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Using HIC bubbles in LOW sec

State War Academy
Caldari State
#21 - 2011-09-15 12:40:27 UTC
Because then the high-sec to low-sec gates will be bubbled 23x7.
One alt in high-sec and anyone who jumps in to low-sec will find themselves in a interdictor bubble.

EVE players will abuse any mechanic given half a chance.

My all time favorite.
Ganking someone in high-sec with a Black-ops then cyno jumping to low-sec to avoid Concord.
That one I must admit was pretty damn good.

Kitty McKitty
In Praise Of Shadows
#22 - 2011-09-15 12:58:22 UTC
I am a +/-0.0 anti-pirate, not gonna lie. This thread is dumb.

Haviing your portrait painted here helps INTAKI Disabled Children ♥

Russell Casey
#23 - 2011-09-15 14:51:08 UTC
If you knew all the angles to low pvp then you'd know that bubbles aren't needed in low and they exist solely to help nullbears mass-gank.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2011-09-15 14:56:50 UTC
Snakeboy987 wrote:
I used to have a HIC and only being able to use the script

No way that is totally unfair.... I want HIC bubbles in Hi-sec too.....oh wait that isn't going to happen. Warp disruptor or Warp Scrambler that is how they do it in Null sec when they don't have a HIC pilot. Everyone should have a point on their ship and you shouldn't just lock up 1 ship and point that one ship only. Spread your points out in your fleet if you get into a fleet fight.

This is my gate. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My gate is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my gate is useless. Without my gate, I am useless.

The Greater Goon
#25 - 2011-09-15 14:57:54 UTC

if you put bubbles in low sec you will run off your targets.

now you can catch lazy t3 pilots taking the shortcut, if bubbles are there that won't happen
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#26 - 2011-09-15 15:00:45 UTC
Russell Casey wrote:
If you knew all the angles to low pvp then you'd know that bubbles aren't needed in low and they exist solely to help nullbears mass-gank.

If you knew anything about null you'd know they're used in a number of ways including both attacking and defending sovereignty structures, separating hostile fleet positions across a grid, slowing down pursuers in order to escape a quick death, and yes - gate camping for "mass-gank"

As for losec, try using a module called Sensor Booster II. You might be surprised with the results.
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#27 - 2011-09-15 15:31:33 UTC
A hictor in lowsec is used for two things.

1. Near unbreakable tank.

2. Infini point. You can script the warp disruption field generators to create a 20km point that cannot be beaten by warp core stabilizers. On an armor tanked one, you can double or even triple sebo the mids for ridiculous lock times.

Sanity is fun leaving the body.

Gallente Federation
#28 - 2011-09-15 15:50:06 UTC
Snakeboy987 wrote:
Hi all, im a -10 low sec pirate not going to lie and so i know every possible angle there is when it comes to pvping in low sec.

Oh really? well, obviously you need to brush up a bit on your omniscient low sec pvp knowledge.

Ever hear of a point? a scram? perhaps a lachesis?

I understand your frustration at the limitations of the ship in question in low sec. however, eve is a game all about differences and limitations in abilities. and you have to use the right tools to win the fight.

Otherwise, ur suggesting that we make low sec just like 0.0. We need more variety and less conformity.

May i suggest that if your pilots have a hard time holding down targets in a fight:

Bring some light tackle- ceptor, assault frigs, faction frigs

or specialized tackle- huggin- rapier- lachesis etc.

Use the right tools.
Magister Mortalis.
#29 - 2011-09-15 21:34:28 UTC
Hi right thanks for the comments whilst most are trolls and some completely didn't read what i said, i do agree with most comments made. Yes we do have lachys and rapiers are etc and we aren't doing too badly as our corp is 367th ranked in eve and for a low sec corp thats not bad. Its more im frustrated that i can't create a 35km point range in a belt to keep the fight going and no i don't want low sec to become 0.0 as i hate 0.0. As for the use fast tacklers in low sec you probably havn't done much pvp as you will know that if you tackle in a frig you will either die very quickly or the target will probably out manoeuvre you and just warp off. Im not trying to make myself sound like i know it all when it comes to pvp because i don't but iv been doing it for a few years and i think it could work. Also if you have pvped in low sec you will know theres always falcons involved and with a bubble even if your jammed you can still keep targets on the field and helps with pod killing ^^
The Apostle
#30 - 2011-09-15 22:31:16 UTC
i don't want low sec to become 0.0 as i hate 0.0.

So if you bubbled lowsec, what would be the actual PvP difference?

[i]Take an aspirin. If pain persists consult your local priest. WTB: An Austrian kangaroo![/i]

AFKCloaked AltSpy
#31 - 2011-09-15 22:53:56 UTC

if things get away your doing it wrong. learn to spred points properly

1. ROFL.
2. This is yet another reason killmails are garbage. I see pilots with a 10:1 kill ratio, it says I have 10% chance of surviving an encounter, and yet they fail to kill me on the gate. Then they fail to kill me on the way back to the WH on the same gate. Epeen much?

Back on topic, OP, good troll. Not a Tom Gerard thread by any means, but lets call it 6/10 for soliciting so many responses.
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