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EVE General Discussion

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Decline in numbers... starting to turn into RAPID!!!

First post
Jill Xelitras
Xeltec services
#2961 - 2015-12-25 13:12:20 UTC
Gregor Parud wrote:
SC is not an EVE competitor. SC is a really funky looking 1st person (albeit with 3rd person Freelancer controls as well, could it be that the whole "intricate 1st person controls" are just fake) eyegasm that is currently being hyped based on dreams and unicorns. A game with very limited server structure and lots of instancing and you can even do a "leave me alone" option just as in E:D, this means that it's not exactly a persistent world, just like E:D's approach it's flawed beyond belief from an MMO pov.

EVE IS a persistent world where you can't shield yourself from the other players (for good or bad) and is an ever evolving actual MMO with lots of player interaction. People who aren't really in to the whole interaction thing will love SC and they will move to SC, nothing wrong with that. Those are the people who never actually contributed to the sandbox so from a game pov nothing changes. CCP will of course lose revenue but that also allows (and forces) them to focus more on the core game play, which is good for the people who joined EVE for that core game play.

They just both happen to have a space theme.

One could say those games are CMOs: Consensual Multiplayer Online or Cooperative Multiplayer Online

or ...

wait for it ....

MOHMO = massively over-hyped multiplayer online Big smile

Don't anger the forum gods.

ISD Buldath:

> I Saw, I came, I Frowned, I locked, I posted, and I left.

Elyia Suze Nagala
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2962 - 2015-12-26 00:59:44 UTC
Time to end this post. Keep the Nay saying to yourselves.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#2963 - 2015-12-26 03:32:57 UTC
Gregor Parud wrote:
SC is not an EVE competitor. SC is a really funky looking 1st person (albeit with 3rd person Freelancer controls as well, could it be that the whole "intricate 1st person controls" are just fake) eyegasm that is currently being hyped based on dreams and unicorns. A game with very limited server structure and lots of instancing and you can even do a "leave me alone" option just as in E:D. This means that it's not exactly a persistent world because just like E:D's approach it's flawed beyond belief from an MMO pov.

EVE IS a persistent world where you can't shield yourself from the other players (for good or bad) and is an ever evolving actual MMO with lots of player interaction. People who aren't really in to the whole interaction thing will love SC and they will move to SC, nothing wrong with that. Those are the people who never actually contributed to the sandbox so from a game pov nothing changes. CCP will of course lose revenue but that also allows (and forces) them to focus more on the core game play, which is good for the people who joined EVE for that core game play.

They just both happen to have a space theme.

No one will be happier then me if the above is the case. I've met bunches of people who have said "I came to eve because I thought I could fly space ships here, but I was dissapointed". They tend to get upset when they are told that their disappointment came from their own ignorance, not a problem with the game. I knew what eve was before I downloaded it, hell I read about it for months before I caved to my friends pressure to get the game.

People that don't do research then blame someone or something else for their issues irratate me to no end.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#2964 - 2015-12-26 05:04:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Gregor Parud wrote:
SC is not an EVE competitor. SC is a really funky looking 1st person (albeit with 3rd person Freelancer controls as well, could it be that the whole "intricate 1st person controls" are just fake) eyegasm that is currently being hyped based on dreams and unicorns. A game with very limited server structure and lots of instancing and you can even do a "leave me alone" option just as in E:D. This means that it's not exactly a persistent world because just like E:D's approach it's flawed beyond belief from an MMO pov.

I did not mention any game and if I did, I'd mention games that actually are out. SC looks promising and it's about 60% done. It's too late now to "dream unicorns" because the guy with those $100M he raised he may as well finish it for real, any other option is going to be bad in any scenario now.

Said that, I really agree with you about EvE being a real MMO and all of that. However it's not 2003 any more. It's not even 2010. Nowadays players don't even know how Everquest looked like or why MUD games were superior to most MMOs.
Both their mindset and the contingency of life have drastically changed.
These days you can't really demand the same focus and commitment you could do a decade ago. Younger players have short attention and dedication span, older players (like me) found out that life is a busy thing.

End result: tastes and needs change over time, EvE has to cope with that. That's why I mentioned Valkyrie, it's a longevity potion.
The current generation of "smells like a MMO but it's a group or even solo experience" games are taking foot, because they give the impression of a true multiplayer world... that can be turned off at a moment's notice and let you get on with your RL.

Beware, because this is going to get popular over time. Most of the current EvE / ED / SC / Entropia... playerbase are either
carebears or are time constrained. These new games cater exactly to them, these games CAN dent into those who in EvE are basically the "grazing gazelles", needed for the whole show to go on. In ED's case they have implemented a quite interesting and player driven "factional warfare". So you play a sort of solo game but see stuff achieved by others actually going on.

There's even the thrill of losing your stuff in PvP, "Chillit Bang" epic Viper fights videos in ED look as good as those solo / small scale EvE PvPers of old. Another category that mostly quit EvE. Like me, they hate zergs.

So, ok, EvE is a superior title, but beware, because being superior but empty is of little help.
Arsine Mayhem
#2965 - 2015-12-26 05:05:29 UTC
Whitehound wrote:
Rain6637 wrote:
There are so many better things to do with ISK than sitting on high value per unit items like PLEX. Even if it goes to 2.2 Bil that's a 100% return but EVE will also be dead.

We all try to kill EVE by what we do. And owning something others need is always great. You are a Goon. You should understand this.

Goon are the biggest reason I don't play, except for an occasional drop in for a month, fly a couple of ships around, let it expire.

Crybabies backed into a corner, surrounded by NIP's, and still cry.

It's so pathetic it's sickening. I can't stand to see it, so I just leave.

But yea, significantly less players since the last time I was on.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#2966 - 2015-12-26 05:44:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Arsine Mayhem wrote:
Whitehound wrote:
Rain6637 wrote:
There are so many better things to do with ISK than sitting on high value per unit items like PLEX. Even if it goes to 2.2 Bil that's a 100% return but EVE will also be dead.

We all try to kill EVE by what we do. And owning something others need is always great. You are a Goon. You should understand this.

Goon are the biggest reason I don't play, except for an occasional drop in for a month, fly a couple of ships around, let it expire.

Crybabies backed into a corner, surrounded by NIP's, and still cry.

It's so pathetic it's sickening. I can't stand to see it, so I just leave.

But yea, significantly less players since the last time I was on.

People like this amaze me. Somehow the same Goons I've been killing (across multiple games in fact) for the last 7 years are so terrible that they literally make this poster not play a game he pays for. ... And yet those same Goons are so pathetic that this superior human being (that does not play because of them) sees THEM as the 'crybabies'.

The human ego is the most incredible invention in all the universe as far as I'm concerned.
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#2967 - 2015-12-26 05:51:03 UTC
Arsine Mayhem wrote:

Crybabies backed into a corner, surrounded by NIP's, and still cry.

And yet here you are, crying about them, and calling them the reason you 'don't play' despite having to be subscribed to access the forums. Your doublethink is amazing.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Gregor Parud
Imperial Academy
#2968 - 2015-12-26 06:05:47 UTC
"everyone is growing apples, WE SHOULD ALSO GROW APPLES!"

"But we're selling oranges and they're fine as is, we're pretty much the only ones and have a really nice group of costumers who will always come to us"

"Doesn't matter, more people want apples I'm sure of it because everyone else is growing apples and they're probably doing it for a reason so we must do this as well don't you SEE?"

"but, if we follow what everyone else is doing, how are we going to compete? We'll have to lower our prices in order to try and sell our products which are the same as everyone else's. With oranges we can dictate our own pricing"

"everyone is buying apples!"

"not everyone, many do but not everyone, not even close. There's always a market for oranges and it won't go away and actually I'm quite sure a lot of people will grow tired of apples really quickly and then they'll come to us"

"damnit, I want you to switch to apples because I like them mo... I mean it's better for the company!"

This is pretty much the whole discussion and thread.
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#2969 - 2015-12-26 06:23:22 UTC
Gregor Parud wrote:
"everyone is growing apples, WE SHOULD ALSO GROW APPLES!"

"But we're selling oranges and they're fine as is, we're pretty much the only ones and have a really nice group of costumers who will always come to us"

"Doesn't matter, more people want apples I'm sure of it because everyone else is growing apples and they're probably doing it for a reason so we must do this as well don't you SEE?"

"but, if we follow what everyone else is doing, how are we going to compete? We'll have to lower our prices in order to try and sell our products which are the same as everyone else's. With oranges we can dictate our own pricing"

"everyone is buying apples!"

"not everyone, many do but not everyone, not even close. There's always a market for oranges and it won't go away and actually I'm quite sure a lot of people will grow tired of apples really quickly and then they'll come to us"

"damnit, I want you to switch to apples because I like them mo... I mean it's better for the company!"

This is pretty much the whole discussion and thread.

What are you talking about?

That's every "please change EVE" thread ever. I just can't like this one enough, sums up everything.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#2970 - 2015-12-26 09:06:01 UTC
Gregor Parud wrote:
SC is not an EVE competitor. SC is a really funky looking 1st person (albeit with 3rd person Freelancer controls as well, could it be that the whole "intricate 1st person controls" are just fake) eyegasm that is currently being hyped based on dreams and unicorns. A game with very limited server structure and lots of instancing and you can even do a "leave me alone" option just as in E:D. This means that it's not exactly a persistent world because just like E:D's approach it's flawed beyond belief from an MMO pov.

EVE IS a persistent world where you can't shield yourself from the other players (for good or bad) and is an ever evolving actual MMO with lots of player interaction. People who aren't really in to the whole interaction thing will love SC and they will move to SC, nothing wrong with that. Those are the people who never actually contributed to the sandbox so from a game pov nothing changes. CCP will of course lose revenue but that also allows (and forces) them to focus more on the core game play, which is good for the people who joined EVE for that core game play.

They just both happen to have a space theme.

Let's spell that myth that "Game X is no competition to EVE".

A game doesn't needs to be like other to compete. People will only spend their time and money once, and once spent, they don't spend it on anything else.

Apples aren't oranges, but people who buy apples won't buy oranges. EVE is competing for subscription money with games which, FAI, don't even require a subscription. And the customer's goal is no to "obtain the best EVE experience" but "obtain the best gaming experience". Playing EVE is not a privilege nor a sign of "elite", but a matter of taste and choice.

Also, EVE's specific niche was empty, and now it's filling. Even CCP is competing with EVE, since Valkyirie will be the only CCP game many people will play, and some of those players could have been EVE players but just sticked to the instant action FPS experience in a SF setting.

Games don't even need to be MMOs. MMOs were an accident in history, and gaming evolution is going its way without them. MMOs were born because tabletop RPG nerds had moved to BBS MUDs and Internet was a new and shiny way to have friends around the globe with a shared minoritary interest. MMOs were born as a social tool, and for a time they were the only social tool on the internet. But Internet evolved and now social internet is 100x more accessible and rewading than MMOs, and MMOs' niche as social tools is all but dead. "Befriend them and play with them" is garbage. People already have their FB friends and they don't risk having their leisure time spoiled by trolls, griefers and scammers, or just by the synchronization tax (the time it takes for everybody be in the same place ready to do the same thing).

Does this mean that MMOs are dead? Well, they're but dead as social tools. But they still have an edge over developer generated content. People generated content will always beat developers. EVE's most prominent feature it's player run economy, so large and free that it rivals RL economy. Yet such economy is an accident, not something that people create by assembling into fleets and pushing towards a common goal. EVE's economy is the game's largest solo playing tool, and it works damn well compared to all the gang-only tools. EVE economy has seen very little change over time, if any, beyond optimizing some of the tools.

EVE, and MMOs, can thrive as "places where people are together", and will die if they stick to being "places where people play together". People together create diversity, random, depth and content as no single player game can achieve. Just need to get rid of the "risk having your leisure time spoiled by random strangers or bore yourself to death".

I don't mean that EVE should give up the social aspect. EVE is EVE and must stick to it. But, providing better solo tools and better solo gameplay is the only way to compete with single player games, the few MMOs who succeed to adapt to the post-social era (FF XIV...) and the increasing trend of "massive online games which happen to not require multiplaying" (E:D, SC, No Man's Sky...).
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#2971 - 2015-12-26 12:03:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Gregor Parud wrote:
"everyone is growing apples, WE SHOULD ALSO GROW APPLES!"

This comparison is "fascinating", however does not apply. A better comparison would have been: "Everyone are building electric power town motor bikes, WE ARE GOING TO STICK WITH OIL FUEL MIXTURE!".

Electric and generally environment friendly(-er) power is something that is going to happen. It's a factor that can't be ignored. A company ignoring it, is going to save a lot of money today but is going to be horribly behind when time will be mature. It'll be next to impossible to close the gap they left vs the other companies.

Same thing is happening to gaming. There are factors. In 2003 the world was shaped one way and today it's in another and as EvE player I'd say "and we have to deal with it".

Factors that EvE must deal with or slowly bleed to death:

- players are subject to turnover (duh!). Yes you can still see a 2004 player somewhere, they are getting rare.

- players needs have higher priority than player games. A 2004 player today is a busy father and gone are the "golden years" with those juicy 12 hours EvE sessions. These days his 3.30am wake up call does not come from his flight commander but from his baby who needs his diapers changed NOW. That is, even the "though guys" from the ancient times have things to do they didn't use to have. For the same reason, the evil 0.4 sec pirate who enjoyed waiting 1 hour for bypasser preys, these days logs in and has 87 things to do in real life that could really be helped if he dedicated some of that hour doing them.

- we are in the visual age. MUDs were like books: they powered your imagination and doing so, provided for unforgettable emotions and daydream adventures. But it's over now. Like it or not (as avid MUD player imagine how I hate writing this) these days are gone. Games these days look awesome, the movie making and the gaming industry are slowly merging or sharing their capabilities. Therefore modern players like eye candy. EvE has done great efforts in that regards, it's one of the aspects that helped it stay alive so long. I am also subbed to other 2003 MMOs that did not share the same fate: they are stuck with DirectX 7, it's like playing X-Wing today (BTW if updated to today's standards I'd re-purchase X-Wing again...). Those games are now close to dead.

- subscription policies have changed. Few AAA titles keep a traditional, full subscription. EvE invented PLEX and it's been a great thing. But times are pressing even harder than PLEX. PLEX can be a blessing or a curse. They have been a blessing with a booming playerbase, they can be a curse with a shrinking playerbase, because PLEX becomes expensive not because of healthy demand but because people stop wanting to pay EvE with money because "it's not worth the sub price".

All of the above are factors nobody of us asked for, yet CCP has to deal with them.

Most of all, the EvE experience HAS TO BE SUPERIOR. You lie to yourself if you believe EvE is selling oranges. Denial is not going to change the fact that apples and oranges are both fruits. Even just buying half apples and half oranges, cuts CCP's revenue in half. Because the amount of space-sim interested playerbase is not so large (otherwise you'd have seen competition come in years ago), the playerbase changes over the years and forcibly imposes the factors I mentioned above.

Why do you think the new Star Wars "course" has been about showing more pew pew and less "sit com"? Because that's what people wanted. They want to see the spaceships, they want to be IN a spaceship and re-live the feeling.
EvE's offer includes a lousy "submarine sim" I hated since day zero. Navigation is dumb as well, it's impossible that a futuristic ship can't pick a free direction, drop off warp when they feel like and so on. In ED I can warp scramble people in any place and I can chase them, it's FAR more fun than sitting at a gate all day long! (you can also do that, choice is good!).

Basically, up to today there have not been innovations to compete vs EvE, now there are and EvE has to OUTDO them, not to "sell cheaper" (your ironic objection). EvE even got Valkyrie to help, I hope CCP won't do the DEADLY mistake of keeping Valkirie a VR device game only / not merging into EvE.

Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:

Let's spell that myth that "Game X is no competition to EVE".

A game doesn't needs to be like other to compete. People will only spend their time and money once, and once spent, they don't spend it on anything else.

Apples aren't oranges, but people who buy apples won't buy oranges. EVE is competing for subscription money with games which, FAI, don't even require a subscription. And the customer's goal is no to "obtain the best EVE experience" but "obtain the best gaming experience". Playing EVE is not a privilege nor a sign of "elite", but a matter of taste and choice.

Also, EVE's specific niche was empty, and now it's filling.

Nexus Day
Lustrevik Trade and Travel Bureau
#2972 - 2015-12-26 12:21:55 UTC
Elyia Suze Nagala wrote:
Time to end this post. Keep the Nay saying to yourselves.

Do you know the purpose of forums?

The fact this dialogue has gone on this long speaks volumes. Sounds like people actually care about this game. Hopefully we are not one of those families that doesn't speak about little Johnnies drug addiction until the overdose, and then seek sympathy at the funeral.
Elyia Suze Nagala
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2973 - 2015-12-26 13:17:03 UTC
This is fear mongering. EvE is going no where!
King Aires
Amarr Empire
#2974 - 2015-12-26 13:22:56 UTC  |  Edited by: King Aires
Elyia Suze Nagala wrote:
This is fear mongering. EvE is going no where!

With the emphasis of our patron company shifting to fast-action VR based gaming you can expect the stale development we have seen in the past to get worse.

If you don't think the development in the past was stale, you can expect it to start to get that way.

If you don't think there is anything wrong with Eve today, or over the past couple years then please continue your DoDo bird march over to the horizon there. Roll

This game isn't for players like us anymore. It isn't for the hardcore, its not for the die-hards. We have all been replaced by younger, less attention capable customers who don't want to camp gates and wait for fleets. Arena combat sells, CCP is doing their best to give it to them. Carebear became a dirty word when it used to be the only way to fund your fun.

Face it, we are space grandpas and this game is a retirement home.
Gregor Parud
Imperial Academy
#2975 - 2015-12-26 13:30:38 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
I typed out a lot of nonsense

That is a whole lot of "statements" and "facts" backed by a whole lot of nothing other than "see, others do it too" and "it's not that *I* want it to be that way, honest".

"MMO's are dead, they're dead as social tools. You better add a whole lot more solo game play". Do you even think about what you're vomiting onto the keyboard?
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#2976 - 2015-12-26 14:08:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Remiel Pollard
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Gregor Parud wrote:
"everyone is growing apples, WE SHOULD ALSO GROW APPLES!"

This comparison is "fascinating", however does not apply. A better comparison would have been: "Everyone are building electric power town motor bikes, WE ARE GOING TO STICK WITH OIL FUEL MIXTURE!".

No. EVE is a unique entity with nothing else like it out there. If you can name one other single-sharded non-instanced entirely player-driven sandbox with the same social dynamic as EVE that is studied by scientists and media academics alike, I will be impressed.

If you're trying to make out like 'it's old therefore it's out of date' you're wrong simply because nothing has stepped up to challenge it yet. Nothing. I've been gaming for thirty years across a wide range of platforms from the BBC micro to virtually every generation of console and handheld and modern PCs that I've built myself, and I've yet to encounter the same experience that one can get from EVE Online. So please, if it exists, I'll eat my hair.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#2977 - 2015-12-26 14:12:00 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Younger players have short attention and dedication span, older players (like me) found out that life is a busy thing.

Generalisations that mean nothing. EVE is a niche game. It's going to appeal to a minority, which includes younger players with great attention spans and older players who are both capable of managing their time effectively enough to get a lot out of this game, and those who have retired or work from home and have a lot of free time on their hands.

I have a young brother who has a fantastic attention span, and the last thing this game needs to do is cater to those with the short ones. It won't be EVE anymore.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

King Aires
Amarr Empire
#2978 - 2015-12-26 14:22:03 UTC
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Gregor Parud wrote:
"everyone is growing apples, WE SHOULD ALSO GROW APPLES!"

This comparison is "fascinating", however does not apply. A better comparison would have been: "Everyone are building electric power town motor bikes, WE ARE GOING TO STICK WITH OIL FUEL MIXTURE!".

No. EVE is a unique entity with nothing else like it out there. If you can name one other single-sharded non-instanced entirely player-driven sandbox with the same social dynamic as EVE that is studied by scientists and media academics alike, I will be impressed.

If you're trying to make out like 'it's old therefore it's out of date' you're wrong simply because nothing has stepped up to challenge it yet. Nothing. I've been gaming for thirty years across a wide range of platforms from the BBC micro to virtually every generation of console and handheld and modern PCs that I've built myself, and I've yet to encounter the same experience that one can get from EVE Online. So please, if it exists, I'll eat my hair.

Eve is what Eve is. Don't ever confuse "unique" with "successful"

There is a darn good reason why no one else has tried to copy Eve with the exception of Perpetuum... It died in a fire. Eve is mediocre at best from a financial perspective which is why you will never see it copied in a capitalist society geared towards making money.

So again, I implore you to stop using its hardcore uniqueness as a positive against other games. We are no where near as "successful" as nearly every other MMO or standard video game out there.
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#2979 - 2015-12-26 14:26:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Remiel Pollard
King Aires wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Gregor Parud wrote:
"everyone is growing apples, WE SHOULD ALSO GROW APPLES!"

This comparison is "fascinating", however does not apply. A better comparison would have been: "Everyone are building electric power town motor bikes, WE ARE GOING TO STICK WITH OIL FUEL MIXTURE!".

No. EVE is a unique entity with nothing else like it out there. If you can name one other single-sharded non-instanced entirely player-driven sandbox with the same social dynamic as EVE that is studied by scientists and media academics alike, I will be impressed.

If you're trying to make out like 'it's old therefore it's out of date' you're wrong simply because nothing has stepped up to challenge it yet. Nothing. I've been gaming for thirty years across a wide range of platforms from the BBC micro to virtually every generation of console and handheld and modern PCs that I've built myself, and I've yet to encounter the same experience that one can get from EVE Online. So please, if it exists, I'll eat my hair.

Eve is what Eve is. Don't ever confuse "unique" with "successful"

There is a darn good reason why no one else has tried to copy Eve with the exception of Perpetuum... It died in a fire. Eve is mediocre at best from a financial perspective which is why you will never see it copied in a capitalist society geared towards making money.

So again, I implore you to stop using its hardcore uniqueness as a positive against other games. We are no where near as "successful" as nearly every other MMO or standard video game out there.

I'm not seeing an argument that EVE has any need to be more 'successful' than it is, but barring that, you're ignoring the fact that EVE is incredibly successful, having survived the market longer than WoW has even existed with its subscription model still intact.

You can reject EVE's uniqueness as a measure of success all you like, at the end of the day, if EVE can't stand on its own merits and has to become something else to succeed.... well, it's something else, and not EVE. If you want something else, then go and play something else.

The thing about EVE is, it doesn't just fill a niche, it creates it as well. Trying to squeeze into the same space like Perpetuum did was probably doomed from the beginning, because the niche audience games like this have is mostly already occupied over here. To compete with EVE for the same audience, you have to first make EVE less attractive to its existing one. That being said, Perpetuum isn't even the same kind of gameplay. I don't know why people insist on comparing EVE to games that are so different on so many levels. SC, Elite, and now Perpetuum. I don't know, sometimes I get the feeling that people like you actually want to drive EVE into the ground. For all I know, you're a Perpetuum dev trying to make EVE less attractive to it's audience.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Gregor Parud
Imperial Academy
#2980 - 2015-12-26 14:28:34 UTC
King Aires wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Gregor Parud wrote:
"everyone is growing apples, WE SHOULD ALSO GROW APPLES!"

This comparison is "fascinating", however does not apply. A better comparison would have been: "Everyone are building electric power town motor bikes, WE ARE GOING TO STICK WITH OIL FUEL MIXTURE!".

No. EVE is a unique entity with nothing else like it out there. If you can name one other single-sharded non-instanced entirely player-driven sandbox with the same social dynamic as EVE that is studied by scientists and media academics alike, I will be impressed.

If you're trying to make out like 'it's old therefore it's out of date' you're wrong simply because nothing has stepped up to challenge it yet. Nothing. I've been gaming for thirty years across a wide range of platforms from the BBC micro to virtually every generation of console and handheld and modern PCs that I've built myself, and I've yet to encounter the same experience that one can get from EVE Online. So please, if it exists, I'll eat my hair.

Eve is what Eve is. Don't ever confuse "unique" with "successful"

There is a darn good reason why no one else has tried to copy Eve with the exception of Perpetuum... It died in a fire. Eve is mediocre at best from a financial perspective which is why you will never see it copied in a capitalist society geared towards making money.

So again, I implore you to stop using its hardcore uniqueness as a positive against other games. We are no where near as "successful" as nearly every other MMO or standard video game out there.

Show us a western MMO that does better that isn't WOW.