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What happens to Eve.....

Astrid Stjerna
Sebiestor Tribe
#161 - 2012-01-09 18:42:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Astrid Stjerna
Vyl Vit wrote:
The point is, why were the Goons and Russkies the only ones to take advantage of the huge vacume left by BoB's disappearance. Seeing them fill that hole NOW is a bit too late. Where were you when it was time to get in on the party?

Maybe that's a bit vague. As long as nobody else attempts a serious run at them, they'll sit in the catbird seat, assuming they don't respond in kind. It's what wars are made from, contention. I remember when the Goons were barely squeaking by. But, they persisted, and it paid off. Why should they be criticized for being effective? Why should the game be criticized if its dynamics afford such an opportunity to those who dare take it?

The remedy is to be just as effective...or moreso if you wish to tip the scale. It's all there waiting to be done. Do it.

It's a normal process after a large shift in the status quo. With BoB in control, the Goons couldn't make a move, but after their demise, there was a lot of unclaimed territory.

Sun Tzu said it best:

An army may march great distances without distress, if it marches through country where the enemy is not. You can be sure of succeeding in your attacks if you only attack places which are undefended. You can ensure the safety of your defense if you only hold positions that cannot be attacked.

If the Goons had attempted to oust BoB by direct combat, the Goons would have faced an uphill battle, facing opposition at every turn. By taking advantage of the void left by BoB's demise, they took a huge area of space, and they did it with little-to-no cost to themselves. I'd like to talk to the strategist that made the call, because his timing on the move was absolutely brilliant.

As for the 'why should they be criticized' angle -- frankly, I'm not sure they should be. At least, not for the clever maneuvering that got them where they are today. I think, rather, that criticism should be (and is) directed primarily at their increasing presence and voice in the meta-game.

Do the Goons have 'too much power'? In some ways, I feel that they do. I've read the complaints about how the Goons 'seized the CSM', and I've seen the results of their ice-belt embargo (the latter an extremely effective strategy, however unpleasant it may be for the rest of us).

My point is, only a massive dedication of ships and materiel will unseat the Goons; that's how it was when BoB was in the seat, and that's how it's going to continue after the Goons are finally ousted. Even if that happens, the next group that takes power will be in much the same position, holding the space that the Goons have vacated.

If we want to 'challenge the beast', it's going to take more than a token attempt at parlay. It's going to take force.

I can't get rid of my darn signature!  Oh, wait....

Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#162 - 2012-01-09 19:02:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Nicolo da'Vicenza
i agree with the 0.0 gold rush idea but instead of resetting current sov just make all of high/lowsec space 0.0 security
maybe sprinkle some moons so empire dwellers turned space-napoleons have a bit of extra incentive

also make stations destructable
Ira Theos
#163 - 2012-01-09 19:11:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Ira Theos
Astrid Stjerna wrote:
Vyl Vit wrote:
The point is, why were the Goons and Russkies the only ones to take advantage of the huge vacume left by BoB's disappearance. Seeing them fill that hole NOW is a bit too late. Where were you when it was time to get in on the party?

Maybe that's a bit vague. As long as nobody else attempts a serious run at them, they'll sit in the catbird seat, assuming they don't respond in kind. It's what wars are made from, contention. I remember when the Goons were barely squeaking by. But, they persisted, and it paid off. Why should they be criticized for being effective? Why should the game be criticized if its dynamics afford such an opportunity to those who dare take it?

The remedy is to be just as effective...or moreso if you wish to tip the scale. It's all there waiting to be done. Do it.

It's a normal process after a large shift in the status quo. With BoB in control, the Goons couldn't make a move, but after their demise, there was a lot of unclaimed territory.

Sun Tzu said it best:

An army may march great distances without distress, if it marches through country where the enemy is not. You can be sure of succeeding in your attacks if you only attack places which are undefended. You can ensure the safety of your defense if you only hold positions that cannot be attacked.

If the Goons had attempted to oust BoB by direct combat, the Goons would have faced an uphill battle, facing opposition at every turn. By taking advantage of the void left by BoB's demise, they took a huge area of space, and they did it with little-to-no cost to themselves. I'd like to talk to the strategist that made the call, because his timing on the move was absolutely brilliant.

As for the 'why should they be criticized' angle -- frankly, I'm not sure they should be. At least, not for the clever maneuvering that got them where they are today. I think, rather, that criticism should be (and is) directed primarily at their increasing presence and voice in the meta-game.

Do the Goons have 'too much power'? In some ways, I feel that they do. I've read the complaints about how the Goons 'seized the CSM', and I've seen the results of their ice-belt embargo (the latter an extremely effective strategy, however unpleasant it may be for the rest of us).

My point is, only a massive dedication of ships and materiel will unseat the Goons; that's how it was when BoB was in the seat, and that's how it's going to continue after the Goons are finally ousted. Even if that happens, the next group that takes power will be in much the same position, holding the space that the Goons have vacated.

If we want to 'challenge the beast', it's going to take more than a token attempt at parlay. It's going to take force.

Well almost, BOB was undone by a stab in the back by a turncoat director. The "fail" Corp/Alliance mechanisms for control, however "fail" they are, are another story entirely. BOB itself was an issue before the Goons or RMT Plantations for much the same reasons. They were the early settlers of Zero when it was not populated, and having seized the then major resource centers (fixed complexes, moongoo, etc.) and having built up a massive resource core through game bugs and exploits (not to mention T20 events) were UNASSAILABLE. The Goons merely came along and cleaned up after their rogue director put an end to their reign. So get your facts straight.

The problem is not dissimilar to why the Chinese are on their own server. Until metagaming advantages are engineered out of the game mechanics, ordinary subscribers need not apply (except to or the RMT Plantations for "Guard Dog" duty.) How thrilling. Really makes me want to spend $15/month on a sub..... NOT!

This is exactly what is holding down subscription levels because new players quit after they figure this out at about six months.
Prince Kobol
#164 - 2012-01-09 19:22:13 UTC
Ira Theos wrote:

BOB itself was an issue before the Goons or RMT Plantations for much the same reasons. They were the early settlers of Zero when it was not populated, and having seized the then major resource centers (fixed complexes, moongoo, etc.) and having built up a massive resource core through game bugs and exploits (not to mention T20 events) were UNASSAILABLE. The Goons merely came along and cleaned up after their rogue director put an end to their reign. So get your facts straight.

The problem is not dissimilar to why the Chinese are on their own server. Until metagaming advantages are engineered out of the game mechanics, ordinary subscribers need not apply (except to or the RMT Plantations for "Guard Dog" duty.) How thrilling. Really makes me want to spend $15/month on a sub..... NOT!

Still awaiting proof of these RMT Plantations
Space Mermaids
#165 - 2012-01-09 19:23:11 UTC
Ira Theos wrote:

Nope, BOB was undone by a stab in the back by a turncoat director. The "fail" Corp/Alliance mechanisms for control, however "fail" they are, are another story entirely. BOB itself was an issue before the Goons or RMT Plantations for much the same reasons. They were the early settlers of Zero when it was not populated, and having seized the then major resource centers (fixed complexes, moongoo, etc.) and having built up a massive resource core through game bugs and exploits (not to mention T20 events) were UNASSAILABLE. The Goons merely came along and cleaned up after their rogue director put an end to their reign. So get your facts straight.

The problem is not dissimilar to why the Chinese are on their own server. Until metagaming advantages are engineered out of the game mechanics, ordinary subscribers need not apply (except to or the RMT Plantations for "Guard Dog" duty.)

I've said as much, so have others. It gets lost in forum wars and derailment campaigns.

Even the more recent NC didn't fall in combat. NC had been fighting Russians for 2 years prior to the fall, just not in thier own systems. After the Anom nerf being in NC became pure PvP and that meant unsustainable ISK sinks so everyone left. By the time PL showed up, NC was already in Evac.
Ira Theos
#166 - 2012-01-09 19:24:43 UTC
Ocih wrote:
Ira Theos wrote:

Nope, BOB was undone by a stab in the back by a turncoat director. The "fail" Corp/Alliance mechanisms for control, however "fail" they are, are another story entirely. BOB itself was an issue before the Goons or RMT Plantations for much the same reasons. They were the early settlers of Zero when it was not populated, and having seized the then major resource centers (fixed complexes, moongoo, etc.) and having built up a massive resource core through game bugs and exploits (not to mention T20 events) were UNASSAILABLE. The Goons merely came along and cleaned up after their rogue director put an end to their reign. So get your facts straight.

The problem is not dissimilar to why the Chinese are on their own server. Until metagaming advantages are engineered out of the game mechanics, ordinary subscribers need not apply (except to or the RMT Plantations for "Guard Dog" duty.)

I've said as much, so have others. It gets lost in forum wars and derailment campaigns.

Even the more recent NC didn't fall in combat. NC had been fighting Russians for 2 years prior to the fall, just not in thier own systems. After the Anom nerf being in NC became pure PvP and that meant unsustainable ISK sinks so everyone left. By the time PL showed up, NC was already in Evac.

Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#167 - 2012-01-09 19:44:25 UTC
It seems to me that a lot of people are complaining that people think their small corporation, or even the person individually, should be able to take null sec space for themselves without being threatened by large alliances. I really don't see how that can ever be the case. Since null sec is lawless, the alliances roll around and destroy anybody smaller than them. It simply comes down to manpower. If you dont have the manpower, you have to make it not-worth-their-time, and if you can't do that, then you can't stay in null. I don't really even see why that should ever change. If you want to go out with your small-time corp/alliance, there's NPC owned null sec you can live in. Sure, goonswarm and whoever-the-hell-else owns a huge amount of space, but so have others. There's plenty you can still do while not attacking them directly, but that seems to be all anybody can ever think about.

So, until someone comes around and makes a giant coalition to take them down, everybody will just have to wait for them to fold from the inside. And then, they'll be replaced by somebody else. That's just the way it is, and with no limiting factors, the biggest/wealthiest force owns the most territory.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#168 - 2012-01-09 20:08:34 UTC
Ladie Harlot wrote:
Lyrrashae wrote:
Give wormhole-life a try.

They're what zerosec should have been.

Not quite. The only people who care about wormholes are anti-social roleplayer types who can't hack fleet combat.

Oh, very good [/sarcasm].

You just keep believing that utterly ridiculous tripe, if it makes you comfortable.



Forum Fighter
#169 - 2012-01-09 20:45:20 UTC
Tallianna Avenkarde wrote:
Oh noes BoB is killing eve!
No wait its the russians!
No wait its the NC!
No wait its the russians again!
No now it's Goons!

Everytime an alliance get too big for its pants, another coalition forms to take it down.

Next time it will be the 99 percent ;)

So as we have all seen and know to be true- massive, seemingly unstoppable alliances always crumble and fall. I would like to know a Goon opinion on this. How does it feel to know your days are numbered? Or do you tell yourselves that you are somehow special snowflakes and the laws of EVE do not govern you?

Bearer of the 1600mm Tinfoil Hat

Valei Khurelem
#170 - 2012-01-09 20:48:17 UTC
Can people please stop using that stupid 99% thing? You don't represent me, go away.

"don't get us wrong, we don't want to screw new players, on the contrary. The core problem here is that tech 1 frigates and cruisers should be appealing enough to be viable platforms in both PvE and PvP."   - CCP Ytterbium

met worst
#171 - 2012-01-09 20:50:52 UTC
Andski wrote:
met worst wrote:
Ladie Harlot wrote:

...the only things an alliance has to do to remain a member of the CFC is show observable participation in coalition-wide pursuits...

Lawl. A long winded way of saying "gogogogogogo - NOW".

"CTA" is just too strong a word for your sheep and it's this softcock approach that sucks your members in. Unsaid, but absolutely implied, if you don't - you get nothing from "He who owns all things" and "Frowned upon by he who bequeaths all things".

All in all, the terminology is a pretencious approach to be told what to do. The extraordinary thing is you all think Mittens is being "nice".

CFC are all Lil' Olivers. The difference being that Oliver woke up to it in the end.


you are so dumb lol

it's like you won't stop alternating between "We didn't want the north anyway" and "**** goons they didn't commit to save my dying alliance" - basically, get lost

As usual Andski, a shitsperg. Did you read? I was in Tribute ready to fight for NC. 3 or 4 days later we were stood down.
Darkness Descend
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#172 - 2012-01-09 20:54:04 UTC
Everytime someone gets to big, people gather together to get them down.

This is what i think happens.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#173 - 2012-01-09 21:04:24 UTC
met worst wrote:
Andski wrote:
met worst wrote:
Ladie Harlot wrote:

...the only things an alliance has to do to remain a member of the CFC is show observable participation in coalition-wide pursuits...

Lawl. A long winded way of saying "gogogogogogo - NOW".

"CTA" is just too strong a word for your sheep and it's this softcock approach that sucks your members in. Unsaid, but absolutely implied, if you don't - you get nothing from "He who owns all things" and "Frowned upon by he who bequeaths all things".

All in all, the terminology is a pretencious approach to be told what to do. The extraordinary thing is you all think Mittens is being "nice".

CFC are all Lil' Olivers. The difference being that Oliver woke up to it in the end.


you are so dumb lol

it's like you won't stop alternating between "We didn't want the north anyway" and "**** goons they didn't commit to save my dying alliance" - basically, get lost

As usual Andski, a shitsperg. Did you read? I was in Tribute ready to fight for NC. 3 or 4 days later we were stood down.

"we stood down, why didn't the CFC come save us ((("

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

met worst
#174 - 2012-01-09 21:38:51 UTC
Andski wrote:

"we stood down, why didn't the CFC come save us ((("

Yeah. Good question hey Andski.

The stand down from memory occurred 3-4 days after Valentines Day.

- A red fleet "just happened" to set one of the best traps ever decimating the NC super fleet and ripping morale to pieces.
- CFC "walks away" claiming NC won't fight.
- Pushes hard for a cap nerf through the CSM (with PL and friends).
- The DRF all but collapses and best forces are diverted on a pointless war in the east.

And SOMEHOW, the Goons were "suddenly" ready for a Branch invasion and rolled it in 9 days.

Strategic brilliance or manipulation?

Has this whole "show" been setup by perhaps no more than 3 or 4 players to secure most of the wealth in game.


Might start looking at other Goon "friends" ignored in recent history as Reds attack. Anyone got details?
#175 - 2012-01-10 03:33:01 UTC
met worst wrote:
Andski wrote:

"we stood down, why didn't the CFC come save us ((("

Yeah. Good question hey Andski.

The stand down from memory occurred 3-4 days after Valentines Day.

- A red fleet "just happened" to set one of the best traps ever decimating the NC super fleet and ripping morale to pieces.
- CFC "walks away" claiming NC won't fight.
- Pushes hard for a cap nerf through the CSM (with PL and friends).
- The DRF all but collapses and best forces are diverted on a pointless war in the east.

And SOMEHOW, the Goons were "suddenly" ready for a Branch invasion and rolled it in 9 days.

Strategic brilliance or manipulation?

Has this whole "show" been setup by perhaps no more than 3 or 4 players to secure most of the wealth in game.


Might start looking at other Goon "friends" ignored in recent history as Reds attack. Anyone got details?

that's pretty much it, we're just that good
between the fall of NC and how your apps are being trolled and rejected by the elite pvp goon haters, which are you more butthurt about?

TA on wis: "when we have a feature that is its own functional ecosystem of gameplay then hooks into the greater ecosystem of EVE as a whole, and it provides good replayability."

Tallianna Avenkarde
Pyre of Gods
#176 - 2012-01-10 09:02:01 UTC
Valei Khurelem wrote:
Can people please stop using that stupid 99% thing? You don't represent me, go away.

Never claimed to represent you.

Now you go away and try to derp some more thrashers into broadswords.

And a sudden plunge in the sullen swell. Ten fathoms deep on the road to hell.