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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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Confusion with Resources

Chase Monahan
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2016-01-02 01:52:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Chase Monahan
I've spent hours playing on EVE, and I cannot figure out how to find asteroids, (like I've heard about), set up trade, (like I've heard about) or obtain ANY resources. I also cannot figure out what to do with all of the structures built around the galaxy, except for the docking places where you can barely do anything. What?What? Can somebody please answer this question: How the heck do you find ANYTHING to trade with?

Ive heard so much about the EVE economy, and do not want to abandon it for the sake of total confusion... XX
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#2 - 2016-01-02 02:38:39 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
Asteroids are found in asteroid belts (and ore anomalies but let's keep it simple for now). They're damn near everywhere. Just undock, right click anywhere in space (make sure you're not clicking on the station or another object), and go to "Asteroid belts" in the context menu. You'll get a list of belts in that system. Pick one and warp to it. Voila, asteroids!

And you can do quite a lot in those "docking places" (stations). While trade is possible pretty much anywhere, the vast majority of it takes place in a handful of "hub" systems, the largest of which is Jita. Amarr, Rens, Dodixie, and to a lesser degree, Hek, are the other "main" hubs.

As an aside, mining is excruciatingly boring and a poor activity for new players.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Ice Fire Warriors
#3 - 2016-01-02 03:04:53 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
Okay... let's take this one step at a time.

It sounds like you already know how to undock and dock at a station. What I want you to do is undock and float outside the station with the screen panned out into space (not towards the station).

Right-click in space.

A menu will appear.

This menu has a list of stuff on it.

Around the top-middle part of this list you should see "Asteroid Belts" as an option. Moving your mouse over this will open up another list naming the asteroid belts in the system (note: not all systems will have asteroid belts).

Move the mouse over the belt you wish to go to and a new list will pop up. This list will have a series of commands for your ship.
One of these commands (the top one) will be "Warp to Within 0 m."
Select that.

Your ship will now automatically align and warp to this destination.

You can perform this same maneuver with other actions in the game. As the old EVE saying goes, "when in doubt, right-click."

Now one thing to keep in mind is that just because there is an asteroid belt listed in a system, it does not mean that the asteroids will actually be there. Another player may have already cleaned it out (see: mined everything).
In such a case, you will need to look elsewhere if you wish to mine.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#4 - 2016-01-02 03:18:29 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:

You can perform this same maneuver with other actions in the game. As the old EVE saying goes, "when in doubt, right-click."

This is very true. Right click ALL the things. It's usually not the most efficient way to do a thing, but it's a good way to discover that something can be done at all.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2016-01-02 04:37:49 UTC
There is a UI from the left hand side menu that looks like a stock market graph. If you roll over it you will see it says "regional market". That is your market UI.

If is a rough game to solo. I'd recommend making friends asap. You will need people in game that you can ask questions.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#6 - 2016-01-02 14:26:26 UTC
Troll alert is howling.

Asteroids are easily found.

And the freaking tutorial shows you where the market is.

So, either someone who is too lazy to do anything for themself and expects handouts in EVE


A big fat troll

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Netan MalDoran
Shadow Cartel
#7 - 2016-01-03 06:40:51 UTC
J'Poll wrote:
Troll alert is howling.

Asteroids are easily found.

And the freaking tutorial shows you where the market is.

So, either someone who is too lazy to do anything for themself and expects handouts in EVE


A big fat troll

I'm voting for this, +1 to J'Poll Twisted

"Your security status has been lowered." - Hell yeah it was!

Falcon's truth

Kerensky Initiatives
#8 - 2016-01-03 14:55:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Bumblefck
J'Poll wrote:
Troll alert is howling.

Asteroids are easily found.

And the freaking tutorial shows you where the market is.

So, either someone who is too lazy to do anything for themself and expects handouts in EVE


A big fat troll

Assume good faith or GTFO, frankly

e: OP, from the perspective of a newcomer, the game is daunting to say the least. However, as Shah and others have said, the easiest thing is to undock and right click in space. From there, asteroid belts will be easily found.

Perfection is a dish best served like wasabi .

Bumble's Space Log

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2016-01-03 15:20:38 UTC
"I can't find an asteroid."

I am not really sure whether this says something about EVE Online, the game, or the human race in general. Either way I am sure it means something.
Memphis Baas
#10 - 2016-01-03 15:37:29 UTC
This is a video of how to get started with mining and flying around in space. It would take too long to type it all here. Watch the video.
Iria Ahrens
Space Perverts and Forum Pirates
#11 - 2016-01-03 16:29:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Iria Ahrens
J'Poll wrote:
Troll alert is howling.

Asteroids are easily found.

And the freaking tutorial shows you where the market is.

So, either someone who is too lazy to do anything for themself and expects handouts in EVE


A big fat troll

Actually, been getting a lot of this from newbies recently. So I'd assume no troll. The interface isn't really that intuitive all said. I remember my confusion the first day or so of play. There is a HUD, and the existence of a HUD discourages the existence of context menus. With that overview I never would have right clicked in space if someone hadn't told me to. Instead, I did all my right clicking on the hud elements.

If a new player tried so do something out of order for the tutorials, everything goes to hell too. Especially if they go looking for an asteroid because they heard from a friend that asteroids are a good place to make isk-- in the middle of the military tutorial.

My choice of pronouns is based on your avatar. Even if I know what is behind the avatar.

Centis Adjani
Adjani Corporation
#12 - 2016-01-03 17:10:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Centis Adjani
Chase Monahan wrote:
I've spent hours playing on EVE, and I cannot figure out how to find asteroids, (like I've heard about), set up trade, (like I've heard about) or obtain ANY resources. I also cannot figure out what to do with all of the structures built around the galaxy, except for the docking places where you can barely do anything. What?What? Can somebody please answer this question: How the heck do you find ANYTHING to trade with?

Ive heard so much about the EVE economy, and do not want to abandon it for the sake of total confusion... XX

So because nobody answered your real question (about the economy and things to trade),
may my words below enlighten you... Smile

In the CCP forums we have the two following areas which regard to the economy:

Science and Industry
Market Discussions

A good place to start with this theme may be this collection of Websites with links to infos, tipps and hints:

Another great resource is ISK The GuideThese are PDFs in different languages which explain nearly all aspects of EvE. My link here is an overview website in wiki, on this site you will find links to the guides. I recommend to start with Vol 1 of the guides.

And near pure reading... ->>> You should start the game with the Career Agents.
These are Tutorial Agents which show you InGame different aspects of the game. Learning by doing. :-)
Press F12 key in game - locate in the middle of the new window the Show Career Agent Button.
Click the button and see the five Agents and their diferent themes.
Click the button near one of the Agents to set route to their space station (they are all in same station),
undock and fly to the agents..

Edit: I don't think that it was a good idea to join Federal Defense Union the very first day you logged on to EvE...
Centis Adjani
Adjani Corporation
#13 - 2016-01-03 17:40:16 UTC
I'm sorry, I saw most of the links on this site I suggested to visit to you

"A good place to start with this theme may be this collection of Websites with links to infos, tipps and hints:"

are broken because they refer to the old forums. Ugh

You can visit them, but must take detour via Google.

In Google you can type: {insert Name of topic from Website above}
For example: Learning to Trade

United Allegiance of Undesirables
#14 - 2016-01-03 18:11:30 UTC
J'Poll wrote:
Troll alert is howling.

Asteroids are easily found.

And the freaking tutorial shows you where the market is.

So, either someone who is too lazy to do anything for themself and expects handouts in EVE


A big fat troll

I can't help myself so here goes.
This is the New Citizens Q&A and all questions deserve to be treated as if they were asked in an honest attempt to come to grips with a game that has one of the steepest learning curves I have ever encountered.
If you think it is a troll post then why feed the troll be responding? Simply read it and move on without comment.
No I do not think ALL posts should be positive, sometimes constructive criticism is the best way to respond to a question or statement.

Going back to the OP besides all the excellent information so far here are a few links that may be helpful.

Wiki pages on the UI.

Page full of lots of useful stuff.

LIst of terms and abbreviations.

Good info on finding a player corp to join.

Getting hooked up with some veteran players is extremely helpful. No you do not need to join their corp but some will want you to before they will help you.

Last thought, if you join a player corp and the veteran players are not willing to spend their time helping you and they do not offer free or low cost items like basic skill books and T1 ammo then there is a good chance that what they really want is your ISK by way of corp taxes.
Memphis Baas
#15 - 2016-01-03 21:35:48 UTC
Seriously, the video I linked above is a 1-hour video of a guy explaining the interface and everything, from a newbie's point of view.

We're limited to 600 words per post here, and a single frame of that video is worth a thousand words, with the entire video being worth ... billions of words. Too much to post.

Watch the video.