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The downfall of Minmatar Militia

Elmund Egivand
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#21 - 2016-01-13 03:56:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Elmund Egivand
Anyanka Funk wrote:
I'm agreeing with my heavy heart that I will be glad when the civil wars start. Minmatar taste so much better than Amarrians!

I remember that incident being about alot of nothing much going on (besides the skirmishes and the ganks and the like) and lots of the usual bellyaching and drama.

By the end of it, WINMATAR. moved over to the Amarr side.

A Minmatar warship is like a rusting Beetle with 500 horsepower Cardillac engines in the rear, armour plating bolted to chassis and a M2 Browning stuck on top.

#22 - 2016-01-13 04:16:32 UTC  |  Edited by: unbless83
I will no longer support the concord sanctioned capture of pockets of space. This activity does nothing to satiate my need to avenge our fallen... and I very much doubt that I am alone in feeling this way.

Orbiting a beacon 300 or more times is boring, indeed, I find it to be more mundane than the mining of rocks.
Yet we are shackled to this task like slaves, dispersed, disparate and despondently waiting out the hours between vengeance in the vacuum of hopelessness that Concord has created for us.

It is yet another repetitive task that we are forced to perform.... are we to be thankful?

I say to you that Concord indirectly enslaves us all! and i for one, know when we are being used.

I have been supporting the Matari cause since YC112 and one thing above all is clear to me now.

The sovereignty of a solar system should be weighed by the blood of the fallen alone. To the victor SHOULD go the spoils, instead.. Like scraps from a table, we await the rationing out of our chance to avenge ourselves by the "almighty" Concord.

This shackling of the attrition i wish to inflict, is just as oppressive as the shackles that the amarr would place upon us.

System sovereignty should be judged by: kills per faction over a period of time, modified by the ratio of successful planetary troop engagements.

Systems available for capture should be adjacent to one another to enable a "front line" and compress the intensity of fighting. For concord to allow the oppressors to hide like the vermin they are among OUR stars is an affront to our entire race.

How dare we be prevented from interdicting amarrian supply lines. Give me back the power to conduct the hit and run operations that our minmatar hulls were designed for in the first place.

Anything less than destroying amarrian piloted vessels for control of my space... is worthy only of disdain.

To avenge and unify the tribes through the attrition of Amarrian oppressors is why i signed up.

I did not sign up... to find my inner miner.

Aussies are the unicorns of eve... rare and horny

Elsebeth Rhiannon
Electus Matari
#23 - 2016-01-13 08:16:56 UTC
Here we go again.

Toy war still fulfills its purpose, I see.

Mizhara Del'thul
#24 - 2016-01-13 11:24:33 UTC
Does it? It is just a pity the norm in New Eden is dishonesty. If honest admission that it is mere bloodsport and distraction would be more common, at least it wouldn't be used as justification for throwing out what we are and can be over pointless victories. It is even starting to lose its usefulness as an arena to set an example in at this rate.
Malasar Ravaan
#25 - 2016-01-13 11:28:51 UTC
Kalo Askold wrote:
Its with a not so heavy heart that I say this but the minmatar militia is going towards a downward spiral...If this keeps up Minmatar will resemble a pirate gang

Petty bands of unwashed, tattooed tribal savages flying rusted heaps of junk has always and will always resemble a pirate gang, with the exception that most pirate gangs are better organized.

Our enemies' blood will paint the blackness of space, a terrible testament to our power. Only God's great Empire shall remain, a beacon of light to guide us in these dark and perilous times. Amarr, ad victoriam! Nam claritas Imperii!

Seraphim Risen
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#26 - 2016-01-13 12:51:48 UTC
Downfall? Honey, its always been like that.

Almost half a decade ago I fought for the TLF. I disagreed with a FC who had friends in a semi-powerful alliance living in... ****. Was it Huola? Lamaa? I don't remember. Anyway, all of a sudden, I found myself the target of multiple declarations of war. Disagreement was over his pirate roots.

The factional wars are a sham meant only to fatten the pockets of the Empires funding them. Its all bullshit.

Never not badpost.

Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#27 - 2016-01-13 15:32:46 UTC
Malasar Ravaan wrote:
Kalo Askold wrote:
Its with a not so heavy heart that I say this but the minmatar militia is going towards a downward spiral...If this keeps up Minmatar will resemble a pirate gang

Petty bands of unwashed, tattooed tribal savages flying rusted heaps of junk has always and will always resemble a pirate gang, with the exception that most pirate gangs are better organized.

I'm going to take that as a compliment

She's mad but she's magic, there's no lie in her fire.

This is possibly one of the worst threads in the history of these forums.  - CCP Falcon

I don't remember when last time you said something that wasn't either dumb or absurd. - Diana Kim

Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#28 - 2016-01-13 16:35:27 UTC
Seraphim Risen wrote:
Downfall? Honey, its always been like that.

Almost half a decade ago I fought for the TLF. I disagreed with a FC who had friends in a semi-powerful alliance living in... ****. Was it Huola? Lamaa? I don't remember. Anyway, all of a sudden, I found myself the target of multiple declarations of war. Disagreement was over his pirate roots.

Well known typical minmatar behavior: "So, our neighbor A have bought themselves an expensive vase S for their house. We can't have this S, so lets go their home and thrash it a bit for that!"
That works even in minmatar external politics, where A would be Amarr Empire and S would be Slavery.

Seraphim Risen wrote:
The factional wars are a sham meant only to fatten the pockets of the Empires funding them. Its all bullshit.

If some crap is true for tribals it doesn't mean it would be true for such well developed and advanced society as Caldari State. Thus don't put all faction wars in one bucket.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Siddhar Gangari
Masuat'aa Matari
#29 - 2016-01-13 17:47:15 UTC
Says the twerp that takes her fleets into null rather than the warzone. Shame on you. You're no better than the Amarr.
Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#30 - 2016-01-13 17:50:54 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:

Seraphim Risen wrote:
The factional wars are a sham meant only to fatten the pockets of the Empires funding them. Its all bullshit.

If some crap is true for tribals it doesn't mean it would be true for such well developed and advanced society as Caldari State. Thus don't put all faction wars in one bucket.

A people are struggling against an oppressive regime that has driven them from their ancestral homes and attempted to destroy their culture. Now they fight back in an attempt to regain what was taken from them.

Which people am I talking about Diana?

She's mad but she's magic, there's no lie in her fire.

This is possibly one of the worst threads in the history of these forums.  - CCP Falcon

I don't remember when last time you said something that wasn't either dumb or absurd. - Diana Kim

Ria Nieyli
Nieyli Enterprises
#31 - 2016-01-13 18:04:53 UTC
Kalaratiri wrote:
Diana Kim wrote:

Seraphim Risen wrote:
The factional wars are a sham meant only to fatten the pockets of the Empires funding them. Its all bullshit.

If some crap is true for tribals it doesn't mean it would be true for such well developed and advanced society as Caldari State. Thus don't put all faction wars in one bucket.

A people are struggling against an oppressive regime that has driven them from their ancestral homes and attempted to destroy their culture. Now they fight back in an attempt to regain what was taken from them.

Which people am I talking about Diana?

Kalo Askold
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#32 - 2016-01-13 18:35:17 UTC
Siddhar Gangari wrote:
Says the twerp that takes her fleets into null rather than the warzone. Shame on you. You're no better than the Amarr.

And I would say to you, shame on you for not teaching your pilots everything they can learn from Lowsec to Nullsec. You just keep them spinning buttons and learning nothing more than blood sport instead of the space around them.
However, you don't run any sort of fleets nor command people.
Rodj Blake
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#33 - 2016-01-13 18:43:31 UTC
Elsebeth Rhiannon wrote:
Here we go again.

Toy war still fulfills its purpose, I see.

In that it prevents all-out war, yes it does.

Dolce et decorum est pro Imperium mori

Ria Nieyli
Nieyli Enterprises
#34 - 2016-01-13 18:46:36 UTC
Kalo Askold wrote:
Siddhar Gangari wrote:
Says the twerp that takes her fleets into null rather than the warzone. Shame on you. You're no better than the Amarr.

And I would say to you, shame on you for not teaching your pilots everything they can learn from Lowsec to Nullsec. You just keep them spinning buttons and learning nothing more than blood sport instead of the space around them.
However, you don't run any sort of fleets nor command people.

Being in the warzone is not just spinning buttons.
Scope Works
#35 - 2016-01-13 18:47:18 UTC
Thaaaanks for memberrrrs MinMiiiiillll~

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Siddhar Gangari
Masuat'aa Matari
#36 - 2016-01-13 18:52:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Siddhar Gangari
Kalo Askold wrote:
Siddhar Gangari wrote:
Says the twerp that takes her fleets into null rather than the warzone. Shame on you. You're no better than the Amarr.

And I would say to you, shame on you for not teaching your pilots everything they can learn from Lowsec to Nullsec. You just keep them spinning buttons and learning nothing more than blood sport instead of the space around them.
However, you don't run any sort of fleets nor command people.

The fact remains that you do nothing to support the war effort. If the shallow (in my humble opinion) pursuit of kill marks for your hull is what interests you, by all means pursue it. But do so without luring people who wish to contribute away from a long-term goal that requires vision and cooperation to complete. Retire from the war, pirate. The TLF and its supporters will be better for it.
Kalo Askold
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#37 - 2016-01-13 19:03:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Kalo Askold
Siddhar Gangari wrote:

The fact remains that you do nothing to support the war effort. If the shallow (in my humble opinion) pursuit of kill marks for your hull is what interests you, by all means pursue it. But do so without luring people who wish to contribute away from a long-term goal that requires vision and cooperation to complete. Retire from the war, pirate. The TLF and its supporters will be better for it.

Much like a child who thinks the father does nothing during the day for the family because they are out working all the time, so you too assume I have done nothing for 'ourside' because you haven't seen it. Kill marks on my ship, please I lose them all the time and rarely able to shoot before the min-mil kills them.

Need to run a fleet and not enough members, I have rallied to help hurt Amarr staging towers. Need a dread to run away, sure I'll be there with friends. Need help killing a fleet in a system? Yep there.

Need help spinning buttons of recycled outposts because concord told you it was ok? I rather go do something else.
Seraphim Risen
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#38 - 2016-01-13 19:11:55 UTC
Wait, so which doy ou want? People to fight for the Republic or people to go to nullsec with you? You're not arguing any logical point here.

As far as the other goes, Diana, I regularly witness members of all four militias pirating and aggressing others with no provocation. *****, please. Don't lecture me with your Reality Distortion Field in effect- it shows every time you say anything.

Never not badpost.

Kalo Askold
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#39 - 2016-01-13 19:15:17 UTC
Seraphim Risen wrote:
Wait, so which doy ou want? People to fight for the Republic or people to go to nullsec with you? You're not arguing any logical point here.

As far as the other goes, Diana, I regularly witness members of all four militias pirating and aggressing others with no provocation. *****, please. Don't lecture me with your Reality Distortion Field in effect- it shows every time you say anything.

Militia doesn't fight for the republic, they fight for ISK and that is about it. Its a training ground and a place to learn how to use the weapons before the actual navies call for help.

If people believe what they are doing in the militia actually matters they are simply fooling themselves into sleeping well at night.
SoE Roughriders
Electus Matari
#40 - 2016-01-13 19:21:47 UTC
Siddhar Gangari wrote:

The fact remains that you do nothing to support the war effort. If the shallow (in my humble opinion) pursuit of kill marks for your hull is what interests you, by all means pursue it. But do so without luring people who wish to contribute away from a long-term goal that requires vision and cooperation to complete. Retire from the war, pirate. The TLF and its supporters will be better for it.

Amusing, since no one is forced to go anywhere or be in any fleet. The pilots of the TLF can make their own choices, you don't own them, if they choose to join a fleet raiding slavers in providence, or supporting a fight over a moon, how is that even any of your business? You make it sound nefarious as if KS7RL FCs work against your goals, but what exact goal is it anyway? A medal? Do you think that is going to do anything for our people?

Ria Nieyli wrote:

Being in the warzone is not just spinning buttons.

To be fair you are missing the context of the discussion, on the 2LC side, we are regularly (as evidenced in this thread) told we are "no better than the Amarr" because our primary activity isn't running buttons, but pursuing fights, wherever those fights might be.