...

I love me my battleships, from phoons to Bhaalgorns but what your asking for is an effective rebalance of the game lol...

If you make a battleship capable of taking on a 6 man gang with logistics and ewar superiority then why fly anything else? everyone would fly them lol.
It isnt 1940 something and we're not in the sea (ish). A ship is piloted by a single person so every ship has to have a role that fits into the rock, paper, scissors, spock, world of eve.. and tbh its getting better (sure there has been some bumps *cough* svipul *cough*) but having an all poweful battleship hull that can move around with immunity is nuts.
... which is what happened to all your super heavy WW2 battleships by the way... unsupported they got picked appart by smaller cruisers.

No Worries

Switch Savage
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2016-01-19 11:02:47 UTC
Ace Lapointe wrote:
Hello Capsuleers,

So, as some of you know, I am a Spectre FC, and Solo/Small Gang pilot, and I fly a Megathron for this, now, I am not hear to tell you that Battleships need a second rack of Guns (Though it would be cool), or that they need mini-Bastion modules, or any of that, but Battleships need to be reworked, in the sense that they need, in my belief, around 20-30% more EHP, maybe a Resistance buff, a defence to EWAR, like 25% defence against EWAR negative effects, cause a Battleship is supposed to be a massive powerhouse of war and power, it has more electrical systems and defences then the Frigate that that just gave it a Lock Range of 10kms, they should get buffed Capacitors or in-built Capacitor Batteries, even a boost to Cap Injection, they should be made a little slower and align a little slower, as I mean, come on, they are 1.5km's bloody long, that should not be as agile as a Cruiser that is 350m's long.

But yeah, I know most people are against Battleships for some stupid reason, but honestly, they need to be better then they are, in a way that won't break them for larger scale combat, cause I have used them in both, and their is no reason to take them over HAC's, which is complete bull****. For example, my I was roaming with my Mega last night, and I come across a gatecamp, it was 1 VNI, 1 Exeq, 2 Svipuls, 1 Azuru, and a Huginn. That is 4 Cruisers, and 2 ships that are supposed to be destroyers (Not going to rant about how pathetically OP those things are in this thread), now, a 1.5km long, 70k Buffer, 1k DPS Tank, 750 DPS at the Guns, 3 Flights of Lights, should not be Webbed to less then 50m/s, Scrammed, and then Damped to a point where I couldn't lock the VNI orbiting me, that was Scramming me, while watching the a single T1 Logi Ship Rep all the damage I was applying (My Mega has the same Tracking as a Neutron Thorax, hitting Cruisers is not an issue for me), while orbiting his fleet out of my range. I made it out in Low Armour, after I bled a bit of Hull, a Battleship should be able to warp into something that small and dominate the field, now I am not saying it should be able to take on a 10 man Cruiser Camp that is set up right, but a bloody 6 man camp, yes, a Battleship should be able to obliterate that, it should not be effected by Webs the same way a Frigate is, it should not be effected by EWAR the same as a Frigate is, it's DPS when being applied, should not be able to be Repped by a single Logistics ship. Now, I am not upset about this camp, I have come across many, always the same, since I started roaming with my Mega, but, even in my Thorax and Ferox's, I have come across the same comps, and I have gotten through without my Tank breaking.

So, my question for you, those of you who actually bothered to read this, why should a Battleship, a massive juggernaut of war, over 1km long behemoth of death, be able to be countered harder, then a Cruiser/Battlecruiser is on a gatecamp? Do you not think that a Battleship should be more then what they are? So, if you agree, please tell me what you think a Battleship needs, to become a recent ship, because, honestly, it should not be "Fly a Mach, it is the only good one", it should be "Machs are really fast, but if you want Tank to Gank, go a Mega, or Range? Oh man, you want a Raven or Rohk", if you think otherwise let me know. I mainly want to see what the EVE community thinks about Battleships in general, and what they would do if they had the power, because as a Battleship pilot, I get a lot of hate for flying a ship I love, that doesn't perform at a level that I believe it should be at.

You do not seem to understand that medium blasters and large blasters have hugely different signature sizes. You cannot directly compare their tracking stats without taking these into account.

A mega is not a good solo battle ship in the current meta. If you had a better understanding of the current meta you would would realise this and fly something different. Not all good ships are good solo and not all ships need to be good solo. That 6 man gang had a solid ship diversity (Damps/Huugin webs/Logi/DPS) and in no way should you in a solo 250m BS be able to take out 6 people fielding over 800m isk worth of ships and flying them well (not saying they did).

This is coming from someone who does solo BS and comes out isk positive from the majority of fights i engage in. You have to pick your targets/fits wisely because you are at heart a slow lumbering hulk of metal in a world filled with fast, high dps low signature ships.
Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#37 - 2016-01-19 14:53:12 UTC
A MJD, an AB, and heavy neuts are pretty standard on all my PvP fit BS.
Switch Savage
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#38 - 2016-01-19 15:10:34 UTC
Estella Osoka wrote:
A MJD, an AB, and heavy neuts are pretty standard on all my PvP fit BS.

AB on a BS? Once you get a single web land you are not dictating range vs anything. Neuting a frigates AB off and transversal matching with him webbed is more than fine for ensuring hits without an AB. I cannot fathom a use for an AB on battleship outside of a nightmare. I would be interested in seeing the fit.

Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#39 - 2016-01-19 19:25:10 UTC
Switch Savage wrote:
Estella Osoka wrote:
A MJD, an AB, and heavy neuts are pretty standard on all my PvP fit BS.

AB on a BS? Once you get a single web land you are not dictating range vs anything. Neuting a frigates AB off and transversal matching with him webbed is more than fine for ensuring hits without an AB. I cannot fathom a use for an AB on battleship outside of a nightmare. I would be interested in seeing the fit.

You use the neuts on the ship that is using a warp scrambler. Once neuted you can use the MJD to get range and warp away. If they are using a warp disrupter, then you can MJD at anytime.

AB is better if you have to burn back to gate. It's better than nothing. Because when you are scrammed, the MJD and a MWD are not going to work.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#40 - 2016-01-19 21:03:52 UTC
Estella Osoka wrote:
Switch Savage wrote:
Estella Osoka wrote:
A MJD, an AB, and heavy neuts are pretty standard on all my PvP fit BS.

AB on a BS? Once you get a single web land you are not dictating range vs anything. Neuting a frigates AB off and transversal matching with him webbed is more than fine for ensuring hits without an AB. I cannot fathom a use for an AB on battleship outside of a nightmare. I would be interested in seeing the fit.

You use the neuts on the ship that is using a warp scrambler. Once neuted you can use the MJD to get range and warp away. If they are using a warp disrupter, then you can MJD at anytime.

AB is better if you have to burn back to gate. It's better than nothing. Because when you are scrammed, the MJD and a MWD are not going to work.

Shocked run away... run away...

No Worries