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Ace Lapointe
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2015-12-23 23:24:05 UTC
Hello Capsuleers,

So, as some of you know, I am a Spectre FC, and Solo/Small Gang pilot, and I fly a Megathron for this, now, I am not hear to tell you that Battleships need a second rack of Guns (Though it would be cool), or that they need mini-Bastion modules, or any of that, but Battleships need to be reworked, in the sense that they need, in my belief, around 20-30% more EHP, maybe a Resistance buff, a defence to EWAR, like 25% defence against EWAR negative effects, cause a Battleship is supposed to be a massive powerhouse of war and power, it has more electrical systems and defences then the Frigate that that just gave it a Lock Range of 10kms, they should get buffed Capacitors or in-built Capacitor Batteries, even a boost to Cap Injection, they should be made a little slower and align a little slower, as I mean, come on, they are 1.5km's bloody long, that should not be as agile as a Cruiser that is 350m's long.

But yeah, I know most people are against Battleships for some stupid reason, but honestly, they need to be better then they are, in a way that won't break them for larger scale combat, cause I have used them in both, and their is no reason to take them over HAC's, which is complete bull****. For example, my I was roaming with my Mega last night, and I come across a gatecamp, it was 1 VNI, 1 Exeq, 2 Svipuls, 1 Azuru, and a Huginn. That is 4 Cruisers, and 2 ships that are supposed to be destroyers (Not going to rant about how pathetically OP those things are in this thread), now, a 1.5km long, 70k Buffer, 1k DPS Tank, 750 DPS at the Guns, 3 Flights of Lights, should not be Webbed to less then 50m/s, Scrammed, and then Damped to a point where I couldn't lock the VNI orbiting me, that was Scramming me, while watching the a single T1 Logi Ship Rep all the damage I was applying (My Mega has the same Tracking as a Neutron Thorax, hitting Cruisers is not an issue for me), while orbiting his fleet out of my range. I made it out in Low Armour, after I bled a bit of Hull, a Battleship should be able to warp into something that small and dominate the field, now I am not saying it should be able to take on a 10 man Cruiser Camp that is set up right, but a bloody 6 man camp, yes, a Battleship should be able to obliterate that, it should not be effected by Webs the same way a Frigate is, it should not be effected by EWAR the same as a Frigate is, it's DPS when being applied, should not be able to be Repped by a single Logistics ship. Now, I am not upset about this camp, I have come across many, always the same, since I started roaming with my Mega, but, even in my Thorax and Ferox's, I have come across the same comps, and I have gotten through without my Tank breaking.

So, my question for you, those of you who actually bothered to read this, why should a Battleship, a massive juggernaut of war, over 1km long behemoth of death, be able to be countered harder, then a Cruiser/Battlecruiser is on a gatecamp? Do you not think that a Battleship should be more then what they are? So, if you agree, please tell me what you think a Battleship needs, to become a recent ship, because, honestly, it should not be "Fly a Mach, it is the only good one", it should be "Machs are really fast, but if you want Tank to Gank, go a Mega, or Range? Oh man, you want a Raven or Rohk", if you think otherwise let me know. I mainly want to see what the EVE community thinks about Battleships in general, and what they would do if they had the power, because as a Battleship pilot, I get a lot of hate for flying a ship I love, that doesn't perform at a level that I believe it should be at.
Iyokus Patrouette
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2015-12-24 09:22:17 UTC
Ace Lapointe wrote:

because, honestly, it should not be "Fly a Mach, it is the only good one", it should be "Machs are really fast, but if you want Tank to Gank, go a Mega, or Range? Oh man, you want a Raven or Rohk", if you think otherwise let me know. I mainly want to see what the EVE community thinks about Battleships in general, and what they would do if they had the power, because as a Battleship pilot, I get a lot of hate for flying a ship I love, that doesn't perform at a level that I believe it should be at.

If you want a brawly ass kicking ships, choose a hyperion, if you want kiting choose a mach, if you want utility use a armageddon/bhaalgorn, only have a few pilots but need some serious staying power? remote rep Dominix's are for you. just want a battleship thats really strong the rattlesnake is what you'll need.

I keep seeing these battleship threads appear and i tend to disagree. basically smaller hulls are the current focus but buffing battleships to be able to more easily deal with smaller hulls will make them just way to overpowered. Battleships can still deal with smaller ships at the moment, you just need to fit for it. of course when you do this your battleship will suck when you come up against larger hulls.

But thats kind of what Eve is about. picking a ship and it's fitting to suit certain engagments. I think battleships are more or less fine as they are. I wouldn't object to some minor buffs to some of them but not in the direction of making them able to kill small things easier.

Battleships have there place and can still do some amazing things i often wonder whether the real issue is just their warp speed being so much slower making them hard to use in a mixed ship size fleet.

---- Advocate for the initiation of purple coloured wormholes----

Ace Lapointe
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2015-12-24 10:02:24 UTC
Iyokus Patrouette wrote:
Ace Lapointe wrote:

because, honestly, it should not be "Fly a Mach, it is the only good one", it should be "Machs are really fast, but if you want Tank to Gank, go a Mega, or Range? Oh man, you want a Raven or Rohk", if you think otherwise let me know. I mainly want to see what the EVE community thinks about Battleships in general, and what they would do if they had the power, because as a Battleship pilot, I get a lot of hate for flying a ship I love, that doesn't perform at a level that I believe it should be at.

If you want a brawly ass kicking ships, choose a hyperion, if you want kiting choose a mach, if you want utility use a armageddon/bhaalgorn, only have a few pilots but need some serious staying power? remote rep Dominix's are for you. just want a battleship thats really strong the rattlesnake is what you'll need.

I keep seeing these battleship threads appear and i tend to disagree. basically smaller hulls are the current focus but buffing battleships to be able to more easily deal with smaller hulls will make them just way to overpowered. Battleships can still deal with smaller ships at the moment, you just need to fit for it. of course when you do this your battleship will suck when you come up against larger hulls.

But thats kind of what Eve is about. picking a ship and it's fitting to suit certain engagments. I think battleships are more or less fine as they are. I wouldn't object to some minor buffs to some of them but not in the direction of making them able to kill small things easier.

Battleships have there place and can still do some amazing things i often wonder whether the real issue is just their warp speed being so much slower making them hard to use in a mixed ship size fleet.

I think you miss what I mean, I don't want to be able to blap smaller ships, I don't even think I should be able to apply better then what a Level 5 Megathron can, they Track perfectly already, it is EHP that is the problem, a Faction Cruiser can get the same EHP as some Battleships, with the same rough DPS figures, a Battleship is supposed to dominate the field, that is why they are called Battleships, they BATTLE, but you can get the same DPS/EHP/MORE SPEED/MORE TRACKING/BETTER SIG on some Cruiser sized Hulls, don't even get me started on T3's, they should not have the EHP that is nearly double most Battleships, with equal DPS.

Like I said in the OP, I don't want to be able to kill Small Gangs of small ships, I want to have a suitable tank that those smaller ships should have to up ship, or bring more to overwhelm me, Battleships can be made with a single Rig, and some Drugs, to be able to Track the small stuff, but honestly, you can not tell me that the Tank on Battleships is equal or where it should be? I think that should be 20-30% better then it is at current.

Oh and Warp Speed, honestly, I wouldn't care if they had 1 AU/s Warp Speeds, I would still roam in them, slower Warp is the price you pay for a ship that SHOULD be a proper Battleship, 2 AU/s is plenty, and can be made the same as Cruisers relatively easy. I use my Mega in Small Gang a lot, mainly with Cruisers/T2 Cruisers, and the speed doesn't slow us down that much, once I am on grid I am almost as fast as half of them when I over heat. But once again, it comes back to EHP, Tank, those numbers are too low, that is how I feel.

And honestly, you don't think something that powerful and electronically superior should be able to be Jammed and Damped, and Webbed the same as a Frigate, it doesn't make sense, it literally means that in New Eden, a Minmatar Shuttle, has the same electronic defences, and integrity, as a Caldari Battleship, that the engines are the same strength, how does that make sense?
Mira Chieve
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#4 - 2015-12-24 11:31:10 UTC
If I would like to see something buffed, it would be targeting range.

I should by no means be forced to fit a sebo in order to be ale to use the MJD offensively.

Hell, after the BC rebalance, some BCs have better locking ranges than BSs
Ace Lapointe
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2015-12-24 13:08:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Ace Lapointe
Mira Chieve wrote:
If I would like to see something buffed, it would be targeting range.

I should by no means be forced to fit a sebo in order to be ale to use the MJD offensively.

Hell, after the BC rebalance, some BCs have better locking ranges than BSs

Actually, yes.. Never really taken notice of that as I rarely fit one, 4 Mids doesn't leave much after Injector and a Trinity.

But yeah, this mixes in with my thoughts on why a Battleships systems seem to be in line with the most basic of Matari ships, Targeting Range on a ship that has enough power to fire what is essentially a cannon firing cars at close to speed of light, should have you know, a Gj or 2 to amp targeting a fair chunk.
Zero Conscience
Neurotoxin Control
#6 - 2015-12-24 14:02:35 UTC
Mira Chieve wrote:
If I would like to see something buffed, it would be targeting range.

I should by no means be forced to fit a sebo in order to be ale to use the MJD offensively.

Hell, after the BC rebalance, some BCs have better locking ranges than BSs

scan res. they are BATTLESHIPS hey need to be able to apply what they have beofre 1 min.
Ace Lapointe
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2015-12-24 14:20:16 UTC
Zero Conscience wrote:
Mira Chieve wrote:
If I would like to see something buffed, it would be targeting range.

I should by no means be forced to fit a sebo in order to be ale to use the MJD offensively.

Hell, after the BC rebalance, some BCs have better locking ranges than BSs

scan res. they are BATTLESHIPS hey need to be able to apply what they have beofre 1 min.

My Battleship locks a Frigate in like 21 seconds.. That is pretty good
Fourteen Maken
Karma and Causality
#8 - 2015-12-24 15:09:10 UTC
there's some room to buff battleships, maybe some cruiser weapons should be nerfed. The idea of mass affecting the strength of webs is interesting.
Ace Lapointe
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2015-12-24 15:16:51 UTC
Fourteen Maken wrote:
there's some room to buff battleships, maybe some cruiser weapons should be nerfed. The idea of mass affecting the strength of webs is interesting.

Agreed on both, and yeah, I think it would max sense, as the energy required to do that to another ship would be enormous.
Lucy Callagan
Goryn Clade
#10 - 2015-12-24 15:23:49 UTC
Here's the fit you seem to be looking for: Tank, DPS and "mini death star feeling"
Ace Lapointe
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2015-12-24 15:28:10 UTC
Lucy Callagan wrote:
Here's the fit you seem to be looking for: Tank, DPS and "mini death star feeling"

Umm.. No.. Carriers are a different cake entirely, as are Dreads
Lucy Callagan
Goryn Clade
#12 - 2015-12-24 15:48:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucy Callagan
Ace Lapointe wrote:
but you can get the same DPS/EHP/MORE SPEED/MORE TRACKING/BETTER SIG on some Cruiser sized Hulls, don't even get me started on T3's, they should not have the EHP that is nearly double most Battleships, with equal DPS.

You are comparing your megathron, a 200m T1 hull with expensive faction/T2/T3 cruisers costing a minimum of around 500m. I am not shocked if a well fitted tengu or phobos as the same ehp than a T1 bs really

Oh and Warp Speed, honestly, I wouldn't care if they had 1 AU/s Warp Speeds, I would still roam in them, slower Warp is the price you pay for a ship that SHOULD be a proper Battleship, 2 AU/s is plenty, and can be made the same as Cruisers relatively easy

Warp speed on the other hand is really a pain in the ass when you want to roam. I'm glad I got warp speed rigs on my nightmare

And honestly, you don't think something that powerful and electronically superior should be able to be Jammed and Damped, and Webbed the same as a Frigate, it doesn't make sense, it literally means that in New Eden, a Minmatar Shuttle, has the same electronic defences, and integrity, as a Caldari Battleship, that the engines are the same strength, how does that make sense?

I'll let the rp aside cause i've always considered that it was bulls**t but i you want a bs with ewar immunity just get a marauder.
Lucy Callagan
Goryn Clade
#13 - 2015-12-24 15:53:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucy Callagan
double post fail
Lucy Callagan
Goryn Clade
#14 - 2015-12-24 15:57:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucy Callagan
triple post fail cause i'm a damn mo**n
Ace Lapointe
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2015-12-24 15:59:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Ace Lapointe
Lucy Callagan wrote:
Ace Lapointe wrote:
but you can get the same DPS/EHP/MORE SPEED/MORE TRACKING/BETTER SIG on some Cruiser sized Hulls, don't even get me started on T3's, they should not have the EHP that is nearly double most Battleships, with equal DPS.

You are comparing your megathron, a 200m T1 hull with expensive faction/T2/T3 cruisers costing a minimum of around 500m. I am not shocked if a well fitted tengu or phobos as the same ehp than a T1 bs really

Oh and Warp Speed, honestly, I wouldn't care if they had 1 AU/s Warp Speeds, I would still roam in them, slower Warp is the price you pay for a ship that SHOULD be a proper Battleship, 2 AU/s is plenty, and can be made the same as Cruisers relatively easy

Warp speed on the other hand is really a pain in the ass when you want to roam. I'm glad I got warp speed rigs on my nightmare

I am yet to see a 500mil ISK Faction Cruiser.. And a Phobos can get a metric ton of EHP, also, it has the Sig to add to the 'Tank', T3 however, yes, they are around 500mil with the Subsystems and stuff.

And really? Warp Speed doesn't bother me, and I travel to and from my Null and Low Sec homes to my mission systems, which are 25-35 Jumps apart, I love it, makes me feel stronger, dunno why, although on that note, wouldn't a Battleship have a better or same Warp Speed as a Frigate? Like obviously it would take ages for it to hit that max AU speed, but it would have a higher max or something, but that isn't something i care about, I like it the way it is :)

Also, I don't want immunity, that should be the domain of Marauders, I want resistances against it, like Sensor Strength or the Hull itself should have benefits against things other then being Scanned down, and ECM.
Lucy Callagan
Goryn Clade
#16 - 2015-12-24 16:11:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucy Callagan
Ace Lapointe wrote:

I am yet to see a 500mil ISK Faction Cruiser.. And a Phobos can get a metric ton of EHP, also, it has the Sig to add to the 'Tank', T3 however, yes, they are around 500mil with the Subsystems and stuff.

I would also like to see a faction cruiser with the same ehp/dps combinaison than a mega and with a cheaper fit than the said mega. And a 150k ehp phobos does not has the same dps/abilitites than a mega, it will simply point and tank (which is worse than cancer now with the 40 km scram, but that's another debate)


And really? Warp Speed doesn't bother me, and I travel to and from my Null and Low Sec homes to my mission systems, which are 25-35 Jumps apart, I love it, makes me feel stronger, dunno why, although on that note, wouldn't a Battleship have a better or same Warp Speed as a Frigate? Like obviously it would take ages for it to hit that max AU speed, but it would have a higher max or something, but that isn't something i care about, I like it the way it is :)

Well i dualbox an inty and a dps ship when I roam and the gap between the 2 ships warp speed is so huuuuge that it becomes kinda frustrating: "yay tackled an ishtar in anom, f**k, i hope it won't escalate to fast my fleet cane is still 2 jumps away". But yeah in the end the warp speed on BS/BCs is now quite ok. It is normal to have to sacrifice 1 or 2 rigs to warp almost as fast as a cruiser. And maybe a lower acceleration but better warp speed could be cool too.
Ace Lapointe
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2015-12-24 16:26:05 UTC
Lucy Callagan wrote:
Ace Lapointe wrote:

I am yet to see a 500mil ISK Faction Cruiser.. And a Phobos can get a metric ton of EHP, also, it has the Sig to add to the 'Tank', T3 however, yes, they are around 500mil with the Subsystems and stuff.

I would also like to see a faction cruiser with the same ehp/dps combinaison than a mega and with a cheaper fit than the said mega. And a 150k ehp phobos does not has the same dps/abilitites than a mega, it will simply point and tank (which is worse than cancer now with the 40 km scram, but that's another debate)


And really? Warp Speed doesn't bother me, and I travel to and from my Null and Low Sec homes to my mission systems, which are 25-35 Jumps apart, I love it, makes me feel stronger, dunno why, although on that note, wouldn't a Battleship have a better or same Warp Speed as a Frigate? Like obviously it would take ages for it to hit that max AU speed, but it would have a higher max or something, but that isn't something i care about, I like it the way it is :)

Well i dualbox an inty and a dps ship when I roam and the gap between the 2 ships warp speed is so huuuuge that it becomes kinda frustrating: "yay tackled an ishtar in anom, f**k, i hope it won't escalate to fast my fleet cane is still 2 jumps away". But yeah in the end the warp speed on BS/BCs is now quite ok. It is normal to have to sacrifice 1 or 2 rigs to warp almost as fast as a cruiser. And maybe a lower acceleration but better warp speed could be cool too.

Same EHP is easy, DPS is hard to match, but if you, where to say, to go in depth and bring Speed, Sig and Tank into the math, then you can actually come up with a Tank that rivals a Battleship, with the same DPS, and like I said my Mega has 70k Buffer, I can get 100k+ EHP on a Phobos, and even more on a Onyx and Broadsword.

And ah, dual boxing, I just have Ace, no Alt's, well, one hauling Alt since the War Dec's haha! :P but other then that I roam pure Solo I have heard it called, I like it more, though nothing is more awesome then FC'ing from a Megathron :D
Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#18 - 2015-12-24 17:37:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Vimsy Vortis
The only complaint I have about battleships is their speed, battlecruisers have the same problem. The fact you can't get them anywhere useful in a timely manner renders them almost completely useless in most situations. By the time a battleship gets to the fight, the fight is over and if the fight isn't over it sure as hell will be before the battleship gets anything locked. This is particularly a problem given the current small ship meta.

Straight up buffing battleship EHP and DPS won't make that problem go away.

There's also the issue of scan res, I understand why it should take longer to lock a small target than a large target and that is reflected by signature radius, but why do large ships take longer than small ships to lock targets of the same size despite the fact that rationally their sensors should be superior?

Flying a battleship right now feels like you're trying to fight from a wheelchair wielding a chainsaw, you could totally do some damage, except you'll rarely even see the fight and if you do the other involved parties can get away from you trivially before you can even take a swing at them and you've got no hope of catching them.
Oreb Wing
Last Rites.
#19 - 2015-12-24 19:08:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Oreb Wing
LMFAO. Wheel chair chainsaw. Gosh.

What if there was a module that could add three pockets of modes, like the td3's? Most T1 battleships have a lot of spare pg. Can make it like a specialized link bonus, or even allow one of the five subsystems to be placed, respective of faction of course. All that would have to be done is open up a subsystem slot. Just one. But I don't think the cov ops would be good. That **** would be scary.
Silent Majority.
#20 - 2015-12-24 22:04:08 UTC
Ace Lapointe wrote:
Fourteen Maken wrote:
there's some room to buff battleships, maybe some cruiser weapons should be nerfed. The idea of mass affecting the strength of webs is interesting.

Agreed on both, and yeah, I think it would max sense, as the energy required to do that to another ship would be enormous.

Your wording there gave me an idea, what if the cap needed to web a target was dependant on the weight of said target? So that smaller ships would have to be careful about webbing bigger targets unless they've compensated with a cap-strong fitting?
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