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On the topic of High-sec Player Security (A discussion about ganking)

First post
Mike Adoulin
Happys Happy Hamster Hunting Club
#21 - 2016-01-14 17:27:49 UTC

You should know better by now.

Never try and talk to the self-entitled idiots of the current generation.

Just kill them.

You'll feel better, and they will rage-quit and go back to WoW.

They'll also post crap on their non-existent blogs about how EVE is so, so horrible.

One wonders why the self-entitled scum bother to play a game like EVE, which makes no bones about what its about, but again, its pointless to try and understand stupid people.

And to OP:

Nobody cares if English is your second, third, or fourth language. Nobody cares if you are dyslexic, blind, or have a terminal case of syphilis.



Everything in EVE is a trap.

And if it isn't, it's your job to make it a trap...:)

You want to know what immorality in EVE Online looks like? Look no further than Ripard "Jester" Teg.

Chribba is the Chuck Norris of EVE.

Raithial Dan'Arona
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#22 - 2016-01-14 17:34:16 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
English is not my first language, ánd I have dyslexia.
Moreover, I did not attack them for this, they associated themselves with it, I merely made the connection more obvious.
No one but you mentioned it. If you thought a forum meme needed a connection, then good for you. Like I said, it only goes to highlight your mind set.

Ofcourse I mention it, because nobody else seemed to be able to identify it.
And you do not understand my mindset. How could you even understand my mindset based on a few forumposts? You presume to know more about me than you think.
Let's see.

You play Eve.
You don't like how others play Eve.
You'd like CCP to nerf how others play Eve.
Even though the game is designed to allow a sandbox game, you want to restrict it for aspects you don't like.
You're so emotional about how others play Eve, you'll go as low as to include bad taste in your arguments.
You'll use an argument, then ignore it as it suits. (See strawman)
Instead of taking action yourself and using the tools provided, you'd like hand holding mechanics from CCP.
You are the 'Just one more nerf and it will be balanced' type player. Like all those types, one will never be enough.

So let me ask you this. As this game has always allowed none consent PvP everywhere, why should the game change for you? And moreover, why the hell are you even playing it?

did you read what I wrote?
1. I play eve
2. I don't like others imposing rules on the way I play the game.
3. I would like CCP to disallow CODE. from using a racketeering as a viable strategy, but respecting CCP's position, I opt for a different approach.
4. I would restrict it in so far as that CCP, not CODE. gets to dictate how people play the game in High-sec.
5. "bad taste" is not an argument.
5.1. I am not emotional, I am slightly bombastic, that is something different.
6. I did not use a strawman, if I did, prove it.
7. I ám taking action myself, but I am also trying to gather support from others to make the goal an actually viable one.
8. I am not one to complain about the balancing of the game, but I just want to stop CODE. from dictating how others play the game.

I am not trying to change the game, I am trying to stop people from dictating how others play their own game. A little non-con PVP keeps a person sharp, but CODE. went overboard when they started to dictate arbetrary rules for people in High-sec to follow.
Raithial Dan'Arona
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#23 - 2016-01-14 17:36:05 UTC
Azov Rassau wrote:
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
Capsuleers of New Eden must oppose

Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
I am trying to find likeminded people on these forums to counter CODE.

If you mean in-game actions to fight gankers/ruin ganks, then by all means go for it and you have my support. That is exactly what Highsec residents would like to see more. What people dislike, however, is the One More Nerf types who do nothing but whine and insult.
I'm taking a needed break from online gaming at this moment, but do not hesitate to send me an EVE-mail if you're interested in learning more about different ways of countering the gankers.

finally, someone who understands that I am not trying to force CCP to change things but for people to come together in-game in order to combat CODE.
Avi Shekelstien
#24 - 2016-01-14 17:53:57 UTC
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
Azov Rassau wrote:
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
Capsuleers of New Eden must oppose

Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
I am trying to find likeminded people on these forums to counter CODE.

If you mean in-game actions to fight gankers/ruin ganks, then by all means go for it and you have my support. That is exactly what Highsec residents would like to see more. What people dislike, however, is the One More Nerf types who do nothing but whine and insult.
I'm taking a needed break from online gaming at this moment, but do not hesitate to send me an EVE-mail if you're interested in learning more about different ways of countering the gankers.

finally, someone who understands that I am not trying to force CCP to change things but for people to come together in-game in order to combat CODE.

You contradict yourself see #3 & 4 on your previous post
Raithial Dan'Arona
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#25 - 2016-01-14 18:04:20 UTC
Avi Shekelstien wrote:
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
Azov Rassau wrote:
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
Capsuleers of New Eden must oppose

Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
I am trying to find likeminded people on these forums to counter CODE.

If you mean in-game actions to fight gankers/ruin ganks, then by all means go for it and you have my support. That is exactly what Highsec residents would like to see more. What people dislike, however, is the One More Nerf types who do nothing but whine and insult.
I'm taking a needed break from online gaming at this moment, but do not hesitate to send me an EVE-mail if you're interested in learning more about different ways of countering the gankers.

finally, someone who understands that I am not trying to force CCP to change things but for people to come together in-game in order to combat CODE.

You contradict yourself see #3 & 4 on your previous post

then show me.
Azn Empire
#26 - 2016-01-14 18:07:15 UTC
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:

did you read what I wrote?
1. I play eve
2. I don't like others imposing rules on the way I play the game.
3. I would like CCP to disallow CODE. from using a racketeering as a viable strategy, but respecting CCP's position, I opt for a different approach.
4. I would restrict it in so far as that CCP, not CODE. gets to dictate how people play the game in High-sec.
5. "bad taste" is not an argument.
5.1. I am not emotional, I am slightly bombastic, that is something different.
6. I did not use a strawman, if I did, prove it.
7. I ám taking action myself, but I am also trying to gather support from others to make the goal an actually viable one.
8. I am not one to complain about the balancing of the game, but I just want to stop CODE. from dictating how others play the game.

I am not trying to change the game, I am trying to stop people from dictating how others play their own game. A little non-con PVP keeps a person sharp, but CODE. went overboard when they started to dictate arbetrary rules for people in High-sec to follow.
1. So I was right.
2. So I was right. Oh and anyone can try and impose whatever they want within the rules of the game, welcome to Eve.
3. So I was right. You'd like to nerf it, but find you have to suck it up.
4. So I was right. Oh and CODE do not dictate anything. You can do whatever you want within the wall of the game, so can they.
5. So I was right, please don't use bad taste such as sexual offences in your argument. Oh and you have emotional written all over your posts. It's in the words you use.
6. It'll happen, it's just a matter of time. If it hasn't already. Been here before.
7. So I was right. You have already admitted to wanting hand holding, it's just that CCP isn't going to give it to you. I guess you could call whining and ranting taking action, but shooting ships in a game that allows you to shoot ships, would be more appropriate.
8. I was right and here you are, complaining about just that. Again, no one dictates anything. The game is a sandbox. It gives you the chance to succeed in whatever you wish within it's walls. But it also allows for anyone else to try and stop you. CODE are just louder than most about it.

Learn to play.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Froggy Storm
Goonswarm Federation
#27 - 2016-01-14 18:07:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Froggy Storm
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:


To address the counter points in order.

1.1 If you have any question on CCP position on Code activities and direction there is a stucky thread here that explicitly states CCP acknowledging that Code does indeed have the right by force of arms to effect gameplay of others.
1.2 A simple typo in this case. Game play vs fame play. Though there is much appeal to emotion and sensationalism in your original posting that puts your tone at odds with your explanation.
1.3 Please see 1.1 Your argument is admittedly taintwd by those who have come before you. And I concede the point that you have not claimed to be directly hurt by code. There is that implication and your seemingly emotional denial does cloud the issue.

2.1 Same as before in 1.1 CCP, who control the game have said they want new eden controlled by the actions and decisions of players and not by GM fiat. To that end CCP have created their sandbox to be full of as much nonconsentual game play as we the players can devise.
2.2 As I said 1.1 covers both CCP and my own acknowledging that your arguments are being maligned by so many of the same before you.
2.3 Your post does have one line of appeal to players, however it has been couched deeply in the tired rhetoric of those who beg ccp for just one more nerf.

3.1 My analogy bows before yours. Yes you are running to the teacher and stamping your foot. Yes the teacher has told you that if you want to play on the football pitch the players there have no obligation to stear clear of you and infact will forcibly include you. That is a much better metaphor for your situation I agree.

4.1 Clearly you are new here. This is the C&P forum. This is where code and other nerd-do-wells (intentional play on words) come to boast and tell each other stories about how "big a bully" we/they are. Before climbing on a horse to make a space speech check which forum you are in. So your appeal to emotion is not going to fly here.
4.2 Sigh see 1.1 and 1.2

5.1 Again I concede the point that your initial posting is a first step towards rallying others. Though a tiny bit of research on your parr would have been enough to see that your messaging is way better saved for a different audience and venue than C&P.

All that should be sufficient to acknowledge and direct where I feel that your discussion is off point and in meed of rebuttal.
Isaac Armer
The Soup Kitchen
#28 - 2016-01-14 18:11:44 UTC
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
I am not trying to change the game, I am trying to stop people from dictating how others play their own game. A little non-con PVP keeps a person sharp, but CODE. went overboard when they started to dictate arbetrary rules for people in High-sec to follow.

What is the definition of a sandbox multiplayer game to you?

"I am not trying to change the game" Goes on to suggest changes to the fundamental concept the game is built on.

Raithial Dan'Arona
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#29 - 2016-01-14 18:34:06 UTC
Froggy Storm wrote:
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:


To address the counter points in order.

1.1 If you have any question on CCP position on Code activities and direction there is a stucky thread here that explicitly states CCP acknowledging that Code does indeed have the right by force of arms to effect gameplay of others.
1.2 A simple typo in this case. Game play vs fame play. Though there is much appeal to emotion and sensationalism in your original posting that puts your tone at odds with your explanation.
1.3 Please see 1.1 Your argument is admittedly taintwd by those who have come before you. And I concede the point that you have not claimed to be directly hurt by code. There is that implication and your seemingly emotional denial does cloud the issue.

2.1 Same as before in 1.1 CCP, who control the game have said they want new eden controlled by the actions and decisions of players and not by GM fiat. To that end CCP have created their sandbox to be full of as much nonconsentual game play as we the players can devise.
2.2 As I said 1.1 covers both CCP and my own acknowledging that your arguments are being maligned by so many of the same before you.
2.3 Your post does have one line of appeal to players, however it has been couched deeply in the tired rhetoric of those who beg ccp for just one more nerf.

3.1 My analogy bows before yours. Yes you are running to the teacher and stamping your foot. Yes the teacher has told you that if you want to play on the football pitch the players there have no obligation to stear clear of you and infact will forcibly include you. That is a much better metaphor for your situation I agree.

4.1 Clearly you are new here. This is the C&P forum. This is where code and other nerd-do-wells (intentional play on words) come to boast and tell each other stories about how "big a bully" we/they are. Before climbing on a horse to make a space speech check which forum you are in. So your appeal to emotion is not going to fly here.
4.2 Sigh see 1.1 and 1.2

5.1 Again I concede the point that your initial posting is a first step towards rallying others. Though a tiny bit of research on your parr would have been enough to see that your messaging is way better saved for a different audience and venue than C&P.

All that should be sufficient to acknowledge and direct where I feel that your discussion is off point and in meed of rebuttal.

Wether my point has been tainted by those that came before me does show the outcry that present against CODE.'s conduct in this manner.
As to why I tend to use more bombastic wording in the innitial pitch, it's to first put the focus on the matter, and then clarify any inconsistencies. The problem here is that most people don't bother to read what is actually being written, but immidiately jump to the conclusion that it is merely another rant by someone who has been wronged by CODE.'s actions.
And as I stated numerous times, CCP's inaction is clear in this discussion, and I do not want to retread the same old discussions; what I am after is to counter them on their own grounds, and provide protection to the people who are just doing their business. Making a counteroffensive against CODE. will also bring more attention to zones where they are active so people will be less inclined to simply venture into it, and CODE. will have to be wary of losing their ships before they can succesfully gank.

And if my innitial declaration was not clear, then that was my fault, but I do really mean to rally people to counter against them.
I am positive that if players actually came together and opposed them at every turn CODE. would either see reason, or bleed to death. Either way, a lot less CODE. Activity.

Raithial Dan'Arona
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#30 - 2016-01-14 18:37:23 UTC
Isaac Armer wrote:
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
I am not trying to change the game, I am trying to stop people from dictating how others play their own game. A little non-con PVP keeps a person sharp, but CODE. went overboard when they started to dictate arbetrary rules for people in High-sec to follow.

What is the definition of a sandbox multiplayer game to you?

"I am not trying to change the game" Goes on to suggest changes to the fundamental concept the game is built on.

great, another person misquoting me. Learn to read: I do not try to change the game, I am trying to rally players to go on a counter offensive.
Isaac Armer
The Soup Kitchen
#31 - 2016-01-14 18:41:52 UTC
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
great, another person misquoting me. Learn to read: I do not try to change the game, I am trying to rally players to go on a counter offensive.

You said you would like CCP to disallow code, you're only trying to rally people because you know what you're REALLY trying to do (have CCP nerf ganking) will never happen.

There's no need to go on a counter offensive. If people just payed attention to the game while playing, CODE would get no kills, get bored and move on to something else. That being said, people will never stop AFK-ing when playing EVE.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#32 - 2016-01-14 18:49:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
3. If CCP finds High-sec space too safe, they can change it themselves. They don't need some player-based racketeering branch to do that for them.
They already have, they allow player based racketeering and other "morally questionable" activities to take place. If you want to be safe in Eve the onus is upon you to ensure that safety; space, regardless of security level, is only as safe as you make it for yourself.

The game is very much dog eat dog, CCP Falcon summed it up a while ago in a similarly themed thread, I suggest you read it to understand why the game is the way it is and CCPs general philosophy regarding it.

1. CODE. has no right to dictate to others how they should play the game.
2. This post is not ment to vent any impotence of any kind. While I cannot speak for others, this one is an attempt to find likeminded people who are just as opposed to CODE. dictating how others play this game.
3. I don't mind Unsafe PVP-based games, I enjoy the compettitive nature of most. But this isn't about how Unsafe it is, it's about CODE. Dictating to others how they play said game. They are neither devellopers or moderators, after all.

  1. Being able to force your will upon other players by force of arms and other methods is explicitly allowed for in the rules of the game, so actually yes they do.
  2. Good luck with that, many have tried and failed in the last few years
  3. Yet here you are trying to dictate how others should play the game.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Solonius Rex
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#33 - 2016-01-14 18:50:36 UTC
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
Since reading the previous thread about Bumping and how CCP is unwilling to act in this, citing it as "Emergent gameplay", I felt it was wise to consider the full consequences of this (in)action, and possibly find a solution that would enlarge the safety of players in High-sec.

Ofcourse, I am talking about the members of CODE, but this discussion is not restricted merely the CODE. Alliance. While CODE.'s action are despicable, CCP has opted not to act themselves; Hence why I am seeing if there is something that could be done by the players themselves. While I personally feel that this is not the wisest decision in this instance, I will respect their decision, and act accordingly.
I am sure that the day that decisive action is taken against CODE. and other gankers that many rookie miner and industrialist would rejoice.

While there is definitely activity in both the Anti-ganking and Gank-intel chat-channels, this simply seems like a placebo effect, since, while many players are helped by avoiding the systems that are high in activity in such matters, it is but a drop on a hot stove.
There will always be gankers, and there will always be criminals, but as a whole, Capsuleers of New Eden must oppose, vehemently, the extortion and racketeering that is being committed by the CODE. Alliance. Their cowardice restricts them to prey upon the miner, the industrialist and the rookie. Their cowardice has restricted them to act only in high security space.
Their cult-like behavior must end.
"Bot-aspirants" is merely an excuse to validate themselves in their own eyes.

I dont get it.

First off, Code fights armed ships a plenty. I wouldnt call that cowardice.

Secondly, Highsec is already safe enough.

Your problem with Code seems to stem off of the fact that highsec haulers and miners are lazy and entitled. Thomas En Chasteaux, a prominent anti-ganker said it best:
"We are outnumbered, so many freighters perish, but when so many overload themselves, and use modules that hurt their chances of survival, it is not us who failed, by the freighters themselves" - Thomas En Chasteaux

Ganking is a valid mechanic in eve. You are essentially calling someone a genocidal murderer for playing Dota and racking up hundreds, if not thousands of kills. You are essentially calling someone a nazi sympathizer for being placed on the German team in a Call of duty multiplayer game. And yet, only an idiot would do that.

You are certainly free to band together and fight against Code or ganking in general. Infact, im sure most of the gankers would welcome the opposition. But you sound as crazy as the people who were trying to get Call of Duty banned because they believed it promoted hatred and led to real-life shootings and turning a generation of children into homicidal maniacs.
Froggy Storm
Goonswarm Federation
#34 - 2016-01-14 18:50:40 UTC
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
[quote=Froggy Storm][quote=Raithial Dan'Arona ]

If I may, claiming to be very deliberate in your word choices, while calling people names, telling them to "**** off", and liking entire groups of human beings to pedophiles, that is not good form nor good posting. No amount of second languages or dislexia can recover a thread when that is your response to the initial salvos of criticism. Additionally, calling out typos when laying claim to second language clemancy is quite poor form.

Next, as I stated this is not the audience for the intended thread. Look before you post or you are going tobe as good as freighter loaded with plex afk on a lowsec gate.

Finally, I think I can safely say that the Code WANTS YOU TO MOBILIZE! Code is going to win. Period. If you do nothing and miners get killed they win. If you do nothing and miners all follow the code then they win. If you stage a revolution and fight code to the death then they win again.

And you know what, that is a damn good thing. I am a code supporter in the need to disrupt hisec stagnation.

Case 1) Code is at least providing a story line of interest and entertaining their own players while the game continues to rott.
Case 2) Code has made it clear as possible that the samdbox has reached its natual conclusion and will continue to slowly bleed players to amgst and boredom until CCP chooses to disband or shake hisec
Case 3) The players have decided to be the shake up of hisec. Code gets content and battles. Miners learn to fly combat ahips and fight for their way of life. Bloggers and story writers have a field day.

All that aside, forum posting isn't a very effective place to start a revolution. Gather confedants in secret and forn a core plan, then when you have exploits and success the recruits will cone to you.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#35 - 2016-01-14 18:54:12 UTC
There are probably a bunch of EVE devs in CODE.

Your whining and whimpering about being ganked is just giving them a hard on.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#36 - 2016-01-14 18:56:59 UTC
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
While CODE.'s action are despicable,

I'm curious:

How divorced from reality does a person have to be to think that actions performed in a video game, and 100% in accordance with the rules of that game, could ever be regarded as "despicable"?

It might be time for you to give Outside a try, OP.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#37 - 2016-01-14 18:58:22 UTC
Droidster wrote:
There are probably a bunch of EVE devs in CODE.

Your whining and whimpering about being ganked is just giving them a hard on.
Doubtful, IIRC devs are explicitly forbidden to partake in the darker sides of Eve.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Sasha Cohenberg
Cohenberg's Ethical Hauling
Freighter Friends
#38 - 2016-01-14 19:01:46 UTC
Look if a hauler wants their stuff moved ethically they should just make a courier contract to Cohenberg's Ethical Hauling. If they want to move stuff unethically they're more than welcome to meet a representative of the bumper's union and then lose their freighter.
Raithial Dan'Arona
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#39 - 2016-01-14 19:14:37 UTC
Froggy Storm wrote:
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
[quote=Froggy Storm][quote=Raithial Dan'Arona ]

If I may, claiming to be very deliberate in your word choices, while calling people names, telling them to "**** off", and liking entire groups of human beings to pedophiles, that is not good form nor good posting. No amount of second languages or dislexia can recover a thread when that is your response to the initial salvos of criticism. Additionally, calling out typos when laying claim to second language clemancy is quite poor form.

Next, as I stated this is not the audience for the intended thread. Look before you post or you are going tobe as good as freighter loaded with plex afk on a lowsec gate.

Finally, I think I can safely say that the Code WANTS YOU TO MOBILIZE! Code is going to win. Period. If you do nothing and miners get killed they win. If you do nothing and miners all follow the code then they win. If you stage a revolution and fight code to the death then they win again.

And you know what, that is a damn good thing. I am a code supporter in the need to disrupt hisec stagnation.

Case 1) Code is at least providing a story line of interest and entertaining their own players while the game continues to rott.
Case 2) Code has made it clear as possible that the samdbox has reached its natual conclusion and will continue to slowly bleed players to amgst and boredom until CCP chooses to disband or shake hisec
Case 3) The players have decided to be the shake up of hisec. Code gets content and battles. Miners learn to fly combat ahips and fight for their way of life. Bloggers and story writers have a field day.

All that aside, forum posting isn't a very effective place to start a revolution. Gather confedants in secret and forn a core plan, then when you have exploits and success the recruits will cone to you.

first things first: I never called anyone out on their spelling.
CODE's own member named themselves pedophiles, I mere used the word, rather than simply insinuate it.
and telling people to "**** off" just goes to tell people the measure of incentive within it.

If CODE. wants us to mobilise, then they are free to provide ample ships and ammunition, or just leave us be. But their Catch.22 is not applicable.

I oppose Code. and I think more people should.
Stagnation is one thing, deliberate racketeering is another. Here's the thing though; what CODE. has introduced into high-sec is something that has been going on for ages in Null and Low sec; promoting such totalitarian regimes in High Sec is just overkill.
CODE. has made no such thing clear. Players who want that sort of game-play experience can move into Low or Null-sec. Encouraging that is prefferable to CODE. doing needless damage to players who have made no indication they have any interest in such affairs.
moreover: I think you mean "shake down High-sec." not "up"
Raithial Dan'Arona
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#40 - 2016-01-14 19:20:46 UTC
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Raithial Dan'Arona wrote:
While CODE.'s action are despicable,

I'm curious:

How divorced from reality does a person have to be to think that actions performed in a video game, and 100% in accordance with the rules of that game, could ever be regarded as "despicable"?

It might be time for you to give Outside a try, OP.

When making a moral judgement one has to take several things into consideration.
A. Is the action that is deemed immoral or amoral of detriment to somebody?
B. Is the action that is deemed immoral or amoral wanted to said somebody?

Are CODE.'s action to the detriment of someone? why yes, lots of newbro's who do not yet know the reins and have no means to protect themselves.
next, is this action wanted by these people? I highly doubt it. while CODE. might laugh their asses off each time someone rages against them, the recipient of the action in nearly all cases, do not want it.
Conclusion: The act of ganking is not wanted and to the detriment of the recipient; hence it is immoral, and thus can be validly described as despicable.

Wether the actions are in accordance to the rules of the game is not in question; but the morality of an action is not determined by the rules of the game.
Philosophy is very interesting, you should really learn something about it.