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BF3 feels threatened by DUST?

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#21 - 2011-09-15 00:53:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Fawcks
Trolls Troll wrote:
Look at Dust.

Look at Bf3


LOL achieved.

Edit: **** YEAH KARKAND!
CCP Spitfire
C C P Alliance
#22 - 2011-09-15 12:51:47 UTC
Moved from 'EVE General Discussion".

CCP Spitfire | Marketing & Sales Team @ccp_spitfire

#23 - 2011-09-15 16:47:12 UTC
You'd think Dust and planetside would be more at odds.

BF = one time purchase and a couple of addons. Instanced/PUG PC

Dust == MMO persistent continue to pay.MT. PS3
Planetside MMO persistent uni MT model. PC
Froz3nEcho Sarain
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#24 - 2011-09-15 18:22:26 UTC
People do know that BF3 will be the first true AAA pc game again in ages and is the true sequel to BF2 which has been acclaimed to be one of the best multiplayer shooters ever?

Lol the developers stated that Bad Company 1 and 2 where just some sort of training project because they were waiting for the technology to evolve.

Personally I hope that DUST will be a huge success and lifts up the new benchmark for online gaming. But against BF3 even MW3 doesn't impress anymore imo.

[i]~ When everything fades away, an echo is the only sound that will remain ~   ~ Chaos is a name for any order that produces confusion in our minds ~[/i]

#25 - 2011-09-15 20:54:15 UTC  |  Edited by: BLACK-STAR
DUST will be it's own genre but certainly not polished or up to par with BF3.

BF3 is a shooter longed for. They've been working on it for a long time, but CCP is slower. DUST isn't going to have an engine with destructible environments.

MW3 is the exact same game as MW2, (MW2 is horrible that turned COD into a garbage arcade).

You will find BF3 much more enjoyable, requires more thought, team work and skill. It's not a run and gun game, but you will see for yourselves when BF3 Beta goes live tomorrow, this weekend or nextweek.
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#26 - 2011-09-16 01:07:23 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Navigator
I dunno man, I might have to disagree 100%. Only time BF3 to be threatened by any FPS is unless this said game have environment destruction. I had (and still do actually) a blast playing Bad Company 2 and all the buildings, plant life, and everything else going down, just enhances the experience.

I'd love Dust have this kind of technology then we can talk about BF3 to be "threatened".

I was VERY excited to get the game with enhanced environmental destruction ... But considering the game will be Origin only and how EA is -9.5 standings with me ... Ain't supporting such a company.

Buying anything from EA is like supporting EA to the max. I'd get it on D2D and few other digital services, especially steam since they get some cut of my hard earned cash, but on Origin where EA have complete control? Go to hell.

I might have to bite though ... As a gamer, I must get, especially on a company I hate with tons of bad history with me.
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#27 - 2011-09-16 01:09:50 UTC
Weird, some issue with my post above? i'll leave it uneditted and have CCP look at it.

I dunno man, I might have to disagree 100%. Only time BF3 to be threatened by any FPS is unless this said game have enviroment destruction. I had (and still do actually) a blast playing Bad Company 2 and all the buildings, plant life, and everything else going down, just enhances the experience.

i'd love Dust have this kind of technology then we can talk about BF3 to be "threatened".

I was VERY excited to get the game with enhanced enviromental destruction ... But considering the game will be Origin only and how EA is -9.5 standings with me ... Ain't supporting such a company.

Buying anything from EA is like supporting EA to the max. I'd get it on D2D and few other digital services, especially steam since they get some cut of my hard earned cash, but on Origin where EA have complete control? Go to hell.

I might have to bite though ... As a gamer, I must get, especially on a company I hate with tons of bad history with me.[/quote]
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