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Downloads are like watching paint dry :P

First post
Redneck Luftwaffe
#1 - 2012-01-08 07:57:33 UTC
Well this will be my 8th year playing eve and not being one to grumble, the ride has been awesome, but something has been bothering me of late "DOWNLOAD SPEEDS".
Is it me or are there others that have experienced a significant drop in download speeds recently, I'm talking pre crucible somewhere in the order of the last 12 months ?
I've just recently purchased a new system and have been downloading the eve client for......wait for we speak..........26 and a half've got to be kidding me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( currently 75 kb/s )

Now if someone at CCP would care to shed some light on this matter, I would appreciate the input.

Internet connection my end isn't the problem so dont even go there ( avg downloads @ 1.5mb/s ).

Yours in EVE

Route One
#2 - 2012-01-08 12:16:13 UTC
Its been my experience that since CCP started using Level3's CDN (content delivery network) that download speeds can be greatly affected by the antivirus s/w you have loaded.

For example I use NOD32 (and have done since Kaspersky went the bloatware route) and prior to CCP using L3 CDN all was well. Now I have to turn off advanced heuristics when doing a full client download as the download will never complete.

I don't have a problem doing multi-gigabyte downloads from other CDNs (eg Akamai/Cotendo), just L3 which of course is who CCP use.

Try turning off your antivirus and download the client - see if that helps. If it does then you may have to tweak some settings on it.
Redneck Luftwaffe
#3 - 2012-01-08 13:23:08 UTC
Thanks for the heads up mate, next patch I'll give it a go, in the mean time I'll look into my antivirus s/w.

Big smile
CCP Sputnik
C C P Alliance
#4 - 2012-01-09 11:24:07 UTC
Othran wrote:
Its been my experience that since CCP started using Level3's CDN (content delivery network) that download speeds can be greatly affected by the antivirus s/w you have loaded.

For example I use NOD32 (and have done since Kaspersky went the bloatware route) and prior to CCP using L3 CDN all was well. Now I have to turn off advanced heuristics when doing a full client download as the download will never complete.

I don't have a problem doing multi-gigabyte downloads from other CDNs (eg Akamai/Cotendo), just L3 which of course is who CCP use.

Try turning off your antivirus and download the client - see if that helps. If it does then you may have to tweak some settings on it.

I'm investigating this issue at the moment and this is some very interesting information, thank you very much.

CCP Sputnik | Software Engineer | Team Undone Unit

My EVElopedia Talk My Broadcast Log

Route One
#5 - 2012-01-09 13:43:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Othran
CCP Sputnik wrote:
I'm investigating this issue at the moment and this is some very interesting information, thank you very much.

The problem appears to be that (as you know) the download is stored as a temporary file by the browser while the download is in progress. Its then renamed/copied to the correct filename. That's the way it should work anyway.

However - and bear in mind that this was a while ago when I looked - it appears that my antivirus can affect this. Rough sequence of events below :

Once the download has completed then the antivirus starts inspecting the temporary file BEFORE it can be copied to the correct filename and hence close the connection with the CDN box - ie the browser will attempt to keep the connection open with the L3 CDN until the temporary file has been copied/renamed.

It appears that L3 CDN doesn't like the delay and (silently, last I looked) drops the connection which in turn confuses the browser when the AV scan does complete. The result is that you end up with a download which IS actually complete but doesn't appear to be as it remains as a temp file - or partial download depending on how the browser responds.

Its software shims in the AV inserting themselves in the network stack matey, good luck with trying to get everyone to play nice with each other Blink In this instance it may be Eset, MS, L3 or Mozilla.

Oh FWIW I am using NOD32 Business Edition v4.2.64.12 - but I don't have a problem now as I whitelisted the relevant addresses. Edit - my previous post was largely a cut'n'paste from a year or so ago, whitelisting works as the file gets checked upon execution/extraction anyway - when you can use whatever level of heuristics you want on it.