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What happens to Eve.....

Lady Spank
Get Out Nasty Face
#81 - 2012-01-08 20:33:25 UTC
Ladie Harlot wrote:
Lady Spank wrote:
because getting called derogatory names and pushing f1-f8 is so hard yeah?

Surely the great Lady Spank is capable of better trolling than this...

Besides, in Goon fleets it's the FC who gets called derogatory names.

Pardon me, I was stuck in a mid noughties nostalgia trip.

(ಠ_ృ) ~ It Takes a Million Years to Become Diamonds So Lets Just Burn Like Coal Until the Sky's Black ~ (ಠ_ృ)

Ira Theos
#82 - 2012-01-08 22:54:30 UTC
Elessa Enaka wrote:
Ira Theos wrote:
Elessa Enaka wrote:
CCP pushes the reset button on everything in 0.0 or watches as the sandbox withers and dies from stagnation

What are you talking about? The sandbox is already withered and dead from stagnation, so are you asking where we go from here? Pesonally, I've already unsubbed and am just spending isk on PLEX to complain about it on the forums in the vain hope that CCP will correct things before Eve completely dries up and blows away. Not really expecting this to happen though.

Well, this is sad news for me, I am a fairly young player of Eve (my main is only about 15 months old), I want to participate in the "end game" of eve (I know, no real endgame to a sandbox, blah, blah, blah) though I refuse to do it as a pet. There needs to be some way for those of us who aren't completely jaded to have some upward mobility as far as null is concerned or else the influx of new players will eventually cease, which I highly doubt is something CCP wants.

If something doesn't change, it will get to a point where there may be 35-50k characters logged in, but they will be the same 10-15k players with all of their multiboxed alts.

It isn't CCP that is killing Eve, it is the elitist neckbeards in the playerbase

Sorry to bust your bubble, but it reached that point long ago. The few spikes in new membership have been quickly killed off several times.
Ira Theos
#83 - 2012-01-08 22:57:05 UTC
J Kunjeh wrote:
Elessa Enaka wrote:

If something doesn't change, it will get to a point where there may be 35-50k characters logged in, but they will be the same 10-15k players with all of their multiboxed alts.

Welcome to Eve, 2012. This is what we have today (except you forgot bots...lots of bots).

QFT! RMT Plantations and Bots... Lots of Bots.
Chase The Dragon
#84 - 2012-01-08 23:10:24 UTC
Ladie Harlot wrote:
Chase The Dragon wrote:
They're the wannabe hotheads that gatecrash a party and within 15 mins get thrown over the fence.

Well how else are we going to get to party with the cool kids?

Surely you'd enjoy partying amongst yourselves? I'm sure TEST, GOML, FA etc etc could sort out a great game of naked twister with you.
Ira Theos
#85 - 2012-01-08 23:12:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Ira Theos
Ladie Harlot wrote:
Elessa Enaka wrote:
Well, this is sad news for me,

You can safely ignore Ira. He's just jealous of how successful we are.

No, I'm just jaded about how CCP has let their game mechanics destroy the heart of their game by denying their new subscribers any LEGITIMATE avenue to dethrone the existing order in Zero. Of course if you have a metagame internet club like the Goons and want to use the same botting cheats to try it, you might succeed, but then that wouldn't be legitimate, would it?Now if you came to Eve looking to play the part of a serf working in Zero as a Guard Dog defending some Russian's RMT Farm, then Eve is your game.

I don't really think new subscribers have that goal when they start and I believe they quit Eve after they have figured it out. This is why the subscriber base hasn't significantly increased over time.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#86 - 2012-01-08 23:15:20 UTC
get a load of this sperg ^
Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#87 - 2012-01-08 23:42:21 UTC
Ira Theos wrote:
Ladie Harlot wrote:
Elessa Enaka wrote:
Well, this is sad news for me,

You can safely ignore Ira. He's just jealous of how successful we are.

No, I'm just jaded about how CCP has let their game mechanics destroy the heart of their game by denying their new subscribers any LEGITIMATE avenue to dethrone the existing order in Zero. Of course if you have a metagame internet club like the Goons and want to use the same botting cheats to try it, you might succeed, but then that wouldn't be legitimate, would it?Now if you came to Eve looking to play the part of a serf working in Zero as a Guard Dog defending some Russian's RMT Farm, then Eve is your game.

I don't really think new subscribers have that goal when they start and I believe they quit Eve after they have figured it out. This is why the subscriber base hasn't significantly increased over time.

Since you don't have any proof of anybody botting or engaging in RMT I'm going to stick with my assertion that you're just jealous of both our success and the amount of fun we are having in the game.

As for new subscribers...we recently had a very successful newbie drive and we have a ton of new people so you're wrong about that as well.

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Jafit McJafitson
Amarr Empire
#88 - 2012-01-08 23:54:38 UTC
Ira Theos wrote:
Now if you came to Eve looking to play the part of a serf working in Zero as a Guard Dog defending some Russian's RMT Farm, then Eve is your game.

I don't really think new subscribers have that goal when they start and I believe they quit Eve after they have figured it out. This is why the subscriber base hasn't significantly increased over time.

Implying that the average player joins EVE and bases their decision to subscribe on the state of nullsec politics rather than, y'know, gameplay... Usually empire mission running gameplay.
Ira Theos
#89 - 2012-01-09 00:46:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Ira Theos
Ladie Harlot wrote:
Ira Theos wrote:
Ladie Harlot wrote:
Elessa Enaka wrote:
Well, this is sad news for me,

You can safely ignore Ira. He's just jealous of how successful we are.

No, I'm just jaded about how CCP has let their game mechanics destroy the heart of their game by denying their new subscribers any LEGITIMATE avenue to dethrone the existing order in Zero. Of course if you have a metagame internet club like the Goons and want to use the same botting cheats to try it, you might succeed, but then that wouldn't be legitimate, would it?Now if you came to Eve looking to play the part of a serf working in Zero as a Guard Dog defending some Russian's RMT Farm, then Eve is your game.

I don't really think new subscribers have that goal when they start and I believe they quit Eve after they have figured it out. This is why the subscriber base hasn't significantly increased over time.

Since you don't have any proof of anybody botting or engaging in RMT I'm going to stick with my assertion that you're just jealous of both our success and the amount of fun we are having in the game.

As for new subscribers...we recently had a very successful newbie drive and we have a ton of new people so you're wrong about that as well.

Tell me again why I should care about your opinion of what I believe about the state of Eve?
Oh, you're irrelevent? Fine, but please do carry on, as I'm sure you will.
Pardon me if I add you to my ignore list.
Ira Theos
#90 - 2012-01-09 00:52:03 UTC
Jafit McJafitson wrote:
Ira Theos wrote:
Now if you came to Eve looking to play the part of a serf working in Zero as a Guard Dog defending some Russian's RMT Farm, then Eve is your game.

I don't really think new subscribers have that goal when they start and I believe they quit Eve after they have figured it out. This is why the subscriber base hasn't significantly increased over time.

Implying that the average player joins EVE and bases their decision to subscribe on the state of nullsec politics rather than, y'know, gameplay... Usually empire mission running gameplay.

I'm not "implying" it. I'm stating it as fact that most people subscribing to Eve expect to find a role in the "Great Space Opera" other than Rent-Paying-Guard-Dog-In-Zero-RMT-Farm. Most quit after six months when they have figured this out. If this were not so, Eve's subscription numbers would be well over a million by now.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#91 - 2012-01-09 01:16:55 UTC
Ira Theos wrote:
Jafit McJafitson wrote:
Ira Theos wrote:
Now if you came to Eve looking to play the part of a serf working in Zero as a Guard Dog defending some Russian's RMT Farm, then Eve is your game.

I don't really think new subscribers have that goal when they start and I believe they quit Eve after they have figured it out. This is why the subscriber base hasn't significantly increased over time.

Implying that the average player joins EVE and bases their decision to subscribe on the state of nullsec politics rather than, y'know, gameplay... Usually empire mission running gameplay.

I'm not "implying" it. I'm stating it as fact that most people subscribing to Eve expect to find a role in the "Great Space Opera" other than Rent-Paying-Guard-Dog-In-Zero-RMT-Farm. Most quit after six months when they have figured this out. If this were not so, Eve's subscription numbers would be well over a million by now.

Alright, tell me - who pays rent in the CFC?

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

met worst
#92 - 2012-01-09 01:21:20 UTC
Andski wrote:
Ira Theos wrote:
Jafit McJafitson wrote:
Ira Theos wrote:
Now if you came to Eve looking to play the part of a serf working in Zero as a Guard Dog defending some Russian's RMT Farm, then Eve is your game.

I don't really think new subscribers have that goal when they start and I believe they quit Eve after they have figured it out. This is why the subscriber base hasn't significantly increased over time.

Implying that the average player joins EVE and bases their decision to subscribe on the state of nullsec politics rather than, y'know, gameplay... Usually empire mission running gameplay.

I'm not "implying" it. I'm stating it as fact that most people subscribing to Eve expect to find a role in the "Great Space Opera" other than Rent-Paying-Guard-Dog-In-Zero-RMT-Farm. Most quit after six months when they have figured this out. If this were not so, Eve's subscription numbers would be well over a million by now.

Alright, tell me - who pays rent in the CFC?

Rent as in ISK or you-better-stroke-my-weenie-or-I'll-throw-you-out kinda rent?
Ira Theos
#93 - 2012-01-09 01:48:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Ira Theos
met worst wrote:
Andski wrote:
Ira Theos wrote:
Jafit McJafitson wrote:
Ira Theos wrote:
Now if you came to Eve looking to play the part of a serf working in Zero as a Guard Dog defending some Russian's RMT Farm, then Eve is your game.

I don't really think new subscribers have that goal when they start and I believe they quit Eve after they have figured it out. This is why the subscriber base hasn't significantly increased over time.

Implying that the average player joins EVE and bases their decision to subscribe on the state of nullsec politics rather than, y'know, gameplay... Usually empire mission running gameplay.

I'm not "implying" it. I'm stating it as fact that most people subscribing to Eve expect to find a role in the "Great Space Opera" other than Rent-Paying-Guard-Dog-In-Zero-RMT-Farm. Most quit after six months when they have figured this out. If this were not so, Eve's subscription numbers would be well over a million by now.

Alright, tell me - who pays rent in the CFC?

Rent as in ISK or you-better-stroke-my-weenie-or-I'll-throw-you-out kinda rent?

Sorta nailed you there didn't he Andski?
You make it so easy.
Jafit McJafitson
Amarr Empire
#94 - 2012-01-09 02:59:14 UTC
Ira Theos wrote:
I'm not "implying" it. I'm stating it as fact that most people subscribing to Eve expect to find a role in the "Great Space Opera" other than Rent-Paying-Guard-Dog-In-Zero-RMT-Farm. Most quit after six months when they have figured this out. If this were not so, Eve's subscription numbers would be well over a million by now.

Truly this lowly thread is privileged to have such unique, some might say supernatural, insight grace it's pages. To think that there exists a person who knows what lurks in the hearts and minds of an entire population.

Don't listen to the cynical fools who say you're simply buttmad because this is how you personally feel, and are trying to give your opinion more merit by pretending to be the unelected spokesperson of a vast silent majority. Those fools, how dare they.

But no, really. According to the last Quarterly Economic Newsletter only 11.26% of players live in nullsec. By now that may have shifted by half a percent up or down, but they're the latest figures for demographics that I'm aware of.

High Sec: 611732 players (79.61%)
Low sec: 51342 players (6.68%)
Null sec: 86487 players (11.26%)
Wormhole Space:18812 players (2.45%)

The nullsec population was up by 0.19% since the previous QEN, and I believe that both Goonswarm and the DRF existed within that period. If Eve's player base is sloping downwards I'd say the cause lies somewhere other than nullsec politics, of which only ~11% of players are directly affected.

TL;DR: You are not Hari Seldon, you're just buttmad and stupid.
met worst
#95 - 2012-01-09 03:09:30 UTC
Jafit McJafitson wrote:
Ira Theos wrote:
I'm not "implying" it. I'm stating it as fact that most people subscribing to Eve expect to find a role in the "Great Space Opera" other than Rent-Paying-Guard-Dog-In-Zero-RMT-Farm. Most quit after six months when they have figured this out. If this were not so, Eve's subscription numbers would be well over a million by now.

Truly this lowly thread is privileged to have such unique, some might say supernatural, insight grace it's pages. To think that there exists a person who knows what lurks in the hearts and minds of an entire population.

Don't listen to the cynical fools who say you're simply buttmad because this is how you personally feel, and are trying to give your opinion more merit by pretending to be the unelected spokesperson of a vast silent majority. Those fools, how dare they.

But no, really. According to the last Quarterly Economic Newsletter only 11.26% of players live in nullsec. By now that may have shifted by half a percent up or down, but they're the latest figures for demographics that I'm aware of.

High Sec: 611732 players (79.61%)
Low sec: 51342 players (6.68%)
Null sec: 86487 players (11.26%)
Wormhole Space:18812 players (2.45%)

The nullsec population was up by 0.19% since the previous QEN, and I believe that both Goonswarm and the DRF existed within that period. If Eve's player base is sloping downwards I'd say the cause lies somewhere other than nullsec politics, of which only ~11% of players are directly affected.

TL;DR: You are not Hari Seldon, you're just buttmad and stupid.

Apart from a biase borne about by being part of the CFC, the 11% left in null is the key point here and is without doubt the reason for low Eve numbers through stagnation and polarisation of 0.0.

This is my concern. A CFC takeover of what is left of the real wealth in game will simply make it worse.

CCP have clutched at a life-buoy thrown by the CSM and fallen for what I feel is the greatest scam of all. You will either be a Goon or NIP/NAP to Goons to be able to live in 0.0.

End of Story.

Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#96 - 2012-01-09 03:18:32 UTC
met worst wrote:
Apart from a biase borne about by being part of the CFC, the 11% left in null is the key point here and is without doubt the reason for low Eve numbers through stagnation and polarisation of 0.0.

This is my concern. A CFC takeover of what is left of the real wealth in game will simply make it worse.

CCP have clutched at a life-buoy thrown by the CSM and fallen for what I feel is the greatest scam of all. You will either be a Goon or NIP/NAP to Goons to be able to live in 0.0.

End of Story.

Why do you think it's even possible for us to take over all of nullsec? We're not the biggest alliance, we don't have the most sov and we don't have the most supercaps. Maybe there's other people you should be sperging about.

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#97 - 2012-01-09 03:20:32 UTC
met worst wrote:
Rent as in ISK or you-better-stroke-my-weenie-or-I'll-throw-you-out kinda rent?

Are you equating "participating in CFC-wide strategic endeavors" with "you-better-stroke-my-weenie-or-I'll-throw-you-out"?

After the nonsense you posted earlier about the CFC abandoning the old NC I knew you were clueless but then you turn around and post something like this...

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

met worst
#98 - 2012-01-09 03:26:37 UTC
Ladie Harlot wrote:
met worst wrote:
Apart from a biase borne about by being part of the CFC, the 11% left in null is the key point here and is without doubt the reason for low Eve numbers through stagnation and polarisation of 0.0.

This is my concern. A CFC takeover of what is left of the real wealth in game will simply make it worse.

CCP have clutched at a life-buoy thrown by the CSM and fallen for what I feel is the greatest scam of all. You will either be a Goon or NIP/NAP to Goons to be able to live in 0.0.

End of Story.

Why do you think it's even possible for us to take over all of nullsec? We're not the biggest alliance, we don't have the most sov and we don't have the most supercaps. Maybe there's other people you should be sperging about.

The CFC collective and allies, once the north is taken will be pretty close to the biggest don't you think? You'll certainly have the most wealth as a minimum.

And "we don't have the most supercaps". Hmmmm.... I think that's been one of my points.

Ultimately, owning "all of null" isn't neccessary. With most of the wealth and both the west and north stitched up - combined with a very carefully knee-capped red fleet - what's to stop you?

Inner turmoil?
Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#99 - 2012-01-09 03:28:46 UTC
met worst wrote:
Inner turmoil?

This is what killed every other huge coalition. It's what will kill us.

You need to learn to relax and not be so obsessed about what Goons are doing. In the end we are our own worst enemy.

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

met worst
#100 - 2012-01-09 03:36:05 UTC  |  Edited by: met worst
Ladie Harlot wrote:
met worst wrote:
Rent as in ISK or you-better-stroke-my-weenie-or-I'll-throw-you-out kinda rent?

Are you equating "participating in CFC-wide strategic endeavors" with "you-better-stroke-my-weenie-or-I'll-throw-you-out"?

After the nonsense you posted earlier about the CFC abandoning the old NC I knew you were clueless but then you turn around and post something like this...

Ms. Harlot, I could point you to a very elaborate post "bequeathing" the spoils of war like dishing out lollies at a kids party.

The "bequeather" gives the impression he "owns" such gifts and feels his "loyal subjects" must be rewarded. Either way, it's a sure sign that you guys are well and truly sucked in by one very sick ****.

You call it "fun". I'm more inclined to make the call that you guys haven't worked out the meaning of swarm yet. Not a single independent thought among you and you're totally blindsided by it.

I said once before, I'd rather be a high-sec coward working for myself than some recently whelped puppy called Oliver looking for another bowl of porridge.

EDIT: And "strategic endeavours" was ignored for what it was. An excuse for the minions to do more work - said same earlier. I called it the "DEMOCRACY and FREEDOM" speech. Roll