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Giving something EVE vs Hospital boredom <3

First post
#81 - 2015-10-01 08:24:19 UTC
I hope one day we get these kids into a corp called Hospital Heroes and they just wreck **** everywhere with supers because they're not scared of losing an internet spaceship
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#82 - 2015-10-01 10:13:12 UTC
I hope one day we get these kids into a corp called Hospital Heroes and they just wreck **** everywhere with supers because they're not scared of losing an internet spaceship

Great idea and would be a epic addition to EVE-Online lore :D thanks again bro for your pr on your splendid show.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#83 - 2015-10-01 10:15:54 UTC
We are atm needing more donations to expand, atm we are located at 4 main wards in 3 diffrent citys and i hope to deliver to the rehab long term ward, were they have 8 stationary laptops new care packs so we can install eve on all of them :D

Donations should be pointed towards M1sty.

A new idea:

Care packs

We have made it simple for people to donate care packs.

Starter Care Pack

1 x plex 1 x Full set of +3 Implants 100m ISK 1 x Container of Skills, Ships, Modules.

Progress Starter Pack

1 x plex 1 x Ship (Mining, pve, pvp and exploration), progress skills 1 month and older.

Thanks so much for your donations.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#84 - 2015-10-02 01:03:50 UTC
evenews24 article on Care for Kids

Awsome just awsome <3
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#85 - 2015-10-02 11:33:09 UTC  |  Edited by: C4w3
A quote from the hospital Newspaper and information folder being published next weeks. (You have to take into concideration this person knows notting about mmo EVE or games :D)

Swedish article:

Det var närmare ett år sedan. Wille är nu en aktiv gamer och hjälper alla nya Care for kids-spelare i rymdäventyret EVE.
- Det var så himla tråkigt, jag låg på sjukhus jättemycket. Först var jag skeptisk när jag fick paketet, men sen testade jag och älskade det. Alla tonåringar borde få ett Care for kids-paket! Säger Wille.
Jonas packar själv alla paket hemma i sin lägenhet. I paketen ligger en månads abonnemang, samt koder till några extra verktyg i spelet. Och gärna något godis, för det hör till när man spelar! För någon som inte är insatt i spelets alla tjusningar kan det vara svårt att hänga med när Jonas berättar – men glittret i ögonen går inte att ta miste på.
Abonnemangen sponsras av andra spelare, genom att de kan använda sina spelpoäng att köpa saker till Care for kids. Jonas initiativ har uppmärksammats av sjukhusledningen och fått många positiva följare i spelets forum.
Svenska Kyrkan sponsrar genom att Jonas får skriva ut och plasta in de koder som hör till spelen. I övrigt försöker han hitta sponsorer till frimärken, askarna och lite godis till paketen. Ungefär 25 Care packs har Jonas gjort hittills. Men nu hoppas han öka antalet paket. Kanske kan man även ge paket till barn i andra former av kriser och sorg, med hjälp av Svenska Kyrkan, funderar han.
Care for kids sköter sin lilla ekonomi via ett pay-pal konto, och gåvorna från andra spelare.

Jonas har verkligen skapat en ny form av ideell allmännyttig förening, som inte känner varken geografiska eller fysiska gränser!
- Det jag önskar mig mest av allt nu till Care for kids är att växa, och en skrivbordsstol! avslutar Jonas.


Translation so bad jesus cries sorry.

It was almost a year ago. Wille is now an active gamer and helps all new Care for Kids player in space adventure EVE.
- It was so very sad, I was in the hospital a lot. At first I was skeptical when I received the package, but then I tried and loved it. All teens should get a Care for Kids package! Says Wille.
Jonas packing himself all packets at home in his apartment. The package is a one-month subscription, and access codes to a few extra tools in the game. And please any candy, for it belongs to when playing! For someone who is not familiar with the game's charms can be difficult to keep up with when Jonas says - but the glitter in the eyes can not be mistaken.
Subscriptions sponsored by other players, because they can use their player points to buy things to care for kids. Jonas initiative has attracted the attention of hospital management and received many followers in the game's forum.
Swedish Church sponsors by Jonas can print and wrap the codes that belong to the games. Otherwise, he tries to find sponsors to the stamps, boxes and candy to the packages. Approximately 25 Care Packs Jonas has done so far. But now he hopes to increase the number of packets. Perhaps we can also provide packages to children in other forms of crisis and sorrow, with the help of the Swedish Church, he explains.
Care for kids manage their small economy through a Pay-Pal account, and gifts from other players.

Jonas have truly created a new form of non-profit charitable association, which knows no geographical or physical limits!
- What I wish for most of all now to care for kids is to grow, and a desk chair! concludes Jonas.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#86 - 2015-10-04 21:18:12 UTC
Update: Im attending a meeting this week with the Interactive / IT team for my local hospital ... will update with pictures and transcripts. <3
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#87 - 2015-10-07 13:44:17 UTC
Update New Care packs beeing deliverd

Donations are MORE then welcome <3

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#88 - 2015-10-09 02:14:13 UTC
Update: Was featured on thanks bros for letting me come on <3
So you want to be a Hero
#89 - 2015-10-09 20:42:13 UTC
Great effort to help those kids give some distraction, isk send Cool

Eve online is :

A) mining simulator B) glorified chatroom C) spreadsheets online

D) CCP Games Pay to Win at skill leveling, with instant gratification

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#90 - 2015-10-09 21:30:28 UTC
Freelancer117 wrote:
Great effort to help those kids give some distraction, isk send Cool

Thanks bro

Apriciated hope you have a great weekend m8te. <3
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#91 - 2015-11-10 00:02:03 UTC
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#92 - 2015-11-10 21:10:06 UTC  |  Edited by: C4w3
Care for Kids have now deliverd 72 IRL care packs with the total weight in candy of 15+ kg Shocked and over 350 km of road and water coverd with a whoppin total cost of 2250:- SEK (200euro) in stamps, boxes Etc, INGAME we have with donors given out over 120 care packs thats well over 140 bil. So i just wanted to say tyvm you are a amazing community and our lovley CCP Mimic that always are there for a nice shoutout thanks again and please please keep donating bless C4w3
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#93 - 2015-12-04 13:55:38 UTC
Celthric Kanerian
Amarr Empire
#94 - 2015-12-13 14:32:27 UTC
Despite playing for many years I don't have much but I can imagine donating 100 mil or 200 if it'll help!

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#95 - 2015-12-13 15:22:58 UTC
Celthric Kanerian wrote:
Despite playing for many years I don't have much but I can imagine donating 100 mil or 200 if it'll help!

Hi bro anything helps even your time etc so if you wanna help a kid out join igc care for kids <3
Christy Cloud
The Forgotten Protocol
#96 - 2015-12-15 20:55:41 UTC
Just got home from a 'fun' experience involving a visit to ICU and a collapsed lung.

Got shipped home and booted up the old EvE client to find an EvE Mail from these awesome guys telling me to give them a shout once I'm alive and kicking and I've just received my care package.

It's just the simple things, but it definitely put a smile on my face after going through hell.

You are good people :)

My Third Party Thread(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Current Trades -

Selling 2 Travelfit Erebus 1 rigged 1 unrigged 85bil Ea

Selling 1 Rigged travelfit Avatar 86b

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#97 - 2015-12-23 17:12:47 UTC

Merry Christmas to you all and a big thank you from Care for Kids!

Over the past year an idea has grown to something no one could have imagined.

Care for Kids was created and the community thought it was a great
initiative with the support from Reikoku, my ingame corp, and
donations from a diverse group of individual players we created
something called care packages. At first these consisted of a plex,
some implants and a few ships to help the kids in my hospital to enjoy
and stay in Eve Online due to limited game time etc.

As I became more ill to the point where I spent three days a week
getting treatment at the hospital and this taking its toll on me and
my family and work, Care for Kids became something I could focus on
while away from and missing my kids and wife to an unbearable point.
At this time my good friend 1ronbank came into the aid both for Care
for Kids and myself by cheering me on doing this charity donating at
start 50 b in isk and plex to support the idea and keep the dream
alive. After this boost in confidence I approched three additional
hospitals and was invited to meet with some HR and hospital admins
about what we do and how we can support kids at the different

Around this time we were featured on the o7 show getting shout-outs,
which meant that we could start planning more organized care packs and
resulting in another idea being born. We made the IRL care packs
containing images of plex, ships, ISK and other CCP images and bought
gift boxes to stuffed with candy and the ingame items, to deliver.
This became a huge success.

Knowing that there were other Eve players going through hard times out
there, we reched out towards to this amazing community through many
different charity fundraiser, allowing us to gift away care packs to
veterans and other players beeing sick, hospitalised etc.

This brings us to today. We now are a registered charity in Sweden,
Finland and soon the US and UK and our last care pack Christmas
extravaganza resulted in 92kg of candy being gifted away in 102 care
packages to 8 hospitals where I and my family visited 4 of them.

So now to the love:

I would like to thank 1ronbank for his enormous support and friendship
i could NOT have gotten to where I am right now without you buddy, You
truly are MY hero.

EVE-Bet for sponsoring us at every event Care for Kids has done a
special shout-out to Bam for letting me pester him,

Reikoku for letting me do this and supporting every turn, including
organizing several internal fund-raising events,

Pandemic Legion and all its members for their ongoing support,

Rixx Javix for being a great artist and helping me make everything look good,

CCP Mimic, CCP Guard and CCP Falcon for your great encouragement and
shout-outs and for letting me believe that together we can make a
difference and for being part of the greatest game and the community
with people who DO care

Finally, to the Eve Online community, Merry Christmas and a happy New
Year! Without you this would not have been possible.

I will hopefully meet you all at this year’s fan fest and bring my
story to you guys and what you and I have started.

And, as always, donations are always welcome :D

Love Jonas aka C4w3
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#98 - 2016-01-07 23:10:52 UTC