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AFK Cloaking™: Ideas, Discussion, and Proposals

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Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#4841 - 2015-12-19 20:15:08 UTC
Morrigan LeSante wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Brokk Witgenstein wrote:
Jerghul wrote:
You think bling is the determining factor that separates yolo yokels from good pvp pilots? A cloaked venture is also very risk adverse; small sig and inherent double stabs + low slots...its not something stopped easily even in transit to the camping system.

Flycatcher. Stopped your invasion dead in its tracks. You're welcome.

Or an anchored bubble and even better about 6-10 cans spread around the bubble edge to help with de-cloaking (not that ventures can warp while cloaked). And full of DPS ships and lots and lots of dead ventures.

Yeah, we nail a bunch of them like that. Got a nemesis just last night, so much for Invulnerability cloaks...Lol

Oh yeah... This again. Killing a ship with a cloak mounted is not killing a cloaked ship. Killing a ship capable of cloaking when it can't use the cloak means nothing about the balance of the cloak, especially considering the pilot of the cloaking ship is 100% in control of putting himself in that position. There is no nonconsent there, just bad luck and poor choices.

Tell me again how you counter an active cloak out in open space?
Brokk Witgenstein
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#4842 - 2015-12-19 20:35:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Brokk Witgenstein
Not yet Mike ... but it's coming. It's on the Observatory Array's to-do list; I'm more concerned with HOW they're going to do it than IF they're going to do it.

I foresee several "problems"; but in general, thinking ahead and discussing those is a good thing.

The above post (about ventures and flycatchers) was mostly for Jerghul's benefit. Whenever somebody makes r3t4rded claims like those, we need to put it out of its misery. The problem is he keeps piling up the stupidities until in the end, none of us can talk about the repercussions of huntable cloaks anymore.

And since he's hellbent on insulting each and every one of us in every post he makes, I have no issues returning the favour.

So, nope - this particular post had nothing to do with AFK cloaking. We know you can't catch 'em (yet) -- what I'd like to know is how CCP may proceed and what this would mean for everyone involved.
Azn Empire
#4843 - 2015-12-19 21:02:49 UTC
Jerghul wrote:
If you add a dollar to your wishes you could buy some bubblegum.

Its more your not understanding the big picture that makes your positions a bit immature. We all know the suspension of disbelief is important to being able to play games at all. You have to pretend something is real that is not. But hell, even dogs enjoy hunting and retrieving sticks, so its not very advanced.
Bubble gum isn't in the game. But saying that, it's far from outlandish or childish. But at least I'm talking about in game stuff, unlike yourself. Lol

So what you are saying is, Eve is real?

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Gallente Federation
#4844 - 2015-12-19 21:05:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Jerghul
On the array point.

It should be pretty clear by now that infrastructure is transitioning towards modules. Whatever is coming will be a module used in a citadel high, medium, or low slot.

That should tell you a lot about what will be introduced. Perhaps something as simple as a powerful probelauncher with powerful probes able to scan down ships and create warp to points.

Blocked list: Teckos, Sonya, Wander, Baltec1

Brokk Witgenstein
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#4845 - 2015-12-19 22:47:08 UTC
That was delightfully civilised of you. Thank you.

Now... imagine cloaky probe launchers + DScan inhibitors (also coined as 'one of the possibilities') + local intact ..... that'd be carebear heaven, no?

Do you now see why some protest is in order?
Azn Empire
#4846 - 2015-12-19 22:50:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Brokk Witgenstein wrote:
That was delightfully civilised of you. Thank you.
The original post wasn't.Lol

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#4847 - 2015-12-19 23:09:56 UTC
Mike Voidstar wrote:
Morrigan LeSante wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Brokk Witgenstein wrote:
Jerghul wrote:
You think bling is the determining factor that separates yolo yokels from good pvp pilots? A cloaked venture is also very risk adverse; small sig and inherent double stabs + low slots...its not something stopped easily even in transit to the camping system.

Flycatcher. Stopped your invasion dead in its tracks. You're welcome.

Or an anchored bubble and even better about 6-10 cans spread around the bubble edge to help with de-cloaking (not that ventures can warp while cloaked). And full of DPS ships and lots and lots of dead ventures.

Yeah, we nail a bunch of them like that. Got a nemesis just last night, so much for Invulnerability cloaks...Lol

Oh yeah... This again. Killing a ship with a cloak mounted is not killing a cloaked ship. Killing a ship capable of cloaking when it can't use the cloak means nothing about the balance of the cloak, especially considering the pilot of the cloaking ship is 100% in control of putting himself in that position. There is no nonconsent there, just bad luck and poor choices.

Tell me again how you counter an active cloak out in open space?

And amazingly, no cloaked ship has ever killed another ship in game, ever. By this logic a cloaked ship represents precisely zero risk.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#4848 - 2015-12-19 23:12:00 UTC
Brokk Witgenstein wrote:
That was delightfully civilised of you. Thank you.

Now... imagine cloaky probe launchers + DScan inhibitors (also coined as 'one of the possibilities') + local intact ..... that'd be carebear heaven, no?

Do you now see why some protest is in order?

Scanning cloaked ships, a D-scan inhibitor and, nothing OP about that at all. Roll

The day EVE became, literally, worse Hello Kitty Online.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#4849 - 2015-12-19 23:15:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Mike Voidstar wrote:

Tell me again how you counter an active cloak out in open space?

1. Move over a system.
2. Rat in a fleet.
3. Find out when the pilot is active, rat during the off hours.

Yes he is still there, but he is clearly not denying access to resources...strategy countered. Roll

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Gallente Federation
#4850 - 2015-12-20 02:40:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Jerghul
It would be a mistake to give the game afk citadel combat capability. A mistake the developers look keen on not making.

So if we take super probes in isolation.

1. Red in system
2. Some player with corp permission takes control of citadel
3. Spends some effort scanning down cloaked (or other) ship with clearly identifiable probes
4. Cloaked (or other) ship either warps away to restart scanning process.
5. Or remains in place and can be warped to (by ships, not by citadel).

1. Move cloaky ship over a system
2. Cloaky camp in a fleet of cloaky campers
2. Find out when pilots with citadel permissions are active. Cloaky camp duing off hours.

See what I did there?

The point is on the top of your head? Or you feel you just need to fuel fires? Or you somehow missed that I have, can and will use the lowest common denominator in discussion? Debate onto Mike what I will debate onto your sorry synonym for donkey.

Brokk was right. He was trying a civilized approach. No reason to snipe at him.

Blocked list: Teckos, Sonya, Wander, Baltec1

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#4851 - 2015-12-20 03:52:09 UTC
Jerghul wrote:

1. Move cloaky ship over a system
2. Cloaky camp in a fleet of cloaky campers
2. Find out when pilots with citadel permissions are active. Cloaky camp duing off hours.

See what I did there?

Oh yes, advertise you own foolishness.

1. Move cloaky ship over a system--Thanks for letting me know you ARE ATK.
2. Cloaky camp in a fleet of cloaky campers--Bahahahahaha
2. Find out when pilots with citadel permissions are active. Cloaky camp duing off hours.--Yes, please AFK cloak camp while I am in bed, at work, etc.


"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Gallente Federation
#4852 - 2015-12-20 04:36:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Jerghul
Then stop harping about your stupid suggestions then.

It is as stupid and impractical and undesirable for mike to do it, as it would be for your cloaky camper to have to do it to operate safer.

Which is why mike is only making the entirely reasonable suggestion that pilots cannot combine being safe with being afk.

Blocked list: Teckos, Sonya, Wander, Baltec1

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#4853 - 2015-12-20 04:43:23 UTC
Jerghul wrote:
Then stop harping about your stupid suggestions then.

It is as stupid and impractical and undesirable for mike to do it, as it would be for your cloaky camper to have to do it to operate safer.

Which is why mike is only making the entirely reasonable suggestion that pilots cannot combine being safe with being afk.

Try again, this time consider making it, oh I don't know, coherent?

And if being safe and being AFK is undesirable when do we get the "Force Undock" button from stations and outposts?

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Gallente Federation
#4854 - 2015-12-20 05:40:48 UTC
Blame the way your mind works for the fuzzy feeling you get when trying to ponder game features.

You want a forced undock feature now as compensation for any risk to your precious afk cloaky camper?

Sorry, you don't get to compare docked conditions and undocked degrees of safety.

I will repeat my helpful suggestion on how you can make scanable cloaky camping safer the next time you helpfully tell mike how he can compensate through behavioural change.

You could do with a few good lessons in reciprocity.

Blocked list: Teckos, Sonya, Wander, Baltec1

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#4855 - 2015-12-20 06:54:47 UTC
Jerghul wrote:
Blame the way your mind works for the fuzzy feeling you get when trying to ponder game features.

You want a forced undock feature now as compensation for any risk to your precious afk cloaky camper?

Sorry, you don't get to compare docked conditions and undocked degrees of safety.

I will repeat my helpful suggestion on how you can make scanable cloaky camping safer the next time you helpfully tell mike how he can compensate through behavioural change.

You could do with a few good lessons in reciprocity.

What, you said AFK and safety should not be compatible....but that is precisely what happens in a station and has been pointed out in NPC space, this represents the same type of "enduring implicit threat" as AFK cloaking.

Of course, people in NPC space rarely complain about AFK campers, it is usually sov PvE players, typically renters.

And the point is Mike can make himself safer the real issue is he refuses. Seriously, a good system can easily support 10 ratters. Why not form a standing fleet? Why not work together and kill anomalies together? Why not get on comms?

Why not move over a system? At the very least it will give you more the guy AFK or not. Here is how it works..

We want to know the following:


That, what is the probability that the guy in system with Mike is AFK given that once Mike leaves system the guy does not follow. We can attempt to solve this via Bayes Theorem,

Prob(AFK|Stay) = Prob(Stay|AFK)*Prob(AFK)/Prob(Stay)

Mike is very wary of AFK cloaked ships, so his prior probability, Prob(AFK) is very high, lets say 0.1 (we don't want to set a prior probability to 1 or zero because those are dogmatic priors, no amount of evidence will get you to change your beliefs--e.g. the guy who owns the AFK cloaking account could be sitting right next to Mike with no computer access yet Mike would still assume the guy is actually ATK). We also need a probability for Prob(stay). Lets say it is 0.5. Now all that is left is, Prob(Stay|AFK). Since an AFK player cannot change systems this probability is 1. So now we have,

Prob(AFK|Stay) = Prob(AFK)/Prob(Stay)

In other words, the fact that the guy did not follow Mike when he moved systems Mike can conclude that it is more likely the guy is AFK. Now, if we do it again, we'd use the same formula, but it would be,

Prob(AFK|Stay) = Prob(AFK|Stay)/Prob(Stay)

This is actually a simplified approach, a more exact approach would yield the following results:

First time leaving system:

Prob(AFK|Stay) = 0.182

Second time leaving:

Prob(AFK|Stay2) = 0.304

Third time leaving:

Prob(AFK|Stay3) = 0.471.

On the seventh time of entering and leaving the system, the same gate, etc. we get,

Prob(AFK|Stay7) = 0.934.

A similar analysis could be done based on when the guy gets his kills.

But no, this is just silly nonsense...we should give Mike the means to hunt down and kill that AFK cloaker. Or more accurately, such a mechanics change will eliminate all risk from a guy cloaked in system....because they will stop doing it.

The logic of basic probability theory also tells us that overall Mike's risk level goes down.

So why should Mike get a reduction in his risk level? Why should Mike be allowed to gather resources with less risk...more easily.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Gallente Federation
#4856 - 2015-12-20 07:16:35 UTC
Like I said, you do not get to compare safety in stations to degrees of immunity in space.

The difference is one of the defining features of EvE. Ships are invulnerable docked and vulnerable undocked (with one glaring exception that is the topic of this thread). You can raise the issue of gate cloaks and force fields as exceptions too if you feel like getting schooled in those topics.

Of course renters and smaller corporations complain more about afk cloaky camping. They are the ones holding sov in the perimeter where afk cloaky camping is most effective. Core null-sec systems have buffer zones that can only be accessed with difficulty. And yolo yokel backup for cloaky campers dont do difficult.

Its like you don't understand that players adapt to denial of space with denial of space. Oh wait, you don't understand that. Hence your eternal search for outlandish character flaws that would be pure bigotry if you applied it to a otherwise diverse group of people in the real world. Wait - it is pure bigotry in EvE too.

The point that scannable cloaky campers can make themselves safer too. Simply by being at the computer. How is it even possible to have the chutzpah to insist that you should be able to be undocked, in hostile space, AFK, and completely safe? Its insane.

Mike is being reasonable. You are being insanely unreasonable.

The question is not about mike. Its about you.

Why should you be alloweed to be undocked, in hostile space, AFK, and completely invulnerable.

The answer that you need crutches to muck up Mike's day is invalid. It does however say everything about you, and nothing about Mike.

Blocked list: Teckos, Sonya, Wander, Baltec1

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#4857 - 2015-12-20 07:31:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Jerghul wrote:
Like I said, you do not get to compare safety in stations to degrees of immunity in space.

The difference is one of the defining features of EvE. Ships are invulnerable docked and vulnerable undocked (with one glaring exception that is the topic of this thread). You can raise the issue of gate cloaks and force fields as exceptions too if you feel like getting schooled in those topics.

Of course renters and smaller corporations complain more about afk cloaky camping. They are the ones holding sov in the perimeter where afk cloaky camping is most effective. Core null-sec systems have buffer zones that can only be accessed with difficulty. And yolo yokel backup for cloaky campers dont do difficult.

Its like you don't understand that players adapt to denial of space with denial of space. Oh wait, you don't understand that. Hence your eternal search for outlandish character flaws that would be pure bigotry if you applied it to a otherwise diverse group of people in the real world. Wait - it is pure bigotry in EvE too.

The point that scannable cloaky campers can make themselves safer too. Simply by being at the computer. How is it even possible to have the chutzpah to insist that you should be able to be undocked, in hostile space, AFK, and completely safe? Its insane.

Mike is being reasonable. You are being insanely unreasonable.

The question is not about mike. Its about you.

Why should you be alloweed to be undocked, in hostile space, AFK, and completely invulnerable.

The answer that you need crutches to muck up Mike's day is invalid. It does however say everything about you, and nothing about Mike.

Whatever, you are patently wrong on all counts, but cannot muster even the shreds of a decent argument. And in fact lying regarding rental alliances.

I have already shown that there is a solid method to determine if the guy is AFK. Yet these useless PvE players do not use it. Ever. They whine, cry and complain. That's it.

And no, back when renting was a thing it was not "perimeter" systems, but entire regions. On this point you are simply lying through your keyboard.

We see that the Greater Western Co-Prosperity Sphere were not "perimeter systems," but were parts or even entire regions. Similarly for the Brother's of Tangra and Northern Associates. Quite simply you are lying.

Renters complain because they cannot deal with AFK cloakers in any meaningful way. You can see it with posts about profit and how they should be allowed to pursue it unmolested.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Gallente Federation
#4858 - 2015-12-20 07:48:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Jerghul
You just QED'd the bigotry.

This thread topic is not about Mike. Its about you.

Mike is saying only 3 of 4 should be true at any time

1. Undocked
2. In hostile space (low/null/wh)
3. AFK
4. Immune to unsolicited pvp

Perfectly reasonable.

That renters and smaller corps are the ones holding perimeters vulnerable to cloaky camping does not preclude other renters and smaller corps from holding core areas (what do they teach at schools these days)? Geeze.

You deal with afk cloaky campers by putting a buffer zone between core systems where you PvE, and places where the yolo yokel cloaky camper back up can stage from. It makes things difficult for them and yolo yokels dont do difficult, so cloaky campers will target buffer systems for easy access.

Did I say its not about mike, its about you already. Why yes I did. Maybe repeating it will help.

Why should you be undocked, in hostile space, AFK, and immune? In what insane mind is that a good idea?

Blocked list: Teckos, Sonya, Wander, Baltec1

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#4859 - 2015-12-20 07:55:01 UTC
Jerghul wrote:
You just QED'd the bigotry.

This thread topic is not about Mike. Its about you.

Mike is saying only 3 of 4 should be true at any time

1. Undocked
2. In hostile space (low/null/wh)
3. AFK
4. Immune to unsolicited pvp

Perfectly reasonable.

That renters and smaller corps are the ones holding perimeters vulnerable to cloaky camping does not preclude other renters and smaller corps from holding core areas (what do they teach at schools these days)? Geeze.

Did I say its not about mike, its about you already. Why yes I did. Maybe repeating it will help.

Why should you be undocked, in hostile space, AFK, and immune? In what insane mind is that a good idea?

Sorry, you are simply lying.

Good bye Jerghul, I don't like discussions with liars.

Oh, and if Mike can't take the time to figure out if a guy is AFK or not, he should not be in NS. It is just that simple.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Gallente Federation
#4860 - 2015-12-20 07:57:07 UTC
I added an edit to the above post.

Don't hurt yourself on the way out.

Blocked list: Teckos, Sonya, Wander, Baltec1