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AFK Cloaking™: Ideas, Discussion, and Proposals

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Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#4941 - 2015-12-22 07:49:30 UTC
Mike Voidstar wrote:

You don't see the problem because it benefits you.

There is a direct counter to freighter bumping, though it results in concord...which is the part I object to with that as well, that self defense is concordable.

You cannot determine he is going to do nothing. You can observe he has done nothing yet. It is a certainty that he will, it's a question of when.

It is exactly like Russian roulette, except the camper is in control of all the rules. Are we using a six shooter? Do we spin the bullets each time? Is there only one bullet?... There are hundreds of variations and all your garbage math depends on the basic assumptions that you have no way to confirm until he is on grid and tackling you...which means you are dead. Even if you were correct on every assumption, their acting is eventually guranteed, and your answer is that it's ok because he is hunting and should be safe while doing so. Basically you are saying it's ok because it's your side benefiting and you don't see a problem.

But even after all that, the issue is about non-consent. He chooses everything. There is no way to force his hand in any way.

And being upset because a guy won't undock is exactly what created afk cloaked camping. Except that docks are supposed to be safe, it's possible to confirm you are docked, docked limits you more than a cloak does, and the undock can be camped providing both opportunity to see when the ship becomes active and to catch it before it can act. You know... Apply nonconsensual PvP to it.

Sorry the Russian roulette analogy is horrible. That is something where we have a well defined sample space and we understand the rules of the game. If we don't spin after each trigger pull we know the probability (of the bad state) has to go up. However, as I have shown if you are hoping back in forth in a reasonably juicy looking target (e.g. and industrial that is insured and carrying no cargo--i.e. looks juicy but really isn't) the probability of AFK (the good state) goes up. In other words, the two are actually quite different.

So I'm saying, I don't see the problem as the problem can be overcome.

That you refuse to even try to overcome your problem.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Gallente Federation
#4942 - 2015-12-22 07:53:16 UTC
Your inner motivations are a bit besides the point, though I think you probably gain indirectly; you are entrenching on afk cloaky camping because heaven forbid any changes that effect blockade runner immunity be introduced.

The isk/hour revenue from collecting passively harvested moon goo that is sickeningly high and almost totally risk free.

Otherwise "content" and entrenching positions of power old characters love to entrench. Heaven forbid a person without access to moon goo and the multiple accounts that follow should ever be able to accumulate meaningful wealth.

Blocked list: Teckos, Sonya, Wander, Baltec1

Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#4943 - 2015-12-22 08:36:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Mike Voidstar
Teckos Pech wrote:
Mike Voidstar wrote:

You don't see the problem because it benefits you.

There is a direct counter to freighter bumping, though it results in concord...which is the part I object to with that as well, that self defense is concordable.

You cannot determine he is going to do nothing. You can observe he has done nothing yet. It is a certainty that he will, it's a question of when.

It is exactly like Russian roulette, except the camper is in control of all the rules. Are we using a six shooter? Do we spin the bullets each time? Is there only one bullet?... There are hundreds of variations and all your garbage math depends on the basic assumptions that you have no way to confirm until he is on grid and tackling you...which means you are dead. Even if you were correct on every assumption, their acting is eventually guranteed, and your answer is that it's ok because he is hunting and should be safe while doing so. Basically you are saying it's ok because it's your side benefiting and you don't see a problem.

But even after all that, the issue is about non-consent. He chooses everything. There is no way to force his hand in any way.

And being upset because a guy won't undock is exactly what created afk cloaked camping. Except that docks are supposed to be safe, it's possible to confirm you are docked, docked limits you more than a cloak does, and the undock can be camped providing both opportunity to see when the ship becomes active and to catch it before it can act. You know... Apply nonconsensual PvP to it.

Sorry the Russian roulette analogy is horrible. That is something where we have a well defined sample space and we understand the rules of the game. If we don't spin after each trigger pull we know the probability (of the bad state) has to go up. However, as I have shown if you are hoping back in forth in a reasonably juicy looking target (e.g. and industrial that is insured and carrying no cargo--i.e. looks juicy but really isn't) the probability of AFK (the good state) goes up. In other words, the two are actually quite different.

So I'm saying, I don't see the problem as the problem can be overcome.

That you refuse to even try to overcome your problem.

It is absolutely a good analogy.

We should have a good understanding of the rules, but we don't. The rules can be manipulated any number of ways, and although we generally agree how the game should be played it does not matter if someone decides to start enforcing arbitrary changes for their own benefit.

Cloaks represent exactly that sort of arbitrary change. They violate one of the most foundational concepts of the game so as to allow one party to dominate the other parties activities without any chance at retribution.

In your example scenario let's say I test. The guy isn't afk, he sees me log in, and leave the system. Why would he follow? People travel all the time. A few minutes later he sees me return. Using dscan he makes a correct guess at my gate, warps to it at 100km. He sees me jump out again, and is now suspicious. I return, and jump out again. He still has not followed me and knows what I am up to. This continues until I am satisfied because I am apparently an idiot.

Using your logic I have now wasted anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour playing games with myself, and I head on out to do whatever I came for in the first place. Note at no point has the camper been in even the tiniest bit of danger himself. I settle into my ratting, am scrambled by half a dozen frigates that I begin to clear off when he begins his attack. Maybe he lights a cyno, maybe he just neuts my tank out, whatever. At this point I am pretty much done as if he wasn't prepared in whatever way to engage, he would not have, because there was never a way to break his initiative and bring the fight to him.

I might still have wasted as much or more time scanning him down and eliminated false positives, and he could still have engaged or not as he was prepared to do... But at the moment there is only one side at risk in this confrontation.

That is a problem. Nonconsent needs to exist for everyone.
Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#4944 - 2015-12-22 08:44:54 UTC
Brokk Witgenstein wrote:
Want a prime example of (1) Undocked (2) Safe in 'hostile space' (3) almost AFK and making sh!tloads of ISK in the process (4) not even cloaked?

Rattlesnakes running missions in null, not a care in the world.

Want to know why? Because you can't light a cyno when on-grid with the acceleration gates, can't "warp to" inside a complex, and a simple can will decloak anything that would try to slowboat and grab you inside -- provided you didn't pick the ship nor the core probes up on DScan. THAT's exactly how safe the ratters are.

Undocked, making ISK, perfectly 100% safe.

Care to comment on how unacceptable it is for a ship that's not doing anything to be undocked yet safe?

Almost afk isn't afk.

There is no safety in that scenario. The location is easily determined, and unless the pilot is prepared for an immediate escape can be caught. He can be scrambled by rats, not be aligned for a dozen reasons, stuck on a rock or structure, or maybe he blinked or you catch him in a tense moment while he is watching drone aggro or something. Point is that while he is very hard to catch there are still Windows and opportunities available.

With cloaks that is not the case unless the pilot decides to allow it.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#4945 - 2015-12-22 09:04:35 UTC
Mike Voidstar wrote:

Cloaks represent exactly that sort of arbitrary change. They violate one of the most foundational concepts of the game so as to allow one party to dominate the other parties activities without any chance at retribution.

And of course, his problem with cloaks is that they exist at all.

Which is of course why his proposals would basically cripple their being functional at all.

They exist to change the game, dumbshit!

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#4946 - 2015-12-22 11:43:46 UTC
Mike Voidstar wrote:
Brokk Witgenstein wrote:
Want a prime example of (1) Undocked (2) Safe in 'hostile space' (3) almost AFK and making sh!tloads of ISK in the process (4) not even cloaked?

Rattlesnakes running missions in null, not a care in the world.

Want to know why? Because you can't light a cyno when on-grid with the acceleration gates, can't "warp to" inside a complex, and a simple can will decloak anything that would try to slowboat and grab you inside -- provided you didn't pick the ship nor the core probes up on DScan. THAT's exactly how safe the ratters are.

Undocked, making ISK, perfectly 100% safe.

Care to comment on how unacceptable it is for a ship that's not doing anything to be undocked yet safe?

Almost afk isn't afk.

There is no safety in that scenario. The location is easily determined, and unless the pilot is prepared for an immediate escape can be caught. He can be scrambled by rats, not be aligned for a dozen reasons, stuck on a rock or structure, or maybe he blinked or you catch him in a tense moment while he is watching drone aggro or something. Point is that while he is very hard to catch there are still Windows and opportunities available.

With cloaks that is not the case unless the pilot decides to allow it.

No, he has to make a mistake, fly like an idiot - just like your cloaker. Fancy that.

"No safety", pardon me whilst I scoff and snort into my coffee at such a ludicrous notion. People rat in carriers because it is really, really safe. A ratting carrier is perhaps the same as 1.5-1.75 afktars, yet 20 times the price. Why do people use them? Because it's so goddamned safe.

And with regards to "forcing" a cloaker to jump a gate? What the hell man? It makes no difference if he jumps or not. If he jumps, kill it. If he doesn't, rat away.

Man are you hard of understanding, but then, seeing as it's well established you don't roll in that part of town I don't suppose that is a surprise.
Gallente Federation
#4947 - 2015-12-22 12:47:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Jerghul
You are wasting time. 4/4 is over. Done. Finished. Kanetz. Kaputt. Finito. Slutt. The fat lady sang.

All we can hope for now is that it is removed in a manner that impacts on moon-goo collection security.

Then the entitled-vet tears will really start to flow.

Blocked list: Teckos, Sonya, Wander, Baltec1

Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#4948 - 2015-12-22 13:51:45 UTC
Morrigan LeSante wrote:
Mike Voidstar wrote:
Brokk Witgenstein wrote:
Want a prime example of (1) Undocked (2) Safe in 'hostile space' (3) almost AFK and making sh!tloads of ISK in the process (4) not even cloaked?

Rattlesnakes running missions in null, not a care in the world.

Want to know why? Because you can't light a cyno when on-grid with the acceleration gates, can't "warp to" inside a complex, and a simple can will decloak anything that would try to slowboat and grab you inside -- provided you didn't pick the ship nor the core probes up on DScan. THAT's exactly how safe the ratters are.

Undocked, making ISK, perfectly 100% safe.

Care to comment on how unacceptable it is for a ship that's not doing anything to be undocked yet safe?

Almost afk isn't afk.

There is no safety in that scenario. The location is easily determined, and unless the pilot is prepared for an immediate escape can be caught. He can be scrambled by rats, not be aligned for a dozen reasons, stuck on a rock or structure, or maybe he blinked or you catch him in a tense moment while he is watching drone aggro or something. Point is that while he is very hard to catch there are still Windows and opportunities available.

With cloaks that is not the case unless the pilot decides to allow it.

No, he has to make a mistake, fly like an idiot - just like your cloaker. Fancy that.

"No safety", pardon me whilst I scoff and snort into my coffee at such a ludicrous notion. People rat in carriers because it is really, really safe. A ratting carrier is perhaps the same as 1.5-1.75 afktars, yet 20 times the price. Why do people use them? Because it's so goddamned safe.

And with regards to "forcing" a cloaker to jump a gate? What the hell man? It makes no difference if he jumps or not. If he jumps, kill it. If he doesn't, rat away.

Man are you hard of understanding, but then, seeing as it's well established you don't roll in that part of town I don't suppose that is a surprise.

I am not surprised you don't understand.

You see, If you were safe while ratting you would continue to do it while the enemy was in system. That does not happen.

The point about the gate is that there is no way to force him to take action. You seem to want to use cases where a ship with a cloak died to say that a ship at a safe under a cloak was in some kind of danger. It's not. You don't bother to put such a ship in dock when enemies hunt it. You just go afk until they get tired or the server shuts down.

It's not about ratting or not ratting. It's about being safe while out of dock. That should not happen to the extent you can turn on your safety blanket and then go to work.
Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#4949 - 2015-12-22 14:18:23 UTC
Mike Voidstar wrote:
Morrigan LeSante wrote:
Mike Voidstar wrote:
Brokk Witgenstein wrote:
Want a prime example of (1) Undocked (2) Safe in 'hostile space' (3) almost AFK and making sh!tloads of ISK in the process (4) not even cloaked?

Rattlesnakes running missions in null, not a care in the world.

Want to know why? Because you can't light a cyno when on-grid with the acceleration gates, can't "warp to" inside a complex, and a simple can will decloak anything that would try to slowboat and grab you inside -- provided you didn't pick the ship nor the core probes up on DScan. THAT's exactly how safe the ratters are.

Undocked, making ISK, perfectly 100% safe.

Care to comment on how unacceptable it is for a ship that's not doing anything to be undocked yet safe?

Almost afk isn't afk.

There is no safety in that scenario. The location is easily determined, and unless the pilot is prepared for an immediate escape can be caught. He can be scrambled by rats, not be aligned for a dozen reasons, stuck on a rock or structure, or maybe he blinked or you catch him in a tense moment while he is watching drone aggro or something. Point is that while he is very hard to catch there are still Windows and opportunities available.

With cloaks that is not the case unless the pilot decides to allow it.

No, he has to make a mistake, fly like an idiot - just like your cloaker. Fancy that.

"No safety", pardon me whilst I scoff and snort into my coffee at such a ludicrous notion. People rat in carriers because it is really, really safe. A ratting carrier is perhaps the same as 1.5-1.75 afktars, yet 20 times the price. Why do people use them? Because it's so goddamned safe.

And with regards to "forcing" a cloaker to jump a gate? What the hell man? It makes no difference if he jumps or not. If he jumps, kill it. If he doesn't, rat away.

Man are you hard of understanding, but then, seeing as it's well established you don't roll in that part of town I don't suppose that is a surprise.

I am not surprised you don't understand.

You see, If you were safe while ratting you would continue to do it while the enemy was in system. That does not happen.

The point about the gate is that there is no way to force him to take action. You seem to want to use cases where a ship with a cloak died to say that a ship at a safe under a cloak was in some kind of danger. It's not. You don't bother to put such a ship in dock when enemies hunt it. You just go afk until they get tired or the server shuts down.

It's not about ratting or not ratting. It's about being safe while out of dock. That should not happen to the extent you can turn on your safety blanket and then go to work.

I do keep ratting.

It's remarkable but it seems no-one wants to drop on ishtars fleeted with a command ship in the same anom. Who knew....

"Forcing action" is impossible anyway. I'm docked, make me do something. Or I'm logged off. Or in a pos. MAKE me do something....go on, or concede the utter strawman you're throwing together.

Moreover, explain what I can MAKE you do when I'm not there, or even when I am cloaked. Absolutely nothing, I can MAKE you do nothing. Your behaviour drives you, nothing more.

Well I concede apparently we're "making" you cry to CCP to make the safest activity in the game, bar none, safer.
Brokk Witgenstein
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#4950 - 2015-12-22 14:23:19 UTC
Mike Voidstar wrote:

You see, If you were safe while ratting you would continue to do it while the enemy was in system. That does not happen.

Oh yes it does. This was in Curse, last night (though they bring out the ratters every night and I swear we'll catch 'em some day), and our hunter's attempts were ... "hilarious" to say the least. There were 2 of us in system, and because the rattler had a MJD and our cloakers didn't, he was actually 130km or so inside the room.

There were three of them, two of us; they ignored us despite our Tengu showed up on DScan more often than we would have liked.

They were safe and they knew it. We knew it too; shoulda bubbled the station but Tengus don't bubble... So we spent the night telling old wives tales about how it would have gone down back in the old days.

Cloakers are safe. Ratters are safe. Gankers are safe. Transports are safe. You're hard pressed to get into non-consensical PvP these days and still the whining goes on and on and on and on. You have to really stay on grid and decide "Yup, I'll take this fight" for a shootout to happen. 99% of the time, not taking the fight is an option too. That's why 99.1% safe interceptors. 99.7% safe nullified T3s. 99.9% safe jump freighters. Piracy is a crafty profession these days!

As I said, I don't mind taking away the cloaks invulnerability as long as it doesn't push nullsec home security over the threshold where I'm more likely to get into a fight in the pub nextdoor than in a spaceshooter MMO.

More things must die in this game - and that, as Mag's would put it, is a TWO WAY STREET. Please make it possible to shoot my cloaker; and while you're at it, please provide a way to make an honest to god kill with it without having to look for four bloody hours!
Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#4951 - 2015-12-22 15:27:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Mike Voidstar
Morrigan LeSante wrote:
Mike Voidstar wrote:
Morrigan LeSante wrote:
Mike Voidstar wrote:
Brokk Witgenstein wrote:
Want a prime example of (1) Undocked (2) Safe in 'hostile space' (3) almost AFK and making sh!tloads of ISK in the process (4) not even cloaked?

Rattlesnakes running missions in null, not a care in the world.

Want to know why? Because you can't light a cyno when on-grid with the acceleration gates, can't "warp to" inside a complex, and a simple can will decloak anything that would try to slowboat and grab you inside -- provided you didn't pick the ship nor the core probes up on DScan. THAT's exactly how safe the ratters are.

Undocked, making ISK, perfectly 100% safe.

Care to comment on how unacceptable it is for a ship that's not doing anything to be undocked yet safe?

Almost afk isn't afk.

There is no safety in that scenario. The location is easily determined, and unless the pilot is prepared for an immediate escape can be caught. He can be scrambled by rats, not be aligned for a dozen reasons, stuck on a rock or structure, or maybe he blinked or you catch him in a tense moment while he is watching drone aggro or something. Point is that while he is very hard to catch there are still Windows and opportunities available.

With cloaks that is not the case unless the pilot decides to allow it.

No, he has to make a mistake, fly like an idiot - just like your cloaker. Fancy that.

"No safety", pardon me whilst I scoff and snort into my coffee at such a ludicrous notion. People rat in carriers because it is really, really safe. A ratting carrier is perhaps the same as 1.5-1.75 afktars, yet 20 times the price. Why do people use them? Because it's so goddamned safe.

And with regards to "forcing" a cloaker to jump a gate? What the hell man? It makes no difference if he jumps or not. If he jumps, kill it. If he doesn't, rat away.

Man are you hard of understanding, but then, seeing as it's well established you don't roll in that part of town I don't suppose that is a surprise.

I am not surprised you don't understand.

You see, If you were safe while ratting you would continue to do it while the enemy was in system. That does not happen.

The point about the gate is that there is no way to force him to take action. You seem to want to use cases where a ship with a cloak died to say that a ship at a safe under a cloak was in some kind of danger. It's not. You don't bother to put such a ship in dock when enemies hunt it. You just go afk until they get tired or the server shuts down.

It's not about ratting or not ratting. It's about being safe while out of dock. That should not happen to the extent you can turn on your safety blanket and then go to work.

I do keep ratting.

It's remarkable but it seems no-one wants to drop on ishtars fleeted with a command ship in the same anom. Who knew....

"Forcing action" is impossible anyway. I'm docked, make me do something. Or I'm logged off. Or in a pos. MAKE me do something....go on, or concede the utter strawman you're throwing together.

Moreover, explain what I can MAKE you do when I'm not there, or even when I am cloaked. Absolutely nothing, I can MAKE you do nothing. Your behaviour drives you, nothing more.

Well I concede apparently we're "making" you cry to CCP to make the safest activity in the game, bar none, safer.

/Sigh.... Structures are not modules. Modules are not structures.

You want to accuse people of using strawmen, don't include the places specifically designed to provide safety in your argument.

I am not an idiot and I am not suicidal. I don't assume a hostile in system is afk. That hostile in system requires a defensive response. The effects of that defensive response reduce profits below those in high sec--- clearly a negative effect for operating in Null Sec. Inflicting negative effects from complete safety is unbalanced. Every ship not in a structure designed to make it safe is supposed to be at risk. A cloaked ship not humping something it should not is immune to being interacted with. This is not balanced.

I am aware you cant force action on safe people. That's a problem when the person is not inside a structure designed to make them safe.
Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#4952 - 2015-12-22 15:30:40 UTC
Brokk Witgenstein wrote:
Mike Voidstar wrote:

You see, If you were safe while ratting you would continue to do it while the enemy was in system. That does not happen.

Oh yes it does. This was in Curse, last night (though they bring out the ratters every night and I swear we'll catch 'em some day), and our hunter's attempts were ... "hilarious" to say the least. There were 2 of us in system, and because the rattler had a MJD and our cloakers didn't, he was actually 130km or so inside the room.

There were three of them, two of us; they ignored us despite our Tengu showed up on DScan more often than we would have liked.

They were safe and they knew it. We knew it too; shoulda bubbled the station but Tengus don't bubble... So we spent the night telling old wives tales about how it would have gone down back in the old days.

Cloakers are safe. Ratters are safe. Gankers are safe. Transports are safe. You're hard pressed to get into non-consensical PvP these days and still the whining goes on and on and on and on. You have to really stay on grid and decide "Yup, I'll take this fight" for a shootout to happen. 99% of the time, not taking the fight is an option too. That's why 99.1% safe interceptors. 99.7% safe nullified T3s. 99.9% safe jump freighters. Piracy is a crafty profession these days!

As I said, I don't mind taking away the cloaks invulnerability as long as it doesn't push nullsec home security over the threshold where I'm more likely to get into a fight in the pub nextdoor than in a spaceshooter MMO.

More things must die in this game - and that, as Mag's would put it, is a TWO WAY STREET. Please make it possible to shoot my cloaker; and while you're at it, please provide a way to make an honest to god kill with it without having to look for four bloody hours!

You will have to clarify to me how they ignored you and you were unable to catch up to them. Eventually you will run them out of their engagement range for the rats, which would stop them ratting, or... I really don't know. I guess you can't cross 130k in a MJD's recharge?
Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#4953 - 2015-12-22 15:41:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Morrigan LeSante
You keep claiming it reduces profits yet seem unable to grasp that more ships per pocket = higher kill rate than solo.

In fact, where drones hulls are concerned, the reduced travel time between packs because they can be split actually INCREASES the tick value. Best part? More anoms at a faster clear rate = more escalations.

Of course, you'd know that, if you lived outside of highsec.

Furthermore, I'd like a citation that places only and not modules are designed to give safety. Dev post or it's just spouted nonsense by you. I mean, what the hell else is the point of a prototype cloak if NOT to provide safety?

And remember, you've still not addressed how lowsec manages this without collapsing in on itself.
Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#4954 - 2015-12-22 15:44:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Mike Voidstar
Morrigan LeSante wrote:
You keep claiming it reduces profits yet seem unable to grasp that more ships per pocket = higher kill rate than solo.

In fact, where drones hulls are concerned, the reduced travel time between packs because they can be split actually INCREASES the tick value. Best part? More anoms at a faster clear rate = more escalations.

Of course, you'd know that, if you lived outside of highsec.

Furthermore, I'd like a citation that places only and not modules are designed to give safety. Dev post or it's just spouted nonsense by you. I mean, what the hell else is the point of a prototype cloak if NOT to proved safety?

And remember, you've still not addressed how lowsec manages this without collapsing in on itself.

I actually did cover lowsec. Answer is it does, just to a lesser extent.

They did discuss structures needing to be safe in the devblogs about citadels, which is why you won't be getting much loot from them.

I see you are back to every ratter/miner needing a fleet in system for defense, but we should 'think of the titans!' and let those be safe unsupported all day.

The point of any cloak is to provide stealth gameplay. There's plenty of room between 100% immune to interaction and being difficult to detect.

Profit is just where the damage is done. The imbalance is with inflicting negative effects while 100% safe and completely passive.
Gallente Federation
#4955 - 2015-12-22 15:45:14 UTC
Yet, this thread is about afk cloaky camping.

Itemizing things that are less obscenely safe simply because they are not 4/4 is just a list of things you want devs to look at eventually in addition to fixing 4/4.

Blocked list: Teckos, Sonya, Wander, Baltec1

Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#4956 - 2015-12-22 16:42:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Morrigan LeSante

No, if moving ONE SYSTEM OVER is such an anathema to you, a fleet mitigates the risk. No-one is making you do anything. You're just obsessed with poo-pooing every viable option available to you.

And no, it doesnt affect lowsec AT ALL. There are reasons for this, go check, stop pontificating and LIVE THERE. Just in the same way that a docked player there doesnt stop anything either.

"Stealth gameplay"... in a non covert cloak hahahahaha, best one I've heard all week.

And again, the choice of a "negative effect" is all on you. If you just harden up an iota - perhaps something approaching the level befitting with living in lawless space then their affect is utterly gutted.

But oh yeah, that's "effort".....

Ed: And enough of your titan bullshit, you're the one that suggested people hunt a mining barge with the same dedication as they do supers. Again, kindly stop sperging about topics you know less than nothing about.
Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#4957 - 2015-12-22 16:51:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Mike Voidstar
No... It's just that the one option that is supposed to be a part of every aspect of EVE is missing in this case.

Moving a system is just abandoning the space. Thus cloaker wins automagically because he cannot be opposed.

I have seen it done in low sec. It's just not as common because fewer people attempt to control that space.

You are the one suggesting that cloaks need to be 100% safe because otherwise Cap ships are at risk. Somehow ships that are supposed to be supported by fleets can be solo all day, but cheaper ships need whole fleets to support them.
Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#4958 - 2015-12-22 17:08:15 UTC
No. That was just ANOTHER thing you'll break with your crusade to make ratting safer.

BRB, taking deklein with cloaked Ventures....
Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#4959 - 2015-12-22 17:17:16 UTC
It's not about ratting. It's about hunting cloaked ships.

Super simple concept there. If it's in space then it should be huntable.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#4960 - 2015-12-22 17:18:34 UTC
Mike Voidstar wrote:

It is absolutely a good analogy.

We should have a good understanding of the rules, but we don't. The rules can be manipulated any number of ways, and although we generally agree how the game should be played it does not matter if someone decides to start enforcing arbitrary changes for their own benefit.

Cloaks represent exactly that sort of arbitrary change. They violate one of the most foundational concepts of the game so as to allow one party to dominate the other parties activities without any chance at retribution.

In your example scenario let's say I test. The guy isn't afk, he sees me log in, and leave the system. Why would he follow? People travel all the time. A few minutes later he sees me return. Using dscan he makes a correct guess at my gate, warps to it at 100km. He sees me jump out again, and is now suspicious. I return, and jump out again. He still has not followed me and knows what I am up to. This continues until I am satisfied because I am apparently an idiot.

Using your logic I have now wasted anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour playing games with myself, and I head on out to do whatever I came for in the first place. Note at no point has the camper been in even the tiniest bit of danger himself. I settle into my ratting, am scrambled by half a dozen frigates that I begin to clear off when he begins his attack. Maybe he lights a cyno, maybe he just neuts my tank out, whatever. At this point I am pretty much done as if he wasn't prepared in whatever way to engage, he would not have, because there was never a way to break his initiative and bring the fight to him.

I might still have wasted as much or more time scanning him down and eliminated false positives, and he could still have engaged or not as he was prepared to do... But at the moment there is only one side at risk in this confrontation.

That is a problem. Nonconsent needs to exist for everyone.

No Mike, when I am talking about the "rules" I am talking about subjective vs. objective probabilities--i.e. things like the sample space, etc.. Rolling die repeatedly puts you in the realm of objective probabilities. When it comes to an AFK cloaker it is subjective probabilities. Thus, the Russian roulette game is well within notion of objective probabilities.

Further, as I noted unless you spin the barrel every time the probability of the bad state goes up, not down. In contrast, every time you hope systems trying to essentially bait the cloaker, the probability of the bad state goes down.

And there you go again with your precious ISK/hour. Face it you went to live in the wrong part of the sandbox given your outlook. Loss averse, focused primarily on a single metric for evaluating your time in EVE. I used to be quite like you. Hated losing ships to other players. Then I took a hand in PvP myself and saw how much fun it was, I also realized that losing a ship is not a horrible thing. The other guy is having fun. I can look at how/why I lost my ship and what I can do better next time. And at the end of the day it is about having fun.

And yeah, you might have to spend 20, 30, even 60 minutes trying to determine if a guy is AFK or not. You talk about securing your space, but either it is something somebody has done or once done never has to be done again. What if you had to spend 30 minutes hunting him down. What if CCP's changes are that after 30 minutes the OA and scan probes let you find him, decloak him, and then kill him?

Seriously, your argument on this point is, "OMG, no! Because, effort."?

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online