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Semi-regular kickstarter campaigns for special dev work

Tristan Agion
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2015-12-30 21:46:16 UTC
Many players wish that certain things get added, updated, fixed or changed in EVE. But obviously CCP's capacity for delivering such changes is limited, and even if they think some idea is good they need to set priorities. Often players end up being less than satisfied with their particular choices (whether for good reasons or bad)...

Here's a possible solution (I quote myself from a different thread):

"CCP could easily run a very nice kickstarter campaign. They certainly know how to make a nice advertisement trailer, they could easily offer a range of game-related or even game-internal rewards, and they obviously have all the necessary rights to the software assets."

The basic idea would be for CCP to identify a few often requested "side projects" that they wouldn't tackle any time soon as is. Then perhaps run a poll on the forums or from their website to identify which one should be crowdfunded next. And then simply run a kickstarter campaign that - if successful - would generate the needed funding (dev / artist salaries etc.).

All we as players would need to get behind this is the guarantee that CCP will invest the money raised this way into the specific, advertised project, not something else. I think this would be an exciting way of engaging players with how EVE is being shaped for the future by CCP.

If the campaign is kept relatively small (concerning funding) and focused, then I think there would a good chance for success on kickstarter. And in particular, this could be repeated essentially indefinitely, funding the next "special dev" extension once the previous one has been delivered. Success of a prior campaign would also inspire confidence that the next one will deliver.

If you like this idea, then please feel free to make suggestion on what you would like to see as "special development", and how much you would be willing to pledge on kickstarter for it.

For example, I would certainly pledge £20-30 for a proper mapping / tracking tool, something like a combined dotlan and tripwire, integrated right into the game.
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#2 - 2015-12-30 22:01:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Rivr Luzade
We pay subscription. That's more than enough money for CCP to work with. And players telling CCP what to do and when will not work because no representative number of players will pay to casts vote. That's not only a hideous idea to limit voting, it could be done easier with a poll on the forums, and we do not waste money on fees.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

State Protectorate
Caldari State
#3 - 2015-12-30 22:07:14 UTC
Mmm... Stealth WIS thread detected.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Tristan Agion
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2015-12-30 22:58:52 UTC
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
We pay subscription. That's more than enough money for CCP to work with.

Either CCP is delivering all you could possibly wish for, or you are implicitly accusing CCP of profiteering here. EVE is not all I would want it to be. And while I'm sure that CCP is making some profit, I have no particular reason to believe that they are taking an unreasonable cut. I think there is scope here for introducing more features if we are willing to crowdfund the dev costs directly.

SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Mmm... Stealth WIS thread detected.

Precisely not, which is why I made this thread. I indeed had the idea on the WiS thread first, but I think it would work well for all sorts of things.
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#5 - 2015-12-30 23:18:38 UTC
I really would not like to see game decisions dictated by those who can throw the most money at them.

RL wealth or majority =/= good grasp of game design and balance.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

State Protectorate
Caldari State
#6 - 2015-12-30 23:34:59 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
Tristan Agion wrote:
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
We pay subscription. That's more than enough money for CCP to work with.

Either CCP is delivering all you could possibly wish for, or you are implicitly accusing CCP of profiteering here. EVE is not all I would want it to be. And while I'm sure that CCP is making some profit, I have no particular reason to believe that they are taking an unreasonable cut. I think there is scope here for introducing more features if we are willing to crowdfund the dev costs directly.

A: You flubbed your quote; that wasn't me.

B: Just an aside, CCP is entitled to reinvest as much or as little of their income as they want. If they want to take what's left after covering expenses, roll around in it like Scrooge McDuck, and use it to light cigars and/or farts, that's pretty much their prerogative. Suggesting that he's accusing them of "profiteering" is silly. That term simply doesn't mean anything in this context.

C: While I personally think the argument that, "we pay subscriptions, therefore CCP doesn't have resource constraints on new development" is silly, this idea is riddled with problems, and I'm fairly certain they would be very much disinclined to take them on.

First of all, it's not a new idea. It's been suggested a few times (again, in relation to WIS specifically) and I'm sure they thought of it themselves long before anyone suggested it here because everyone in game development has thought about KS at some point. ;)

There are significant practical problems. If money were the only relevant resource, it might be feasible, but it's not. More work means more people to do the work. Sure, they could just bring in some contractors, but at a minimum you would still need people experienced with the codebase to babysit them, given that they're working on a project being integrated into Eve, and not something standalone.

Then you have the fact that their customers are the worst. Just really awful. Go find all of the, "Bloobloobloo, CCP didn't give us anything fancy for Christmas this year!" threads. That's the level of entitlement people hit when CCP gives THEM something. And have you seen the thread by the paying customer who CCP should allow to change his name because he's a paying customer and paying customers are more important than anything else and if CCP doesn't respect his paying-customer wishes then he's not going to play?

What do you think happens when a portion of the playerbase (quite erroneously) feels like they've "invested" - and are therefore owed a return on their investment - because of a crowdfunded project? I can see the ****-posts now. "I PLEDGED $30 TO THIS PROJECT AND I SAY..." Ugh.

And what happens if it doesn't work out? Projects fail for myriad reasons. Given the frenzied response of the playerbase to comparatively mild transgressions, can you imagine what would happen if they crowdfunded a new Eve feature and it didn't pan out? I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that could be fatal.

I'd be absolutely shocked if CCP wanted to deal with any of it. It's pretty much a minefield.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Celthric Kanerian
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2015-12-30 23:50:38 UTC
It is not because of money that CCP doesn't work on certain things, it is simply because of the time required, which CCP like regular humans don't have infinite of.

Also in the very job description at CCP, side projects are highly encouraged.
Eagle's Talon's
#8 - 2015-12-31 00:21:22 UTC
CCP makes their money selling young children and old people on the Black Market. Eve Online is their legitimate cover.
Tristan Agion
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2015-12-31 01:22:43 UTC
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
A: You flubbed your quote; that wasn't me.

Sorry about that, it was a copy-and-paste fail.

SurrenderMonkey wrote:
B: Just an aside, CCP is entitled to reinvest as much or as little of their income as they want.

Yes and no. Of course they can do what they want, but so can we. And if they were too greedy and we would get too disgusted with that, then most of us might leave - making their cash cow disappear. So in practice I think there is a line between profiting and profiteering.

SurrenderMonkey wrote:
More work means more people to do the work. Sure, they could just bring in some contractors, but at a minimum you would still need people experienced with the codebase to babysit them, given that they're working on a project being integrated into Eve, and not something standalone.

True, but say you have a side project that would require three devs full-time, which is too much for CCP right now. If you get the kickstarter money, you could hire three external devs, and send a regular dev to "babysit" them half-time. De facto, that has then reduced the required investment of regular dev time by a factor of six, and this may well be feasible.

SurrenderMonkey wrote:
And what happens if it doesn't work out? Projects fail for myriad reasons. Given the frenzied response of the playerbase to comparatively mild transgressions, can you imagine what would happen if they crowdfunded a new Eve feature and it didn't pan out? I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that could be fatal.

Maybe I've kickstarted too much to be all that worried about it. Hey, I'm still hoping that Limit Theory will see the light of day some day... and I'm afraid I had invested into Clang as well. kickstarter is "win some, lose some" anyhow. But yes, I can see how an EVE player new to kickstarter would not see it that way.

Anyway, I think the solution is to start small and get more bold with success. If you do a mega-project from the start, and fall on your face with that, then it will basically kill off the whole idea (and possibly EVE with it). But if you do something small that you are sure you can deliver, then this will build trust and confidence. And if you keep repeating that while ramping up the efforts, then the fail that will come one day will be measured against a string of successes that came before.

I think this can be managed and is a way for a smaller software company to punch considerably over its weight.
Iain Cariaba
#10 - 2015-12-31 06:20:32 UTC
Tristan Agion wrote:
So in practice I think there is a line between profiting and profiteering.

No, there isn't. Profiting is the goal of any business. Profiteering is an unethical business practice where you capitalize on the misfortune of others to reap a larger than deserved reward. Don't be confused by the root of the two words being the same.
Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#11 - 2015-12-31 13:47:48 UTC
I would pay a lot to remove:

1. Incoming citadel space magic
2. static passive moon goo
3. cyno jammers
4. system upgrades
5. docking for super pilots

I would pay a lot to add:

1. cutting edge anti botting software
2. a blood raider dreadnaught with capital nuets

I have a lot of money. Do you really want to go through with this?
Ice Fire Warriors
#12 - 2015-12-31 18:13:55 UTC
The more and more I read about this, the more and more it sounds like the OP wants to introduce monetary lobbying into EVE.

Take it from someone living in the US... you don't want monetary lobbying.
It sounds good in principle (people will throw more money behind what they believe in and/or want, the DEV have more "resources" to play around with), but it can quickly go sideways (reality doesn't match expectation, delays, incompetence, entitlement, etc) and it be easily and horribly, horribly abused (people with lots of money skew the results to get what they want... even at other people's detriment).

ps: sorry if I crossed the "don't involve/invoke RL politics" line. I was making a point.
Tristan Agion
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2016-01-01 12:20:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Tristan Agion
ShahFluffers wrote:
The more and more I read about this, the more and more it sounds like the OP wants to introduce monetary lobbying into EVE.

EVE is a consumer product, a computer game, not a nation state. I'm already "lobbying" CCP, the producer of this product, by deciding to throw my cash at them with a subscription. If they do not meet my demands enough, then I will stop doing that. The same is true for everybody else playing this game. (Well, I'm of course aware that some people "play to pay", but what that means is a different discussion.)

Of course, it could be that CCP takes on a "bad kickstarter" which subsequently ruins the game. It could also be that CCP uses all that subscription money to finance some development that ruins the game. Frankly, I think the latter is a lot more likely... if for no other reason than that any kickstarter will remain relatively small scale. In the end you have to trust CCP to make the right (or at least not devastatingly wrong) decisions.

The way the kickstarter would work is at any rate that CCP - not any player or group of players - sets the agenda for it. Sure, I would expect them to select something that players have often requested. After all, if they do this then they want many people to participate. However, it would still be CCP who does that selection.
Alexhandr Shkarov
The MorningStar. Syndicate
#14 - 2016-01-01 14:51:38 UTC
And here we are yet again,

It's another post on the frontpage of this forum section that thinks it found out the magic wheel but actually is just poking a turd with a stick. It has no benefit to the longevity of EVE and stands on the same level of idiocy as all the AFK cloaking threads.

You want change?
Get your bloody arse out of your chair / sofa / bed / toiletseat and start a serious campaign with solutions that have substance. Make suggestions, give them feedback and garner support from other players. You can not do that with any kickstarter nonsense because all it does is controlling the game direction based on money. It would allow wealthy players to dictate what will change without regard of the future.

You pay a subscription fee, and if you want them to have more money then buy PLEX or start a new account.

But **** off with your moronic ideas.

All my posts are on my personal title and should not be confused as me speaking for anyone else.

#15 - 2016-01-01 22:08:00 UTC
Lobbying already exsists in the game, its called maintaining multiple accounts and then voicing your opinion on all your accounts. We don't need an extra deal to throw more money at CCP to get work done. Because what else is our $15 a month for? Where would you draw the line at extra projects. Sorry guys, we decided that the capital rebalance is now an extra project and if you want us to do it, here is a kickstarter. What, you didn't know that your subscription is only to allow us to make payments on the 150 foot yacht we just purchased as a company?

Lowering the average to make you look better since 2012.

FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#16 - 2016-01-02 16:07:17 UTC
Not supported. I already fund the Eve Kickstarter, once a year, when I decide to resubscribe my six accounts.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.