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The downfall of Minmatar Militia

Mizhara Del'thul
#141 - 2016-01-18 14:42:33 UTC
Nor is it tolerated, ignored or considered an act of loyalty in any proxy war faction. It does quite eloquently demonstrate that the alliance is an enemy of both the TLF and the Tribes.
Deitra Vess
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#142 - 2016-01-18 14:51:44 UTC
U'K has had people do the same as well. They aren't traitors are they? Then again, they consist of a couple hundred pilots vs the what, 60? I don't think they can police their members as well as a smaller group. What im saying is the actions of one or two doesn't make the alliance traitorous but coupled with some other things its not looking good.....
Nameira Vanis-Tor
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#143 - 2016-01-18 15:03:59 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Falcon
So much anger.

Be zen my fellow capsuleers. Every shot fired on the forums only benefits Amarr Militia. Enter into a treaty for the militias mutual benefit.

If you can't be zen you could just declare a civil war and resolve the dispute once and for all with auto cannons? Time honoured method for resolving Mini Mil disputes.
Samira Kernher
Cail Avetatu
#144 - 2016-01-18 15:13:23 UTC
Deitra Vess wrote:
Maria Daphiti wrote:
Samira Kernher wrote:
Anyanka Funk wrote:

Sani Sabik make great voices for the Minmatar people. Does Valentina know you blood and eat them on the side?

Dunno! Does 'Of Questionable Repute' also know Funk AWOXes Minmatar militia members in Hek, as well as ganks recently graduated Pator Tech, Republic University, and Republic Military School students and young Sebiestor and Brutor Tribe members?

Guess they are living up to their name!

When has the Gallante, caldari or Amarr millitias not had people who do the same thing? Not saying I support it but let's be honest it's not some unheard of thing in any militia.

We're not talking about having it in the militia. We're talking about having it in one's own alliance. Militia membership can't be regulated, but corporate and alliance membership can.
Deitra Vess
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#145 - 2016-01-18 15:18:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Deitra Vess
Samira Kernher wrote:
Deitra Vess wrote:
Maria Daphiti wrote:
Samira Kernher wrote:
Anyanka Funk wrote:

Sani Sabik make great voices for the Minmatar people. Does Valentina know you blood and eat them on the side?

Dunno! Does 'Of Questionable Repute' also know Funk AWOXes Minmatar militia members in Hek, as well as ganks recently graduated Pator Tech, Republic University, and Republic Military School students and young Sebiestor and Brutor Tribe members?

Guess they are living up to their name!

When has the Gallante, caldari or Amarr millitias not had people who do the same thing? Not saying I support it but let's be honest it's not some unheard of thing in any militia.

We're not talking about having it in the militia. We're talking about having it in one's own alliance. Militia membership can't be regulated, but corporate and alliance membership can.

True, however alot of them couldn't be in their respective militias without being part of an established group due to their standings. Happens daily and there's no percicution of every small group harboring them. It's easier for a well established group such as U'K to police their corps harboring them than questionable repute, with them being a more up and coming group. PIE doesn't have said issues correct? They've been around for years.
Samira Kernher
Cail Avetatu
#146 - 2016-01-18 16:20:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Samira Kernher
We don't have issues because we have standards that we expect our members to uphold.

And you have it backwards. The larger groups are the ones where it's more difficult to police, because there are many more faces and different corporations with different leaders doing different things. Smaller ones are where it's easier, because the leaders can micromanage things much easier.

Also, anyone who 'couldn't be in the militias because of their standings' isn't someone who should be in the militia to begin with. If anything, the standings restrictions are too lax as it is.
Mizhara Del'thul
#147 - 2016-01-18 16:27:47 UTC
You're trying a little too hard to make it seem like it's an impossible task for an alliance to handle the actions of their members. An alliance executor can very easily simply tell a CEO of corp X that member Y is engaging in unacceptable behavior. Correct the behavior or kick them, or your corp is out on its arse. For a corp CEO it's even easier to enforce standards with less middle-management to go through.

In short, if the problem persists, it's because it exists with the blessing and approval of the CEOs and Alliance Executors, unspoken, tacit or not.

Since the alliance leaders in question are actively betraying both the Tribes and TLF through cooperation with our enemies, attacks upon our allies and more, it should not be particularly surprising that the entire alliance are considered a hostile entity.

This certainly applies to all entities, U'K and PIE as well. We have to take the same criticism when earned, along with measures taken or indeed not taken to limit or prohibit problematic behavior.
Deitra Vess
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#148 - 2016-01-18 16:40:27 UTC
Right, so a month old alliance has an easier time picking and choosing corporations under them because they are small as opposed to a well established alliance which is bigger and attracts groups more easily to join? It's hard to promote a sense of morals if you don't have a group to promote it to. Such micromanagement falls on the corporations I would think with the alliance's leadership enforcing it. I fully agree with you on the fact that people can just corporation hop to continue being in the militia is disgusting.
Mizhara Del'thul
#149 - 2016-01-18 16:46:16 UTC
Size and age has nothing to do with it. It all boils down to the same thing. Executor > CEOs > Directors > Members, with differing degrees of middle-management depending on organizational size and structure. Standards are met or disregarded by anyone through the entire chain of command, and the only enforcement of standards come from Executors, CEOs and Directors.

If members are behaving in a certain way, it is up to these people to either enforce standards or dismiss the standards. If there are problems from members and the problems persist, it's because enforcement does not happen. It doesn't matter what the reasoning behind that decision is, the responsibility and decisions lie entirely with that chain of command, ultimately ending at the Executor's feet.

While Executors and CEOs enjoy the most power and influence in an alliance, they are also always ultimately responsible for the acts of anyone under their banner.
Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#150 - 2016-01-18 17:32:18 UTC
I don't know what it's like in the big leagues, but in my limited experience corporations form alliances because they want to act in concert with like-minded groups whilst still retaining their essential corporate culture.

Other than strictly agreed protocols (ROEs etc), most CEOs and their corporate members would react very negatively to constantly having that corporate culture overridden by the Alliance Executor / Board. I would expect that where this happens often the relationship between the corporation and the alliance would swiftly break down.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#151 - 2016-01-18 17:38:31 UTC
Mizhara Del'thul wrote:
Nothing odd about it. To no one's great surprise, her loyalties are exactly what they appear to be. I called it a long time ago and as usual these things tend to turn out to be right. I'm just disappointed that the rest of MinMil are going to pay the price as she's alienating allies and fighting for enemies.

I find it easy to forgive anyone bloodying the Gallente - but then I already loved Val to bits. I seem to remember that the TLF doesn't have a problem with her slagging Gallente Militia ships (heck, the Republic Fleet engages Gallente Navy ships, so why shouldn't the Militia?)

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

SoE Roughriders
Electus Matari
#152 - 2016-01-18 17:39:08 UTC
Eh, if Funk shoots TLF, that is for Kalo to deal with, and for me to deal with if it starts to threaten standings for Sanguis, therefore the alliance. As far as shooting capsuleers in highsec, I just don't care. It also doesn't matter to me that Hratan does it.
Aphoxema G
Khushakor Clan
#153 - 2016-01-18 17:39:37 UTC
Mizhara Del'thul wrote:
Oh you poor thing. That's a whole lot of boo-hoo over the words of someone with "old, stifling attitudes".

To summarize this whole thing: If your position is so pathetically weak that simple words from a few people on a piddly little forum is enough to get you this shaken? Your position is untenable and built on smoke and dreams. Grow up and handle criticism like someone of the Tribes would rather than cry pitiful tears because "bad bad Miz wasn't being nice".

But no, I suppose fighting with Pyre against GalMil is so very very necessary for "our people", traitorous filth.

You are a narrow-minded blowhard who doesn't understand how the world works and yes, to be perfectly god damned honest your constant slander has caused me to waste my time I could be putting towards shooting Amarr to come here and try to help clarify our mission because yeah, you've kind of made me have to worry about our public image. You are an insufferable menace to the reputation of Republic and not only are you not content making your friends look bad, but you have to go out of your way to molest your allies too.

My time with the Amarr was a tactical decision in order to understand them and try to change them. I'm not proud of the Minmatar I've destroyed, but this is war and my eventual goal is to end it by sufficiently crushing the Amarr's capacity to hire PMCs.

However, you, Mizhara Del'thul, have shown nothing but disrespect and a lack of appreciation for the nuances of corporate relationships, modern warfare and the harsh reality of war. You are a bloviating idiot and you don't understand the contents or the impact of your words and your continued interference will require me to start charging your corporation to attempt to recoup from the damages you cause with your drivel.

Anyanka Funk wrote:
Why don't you actually do something? Anything! Undock your ship. Hell, stay docked, you could just be in station doing something. But you don't even do that. You do nothing, at all.

You're broken. You're the reason Amarrians take people like you as slaves. You can do nothing for yourself or anyone else. You are only good for being a slave and nothing more.

Mizhara Del'thul certainly undocks, and even shoots the enemy and participates in fleet operations. My concern is that their performance as a pilot doesn't make up for lost productivity from unnecessary obstruction.

Samira Kernher, Maria Daphiti wrote:
*manipulative fear, uncertainty and doubt*

Thank you for helping me establish my argument for talking the same **** Mizhara does. I don't know if Mizhara is a spy but they'll be a wartarget if they continue to threaten our security.
Anabella Rella
Electus Matari
#154 - 2016-01-18 17:44:31 UTC
Malasar Ravaan wrote:
Petty bands of unwashed, tattooed tribal savages flying rusted heaps of junk has always and will always resemble a pirate gang, with the exception that most pirate gangs are better organized.

Since we petty bands of junk flying unwashed savages kicked your sorry, invisible man worshiping asses out of our space and were about to start glassing your core worlds (before your spooky undead empress showed up with her alien--not Amarrian built-- weapon) what does that say about you and yours? Idiot.

When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around.

Synthetic Cultist
Church of The Crimson Saviour
#155 - 2016-01-18 18:52:24 UTC
What does 2LC refer to ?

Synthia 1, Empress of Kaztropol.

It is Written.

Mizhara Del'thul
#156 - 2016-01-18 19:02:27 UTC
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
I don't know what it's like in the big leagues, but in my limited experience corporations form alliances because they want to act in concert with like-minded groups whilst still retaining their essential corporate culture.

Other than strictly agreed protocols (ROEs etc), most CEOs and their corporate members would react very negatively to constantly having that corporate culture overridden by the Alliance Executor / Board. I would expect that where this happens often the relationship between the corporation and the alliance would swiftly break down.

Most certainly true, but if these corporate members are allowed to perform actions without reprimand from Directors, CEOs or Executors, then that action remains tacitly or overtly approved by the alliance's leadership. If I were to take actions running contrary to U'K RoE, conducts or regulations and there was no repercussion from my CEO (who happens to be Executor as well) then Ushra'Khan would be considered responsible, not just me. The same applies to other alliances.

Pieter Tuulinen wrote:

I find it easy to forgive anyone bloodying the Gallente - but then I already loved Val to bits. I seem to remember that the TLF doesn't have a problem with her slagging Gallente Militia ships (heck, the Republic Fleet engages Gallente Navy ships, so why shouldn't the Militia?)

Well, given your stated loyalties, I would be surprised if you were opposed to this, but I'm certain you can understand the concern we have about a member of the TLF not only flying with stated enemies, but attacking our military allies. While I personally have no love for the Federation's proxy war forces or the Federation itself (I believe you are aware of my preference for the State over the Federation) the lines have been rather unequivocally drawn. Shoot 24thIC/StPro, good. Shoot our own or Feds, bad. Until our governments finally gets tired of all this nonsense and cuts these useless ties, it is hardly a Matari act to join the TLF and then go shooting military allies.

Val wrote:
It also doesn't matter to me that Hratan does it.

Hratan shoots our enemies. Your alliance apparently shoots TLF members.

Aphoxema G wrote:
A lot of claims and excuses

Of course I show no respect. You haven't earned any. You have thrown your loyalties around to whoever you felt like at a drop of a hat and now demand to be believed when you claim "it was just fake! Totally just a ruse! I swear!". If you want respect, own up to your choices and actions, then face the consequences of them. I would embrace any honest man or woman who admits her screw-ups and seeks atonement, but those who churlishly refute any and all responsibility for their choices and actions are not worth much but scorn.

I am well aware of the impact and consequences of my words, and I am also aware of the impact and consequences should I fall into dishonesty and start pretending these matters are not important for convenience's sake. I'll take short term inconvenience over long term damnation and failure to uphold the principles and standards of the Tribes.

Aphoxema G wrote:
Thank you for helping me establish my argument for talking the same **** Mizhara does. I don't know if Mizhara is a spy but they'll be a wartarget if they continue to threaten our security.

Well, do put your autocannons where your mouth is. It is no less than what I'd expect from enemies of our people hiding under the TLF's banner. Your members already kill other TLF members, fly with our wartargets and hunt our allies. This is the logical next step, isn't it?

There's not much that would prove what I've said any better than that.
Aphoxema G
Khushakor Clan
#157 - 2016-01-18 20:01:58 UTC
Synthetic Cultist wrote:
What does 2LC refer to ?

2 Lazy Coalition, the raddest new kids in town. We are so cool and identify well with the popular demographic. Studies have shown that 10 out of 10 everyone loves us.
Jev North
#158 - 2016-01-18 20:10:21 UTC
I'm mildly impressed by Of Questionable Repute's application of pragmatic principles. Despite my personal distaste for Funk, I have to admit that booting her probably isn't going to change her behaviour for the better. Sure, keeping her around looks bad, but if you're Of Questionable Repute to begin with, maybe you're not as concerned with your image as most.

Mizhara Del'thul wrote:
Well, given your stated loyalties, I would be surprised if you were opposed to this, but I'm certain you can understand the concern we have about a member of the TLF not only flying with stated enemies, but attacking our military allies. While I personally have no love for the Federation's proxy war forces or the Federation itself (I believe you are aware of my preference for the State over the Federation) the lines have been rather unequivocally drawn. Shoot 24thIC/StPro, good. Shoot our own or Feds, bad. Until our governments finally gets tired of all this nonsense and cuts these useless ties, it is hardly a Matari act to join the TLF and then go shooting military allies.

You're pretty good at toeing the corporate line while bad-mouthing your allies. Why, it'd make me think there's a hint of envy in all this.

Aphoxema G wrote:
Studies have shown that 10 out of 10 everyone loves us.

I'll grant you 6 of 0 medals.

Even though our love is cruel; even though our stars are crossed.

SoE Roughriders
Electus Matari
#159 - 2016-01-18 20:10:46 UTC
Mizhara Del'thul wrote:

Well, do put your autocannons where your mouth is. It is no less than what I'd expect from enemies of our people hiding under the TLF's banner. Your members already kill other TLF members, fly with our wartargets and hunt our allies. This is the logical next step, isn't it?

There's not much that would prove what I've said any better than that.

Yes, but the problem is, as much as we despise you and your mouth, I am fond of lots of people in UNITY, and we both fight side by side against the Amarr, you might not notice that of course since I never see you on the battlefield. There is no reason to turn this into a conflict that would effect our or UNITY's capability to fight the Amarr. So until concord lets us put out a contract and you, and you alone we aren't doing anything on that front.
Mizhara Del'thul
#160 - 2016-01-18 20:30:28 UTC
ValentinaDLM wrote:
Yes, but the problem is, as much as we despise you and your mouth, I am fond of lots of people in UNITY, and we both fight side by side against the Amarr, you might not notice that of course since I never see you on the battlefield. There is no reason to turn this into a conflict that would effect our or UNITY's capability to fight the Amarr. So until concord lets us put out a contract and you, and you alone we aren't doing anything on that front.

So she's just throwing around threats that won't be acted upon? What a pity.

If you want witness to what I do on the battlefield, I think I've seen your Khaprice on field during combat operations? As I don't fly with enemies of our people - that is you, Sani Sabik, etc - I've had to fly solo in the defense of Roushzar. I am rather surprised and disappointed by the sheer amount of AmarrMil that will let a single Typhoon sit untouched for multiple large plexes in a row. I've barely gotten the paint scratched on it the last few days.