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Your favorite game console or pc/mac design

Aina Aideron
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2016-01-18 18:23:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Aina Aideron
Although I never had it, from design I think the Sega Saturn has the best.
HIgh Sec Care Bears
Brothers of Tangra
#2 - 2016-01-18 19:52:30 UTC
my first console was an Atari,then I had a Sega Mega Drive.I think the Nintendo Entertainment System has the best design.
Aina Aideron
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2016-01-18 20:01:50 UTC
LordOdysseus wrote:
my first console was an Atari,then I had a Sega Mega Drive.I think the Nintendo Entertainment System has the best design.

I've only seen the NES, but it is a design that everyone recognizes, very clean lines.

It's interesting that the design of consoles haven't changed that much at the outside since the NES and Mega Drive.
Pix Severus
Empty You
#4 - 2016-01-18 21:37:52 UTC
The aesthetics of the Playstation 2 has always appealed to me, especially the 2nd smaller version. The ability to stand it on it's side as a space-saver was quite the novelty too.

I also liked the Sega Mega Drive II (the one with the red buttons) and the Atari Jaguar.

MTU Hunter: Latest Entry - June 12 2017 - Vocal Local 5

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Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#5 - 2016-01-19 13:17:45 UTC
Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#6 - 2016-01-20 08:16:11 UTC
The Commodore 64 and 1541 disk drive.
Probably the best game machine created until the Xbox came out.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Aina Aideron
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2016-01-20 18:11:58 UTC
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
The Commodore 64 and 1541 disk drive.
Probably the best game machine created until the Xbox came out.

Unfortunately never seen one in person, but I have tried the Amiga which was the follow up I think. I really liked the keyboard and design.
#8 - 2016-01-20 19:58:54 UTC
Virtual Boy...wicked

It sounds plausible enough tonight, but wait until tomorrow. Wait for the common sense of the morning.