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large ships vs smaller ships

Goatman NotMyFault
Lubrication Industries
#21 - 2016-01-05 17:30:15 UTC
Estella Osoka wrote:
Goatman NotMyFault wrote:
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Goatman NotMyFault wrote:
and the brassban of "no it will change my game" is here again :D

Feel free to come With some tought why it is such a bad idea... or good idea for those that really want to insult the forumusers here.

Ok, try this:

Even during the height of the Naval Battleship era they understood that ships of that size needed support ships. Today's modern carriers, the ship that ended the age of the battleship, have multiple aircraft types, multiple defensive weapon emplacements, and are always at the middle of thier battle group. So:
If this was "humans" from Earth that colonized New Eden, they would bring some "history" from Earth, which indicated that battlleship needs a ******* escort.

Why is this so hard for people to figure out?

well.... the battleships.... from ww1 to present time, are fitted to deal With attacks from big and small ships... and from planes. They dont use their main guns to shoot down planes...... and yes, they had and they have, support ships.... But they rarely was sunk by small ships... lets dive into history abit.... in the Lifetime of the MTB's, they have only managed to sink 1 battleship... all nations togheter that had MTB's.

Destroyers, might had a better chance, but when they came to Close, the was at big risk by being hit by both large and small guns on the defending battleship.

You can't compare EVE battleships to real world WW2 battleships. There is no comparison.

Also, I don't know what history you are reading, but battleships were sunk and destroyed on several occasions in WW2. Sunken BS that come to mind: Bismarck, Tirpitz, Arizona, Oklahoma, Prince of Wales, & Yamato.


Real world Battleships were rendered obsolete with the advances in Carrier design and missile technology.

i was talking about MTB that was fitted With torpedo's, but only manage to sink 1 battleship in the entire history... destroyers are a different story.... but the point is, that a small ships shouldnt be able to take Down very large ships....
Dr Cedric
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#22 - 2016-01-05 18:11:01 UTC
Goatman NotMyFault wrote:

i was talking about MTB that was fitted With torpedo's, but only manage to sink 1 battleship in the entire history... destroyers are a different story.... but the point is, that a small ships shouldnt be able to take Down very large ships....

Then why in the (eve)world would I fly anything other than BS. Why should the game even have frigates or destroyers or cruisers if a smaller ship shouldn't be able to destroy a larger ship.

Also, to bring a bit of perspective to your argument... BS are not "big" ships. Titans are big ships. And, as far as I have seen in my 10.5 year eve career... no single frigate has ever solo'd a Titan.


Streets of Fire
#23 - 2016-01-05 18:12:36 UTC
I'm not a huge fan of the new skewed EVE meta either. They just changed the meta from being in favor of supers and larger ships to being in favor of small, kitey ships, which is even more cancerous IMO, because kitey cancer gangs become even more ******** when you add off grid links. Now everyone has their own off grid boosting toon so they can play the cancer meta the way it's meant to be played, tumorously.
FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#24 - 2016-01-05 18:59:51 UTC
Valacus wrote:
I'm not a huge fan of the new skewed EVE meta either. They just changed the meta from being in favor of supers and larger ships to being in favor of small, kitey ships, which is even more cancerous IMO, because kitey cancer gangs become even more ******** when you add off grid links. Now everyone has their own off grid boosting toon so they can play the cancer meta the way it's meant to be played, tumorously.

I majorly disagree with you here. Don't get me wrong: I do not like kiting. It is not, however, something new. Small mobile gangs of skilled players with OGB have been around as long as I have been playing. If anything, the game is better now in that regard than it was in 2008. Anyone else remember Vagabonds going 10km/sec? Kiting can be countered. Additionally, it is not an existential threat the way totally overpowered, strategically mobile, Supercapital fleets were.

Bring a Battleship, with some support, out to fight a kiting gang. If you catch one of them (tackle ship supported by aligned Battleship warping or MJDing into range), it will kill it. A properly equipped Battleship is a tough target to take down.

I take great pleasure in fighting small, mobile roaming gangs. You just have to be prepared for a fight that won't always result in kills.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Loradan Illstari
Illstari Industries
#25 - 2016-01-05 19:40:38 UTC
FT Diomedes wrote:
Valacus wrote:
I'm not a huge fan of the new skewed EVE meta either. They just changed the meta from being in favor of supers and larger ships to being in favor of small, kitey ships, which is even more cancerous IMO, because kitey cancer gangs become even more ******** when you add off grid links. Now everyone has their own off grid boosting toon so they can play the cancer meta the way it's meant to be played, tumorously.

I majorly disagree with you here. Don't get me wrong: I do not like kiting. It is not, however, something new. Small mobile gangs of skilled players with OGB have been around as long as I have been playing. If anything, the game is better now in that regard than it was in 2008. Anyone else remember Vagabonds going 10km/sec? Kiting can be countered. Additionally, it is not an existential threat the way totally overpowered, strategically mobile, Supercapital fleets were.

Bring a Battleship, with some support, out to fight a kiting gang. If you catch one of them (tackle ship supported by aligned Battleship warping or MJDing into range), it will kill it. A properly equipped Battleship is a tough target to take down.

I take great pleasure in fighting small, mobile roaming gangs. You just have to be prepared for a fight that won't always result in kills.

No way. Kitey gangs with links have always been around, but they weren't FOTM until the last two years or so. Now everyone has their own links toon. It used to be more rare. Now it's all you see. And kiting is only really counterable by avoiding them. They can disengage you whenever they wish because they're so much faster, so unless they're stupid you aren't going to catch them, especially not in something as cumbersome as a battleship. The last few expansion have been nothing but more kitey crap, with kitey crap logi to go with it and now kitey crap MJD, because allowing BCs and BSs to have one unique module to them that might have given them a leg up on small kitey crap was too much to ask.
Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#26 - 2016-01-05 19:42:34 UTC
Goatman NotMyFault wrote:

i was talking about MTB that was fitted With torpedo's, but only manage to sink 1 battleship in the entire history... destroyers are a different story.... but the point is, that a small ships shouldnt be able to take Down very large ships....

MTB = motorized torpedo boat? If so, a frigate is not comparable to a MTB.

And yes, small ships can take down larger ships. The USS Cole comes to mind, and that was caused by putting a lot of explosive into a small motorboat. In fact, the US Navy is more concerned with small fast boats than they are larger ships. Small fast boats are harder to track, harder to see (especially at night), and operate in areas the navy usually cannot (or won't) go with it's large ships.

Oh and MTBs were mainly used for littoral combat and were pivotal in the island hopping campaign of WW2 where they were used to disrupt enemy supply lines. Most of the big ship combat occurred out in deep water where MTBs could not operate effectively due to rough water and operating range.

If one WW2 BS ever had to take on a squadron of PT Boats, I'm sure it would lose; just as one BS in EVE loses to mass frigate assaults.
Arya Regnar
Darwins Right Hand
#27 - 2016-01-05 20:47:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Arya Regnar
Considering stealth bombers use battleship sized weapons by your logic it should be fine for 2 stealth bombers to wreck a battleship? Yeah?

EvE-Mail me if you need anything.

Darth Squeemus
#28 - 2016-01-05 20:50:38 UTC
Goatman NotMyFault wrote:
Just the huge size of the battleship, would suggest that it should wear a armor that would refuse any frig, destroyer or some crusers, since they couldnt be able to fit large enough guns to even penetrate a battleship. Also, due to the size, Battleship should be able to have, in addition to their large hislots, have a large array of med and small gunslots...

You obviously don't realize that frigates are able to critically damage, and even sink, battleships IRL. Especially if there are several frigates focusing on one battleship. Also, you're absolutely right about RL battleships being able to fit smaller weapons as well as large ones. Apparently you're also unaware that this can be done in Eve as well. If you think that fitting medium or small guns on your battleship will be helpful to you, give it a try and see what happens. What's the worst thing that could happen? You lose your ship? That shouldn't be a problem if you're following the first rule of Eve. Don't fly it if you can't afford to replace it.

Another thing is that new players are very limited in what they can fly, as they haven't had enough time to accumulate very many skill points. But if they are smart enough to group together and focus their efforts into taking down a battleship, why should they have their reward taken from them? They're already at a huge disadvantage because of their limited abilities. Furthermore, why should older and more experienced players have such a steep advantage over anyone? If you're flying a battleship and you're either stupid enough or not attentive enough to avoid getting jumped by a frig gang, then you deserve the loss. And the gang deserves it's reward.
Iain Cariaba
#29 - 2016-01-05 22:01:04 UTC
Darth Squeemus wrote:
Also, you're absolutely right about RL battleships being able to fit smaller weapons as well as large ones. Apparently you're also unaware that this can be done in Eve as well. If you think that fitting medium or small guns on your battleship will be helpful to you, give it a try and see what happens.

This actually works rather well. I've been on a lowsec roam in a frigate fleet that came across a battleship that we thought would be easy prey. Needless to say, we were quite surprised when we started dropping to guns that could track us at close range. Big smile
Zimmer Jones
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2016-01-05 22:40:21 UTC
well, heres a fun article about stopping large stuff with small stuff. has an element of humor to it.

no time to shiptoast like i regularly do, but BS are in use in null, but are more easily countered by Alpha doctrine, so smaller stuff isn't better, it is just easier to survive, and survival = more damage, just not DPS

Use the force without consent and the court wont acquit you even if you are a card carryin', robe wearin' Jedi.

Darth Squeemus
#31 - 2016-01-05 22:53:29 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Darth Squeemus wrote:
Also, you're absolutely right about RL battleships being able to fit smaller weapons as well as large ones. Apparently you're also unaware that this can be done in Eve as well. If you think that fitting medium or small guns on your battleship will be helpful to you, give it a try and see what happens.

This actually works rather well. I've been on a lowsec roam in a frigate fleet that came across a battleship that we thought would be easy prey. Needless to say, we were quite surprised when we started dropping to guns that could track us at close range. Big smile

Case and point. Being in a BS doesn't mean that you're hopelessly vulnerable to smaller, faster ships. It just depends on what you're prepared to encounter.
oohthey ioh
#32 - 2016-01-06 08:28:24 UTC
If it can do damge, it will destroy it. If i shot an skyscraper with an pistol, i will eventually it will topple. Basic physics really, its why tool dull.

Its realistic, and good balance, numbers kill bigger.
#33 - 2016-01-06 08:41:30 UTC
Goatman NotMyFault wrote:
Sigras wrote:
Here's the problem...

When "Bigger" = "Better" then "Biggest" = "Best"

In a PvP game there should not be a "best" because if there is then everyone just does that and the game stagnates.

I understand that's probably what is best for you, but I would rather have what's best for the game instead of what's best for you.

Refere to sizeable Battles the last year where that is the issue.... where battleship was the major force.... I havent found a big Battle in null which include a majority of battleships.

In a set situsation, following EVE rules of Battle, a little frigate can take Down a battleship, lets say Hyperion, 1,5km long... (With a moron fit and moron player)... its like wrecking a car With a peagun...

You're too young to remember, but the game used to be as you suggest where no frigate had a chance against any larger ship. There were 90% webs on every ship and nos that would suck you to 0% cap and keep you there.

The year was 2007, and you know what happened? Nobody flew frigates because they had no use!

Every combat manual for the game began with "Train out of the small ships as quickly as possible because they're useless" and HACs were considered "fast tackle"

Honestly the battleship does have a role, it's just overshadowed right now with T2 and T3 cruisers which do everything a battleship can do, but are faster and immune to bombs. IMHO if we had bombs that could hit cruisers and made T3 cruisers a bit more balanced we'd solve the battleship problem.
Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#34 - 2016-01-06 09:43:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Reaver Glitterstim
Goatman NotMyFault wrote:
One thing is baffling me, is that in this game, a battleship can be taken Down by a gang of frigs. Ive even been part of taking Down a battleship With 6 T2 frigs.

sort of like how a strategic cruiser can be taken down by an entire fleet of cruisers.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#35 - 2016-01-06 09:47:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Reaver Glitterstim
Sigras wrote:
IMHO if we had bombs that could hit cruisers and made T3 cruisers a bit more balanced we'd solve the battleship problem.

This gives me an idea:

fast bombs--they travel twice as fast and detonate in half the time. They deal significantly less damage but have a smaller explosion radius. They'll still crush frigs just like the big bombs though frigs might get a warp off in time. Cruisers will be vulnerable cause they likely can't warp off in time.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2016-01-06 10:44:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Rek Seven
Contrary to their name, battle ships are unsuitable for 90% of the battles in eve.

Giving them bonuses to small, medium and large guns/missiles might be interesting.
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#37 - 2016-01-06 11:03:25 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
Contrary to their name, battle ships are unsuitable for 90% of the battles in eve.

Giving them bonuses to small, medium and large guns/missiles might be interesting.

Like the Barghest, Rattlesnake, and every drone boat you mean?
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#38 - 2016-01-06 13:22:42 UTC
Yes exactly. Drone boats and battleships that get bonuses to RHL are obviously fine as they can fight back against smaller ships. The majority of the other BS do not have an adequate method and should just go ahead and get bonuses to different size weapon IMO.
United Allegiance of Undesirables
#39 - 2016-01-06 14:12:57 UTC
Goatman NotMyFault wrote:
ust the huge size of the battleship, would suggest that it should wear a armor that would refuse any frig, destroyer or some crusers, since they couldnt be able to fit large enough guns to even penetrate a battleship. Also, due to the size, Battleship should be able to have, in addition to their large hislots, have a large array of med and small gunslots...

Since you want to drag real life into this then you better go study history, battleships have always been easy prey for the smaller faster and more maneuverable ships, it is the presence of a fleet of smaller ships that kept them safe in relative terms.

While you are correct that the shells fired from those smaller ships will not penetrate the armor of a battleship, the simple reality is that they do not have to. With each shell that hits the armor it gets a little weaker and sooner or later the death of the battleship will come. So the only thing about a group frigates being able to destroy a battleship in this game that does not make sense when looking at real life is the time factor. A group of frigates in real life may take hours to bring about the demise of the battleship not minutes, but I for one am glad CCP chooses not to adhere to that part of reality, the shortened time frame makes the whole thing more enjoyable for one side and minimize the agony on the other.
United Allegiance of Undesirables
#40 - 2016-01-06 14:15:09 UTC
Danika Princip wrote:
Rek Seven wrote:
Contrary to their name, battle ships are unsuitable for 90% of the battles in eve.

Giving them bonuses to small, medium and large guns/missiles might be interesting.

Like the Barghest, Rattlesnake, and every drone boat you mean?

I have not done an exhaustive study of this but it seems to me that EVERY battleship in the game has some form of drones bay even if they do not have bonuses to those drones.
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