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Name Change, yes this topic again...

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Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#21 - 2015-12-30 18:12:09 UTC
R3d Andven wrote:
Eve must ultimately survive

It's managed for 10 years without you. Pretty sure it won't die if you quit right now.
R3d Andven
R3d Advent Free Flyers
#22 - 2015-12-30 18:30:21 UTC  |  Edited by: R3d Andven
So you haven't been keeping up with the latest Subscription stats, the Eve News, or even the gossip, not to mention, you do not understand population demographics.

People will quit Eve Online & people will die, the numbers are already in decline. If no one new comes, it will survive until the there aren't enough players to keep anyone coming back, including you.

Survival is not the issue, flourishing is. It is no more the private universe of all you OF than it is mine, you have no more right to it than I, regardless of time playing the game. I paid, I am equal to you or and better if you PLEX out, period!

And without the continued support of people that actually PAY real outside world cash, the game cannot and will not survive, so it is really not from the old players, but from the NEW

New Players always pay for the Old Players play!
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#23 - 2015-12-30 18:45:22 UTC
Well thank god you're here to save the day.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#24 - 2015-12-30 18:51:14 UTC
R3d Andven wrote:
I paid, I am equal to you or and better if you PLEX out, period!

Seriously, where do people come up with this idea that plexing isn't paying?

You know those things aren't generated out of thin air, right?

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

R3d Andven
R3d Advent Free Flyers
#25 - 2015-12-30 18:51:59 UTC
"We have been hearing this tired line since 2004. EVE seems to do pretty well the DEVs focus on making the best possible feck-you-spaceship-economic-and-explosions-warfare game.
EVE doesn't seem to do pretty well when they focus on "safety and retention." In fact, the opposite seems to happen."

And reference my earlier Post, it is actually a concern Of the Eve Online Dev & Owners that enough new blood is NOT coming to Eve and staying and they are actively "seeking" solutions. And just because it's been wet for 10 years doesn't mean the drought isn't coming, nothing stays the same and your "10yr old argument" has run out of steam.

"- it makes troubleshooting issues extremely hard (more customization makes problems harder to diagnose)... which is bad for you as a customer because something WILL go wrong sooner or later.

- it creates complexity where there probably shouldn't be, which increases the risk for something "breaking" and/or creates "bloat" further down the line.

- Complaints. For every person that wants more customizstion, there is someone else who wants less. If you add more customizable features, you may lose the people who just want a straight efficient "thing." Do the opposite and you lose people who want more customization.
You can't please both for technical reasons"

And yet other games are infinitely Mod-able, meaning "Customizable" with no problems. Choosing the layout and skins is already built in, a little more customization is WAY TOO MUCH? Maybe because it is a 10+yr old platform in need of updating.

And you can make customization easier than the freaking learning curve of Eve, most people already have some experience with their Desktop, Email & Web Pages, so I don't think THIS community will have a problem with that, in fact I can't believe you don't demand it!
R3d Andven
R3d Advent Free Flyers
#26 - 2015-12-30 19:05:15 UTC
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
R3d Andven wrote:
I paid, I am equal to you or and better if you PLEX out, period!

Seriously, where do people come up with this idea that plexing isn't paying?

You know those things aren't generated out of thin air, right?

If you purchase PLEX with ISK it does not generate REAL cash for the Owners, so it cannot be considered the same as "paying" with cash.

I don't know how anyone else views their $, but I earned the money in my pocket, you want it, you give me what I WANT FOR IT, not what you want to offer. You can pay for what YOU want yourself. By entering into a PUBLIC Business, it is assumed you are selling items the PUBLIC wants.

The game was originally designed by getting a Consensus of what the Players wanted, so why is it ridiculous to want to know and to alter the game as what the MAJORITY wants, not the few Elite, that is why our world is dying right now, are you the Rothchild or Rockefeller of Eve Online?

I am the new subscriber, I want Name Change, Fully Customizable, able to Invent new Tech (not just upgrade existing Tech), able to fly multiple ships at ONE TIME. And I will fight, push, bribe, plead, petition, threaten, extort and beg to make all of these things happen ASAP, for my enjoyment (as you don't care about mine I certainly can't care about yours) you've had 10 years, time to give us our turn.
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#27 - 2015-12-30 19:14:46 UTC
R3d Andven wrote:
I will fight, push, bribe, plead, petition, threaten, extort and beg to make all of these things happen ASAP, for my enjoyment (as you don't care about mine I certainly can't care about yours) you've had 10 years, time to give us our turn.

Cool, can't wait. Let me know when you're planning on doing this, I wouldn't miss it for the world.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#28 - 2015-12-30 19:22:49 UTC
R3d Andven wrote:
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
R3d Andven wrote:
I paid, I am equal to you or and better if you PLEX out, period!

Seriously, where do people come up with this idea that plexing isn't paying?

You know those things aren't generated out of thin air, right?

If you purchase PLEX with ISK it does not generate REAL cash for the Owners, so it cannot be considered the same as "paying" with cash.

The sole source of PLEX is people who have bought them with cash. The sole reason to buy plex with cash is to sell them for ISK. There's little/no other reason to buy a plex with cash. Directly subbing my account is, in fact, about $5/mo cheaper than it would be if I bought a plex with cash and then applied it.

People who buy plex with ISK, therefore, create the demand that encourages other players to buy plex with cash, at a premium, and in advance. Without people paying ISK for them, nobody would ever buy a PLEX.

So, yes, it is very much the same thing to CCP, from an accounting perspective.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

R3d Andven
R3d Advent Free Flyers
#29 - 2015-12-30 19:38:29 UTC
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
R3d Andven wrote:
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
R3d Andven wrote:
I paid, I am equal to you or and better if you PLEX out, period!

Seriously, where do people come up with this idea that plexing isn't paying?

You know those things aren't generated out of thin air, right?

If you purchase PLEX with ISK it does not generate REAL cash for the Owners, so it cannot be considered the same as "paying" with cash.

The sole source of PLEX is people who have bought them with cash. The sole reason to buy plex with cash is to sell them for ISK. There's little/no other reason to buy a plex with cash. Directly subbing my account is, in fact, about $5/mo cheaper than it would be if I bought a plex with cash and then applied it.

People who buy plex with ISK, therefore, create the demand that encourages other players to buy plex with cash, at a premium, and in advance. Without people paying ISK for them, nobody would ever buy a PLEX.

So, yes, it is very much the same thing to CCP, from an accounting perspective.

@ 1.2 - 2 Bill ISK for PLEX right now, no one is buying in-game PLEX if they afford it can any other way, so your PLEX Economy is bust right now, and if you don't get Noobs to want to stay, there won't be a market for PLEX at all
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#30 - 2015-12-30 19:53:15 UTC
R3d Andven wrote:

@ 1.2 - 2 Bill ISK for PLEX right now, no one is buying in-game PLEX if they afford it can any other way, so your PLEX Economy is bust right now, and if you don't get Noobs to want to stay, there won't be a market for PLEX at all

No one is buying plex in-game? Really? Lol

I guess that's why there are absolutely no buy orders for them in any of the major market hubs, right?

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#31 - 2015-12-30 19:55:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Riot Girl
Really, because right now I'm looking at PLEX sell orders for 1.1bn on the nose, while also seeing buy orders for 1.122bn.
The buy order exceeds the value of the sell order, tell me how that indicates a bust economy?
Ice Fire Warriors
#32 - 2015-12-30 19:59:57 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
1.2 - 2 Bill ISK for PLEX right now, no one is buying in-game PLEX if they afford it can any other way, so your PLEX Economy is bust right now, and if you don't get Noobs to want to stay, there won't be a market for PLEX at all

You just failed Econ 101.

Prices are that high because there is either a limited supply of PLEX in the game or high demand for them.
Since there seems to always be PLEX on the market, we can assume that supply is not the issue.
This means that the price of PLEX is largely driven by demand.

Until demand drops or a supply glut occurs, prices won't drop.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#33 - 2015-12-30 20:01:33 UTC
R3d Andven wrote:

New Players always pay for the Old Players play!

Wut? You mean I don't have to pay anymore and I can keep playing. Roll

You can stop with the special snowflake act. I have paid for my accounts and will continue to do so. As such you should not get any special treatment relative to me simply because you are new.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#34 - 2015-12-30 20:21:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
ShahFluffers wrote:
R3d Andven wrote:
1.2 - 2 Bill ISK for PLEX right now, no one is buying in-game PLEX if they afford it can any other way, so your PLEX Economy is bust right now, and if you don't get Noobs to want to stay, there won't be a market for PLEX at all

You iust failed Econ 101.

Prices are that high because there is either a limited supply of PLEX in the game or high demand for them.
Since there seems to always be PLEX on the market, we can assume that supply is not the issue.
This means that the price of PLEX is largely driven by demand.

Until demand drops or a supply glut occurs, prices won't drop.

Well, there IS a limited supply of PLEX in the game that is on the market at any given time. But yeah, the price is most likely high due to demand. People often make the following mistake:

“My God the price is high, that means people will not be buying as much!!!!”

That is called reasoning from a price change. Problem is we don’t know why the price is high. Could it be a supply shock—i.e. a sudden drop in the supply of the good in question? Sure. But…it could also be due to a surge in demand. For example, if I told you, “The price of gasoline has gone up $0.5/gallon.” Was that price increase due to supply or demand changing? What if it were later spring/early summer? The….so called “driving season” here in the U.S.? That is the price increase is mostly due to an increase in demand AND people are actually buying more gasoline…which is why the price went up.

Most people cannot seem to reason with supply and demand very well, IMO. They often fail at distinguishing a shift in the demand curve--which holds other important variables constant--with a movement along the demand curve. That is, demand is usually graphed as a function of price alone. However, demand is also a function of income. The demand curve you draw on a piece of paper with price on the vertical (y) axis and quantity on the horizontal (x) axis is the locus of points showing demand for each price level….holding income constant! Change income and that line you drew will have to move to the right (and increase in income) or decrease (a reduction in income).

Similarly for the supply curve. Supply is the horizontal sum of the suppliers' short run marginal cost curve…which holds the prices of the other inputs constant. Change one of those input prices and the entire supply curve with itself shift to the right or left depending on a input price decrease/increase, respectively.

So the very notion that the price of PLEX is so high that nobody is buying them is assuming that the high price of PLEX is purely a supply phenomenon…but that assumption also has an implication…that the price will start to fall. There are lots of PLEX sitting on the market and not selling. The solution is to…lower the price.

Further, I bet if we could get our hands on the data I bet we’d find that many of the sellers of PLEX are…wait for it…wait…noobs. They want to get a pile of ISK, but don’t want to grind for it. So they buy PLEX and throw them up on the market for people who are ISK rich (maybe RL cash poor, or just don’t know what to do with their vast pile of ISK, etc.). In fact, some indirect evidence for this is that many of the characters bought on the Character Bazaar are in fact “new” players. Chances are these players have not ground out 30-40 billion ISK in a 2,3, or even 6 months. They probably got out the credit card and bought 30 PLEX, sold them for about 35 billion and then toddled over to buy a character…which requires an additional PLEX for the transfer, IIRC.

Another bit of evidence supporting my position is that whenever CCP has a OoG sale on PLEX the price in game drops.

In other words, my guess is that CCP is selling lots of PLEX, and you are quite simply wrong.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Iain Cariaba
#35 - 2015-12-30 20:49:45 UTC
R3d Andven wrote:
If you purchase PLEX with ISK it does not generate REAL cash for the Owners, so it cannot be considered the same as "paying" with cash.

Nope, that is incorrect. When you purchase PLEX with ISK, and use it, is when the real owners of the PLEX, in this case CCP (yes, CCP owns everything in the game, even PLEX) actually count themselves as being paid for it. There's a bunch of economics mumbo-jumbo about deffered payments and such that explains it, but you can google that if you really want to know.

R3d Andven wrote:
The game was originally designed by getting a Consensus of what the Players wanted, so why is it ridiculous to want to know and to alter the game as what the MAJORITY wants, not the few Elite, that is why our world is dying right now, are you the Rothchild or Rockefeller of Eve Online?

Again, you're incorrect. This game was designed with a small subset of gamers in mind, hence why it is considered a niche game that will never draw the millions of subs more mainstream games pull in. Google and read the history behind the game. You'll find that EvE is designed by and for the few elite your disparaging.

R3d Andven wrote:
I am the new subscriber, I want...

Why should CCP listen to you, when you're likely to be gone in six months when a new shiney gets dangled in front of you by some other game developer? That entitled, "I want it, so give it to me now," four year old throwing a tantrum mindset you've got going is not the attitude that will take you far here.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#36 - 2015-12-30 21:39:13 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:
R3d Andven wrote:
If you purchase PLEX with ISK it does not generate REAL cash for the Owners, so it cannot be considered the same as "paying" with cash.

Nope, that is incorrect. When you purchase PLEX with ISK, and use it, is when the real owners of the PLEX, in this case CCP (yes, CCP owns everything in the game, even PLEX) actually count themselves as being paid for it. There's a bunch of economics mumbo-jumbo about deffered payments and such that explains it, but you can google that if you really want to know. mean accounting mumbo-jumbo. Smile

You are correct, though that I believe CCP counts an unused PLEX in game as a liability on its books (deferred income).

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#37 - 2015-12-30 21:42:42 UTC
I imagine there's a hell of a lot of unused PLEX. I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of PLEX sold on the market is hoarded in people's hangars.
Zimmer Jones
Gallente Federation
#38 - 2015-12-30 23:42:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Zimmer Jones
So with the arguments made, the op selling the character so someone else can have a "character whose name is close to mine" and can get what they want, ccp gets plex used up which is good for everyone, and no names need be changed in game. Wins all around, apart from brand new players wanting to make everybody's work a better place, according to their fotm ideals.

And an admittedly redundant thread can be closed, which is the most winning part of this thread.

Use the force without consent and the court wont acquit you even if you are a card carryin', robe wearin' Jedi.

ISD Decoy
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#39 - 2015-12-30 23:56:01 UTC
This thread zig'd when it should have zag'd. It's painful to read, and I'm going to close it to avoid further off-topic/troll/rant replies.

ISD Decoy


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

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