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The downfall of Minmatar Militia

Siddhar Gangari
Masuat'aa Matari
#41 - 2016-01-13 19:22:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Siddhar Gangari
And what will all of that accomplish? The enemy will never die out. They are immortal just like us; they will rebuild their ships and towers given enough time. All that you have just described is meaningless if no territory is taken. I agree that the current system used to capture and reinforce infrastructures is tedious at times, but it's what needs to be done if we are to make any gains.

This conversation has, I think, revealed a solution to remedy this grave disconnect and infighting in the Militia. Balance and cooperation must be restored if we're going to "win" this. I see now, Kalo, that you're not the problem - not entirely. Message me if you're willing to help restore cooperation. I've said all I've needed to say about this for now; do not bother me if you're not serious about fixing what is broken.

To Valentina:

[/quote]A medal? Do you think that is going to do anything for our people?[/quote]

No not, a medal. For the enslaved brothers and sisters forced to serve the Amarr in systems so close to their homeland. Complete liberation of the WZ will give us the opportunity to free a great number of slaves - greater than any number rescued from convoys or orbital plantations. Do not think me shallow; my only goal is unity.
Elsebeth Rhiannon
Electus Matari
#42 - 2016-01-13 19:27:18 UTC
Rodj Blake wrote:
Elsebeth Rhiannon wrote:
Here we go again.

Toy war still fulfills its purpose, I see.

In that it prevents all-out war, yes it does.

I was just about to jump in and explain. Thanks for sparing me the trouble.

It was always somewhat tragic that pretty much the only person in space I never had to explain my politics to was Rodj-bloody-Blake, Admiral of PIE Inc.

Deitra Vess
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#43 - 2016-01-13 19:28:29 UTC
Unless I'm mistaken didn't U'K at one time have some operations in Great Wildlands? What exactly is the problem with people learning the ins and outs of other forms of combat? Having gone on a few of Kalo's fleets, a lot of the people in the TLF were clueless about how to actually conduct themselves out there. I'm not saying ignoring everything daily is a good thing but how are people supposed to improve if they sit in their comfort zones all the time? You want progress yet you propose to hinder improvement by funneling them into the norms. Complacency kills. Personally I'd say forcing everyone to exclusively use Tormenters on mandatory Provi roams would be better for developing our up and coming warriors than having them grow too comfortable with whats around them. What military now a days doesn't train for things other than what is expected?
SoE Roughriders
Electus Matari
#44 - 2016-01-13 19:36:44 UTC
Deitra Vess wrote:
Unless I'm mistaken didn't U'K at one time have some operations in Great Wildlands? What exactly is the problem with people learning the ins and outs of other forms of combat? Having gone on a few of Kalo's fleets, a lot of the people in the TLF were clueless about how to actually conduct themselves out there. I'm not saying ignoring everything daily is a good thing but how are people supposed to improve if they sit in their comfort zones all the time? You want progress yet you propose to hinder improvement by funneling them into the norms. Complacency kills. Personally I'd say forcing everyone to exclusively use Tormenters on mandatory Provi roams would be better for developing our up and coming warriors than having them grow too comfortable with whats around them. What military now a days doesn't train for things other than what is expected?

Absolutely! And I would like to add that in addition to attacking slavers in Providence and the Warzone, Sanguis Inceptum has been doing a wonderful job of hitting them in the Throne Worlds themselves despite Concord, and the Amarr Navy. We are Minmatar we can go anywhere we want. There should be no where the Amarr feel totally safe from us.
Mizhara Del'thul
#45 - 2016-01-13 19:43:22 UTC
You are about as Minmatar as Rodj Blake, Nauplius and those animals you've brought into your alliance.
Ria Nieyli
Nieyli Enterprises
#46 - 2016-01-13 19:59:25 UTC
ValentinaDLM wrote:
To be fair you are missing the context of the discussion, on the 2LC side, we are regularly (as evidenced in this thread) told we are "no better than the Amarr" because our primary activity isn't running buttons, but pursuing fights, wherever those fights might be.

I'm not good at contexting. Or subtexting. You get the idea.
Scope Works
#47 - 2016-01-13 20:04:43 UTC
Mizhara Del'thul wrote:
You are about as Minmatar as Rodj Blake, Nauplius and those animals you've brought into your alliance.

"Yeah quit crowding my scene man, I'm way more Minmatar than you. I was one of the first Minmatar capsuleers. Y'all are just posers!"

This is what I read.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Mizhara Del'thul
#48 - 2016-01-13 20:12:57 UTC
Sounds like you need to learn how to read, Anslo. My own heritage and history hardly lends itself towards being more than an adoptee. The only thing not in question is my loyalties.
Kalo Askold
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#49 - 2016-01-13 20:30:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Kalo Askold
I like this thread, people are just venting all their anger.
Mizhara Del'thul
#50 - 2016-01-13 20:31:05 UTC
Anslo got a classmate, it'd appear.
Scope Works
#51 - 2016-01-13 20:32:50 UTC
For someone so keen to get on people's cases for fighting for 'muh republic,' you sure have sporadic as **** activity.


[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Mizhara Del'thul
#52 - 2016-01-13 20:37:03 UTC
I have next to no activity at all, these days. Damn near every fleet has a mix of Sansha or Sani Sabik in them, and it's common knowledge I neither like nor are any good at soloing. You'll note I've mentioned this quite a few times before.

Don't try and make it sound like I want people to fight for the Republic, though. That I've never said. I personally fight for the Tribes and I honestly couldn't give a toss if anyone else fights in the proxy war or not. It's about who you fly with and what you fly for.
Scope Works
#53 - 2016-01-13 20:40:56 UTC
So basically everyone's standards are wrong except yours?

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Mizhara Del'thul
#54 - 2016-01-13 20:47:34 UTC
Some standards are obviously non-existent, but that'll have to be their own matter to handle. My own standards are fairly simple. I don't fly with the enemies of my people, or those who would be shot on sight by my clan and tribe. It'll have to be up to everyone else to act by their own standards.

Does someone having different standards than you offend you so, Anslo? Is it uncomfortable to see that someone still holds to principles in New Eden? Most telling.
Scope Works
#55 - 2016-01-13 20:49:23 UTC
Translation: NO U

But really, ***** about people not doing enough, then you don't do enough cause you can't adapt to situations and swallow your pride or ~standards~ for the better of your people.

My. Sides.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Mizhara Del'thul
#56 - 2016-01-13 21:07:49 UTC
If you find a quote about me saying people aren't doing enough that's not ancient history, I'll pay you for it. More interestingly, what exactly do you think the militias are "doing for the better of my people"? The staircase has been in place and working since long before the militias ever existed.

Tell me, how would my people benefit from me flying with the enemies of my people?
Deitra Vess
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#57 - 2016-01-13 21:27:04 UTC
Mizhara, do you value the beliefs and ideals of the guns on your ship? No right? They are tools of war. As such is those profiteers and other undesirables fighting beside you. Who cares about their belief? When were done (the "wargames" I mean) and well throw them out as such. By rights they'll probably throw themselves out and return to curse, ect.
Utari Onzo
#58 - 2016-01-13 21:31:06 UTC
Deitra Vess wrote:
Mizhara, do you value the beliefs and ideals of the guns on your ship? No right? They are tools of war. As such is those profiteers and other undesirables fighting beside you. Who cares about their belief? When were done (the "wargames" I mean) and well throw them out as such. By rights they'll probably throw themselves out and return to curse, ect.

Respectfully speaking, I think if the end of the militia wars happened, you might regret these words. Without the proxy war to keep them busy, I dread to think what some of the extreme elements on both sides of the fence would get up to to occupy their time and guns.

"Face the enemy as a solid wall For faith is your armor And through it, the enemy will find no breach Wrap your arms around the enemy For faith is your fire And with it, burn away his evil"

Scope Works
#59 - 2016-01-13 21:32:07 UTC
The whole 'MinMil doesn't give a ****' sound like you're not happy with what they do, or any progress they make. But maybe it's not they don't do enough, more you're just too much of an elitist **** or something.

Like, re-reading what you posted, you're basically saying militia isn't Minmatar enough. Fighting the other side isn't enough. You have to be way more Minmatar as per your criteria.

Which is pants on head ******** to be honest family.

But whatever, keep sitting there, contributing nothing but ***** post after ***** post instead of undocking and doing something about it.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Scope Works
#60 - 2016-01-13 21:32:54 UTC
Utari Onzo wrote:
Deitra Vess wrote:
Mizhara, do you value the beliefs and ideals of the guns on your ship? No right? They are tools of war. As such is those profiteers and other undesirables fighting beside you. Who cares about their belief? When were done (the "wargames" I mean) and well throw them out as such. By rights they'll probably throw themselves out and return to curse, ect.

Respectfully speaking, I think if the end of the militia wars happened, you might regret these words. Without the proxy war to keep them busy, I dread to think what some of the extreme elements on both sides of the fence would get up to to occupy their time and guns.

Miz would probably get involved in blasting another freighter full of slaves or something.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]