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Crime & Punishment

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On the topic of High-sec Player Security (A discussion about ganking)

First post
Raithial Dan'Arona
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#81 - 2016-01-15 00:24:06 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
Isaac Armer wrote:
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
If you can't stand that I'm saying that ganking is an immoral action, then don't come and comment here. I've been over this nearly half a dozen times.

Immoral to us as human beings in the real world on planet earth? Absolutely, it's the same as blowing up your neighbor's car for fun. Immoral when we life in New Eden, where the ganker is a wealthy immortal demi-god who doesn't kill, but just temporarily inconveniences another wealthy demi-god? Not at all.

You're bringing real life rules of morality into a fundamentally different world.

Except that morality in it's principles stays the same regardless of where it takes place.
The severity of the transgression deminished, but it doesn't just disappear because of a different framework.
On the whole it's best compared to petty theft, or low-impact vandalism; but that doesn't change the fundamental issue; it is a moral transgression.
Wrong. Moreover I put to you it's immoral to complain about PvP when playing a PvP centric game.

Then elaborate?
because I'm not complaining about PVP content. I'm arguing about the morality of Ganking in specific at this point, and after that, I will see where the thread goes.

moreover, the morality of the whole thing doesn't really apply since there is no real "victim".
Mobadder Thworst
#82 - 2016-01-15 00:28:00 UTC
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
Jacques d'Orleans wrote:
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:

when an industrialist or miner does nothing to invite PVP, then it is deemed immoral to fire on them.

Wrong! You should read the Golden rules of EVE

But let me quote the important ones for you, because it's pretty obvious that you have some misconceptions about EVE.

  • You consent to PvP when you click "undock".
  • You are not safe in 1.0 security space. CONCORD is there to punish, not to protect. Get used to the idea.
  • In most cases, the only way to be 100% safe from agression inside the game is to be docked in a station. Being cloaked
  • in a secret safespot could work too.

That's a pretty simple concept, isn't it?
Get used to the idea, HTFU or GTFO!

I have read those rules, and I understand them.
But I don't think you understand the argument : accepting the dangers and inviting them are two separate things.
Accepting that you might be attacked is not the same as inviting to be attacked.

walking past someone who might punch you in the face is different from yelling that you want to fight.
and I'm not saying that CCP needs to change it, but it is and remains immoral to fire on someone who does not invite such things.
If you can't stand that I'm saying that ganking is an immoral action, then don't come and comment here. I've been over this nearly half a dozen times.

I'm not saying that CCP needs to change the system, but I do want to take action against ganking. Not by whining or anything, but by getting a team of contra-gankers active in places like Eudama. I will gladly join the fight, and I've already prepped a ship for it.

Moreover, I would love to see some original imput on the subject of Ganking, because I also want to know where the mindset comes from, (without the tired old crusty tagnut that CODE. keeps using to justify their occupation.).

So with this, I'm also gladly inviting gankers to come here, and explain to me the fun behind ganking?

Understand that gankers are content, just like mushrooms and turtles in Mario Brothers. Sandbox MMOs need bad guys. Without gankers and MERCs, an industrialist would literally have no adversaries (besides sales pressure from competitors).

Imagine Mario Brothers with no bad guys. How much fun is that?

The sick feeling in the pit of your stomach when you have a substantial loss is just proof the game is immersive.

Gankers aren't even overpowered content because there are about a zillion ways to counter them. If you want to know a few, contact me in game some time. Mining in a mission or other dead space option is a nearly 100% effective "safe".

If you are moving a freighter, take precautions. If you don't know what those are, google them.

It's not immoral for a mushroom to attack Mario. It's not immoral for a football team to score on the other football team or for a player to hurt another player within the confines of legal play. The reality is that it's a game and traditional morality does not apply.

Killing a monarch in the real world is assassination and looked poorly upon by most. If you do it in a game, it's called "checkmate" and you are congratulated.

Try not to pass moral judgement on other players who are your adversaries because you lost a pawn to their superior play.

Learn from it and develop your playstyle to be more effective against it.

Raithial Dan'Arona
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#83 - 2016-01-15 00:28:15 UTC
Areen Sassel wrote:
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
explain why then?

Same reason you dodged around the question of whether it's acceptable to shoot someone in a modern FPS who hasn't shot at you. It's moral to shoot someone in a deathmatch FPS; it's moral to lie to someone and stab them in Diplomacy; it's moral to tank the shares of a railway company and bankrupt someone in 1830. And, it's moral to blow up someone's internet spaceship in a game about blowing up internet spaceships. When you sit down at the table you accept you're playing the game that's on the table.

And, yes, it is. You might not blow them up personally - I don't - but the entire game hinges on it. There's a demand for the minerals miners mine because they are needed for new ships; for the meta modules mission runners bring back because modules are being destroyed. Haulers have a demand to satisfy because people want new ships and modules where they are - because their old ones got blown up. Essentially everything we do in EVE is driven by a steady supply of blowings up.

Your last economic argument I will concede, but the previous one has flaws in it.
Except that the player in the FPS is out there with the intent to shoot others; this might not be the case with the victim of a ganking; in fact, I would argue that is exactly the opposite for a gank-victim.

next up: In diplomacy isn't not moral to lie and stab someone in the back, nomatter how you look at it.
The morality of free market is also irrelevant with your 1830's railway example.

And in it's essence, I think eve is about more than just blowing up internet space-ships.
Exploration, politics, industry are all just as much part of what Eve is about.
Paranoid Loyd
#84 - 2016-01-15 00:31:21 UTC
It's really as simple as it's a game, not real life.

"There is only one authority in this game, and that my friend is violence. The supreme authority upon which all other authority is derived." ISD Max Trix

Fix the Prospect!

Azn Empire
#85 - 2016-01-15 00:38:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Wrong. Moreover I put to you it's immoral to complain about PvP when playing a PvP centric game.

Then elaborate?
because I'm not complaining about PVP content. I'm arguing about the morality of Ganking in specific at this point, and after that, I will see where the thread goes.

moreover, the morality of the whole thing doesn't really apply since there is no real "victim".
PvP includes but is not limited to space combat. Mining, trading, mission running, ganking etc, is PvP.

Take your face punching for example. If you don't want your face punched, then go into the game that only allows kissing. If you decide to enter the Eve room, it's well known that punching, eye gouging, back stabbing, stealing and maybe the odd kiss is allowed. Complaining about it later and saying it's immoral, would be lying to others and yourself. Which is the true immoral act.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Raithial Dan'Arona
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#86 - 2016-01-15 00:42:02 UTC
Mobadder Thworst wrote:
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
Jacques d'Orleans wrote:
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:

when an industrialist or miner does nothing to invite PVP, then it is deemed immoral to fire on them.

Wrong! You should read the Golden rules of EVE

But let me quote the important ones for you, because it's pretty obvious that you have some misconceptions about EVE.

  • You consent to PvP when you click "undock".
  • You are not safe in 1.0 security space. CONCORD is there to punish, not to protect. Get used to the idea.
  • In most cases, the only way to be 100% safe from agression inside the game is to be docked in a station. Being cloaked
  • in a secret safespot could work too.

That's a pretty simple concept, isn't it?
Get used to the idea, HTFU or GTFO!

I have read those rules, and I understand them.
But I don't think you understand the argument : accepting the dangers and inviting them are two separate things.
Accepting that you might be attacked is not the same as inviting to be attacked.

walking past someone who might punch you in the face is different from yelling that you want to fight.
and I'm not saying that CCP needs to change it, but it is and remains immoral to fire on someone who does not invite such things.
If you can't stand that I'm saying that ganking is an immoral action, then don't come and comment here. I've been over this nearly half a dozen times.

I'm not saying that CCP needs to change the system, but I do want to take action against ganking. Not by whining or anything, but by getting a team of contra-gankers active in places like Eudama. I will gladly join the fight, and I've already prepped a ship for it.

Moreover, I would love to see some original imput on the subject of Ganking, because I also want to know where the mindset comes from, (without the tired old crusty tagnut that CODE. keeps using to justify their occupation.).

So with this, I'm also gladly inviting gankers to come here, and explain to me the fun behind ganking?

Understand that gankers are content, just like mushrooms and turtles in Mario Brothers. Sandbox MMOs need bad guys. Without gankers and MERCs, an industrialist would literally have no adversaries (besides sales pressure from competitors).

Imagine Mario Brothers with no bad guys. How much fun is that?

The sick feeling in the pit of your stomach when you have a substantial loss is just proof the game is immersive.

Gankers aren't even overpowered content because there are about a zillion ways to counter them. If you want to know a few, contact me in game some time. Mining in a mission or other dead space option is a nearly 100% effective "safe".

If you are moving a freighter, take precautions. If you don't know what those are, google them.

It's not immoral for a mushroom to attack Mario. It's not immoral for a football team to score on the other football team or for a player to hurt another player within the confines of legal play. The reality is that it's a game and traditional morality does not apply.

Killing a monarch in the real world is assassination and looked poorly upon by most. If you do it in a game, it's called "checkmate" and you are congratulated.

Try not to pass moral judgement on other players who are your adversaries because you lost a pawn to their superior play.

Learn from it and develop your playstyle to be more effective against it.

I know the whole thing behind safely moving a freighter from one side of New Eden to another, but the analogies you put up are rather silly.
But to my eyes, you're missing the whole victim-dynamic in this.
If a person does not wish to be assailed by anyone they will take all neccesary precautions they know of in order to not get ganked, but for some people that may be out of reach, or they simply do not have the backing they need for that. Some players might have a very linear skill-progression, or they wish to do industry, and not fight at all.
It's naive to say that this should never be the case. Noobs get ganked all the time, even in a so called "non-PVP" server on games like WoW, or SWTOR.

on a small sidenote: I'm not the one who was victimised in this instance, so I have no real personal stake in this matter, and I am not passing moral-judgements just yet, except perhaps on CODE. but that's a whole different matter alltogether. their faux-self-righteousness and excuse-making for their ganks, racketeering and all just rubs all the wrong points some days. CODE.'s whole MO I find objectionable and in poor taste (and those really the mildest terms I can think of to describe them)
Raithial Dan'Arona
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#87 - 2016-01-15 00:53:20 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Wrong. Moreover I put to you it's immoral to complain about PvP when playing a PvP centric game.

Then elaborate?
because I'm not complaining about PVP content. I'm arguing about the morality of Ganking in specific at this point, and after that, I will see where the thread goes.

moreover, the morality of the whole thing doesn't really apply since there is no real "victim".
PvP includes but is not limited to space combat. Mining, trading, mission running, ganking etc, is PvP.

Take your face punching for example. If you don't want your face punched, then go into the game that only allows kissing. If you decide to enter the Eve room, it's well known that punching, eye gouging, back stabbing, stealing and maybe the odd kiss is allowed. Complaining about it later and saying it's immoral, would be lying to others and yourself. Which is the true immoral act.

I don't wholly disagree, but I do on a few points.
Mining, Trading, Mission-running etc. are not inherrently PVP-based, but are PVE(With risk of PVP). Ganking, Warfare and roaming are definite PVP.

In that sense, PVP is fully allowable, but from my perspective Ganking seems like poor sport at the very least; Going after those who you think cannot defend themselves propperly or those who are vulnerable, and without propper cause.

If the corp has declared war, then it's not Ganking and all stops are off, I'm fully in favour of that. And when a war is going, you also have propper cause to attack their supply-line in order to disrupt their ability to make war.

Ganking serves no such purpose to my eyes. The end-goal is not there, unless you wish to say that Gankers are at constant war with everyone; which is not true by the very essence.

And how does CODE. play into this? Code is an organised ganking-alliance, but they cannot claim to be at war with all of new-eden, because they knew that if they did that, they'd be out of resources before the end of a fort-night.
CODE. is in this essence (and I don't mean this in judgemental way) a cancerous entity in it's behavior.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#88 - 2016-01-15 01:03:01 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:

But to my eyes, you're missing the whole victim-dynamic in this.

Given that none of your space stuff is actually YOUR stuff, it's pretty hard to argue that anyone is actually a "victim". You only own it in the same way you "own" a property in Monopoly: Your ownership does not extend beyond the rules of the game.

None of your stuff is YOURS. You've been temporarily allowed custodial control of it, subject to the various rules and mechanics of the game by which you may be deprived of that control.

You do not get to simultaneously play the game AND opt out of this arrangement.

As it is ALL CCP's stuff, and they have not only accepted, but enthusiastically encourage the theft and destruction of their stuff, your morality argument is bunk.

Mining, Trading, Mission-running etc. are not inherrently PVP-based, but are PVE(With risk of PVP).

Fundamentally incorrect. This is not a matter of opinion. If two miners are in a belt, they are engaged in PvP. They are both competing for the limited resources of that belt, even if they are not actually shooting at each other.

Furthermore, they're in competition in the marketplace with every other player who brings similar wares to market.

Same goes for mission running (Do you understand how LP works?), station trading, and virtually every other aspect of Eve.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Azn Empire
#89 - 2016-01-15 01:03:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Wrong. Moreover I put to you it's immoral to complain about PvP when playing a PvP centric game.

Then elaborate?
because I'm not complaining about PVP content. I'm arguing about the morality of Ganking in specific at this point, and after that, I will see where the thread goes.

moreover, the morality of the whole thing doesn't really apply since there is no real "victim".
PvP includes but is not limited to space combat. Mining, trading, mission running, ganking etc, is PvP.

Take your face punching for example. If you don't want your face punched, then go into the game that only allows kissing. If you decide to enter the Eve room, it's well known that punching, eye gouging, back stabbing, stealing and maybe the odd kiss is allowed. Complaining about it later and saying it's immoral, would be lying to others and yourself. Which is the true immoral act.

I don't wholly disagree, but I do on a few points.
Mining, Trading, Mission-running etc. are not inherrently PVP-based, but are PVE(With risk of PVP). Ganking, Warfare and roaming are definite PVP.

In that sense, PVP is fully allowable, but from my perspective Ganking seems like poor sport at the very least; Going after those who you think cannot defend themselves propperly or those who are vulnerable, and without propper cause.

If the corp has declared war, then it's not Ganking and all stops are off, I'm fully in favour of that. And when a war is going, you also have propper cause to attack their supply-line in order to disrupt their ability to make war.

Ganking serves no such purpose to my eyes. The end-goal is not there, unless you wish to say that Gankers are at constant war with everyone; which is not true by the very essence.

And how does CODE. play into this? Code is an organised ganking-alliance, but they cannot claim to be at war with all of new-eden, because they knew that if they did that, they'd be out of resources before the end of a fort-night.
CODE. is in this essence (and I don't mean this in judgemental way) a cancerous entity in it's behavior.

No actually mining trading etc are PvP. You are in competition with other players. Even ship spinning became PvP when they added a counter.

Oh and just because you either dislike someone's actions or an allowed game style, doesn't make it immoral or wrong.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Avi Shekelstien
#90 - 2016-01-15 01:08:53 UTC
Azov Rassau wrote:
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
Capsuleers of New Eden must oppose

Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
I am trying to find likeminded people on these forums to counter CODE.

If you mean in-game actions to fight gankers/ruin ganks, then by all means go for it and you have my support. That is exactly what Highsec residents would like to see more. What people dislike, however, is the One More Nerf types who do nothing but whine and insult.
I'm taking a needed break from online gaming at this moment, but do not hesitate to send me an EVE-mail if you're interested in learning more about different ways of countering the gankers.

If everyone had your attitude highsec would be a much better and more fun place.
Raithial Dan'Arona
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#91 - 2016-01-15 01:24:07 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Wrong. Moreover I put to you it's immoral to complain about PvP when playing a PvP centric game.

Then elaborate?
because I'm not complaining about PVP content. I'm arguing about the morality of Ganking in specific at this point, and after that, I will see where the thread goes.

moreover, the morality of the whole thing doesn't really apply since there is no real "victim".
PvP includes but is not limited to space combat. Mining, trading, mission running, ganking etc, is PvP.

Take your face punching for example. If you don't want your face punched, then go into the game that only allows kissing. If you decide to enter the Eve room, it's well known that punching, eye gouging, back stabbing, stealing and maybe the odd kiss is allowed. Complaining about it later and saying it's immoral, would be lying to others and yourself. Which is the true immoral act.

I don't wholly disagree, but I do on a few points.
Mining, Trading, Mission-running etc. are not inherrently PVP-based, but are PVE(With risk of PVP). Ganking, Warfare and roaming are definite PVP.

In that sense, PVP is fully allowable, but from my perspective Ganking seems like poor sport at the very least; Going after those who you think cannot defend themselves propperly or those who are vulnerable, and without propper cause.

If the corp has declared war, then it's not Ganking and all stops are off, I'm fully in favour of that. And when a war is going, you also have propper cause to attack their supply-line in order to disrupt their ability to make war.

Ganking serves no such purpose to my eyes. The end-goal is not there, unless you wish to say that Gankers are at constant war with everyone; which is not true by the very essence.

And how does CODE. play into this? Code is an organised ganking-alliance, but they cannot claim to be at war with all of new-eden, because they knew that if they did that, they'd be out of resources before the end of a fort-night.
CODE. is in this essence (and I don't mean this in judgemental way) a cancerous entity in it's behavior.

No actually mining trading etc are PvP. You are in competition with other players. Even ship spinning became PvP when they added a counter.

Oh and just because you either dislike someone's actions or an allowed game style, doesn't mean it immoral or wrong.

This argument would've flown, had it not been for the word "inherrently" in my argument. Mining an asteroid, and selling it is not inherrently PVP. The moment competition arrives it becomes arguably PVP, and even then it's only within really small margins of what is considered PVP by most people out there.
(I for one do not consider a competitive market-place PVP. It's not a technical definition persé but that's mainly because a competitive market-place is simply a healthy state of being towards an economy, both artificial as real. It's a personal consideration, rather than a technical definition in this instance.)

and shipspinning is a thing?
Isaac Armer
The Soup Kitchen
#92 - 2016-01-15 01:32:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Isaac Armer
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
next up: In diplomacy isn't not moral to lie and stab someone in the back, nomatter how you look at it.

In EVE neither is stabbing someone in the back immoral.


Let's pretend you are right about CODE being immoral (and believe me I am pretending). Say you join code, stab the directors in the back and permanently bring down the alliance, completely stopping them from operating ever again. Given you just saved thousands of high sec miners and industrialists from being ganked, did you act morally or immorally?
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#93 - 2016-01-15 01:37:23 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
Also, there was a particularly ignorant aspect of the OP that I ignored earlier, but shall address now:

There will always be gankers, and there will always be criminals, but as a whole, Capsuleers of New Eden must oppose, vehemently, the extortion and racketeering that is being committed by the CODE. Alliance. Their cowardice restricts them to prey upon the miner, the industrialist and the rookie.

It's hard to do justice to just how laughably ridiculous this is.

As an industrialist, my relationship with CODE is symbiotic. I create and sell things for them to destroy, and they create demand for things I sell, such as mining barges and modules for mining barges. Their actions also reduce the supply that my competitors can bring to market, affording me quicker sales at higher prices. If they happen to gank a freighter hauling my stuff, I get a quick 15-20% profit on the collateral that was paid.

And you want to tell me I "must" vehemently oppose this? Lol

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#94 - 2016-01-15 01:47:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
I don't wholly disagree, but I do on a few points.
Mining, Trading, Mission-running etc. are not inherrently PVP-based, but are PVE(With risk of PVP). Ganking, Warfare and roaming are definite PVP.
Mining, trading, mission running, industry etc are all as much PvP as shooting somebody in the face; in every instance you are competing with other players for resources, for sales etc. The PvE activities in Eve are all geared towards creating conflict with other players. TL:DR they're poorly disguised PvP drivers.

In that sense, PVP is fully allowable, but from my perspective Ganking seems like poor sport at the very least; Going after those who you think cannot defend themselves propperly or those who are vulnerable, and without propper cause.
The can'ts are the minority, the majority of their "clients" just can't be bothered or just plain won't because it involves effort.

If the corp has declared war, then it's not Ganking and all stops are off, I'm fully in favour of that. And when a war is going, you also have propper cause to attack their supply-line in order to disrupt their ability to make war.
A lot of people use out of corp, often NPC, alts to haul their stuff in a way that circumvents the wardec mechanic; ganking is a way of attacking those otherwise untouchable out of corp supply lines.

Ganking serves no such purpose to my eyes. The end-goal is not there, unless you wish to say that Gankers are at constant war with everyone; which is not true by the very essence.
See above, also profit is as good a purpose as any, what makes you think gankers aren't profiting immensely from supplying their victims with replacement ships on top of whatever loot and bounty they collect? Another would be an abhorrence for people who think that they can play a PvP focussed multiplayer game afk or as though they were alone.

And how does CODE. play into this? Code is an organised ganking-alliance, but they cannot claim to be at war with all of new-eden, because they knew that if they did that, they'd be out of resources before the end of a fort-night.
CODE. is in this essence (and I don't mean this in judgemental way) a cancerous entity in it's behavior.
The chances of getting ganked by CODE. are incredibly small, even in the choke points, if you take care and don't do anything dumb.

CODE., in essence, is nothing new, people have been ganking in hisec since the day the server went live, their activities pale besides some of the stuff that has happened in the past; primarily because hisec is far safer than it ever has been, especially if you pay attention and take steps to protect yourself.

On the subject of morality, that is defined by the culture and environment you're experiencing, whether it be real world or virtual. For example their are extreme differences in morals on our own planet, depending on where you are. Some cultures find everyday occurrences that you or I may find morally acceptable to be abhorrent and morally objectionable, for example the eating of pork or the way that women dress; less than 150 years ago wearing a mini skirt or hotpants (if they'd been around) in public would have had a woman up in court for public indecency in the UK, because it would have offended the morals of others.

Eve is a very different environment than real life, as such so are the cultural norms and moral values; your real life morals have little or no place in the context of Eve, because they irrelevant to the environment and a potential weakness to be exploited.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Azn Empire
#95 - 2016-01-15 01:51:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:

This argument would've flown, had it not been for the word "inherrently" in my argument. Mining an asteroid, and selling it is not inherrently PVP. The moment competition arrives it becomes arguably PVP, and even then it's only within really small margins of what is considered PVP by most people out there.
(I for one do not consider a competitive market-place PVP. It's not a technical definition persé but that's mainly because a competitive market-place is simply a healthy state of being towards an economy, both artificial as real. It's a personal consideration, rather than a technical definition in this instance.)

and shipspinning is a thing?
Your limitations of what PvP stands for, are irrelevant. Those things are done in competition within the game of Eve. Therefore are PvP.

I can't believe you asked about ship spinning tbh.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#96 - 2016-01-15 01:55:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
This argument would've flown, had it not been for the word "inherrently" in my argument. Mining an asteroid, and selling it is not inherrently PVP. The moment competition arrives it becomes arguably PVP, and even then it's only within really small margins of what is considered PVP by most people out there.
(I for one do not consider a competitive market-place PVP. It's not a technical definition persé but that's mainly because a competitive market-place is simply a healthy state of being towards an economy, both artificial as real. It's a personal consideration, rather than a technical definition in this instance.)

CCP disagree.
New Player FAQ Page21 wrote:
Furthermore, as we mentioned previously, once you enter New Eden you must consider every action you take as a form of PvP since this is the core game concept. In the asteroid field you’re competing with other pilots to obtain resources; you may also have to defend against ore thieves. On the market you battle for control of the economy in certain areas; for the supply and demand of your products versus other aspiring tycoons. On the battlefield you may fight for glory, for money, or for the right to rule whole areas of space. As always in EVE, it’s your choice.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Tyyler DURden
Mordechai and Sons Distribution Co.
#97 - 2016-01-15 02:33:18 UTC
Hello OP, im here to try to help you look at this in a different way. You've propably heard the often repeated propaganda line "the code always wins". Any player that didnt ride the short bus home from school (no offense intended to the developmentally disabled citizens of the world) can see this for what it is. Just because a group can decide its own metrics for success doesnt really mean they win every encounter every time. But when you come in here to a subforum like this one with alot of players that are regular posters and spout off like a raving maniac in the first few pages then not only does the code win but they win big, and the regular's here will eat you alive.

So what you need to do is let all the propaganda and rhetoric slide on by and then look at the bottom line. Code has a great PR scheme. Threads like this are their bread and butter. The second you pressed the post button they won. No matter what you posted, right or wrong, factual or flawed you handed them a big PR victory on a silver platter.

Now that it seems you have simmerd down a notch, try to look at things like this. You have to dig through alot of B.S. to read between the lines and realize that once you get past all the arrogance and big talk code's actual impact on the game isnt that significant in the grand scheme of things. So they killed billions and billions of isk in any given month, thats a very small drop in a very big bucket when you consider how much isk is killed in this game in any given month. So besides the trade pipes and in a scattering of popular mining systems where players should be extra vigilant, whats all the fuss about? And the code= player retention arugument, thats the eve online equivilant of lions making a herd of ungulates healthier by culling the sick and old. Though in this game its the willfully ignorant or obstinate that get culled. You've all heard it before but I'll repeat it for the OP's sake, learning and understanding of the most basic game mechanics will keep players safe 99% of the time.

Now if you still want to group up with other players and go out and chase gankers around trying to shoot them in that 25 second window between timers and share killmails with concord then by all means do what you gotta do, but for me that sounds about as fun as a kick in the teeth.

So here's my recommendation, instead of failing non stop daily with the anti-gankers (apologies for the loyal quote but the dude only knows four phrases) go the hearts and minds route. Code cant win hearts and minds because they enforce their code so inconsistently. You're either with them or against them. If you're a supporter you're with them and then there's everyone else. You OP, can spend 5 minutes making another player aware of who they are and how to protect themselves. Or if direct action is more your style you can do like I did a while back and roll an alt and gank permit holders. You havent seen hilarity untill you gank a player who thought they were safe because of something written in their bio.

I think I've pontificated enough for this post but before I wrap it up there's one more thing you need to keep in mind OP, try not to forget that at the end of the day code pilots are just dudes on the other side of a screen somewhere playing a computer game, some of them may be dickheads but there are dickheads in every aspect of life so why would it be any different in the anonymous realm of the internet?

Consider this a public service announcment and remember this is Eve Online, a hell of alot closer to chess then checkers.

Tyyler DURden says "use soap"

Elite Harvester
Elite Harvesters
#98 - 2016-01-15 02:49:37 UTC
Highsec citizens don't need more security; they need to be saved from their own complacency.

Visit to find out how you can help save Highsec.

Solonius Rex
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#99 - 2016-01-15 02:53:06 UTC
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
Jacques d'Orleans wrote:
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:

when an industrialist or miner does nothing to invite PVP, then it is deemed immoral to fire on them.

Wrong! You should read the Golden rules of EVE

But let me quote the important ones for you, because it's pretty obvious that you have some misconceptions about EVE.

  • You consent to PvP when you click "undock".
  • You are not safe in 1.0 security space. CONCORD is there to punish, not to protect. Get used to the idea.
  • In most cases, the only way to be 100% safe from agression inside the game is to be docked in a station. Being cloaked
  • in a secret safespot could work too.

That's a pretty simple concept, isn't it?
Get used to the idea, HTFU or GTFO!

I have read those rules, and I understand them.
But I don't think you understand the argument : accepting the dangers and inviting them are two separate things.
Accepting that you might be attacked is not the same as inviting to be attacked.

walking past someone who might punch you in the face is different from yelling that you want to fight.
and I'm not saying that CCP needs to change it, but it is and remains immoral to fire on someone who does not invite such things.
If you can't stand that I'm saying that ganking is an immoral action, then don't come and comment here. I've been over this nearly half a dozen times.

I'm not saying that CCP needs to change the system, but I do want to take action against ganking. Not by whining or anything, but by getting a team of contra-gankers active in places like Eudama. I will gladly join the fight, and I've already prepped a ship for it.

Moreover, I would love to see some original imput on the subject of Ganking, because I also want to know where the mindset comes from, (without the tired old crusty tagnut that CODE. keeps using to justify their occupation.).

So with this, I'm also gladly inviting gankers to come here, and explain to me the fun behind ganking?

Again, if i play Call of Duty Multiplayer, and only want to play it for the graphics, and am not interested in shooting or being shot, is the person on the other team immoral for shooting me?
Bing Bangboom
DAMAG Safety Commission
#100 - 2016-01-15 03:46:59 UTC
Tyyler DURden wrote:

Or if direct action is more your style you can do like I did a while back and roll an alt and gank permit holders. You havent seen hilarity untill you gank a player who thought they were safe because of something written in their bio.

I think I've pontificated enough for this post but before I wrap it up there's one more thing you need to keep in mind OP, try not to forget that at the end of the day code pilots are just dudes on the other side of a screen somewhere playing a computer game, some of them may be dickheads but there are dickheads in every aspect of life so why would it be any different in the anonymous realm of the internet?

How many permit holders did you finally kill, Tyyler? I remember the couple days you hung out in Kino with me and I saw you got one then. Did you move to some other system and keep it up or did you lose interest in actually trying to help the carebears? I'm sure the permit holders you killed deserved it for not tanking their ships properly, not monitoring Dscan for approaching catalysts and certainly for not paying attention to local as you were QUITE clear about your intention to shoot them.

When you think about it, you were enforcing the Code just like the rest of us. So, yeah, the New Order always wins....

(Some of those guys ARE dickheads though)


Highsec is worth fighting for.

By choosing to mine in New Order systems, highsec miners have agreed to follow the New Halaima Code of Conduct.