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Lv4s 100-150mil/h+: Breakdown

First post
Daniela Doran
#461 - 2015-12-07 05:33:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Daniela Doran
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:
Daniela Doran wrote:

There are lots of other Factions you can run missions for in nullsec, like Mordus. But I do agree that they are far more dangerous to run then in hi-sec and for that reason I feel it to be justified to make many more agents available that offer these missions there in nullsec. In addition, adding new types of level 5s would also be beneficial for nullsec PVE improvement.

Very true, i used to run Transtellar Shipping L4's in syndicate back in the day, but never min/maxed them.

Making them easier to complete, requiring less tank/dps to complete is whats needed, lower the sec, easier to complete.

Hmm, maybe different types of missions then for nullsec. Similar to burners that have 2 or 3 powerful rats to kill that requires ships to be PVP fitted to kill them.

What about this idea of a Level 5 Capital class PVP burners in nullsec? The missions would be cyno jammed so that uninvited quests can't interrupt and has a gate that allows Caps to enter through.
Jerry T Pepridge
Meta Game Analysis and Investment INC.
#462 - 2015-12-07 06:54:20 UTC
Daniela Doran wrote:
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:
Daniela Doran wrote:

There are lots of other Factions you can run missions for in nullsec, like Mordus. But I do agree that they are far more dangerous to run then in hi-sec and for that reason I feel it to be justified to make many more agents available that offer these missions there in nullsec. In addition, adding new types of level 5s would also be beneficial for nullsec PVE improvement.

Very true, i used to run Transtellar Shipping L4's in syndicate back in the day, but never min/maxed them.

Making them easier to complete, requiring less tank/dps to complete is whats needed, lower the sec, easier to complete.

Hmm, maybe different types of missions then for nullsec. Similar to burners that have 2 or 3 powerful rats to kill that requires ships to be PVP fitted to kill them.

What about this idea of a Level 5 Capital class PVP burners in nullsec? The missions would be cyno jammed so that uninvited quests can't interrupt and has a gate that allows Caps to enter through.

Mobile cyno inhibitor

adding PVE that requires carriers is way too high a skillcap.

requiring a carrier + skills to do Null PVE is kin of a joke, i think nerfing L4 in null to be able to do in PVP ships is the go forward (if its broken at all.

I think once the SOE products reach equilibriam (more sperging mission runners go there) this whole thing will blow over.


The Bigpuns
United Standings Improvement Agency
#463 - 2015-12-07 08:31:39 UTC
Couple of points I read earlier that I would like to debunk:

Removing the blitz "loophole" would not only hurt these 200m/hr runners. The ability to quickly finish a rubbish mission is important. Imagine recon, cargo delivery, or half the drone missions where you have to stay to the bitter end. I don't use Anizes guide, but I do sometimes like to just complete the objective and get out. This is not a problem for 99% of the people running missions, but reducing the lp return for partial clears would be an effective mitigator.

Crash the SoE lp store? Check out the buy orders. That market is a long way from crashing. It would take a lot of people blitzing in Lann a long time to achieve that. I personally have a few nestors worth of lp's with SoE plus several million spread over many other corps, but cashing them all in bores me. The only market crashing I'm going to do is when I ram my iteron into Jita.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#464 - 2015-12-07 08:41:11 UTC
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:

You can very easily crash any market in this game.

Not markets like SOE that are in huge demand and have a relatively wide distribution.
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:

I certainly can agree it does need to be looked at Top down, your ideas would bring some great conflicts, particular the moon mining, but i think alliances that hold sov need some income to balance all the isk required to "live" there.

Income will come via taxing for things such as using infrastructure. A little more incentive to go live in the space you own.
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:

My idea is a little simpler. leave everything as it is, Missions in Nullsec need to be easier to complete, so the players there can use cheaper ships / pvp ships to do the content.

Imagine If a PVP vexor could complete a nullsec L4 PVE mission.

It can. A small gang of 5 pvp fitted ships is very efficient at running missions.
Jerry T Pepridge
Meta Game Analysis and Investment INC.
#465 - 2015-12-07 09:08:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Jerry T Pepridge
baltec1 wrote:
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:

You can very easily crash any market in this game.

Not markets like SOE that are in huge demand and have a relatively wide distribution.

Do you have any figures to show ? these markets will be / are well on there way to be / already saturated. As more and more switch, and more and more get produced, the price can only go down to a point where something else(caldari navy probs) has better isk/LP ratio & has agent in idyllic location.

the prices of the other lp stores will rise, as more people swap to soe.

knowing this, what do you do with a spare 300b? to help along the process?
baltec1 wrote:

Jerry T Pepridge wrote:

My idea is a little simpler. leave everything as it is, Missions in Nullsec need to be easier to complete, so the players there can use cheaper ships / pvp ships to do the content.

Imagine If a PVP vexor could complete a nullsec L4 PVE mission.

It can. A small gang of 5 pvp fitted ships is very efficient at running missions.

id like to be able to solo it, in something most people can afford to lose (a t2 pvp fitted cruiser) after just one of these horrible eve pve missions you guys do.


Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#466 - 2015-12-07 10:45:48 UTC
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:

Do you have any figures to show ? these markets will be / are well on there way to be / already saturated. As more and more switch, and more and more get produced, the price can only go down to a point where something else(caldari navy probs) has better isk/LP ratio & has agent in idyllic location.

the prices of the other lp stores will rise, as more people swap to soe.

SOE LP has been steady for years, the sum of isk required to crash that market would be gigantic to the point of making the ice interdictions look cheap and the effect only temporary, a week or two at best. Nobody has pockets that deep.

Jerry T Pepridge wrote:

id like to be able to solo it, in something most people can afford to lose (a t2 pvp fitted cruiser) after just one of these horrible eve pve missions you guys do.

Entirely possible, sig tanking combined with a rep works but you will take a hit isk/hr doing so. Running around in a small gang is more ideal as it provides dedicated logi, more firepower and the ability to respond to threats more effectively.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#467 - 2015-12-07 14:01:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Chainsaw Plankton wrote:
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
How about we bring back tracking titans again so we can earn 500mil/hr?

I think this was before my time, so can you expand on this a bit?

A long time ago capital weapons used to have decent tracking, and siege modules had a huge tracking debuff so in seige dreads were designed to only hit other dreads or poses. on one of the capital rebalances they gave titans a huge damage bonus. This resulted in people warping titans into anoms at range and blapping pretty much everything.

now titans have a role bonus "turrets fitted to this ship will do reduced damage to small targets" On the max skilled test server thingy I tried shooting something small (and stationary) with a titan gun, it did ~20 damage on a hit.

It was kinda funny watching videos of titans one volleying npc battleships. But perhaps something not good for the game. Although how much of the nerf was because a tracking titan could be used effectively in pvp vs in ratting? Having titans in anoms seems like something that might actually be interesting and generate some content. although I imagine they would stay aligned pretty much all of the time, so maybe not that interesting.

sadly I can't find a good video, although there are a bunch of titan/super carrier kill videos

The way I saw it done was with an Avatar Titan and a Scimitar. Back then you could apply remote tracking link to the titan. The scimitar would have remote tracking links, a remote sebo and a web. The remote sebo would let the titan lock faster and when the site was done the scimitar would just web sling the Titan to a new site.

It was sick as all hell. There were only a few people capable of doing it, but when we started discussing the balance issues they said the same things as defenders of the current status quo: "But look at how much you have to invest in this to get it to work in terms of isk and training!!"

High investment (in the case of ratting Titans, upwards of 90 billion isk and years of training) doesn't make something balanced.
Chainsaw Plankton
#468 - 2015-12-07 20:58:10 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:

You can very easily crash any market in this game.

Not markets like SOE that are in huge demand and have a relatively wide distribution.
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:

I certainly can agree it does need to be looked at Top down, your ideas would bring some great conflicts, particular the moon mining, but i think alliances that hold sov need some income to balance all the isk required to "live" there.

Income will come via taxing for things such as using infrastructure. A little more incentive to go live in the space you own.
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:

My idea is a little simpler. leave everything as it is, Missions in Nullsec need to be easier to complete, so the players there can use cheaper ships / pvp ships to do the content.

Imagine If a PVP vexor could complete a nullsec L4 PVE mission.

It can. A small gang of 5 pvp fitted ships is very efficient at running missions.

Rough estimate ~50b a day in SoE stuff trade in jita.

not rough estimate because I got curious, so includes Astero, Stratios, virtue implants, core/combat probes + launchers (12 items total, copy/pasted from in game to excel). Average daily SoE trade over the last year: 83,693,614,468.02

now I suppose I should go backwards on that and figure out how much LP that was P
dividing by typical isk/lp ratios it looks like around 40-50mil LP/day. (obviously inaccurate as who knows how many were sold a second time, it not more, I assume most of the buy orders are people that are going to try and resell)

You know I don't think it would actually be all that hard to crash. Just throwing some fraction of the total volume could drop prices which should further drop prices as people undercut and could even lead to firesales further dropping price. I can imagine goons going on a mission running op and having 1000 people in each of the SoE hubs all running missions, but what does that really end up accomplishing and what is the payoff? And of course players will be able to switch to other corps. SoE is nice because it is braindead easy to convert lp, and you even get a good rate.

If alliance level income mostly moves to personal income perhaps in many ways the expenses can also go down. A lot of the infrastructure costs seem to be there as isk sinks. perhaps the next design can move the sinks/taxes more to a personal level. although something like you have to pay a million isk every time you want to dock would just get annoying.

and the ishtar is pretty strong at soloing missions. Small gangs sound like overkill. lately I've been tempted to try null missions in a cloaky interdiction nullfied t3, but I'm also lazy. A t1 cruiser could probably blitz level 3s alright.

The Bigpuns wrote:
Couple of points I read earlier that I would like to debunk:

Removing the blitz "loophole" would not only hurt these 200m/hr runners. The ability to quickly finish a rubbish mission is important. Imagine recon, cargo delivery, or half the drone missions where you have to stay to the bitter end. I don't use Anizes guide, but I do sometimes like to just complete the objective and get out. This is not a problem for 99% of the people running missions, but reducing the lp return for partial clears would be an effective mitigator.

Crash the SoE lp store? Check out the buy orders. That market is a long way from crashing. It would take a lot of people blitzing in Lann a long time to achieve that. I personally have a few nestors worth of lp's with SoE plus several million spread over many other corps, but cashing them all in bores me. The only market crashing I'm going to do is when I ram my iteron into Jita.

I don't think that I'd want to see blitzing completely removed. The longer you sit in one place the more likely you are to end up dead and would imo hurt low/null mission running. And sitting around shooting NPCs is well boring. Although making it too easy to blitz isn't really a good thing either. It is very specific style of blitzing in a small set of specific locations with the addition of burners that puts you over 200m/hour.

My initial idea is to balance missions around sec bands. so high/low/null. Probably put highsec at around the payout received in a 0.7 system. which would be a decent sized LP nerf. I'd also normalize burners to be in constellation and probably nerf the bonus payout, and maybe even the bounty. Both of these are a kick in the nuts to blitzing but I don't think will affect regular mission runners too much. It would also open up pretty much every agent and make them all about similar in terms of desirability with people mostly choosing based on constellation layout and LP stores.

Low and null I'm tempted to say balance around the lower possible sec, and keep the 50% bonus LP and current bounties on burners.

A full pve rework sounds like it could very well be a good thing, but seems like it would take a lot of time and effort.

there is also the option to make standings matter and have declines be far more punishing then they are now. imo 99% of the current standings mechanics are a joke.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Johng Kahn
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#469 - 2015-12-07 23:24:46 UTC
As usual in most claims of isk per hour i'm seeing trumped up numbers even if you do not count that your using 3 accounts to get this.

I'm not seeing the time spent on logistics in that at all. There was mention of going to jita to sell, restocking ammo, and such.

I personally ran out soe to get 8.0 standings for my alt corp. Not even including what BM's that i sold to Pro S. I had more then a dst's worth of pure crap that i later just reprocessed and sold the minerals in system.

I did all this with duel rattles that cranked out more then 1300 dps each. I'm sure there are levels of blitzing and efficiency beyond my experience out there but i'm no slouch either especially when i just want it to all be over.

Honestly with that kind of investment and accounting the 3 toons your not very far above what 3 hulks could do in highsec sitting on one belt and they do not have to run around exchanging lp and deciding what to sell and what not to.

Of all the types of pve I have enguaged in " belt ratting carrier being the only type i have not" I would have to say that Running l4's is in the bottom two of my list for profitability and fun.

If the ammount of toons and value to plex them is not included in the formula then the isk/hr is actually infinate cause i can just have 30 toons in domi running in 5 man fleets each landing in a site and afk clearing them as I work each set to next gate. Then your only bottle neck is how much computing power and bandwidth you have to work with.

Hasikan Miallok
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#470 - 2015-12-07 23:50:43 UTC
Overall this thread is totally illogical.

Claimed issue: People make too much out of SOE missioning

Rational Solution: Increase the ISK component of SOE specific LP store items

Commonly Suggested Solution: Nerf hisec LP for everyone everywhere
Jerry T Pepridge
Meta Game Analysis and Investment INC.
#471 - 2015-12-07 23:55:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Jerry T Pepridge
Hasikan Miallok wrote:
Overall this thread is totally illogical.

Claimed issue: People make too much out of SOE missioning

Rational Solution: Increase the ISK component of SOE specific LP store items

Commonly Suggested Solution: Nerf hisec LP for everyone everywhere

1) a handful of people Using 3 accounts, 5b in perfect cooker cutter ships are making too much from SOE Missions
2) it will reach a balance point where one store is more isk/lp, or accelerate by doing as you suggest
3) Nerf the inc dmg on L4's everywhere else (Low/null) so they can be done in cheaper/PVP ships solo.


Hasikan Miallok
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#472 - 2015-12-08 00:27:01 UTC
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:

3) Nerf the inc dmg on L4's everywhere else (Low/null) so they can be done in cheaper/PVP ships solo.

Whilst that would work, i am not 100% sure how it gels with the "higher risk higher reward" equation for which EVE is famous.

It also doesn't help people in renter space as there are no agents there.
Market McSelling Alt
#473 - 2015-12-08 00:29:32 UTC
Hasikan Miallok wrote:
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:

3) Nerf the inc dmg on L4's everywhere else (Low/null) so they can be done in cheaper/PVP ships solo.

Whilst that would work, i am not 100% sure how it gels with the "higher risk higher reward" equation for which EVE is famous.

It also doesn't help people in renter space as there are no agents there.

The first problem is getting over Risk v Reward... Eve is clearly not based on this.

Eve is based on Effort v Reward and Ingenuity vs Reward.

Once you get over that old myth, things become easier to understand.

CCP Quant: Of all those who logon in Eve, 1.5% do Incursions, 13.8% PVP and 19.2% run Missions while 22.4% mine.

40.7% Join a fleet. The idea that Eve is a PVP game is false, the social fabric is in Missions and Mining.

Jerry T Pepridge
Meta Game Analysis and Investment INC.
#474 - 2015-12-08 00:43:15 UTC
Hasikan Miallok wrote:
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:

3) Nerf the inc dmg on L4's everywhere else (Low/null) so they can be done in cheaper/PVP ships solo.

Whilst that would work, i am not 100% sure how it gels with the "higher risk higher reward" equation for which EVE is famous.

It also doesn't help people in renter space as there are no agents there.

You can probs spend 2-3 weeks training to get into a cruiser L4 My idea would be it can be done on cyno alts, etc.minimum SP. plant alts in mission pockets.

The risk is still there, if its cheap more ppl will do it & more pvp will happen as a result.

the argument "null is fine for missions" is rubbish, people suggesting it have never left highsec.

People dont do many L4 missions in null & low, coz the ships required to complete them are terrible in PVP situations (hint: everything is PVP in low/null). Nerfing the Incoming dmg to make them able to be completed with PVP cruisers would put alot more people out there doing them.

then the players still staying in hisec with there bling ships can still make isk with missions & so can nullsec.


King Aires
Amarr Empire
#475 - 2015-12-08 00:52:26 UTC
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:
Hasikan Miallok wrote:
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:

3) Nerf the inc dmg on L4's everywhere else (Low/null) so they can be done in cheaper/PVP ships solo.

Whilst that would work, i am not 100% sure how it gels with the "higher risk higher reward" equation for which EVE is famous.

It also doesn't help people in renter space as there are no agents there.

You can probs spend 2-3 weeks training to get into a cruiser L4 My idea would be it can be done on cyno alts, etc.minimum SP. plant alts in mission pockets.

The risk is still there, if its cheap more ppl will do it & more pvp will happen as a result.

the argument "null is fine for missions" is rubbish, people suggesting it have never left highsec.

People dont do many L4 missions in null & low, coz the ships required to complete them are terrible in PVP situations (hint: everything is PVP in low/null). Nerfing the Incoming dmg to make them able to be completed with PVP cruisers would put alot more people out there doing them.

then the players still staying in hisec with there bling ships can still make isk with missions & so can nullsec.

Whatever dude, I happen to know for a fact that you can blitz burners in 0.0 all day every day even in a camped system and make billions.

Whoever thinks High Sec has it made when you can blow through 20,000 lp per mission for some of the best LP rates in the game is lazy or stupid.
Jerry T Pepridge
Meta Game Analysis and Investment INC.
#476 - 2015-12-08 00:55:09 UTC
King Aires wrote:

Whatever dude, I happen to know for a fact that you can blitz burners in 0.0 all day every day even in a camped system and make billions.

Whoever thinks High Sec has it made when you can blow through 20,000 lp per mission for some of the best LP rates in the game is lazy or stupid.

thats nice, what about Angel extravaganza? or are those meant to be skipped for burner only? Roll

Which system offers only Burner missions?


King Aires
Amarr Empire
#477 - 2015-12-08 00:57:27 UTC
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:
King Aires wrote:

Whatever dude, I happen to know for a fact that you can blitz burners in 0.0 all day every day even in a camped system and make billions.

Whoever thinks High Sec has it made when you can blow through 20,000 lp per mission for some of the best LP rates in the game is lazy or stupid.

thats nice, what about Angel extravaganza? or are those meant to be skipped for burner only? Roll

Which system offers only Burner missions?

The one where you hit the decline button when you don't get one until you do...

Shall we make a coloring book that shows you how to blitz?
Jerry T Pepridge
Meta Game Analysis and Investment INC.
#478 - 2015-12-08 01:00:45 UTC
King Aires wrote:
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:
King Aires wrote:

Whatever dude, I happen to know for a fact that you can blitz burners in 0.0 all day every day even in a camped system and make billions.

Whoever thinks High Sec has it made when you can blow through 20,000 lp per mission for some of the best LP rates in the game is lazy or stupid.

thats nice, what about Angel extravaganza? or are those meant to be skipped for burner only? Roll

Which system offers only Burner missions?

The one where you hit the decline button when you don't get one until you do...

Shall we make a coloring book that shows you how to blitz?

You can if you like, regardless you wont be able to chain them together without ruining standings.

you seem a little upset, it would suck to have to rely on missions to plex accounts. i pity you.


Market McSelling Alt
#479 - 2015-12-08 01:10:55 UTC
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:
King Aires wrote:
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:
King Aires wrote:

Whatever dude, I happen to know for a fact that you can blitz burners in 0.0 all day every day even in a camped system and make billions.

Whoever thinks High Sec has it made when you can blow through 20,000 lp per mission for some of the best LP rates in the game is lazy or stupid.

thats nice, what about Angel extravaganza? or are those meant to be skipped for burner only? Roll

Which system offers only Burner missions?

The one where you hit the decline button when you don't get one until you do...

Shall we make a coloring book that shows you how to blitz?

You can if you like, regardless you wont be able to chain them together without ruining standings.

you seem a little upset, it would suck to have to rely on missions to plex accounts. i pity you.

So wait? You can't blitz burners forever?

That must mean Jenn and Baltec have absolutely no point as the massive gains they are QQing about are temporary. Just checking.

CCP Quant: Of all those who logon in Eve, 1.5% do Incursions, 13.8% PVP and 19.2% run Missions while 22.4% mine.

40.7% Join a fleet. The idea that Eve is a PVP game is false, the social fabric is in Missions and Mining.

Jerry T Pepridge
Meta Game Analysis and Investment INC.
#480 - 2015-12-08 02:12:39 UTC
Market McSelling Alt wrote:

So wait? You can't blitz burners forever?

That must mean Jenn and Baltec have absolutely no point as the massive gains they are QQing about are temporary. Just checking.

I imagine with 3 alts there sharing missions & standings it would be negated somewhat.
