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Lv4s 100-150mil/h+: Breakdown

First post
Daniela Doran
#441 - 2015-12-06 23:51:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Daniela Doran
Market McSelling Alt wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

It is infact just as easy to run 3 accounts in level 4 missions as it is running them in anoms.

Per person its 90 mil at the very most you will get from anoms, this is on par with level 3 missions per person.

Logi sit on top on the fleet, no change for them at all.

Point 1) You are full of crap. You cannot multi-box mission blitz characters, not even close. You are blatantly lying.

Point 2) Per character it is 25mil ticks AFK... or 75mil per character. This scales with the number of systems and the upgrades available. Running 3 accounts at 25mil ticks is almost as easy as running 1 at 30mil ticks. Again, you are blatantly lying.

Point 3) You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, even so with the fitting changes and the Scimi losing 50 CPU, you will never fit an Incursion Scimi the same again. Going to chalk this one up to ignorance.

Stop lying Baltec, you are just fudding your way through this horribly.

I agree. You are soo full of it baltec.
baltec1 wrote:

Per person its 90 mil at the very most you will get from anoms, this is on par with level 3 missions per person.

This post from you is your most ridiculously dumbfounded remark thus far in this thread.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#442 - 2015-12-06 23:55:40 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
Market McSelling Alt wrote:

Point 1) You are full of crap. You cannot multi-box mission blitz characters, not even close. You are blatantly lying.

People FC fleets while running probing alts at the same time, running multiple blitz alts is easier than that.
Market McSelling Alt wrote:

Point 2) Per character it is 25mil ticks AFK... or 75mil per character. This scales with the number of systems and the upgrades available. Running 3 accounts at 25mil ticks is almost as easy as running 1 at 30mil ticks. Again, you are blatantly lying.

You can also run them AFK in missions for a similar amount.
Market McSelling Alt wrote:

Point 3) You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, even so with the fitting changes and the Scimi losing 50 CPU, you will never fit an Incursion Scimi the same again. Going to chalk this one up to ignorance.

Stop lying Baltec, you are just fudding your way through this horribly.

Why would your logi move more than 35 km away from the DPS in an incursion fleet in the first place? There is no reason at all for the logi to be any more than 5km away from the fleet.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#443 - 2015-12-07 00:02:45 UTC
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:
Hasikan Miallok wrote:
This thread has got TL&DR .

However my superficial impression is the argument seems to be "because maybe 50 or 100 mission runners (out of 300,000 subscriptions) at Lanngisi blitz missions and deliberately trash their agent standings to just above -2.0 please nerf all highsec ISK making activity :D

It's just politics the overall motive is to reduce highsec income for all mission runners and the blitzers are just good propoganda.


a handful of scrubs shoould't decide the outcome for all.

So would you like to reverse the tech moon nerf?
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#444 - 2015-12-07 00:18:39 UTC
Daniela Doran wrote:
Market McSelling Alt wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

It is infact just as easy to run 3 accounts in level 4 missions as it is running them in anoms.

Per person its 90 mil at the very most you will get from anoms, this is on par with level 3 missions per person.

Logi sit on top on the fleet, no change for them at all.

Point 1) You are full of crap. You cannot multi-box mission blitz characters, not even close. You are blatantly lying.

Point 2) Per character it is 25mil ticks AFK... or 75mil per character. This scales with the number of systems and the upgrades available. Running 3 accounts at 25mil ticks is almost as easy as running 1 at 30mil ticks. Again, you are blatantly lying.

Point 3) You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, even so with the fitting changes and the Scimi losing 50 CPU, you will never fit an Incursion Scimi the same again. Going to chalk this one up to ignorance.

Stop lying Baltec, you are just fudding your way through this horribly.

I agree.

You are soo full of it baltec.

baltec1 wrote:

Per person its 90 mil at the very most you will get from anoms, this is on par with level 3 missions per person.

This post from you is your most ridiculously dumbfounded post thus far in this thread.

So far I have backed up everything I have said with data, charts, guides, fits, spreadsheets and even videos. To date you have provided nothing to back up your argument other than insults and lies.
Jerry T Pepridge
Meta Game Analysis and Investment INC.
#445 - 2015-12-07 00:22:15 UTC
baltec1 wrote:

So would you like to reverse the tech moon nerf?

Implying you directly received any of it anyway, Roll, its personal income argument here not alliance wide.

Im well aware of the struggles for nullsec PVE, toiled with it b4 i became rich enough to not worry about fun/hour.

If you want to take action, tank the SOE prices, rather than cry about it tbh, else HTFU.


Market McSelling Alt
#446 - 2015-12-07 00:36:16 UTC
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

So would you like to reverse the tech moon nerf?

Implying you directly received any of it anyway, Roll, its personal income argument here not alliance wide.

Im well aware of the struggles for nullsec PVE, toiled with it b4 i became rich enough to not worry about fun/hour.

If you want to take action, tank the SOE prices, rather than cry about it tbh, else HTFU.

That is the problem with Baltec and Jenn. Their issue with income in High Sec is with Incursions (which 1.5% run) and lvl 4's (Which are LP value dependent).

Incursions just got a nerf in the form of Logi fitting, module fitting, cycle times, range. Incursions had a nerf before that in drone assist limits. Incursions are about to be nerfed harder by OGB changes.

Is it enough for them? Nope, they minimalize it.

Null sec got Anoms boosted this summer, are they happy? Nope

And their lvl 4 arguments revolve around a broken LP market for 3 total agents in High Sec, only two that are particularly useful. So really they have an issue with the market value of LP, while ignoring the fact they could make 2x as much running the same missions in Null.

And LOL@ "FC's probe on alt accounts while running a fleet so missions are easy to multibox"

Where you flying? MoA?!

CCP Quant: Of all those who logon in Eve, 1.5% do Incursions, 13.8% PVP and 19.2% run Missions while 22.4% mine.

40.7% Join a fleet. The idea that Eve is a PVP game is false, the social fabric is in Missions and Mining.

Jerry T Pepridge
Meta Game Analysis and Investment INC.
#447 - 2015-12-07 00:51:11 UTC
Market McSelling Alt wrote:

And their lvl 4 arguments revolve around a broken LP market for 3 total agents in High Sec, only two that are particularly useful. So really they have an issue with the market value of LP, while ignoring the fact they could make 2x as much running the same missions in Null.

If you mean u can run SOE missions in nullsec the same way as highsec, your kidding yourself matey. (Npc kils 24hours) (jumps 24 hours)

Assume each jump is an interuption/ make you warp to safe.

You can run those missions sure, at a much higher risk, interupted alot & only really available to those on that side of the map.

for the 40-50 or so blitzing those missions, they have 5b+ in ships perfectly optimazed for it, you want to fly those to NPC null?


Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#448 - 2015-12-07 00:59:35 UTC
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

So would you like to reverse the tech moon nerf?

Implying you directly received any of it anyway, Roll, its personal income argument here not alliance wide.

Argument here is game balance, tech is just one example of poor balance that benefited a handful of people.

OK how about the FW nerf that stopped us from earning 1 trillion in a single weekend? Its only a handful of people after all.
Market McSelling Alt
#449 - 2015-12-07 01:06:44 UTC
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:
Market McSelling Alt wrote:

And their lvl 4 arguments revolve around a broken LP market for 3 total agents in High Sec, only two that are particularly useful. So really they have an issue with the market value of LP, while ignoring the fact they could make 2x as much running the same missions in Null.

If you mean u can run SOE missions in nullsec the same way as highsec, your kidding yourself matey. (Npc kils 24hours) (jumps 24 hours)

Assume each jump is an interuption/ make you warp to safe.

You can run those missions sure, at a much higher risk, interupted alot & only really available to those on that side of the map.

for the 40-50 or so blitzing those missions, they have 5b+ in ships perfectly optimazed for it, you want to fly those to NPC null?

Player created content should not play into an equation of CCP manifested environment. The idea here put out but Baltec and Jenn is no one is ever ganked in HS running missions, so it is prefectly fair for us on the other side to present the same in Null.

That being said, I realize that running missions can be harder in Null. But with a cloak, MWD and a scout you are good to go as long as you can fit a depot. You could probably even take some of the more blingy fits out there but you can blitz lvl 4's just fine in a 500mil Mach.

CCP Quant: Of all those who logon in Eve, 1.5% do Incursions, 13.8% PVP and 19.2% run Missions while 22.4% mine.

40.7% Join a fleet. The idea that Eve is a PVP game is false, the social fabric is in Missions and Mining.

Market McSelling Alt
#450 - 2015-12-07 01:07:45 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

So would you like to reverse the tech moon nerf?

Implying you directly received any of it anyway, Roll, its personal income argument here not alliance wide.

Argument here is game balance, tech is just one example of poor balance that benefited a handful of people.

OK how about the FW nerf that stopped us from earning 1 trillion in a single weekend? Its only a handful of people after all.

The FW nerf was due to CCP realizing there was a problem in their code and fixing it. QQ more somewhere else, but code fixes for exploits shouldn't be the hill you decide to die on. Roll

CCP Quant: Of all those who logon in Eve, 1.5% do Incursions, 13.8% PVP and 19.2% run Missions while 22.4% mine.

40.7% Join a fleet. The idea that Eve is a PVP game is false, the social fabric is in Missions and Mining.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#451 - 2015-12-07 01:07:55 UTC
Market McSelling Alt wrote:

That is the problem with Baltec and Jenn. Their issue with income in High Sec is with Incursions (which 1.5% run) and lvl 4's (Which are LP value dependent).

Incursions just got a nerf in the form of Logi fitting, module fitting, cycle times, range. Incursions had a nerf before that in drone assist limits. Incursions are about to be nerfed harder by OGB changes.

Is it enough for them? Nope, they minimalize it.

None of those things have or will nerf incursion income.

Market McSelling Alt wrote:

Null sec got Anoms boosted this summer, are they happy? Nope

Anoms don't work with large populations even with that buff and have a host of other issues. You have been told this countless times.

Market McSelling Alt wrote:

And their lvl 4 arguments revolve around a broken LP market for 3 total agents in High Sec, only two that are particularly useful. So really they have an issue with the market value of LP, while ignoring the fact they could make 2x as much running the same missions in Null.

Actually its just about every faction LP store, even the caldari navy can net you close to 2000 LP

Market McSelling Alt wrote:

And LOL@ "FC's probe on alt accounts while running a fleet so missions are easy to multibox"

Where you flying? MoA?!

Just about every fleet in null operates like this.
Jerry T Pepridge
Meta Game Analysis and Investment INC.
#452 - 2015-12-07 01:08:58 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

So would you like to reverse the tech moon nerf?

Implying you directly received any of it anyway, Roll, its personal income argument here not alliance wide.

Argument here is game balance, tech is just one example of poor balance that benefited a handful of people.

OK how about the FW nerf that stopped us from earning 1 trillion in a single weekend? Its only a handful of people after all.

I liked tech being OP & valuable was a conflict driver. you could argue, that more was lost in defending/taking tech (DRF Vs CFC/Morsis mihi northern coalition (not NC.) etc) - hand full, no.

What do you think needs to happen here, what exactly is your argument, that null should be buffed, or the SOE agents should be nerfed?

you have options, you can crash the price of all SOE items, or wait until it becomes saturated enough the LP/isk returns to normal/equilibrium Which will happen.

The argument that nullsec can do same missions/even anom farming is BS.
Coz 95% of null is there for PVP, the other 5% trying to "make a living" is contantly interupted by the 95%.


Daniela Doran
#453 - 2015-12-07 01:09:47 UTC
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:
Market McSelling Alt wrote:

And their lvl 4 arguments revolve around a broken LP market for 3 total agents in High Sec, only two that are particularly useful. So really they have an issue with the market value of LP, while ignoring the fact they could make 2x as much running the same missions in Null.

If you mean u can run SOE missions in nullsec the same way as highsec, your kidding yourself matey. (Npc kils 24hours) (jumps 24 hours)

Assume each jump is an interuption/ make you warp to safe.

You can run those missions sure, at a much higher risk, interupted alot & only really available to those on that side of the map.

for the 40-50 or so blitzing those missions, they have 5b+ in ships perfectly optimazed for it, you want to fly those to NPC null?

There are lots of other Factions you can run missions for in nullsec, like Mordus. But I do agree that they are far more dangerous to run then in hi-sec and for that reason I feel it to be justified to make many more agents available that offer these missions there in nullsec. In addition, adding new types of level 5s would also be beneficial for nullsec PVE improvement.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#454 - 2015-12-07 01:11:33 UTC
Market McSelling Alt wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

So would you like to reverse the tech moon nerf?

Implying you directly received any of it anyway, Roll, its personal income argument here not alliance wide.

Argument here is game balance, tech is just one example of poor balance that benefited a handful of people.

OK how about the FW nerf that stopped us from earning 1 trillion in a single weekend? Its only a handful of people after all.

The FW nerf was due to CCP realizing there was a problem in their code and fixing it. QQ more somewhere else, but code fixes for exploits shouldn't be the hill you decide to die on. Roll

And the problems we are pointing out are also problems with code that we are exploiting to the max. How about we bring back tracking titans again so we can earn 500mil/hr? I'm sure plex buyers would love for all of that raw isk to flood into the economy.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#455 - 2015-12-07 01:21:55 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:

What do you think needs to happen here, what exactly is your argument, that null should be buffed, or the SOE agents should be nerfed?

PVE in all areas of space needs a top down revamp. Remove the ability to blitz missions, massively reduce incursion payouts in highsec, FW missions need to also be revamped so you cant blitz them in a bomber, Anoms need to be retired as the primary form of making isk in null and replaced with mission agents. Loot and LP markets also need to be revamped to better reward people who fly in the more dangerous areas of space. Moon mining needs to become active not passive income. If the highsec bears in this thread actually read what I was saying they would realise that I'm calling for just as big nerfs in low and null areas of space.
Market McSelling Alt wrote:

you have options, you can crash the price of all SOE items

That's not an option, the SOE market will only crash if CCP nerfs the items it sells.
Jerry T Pepridge
Meta Game Analysis and Investment INC.
#456 - 2015-12-07 02:28:42 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:

What do you think needs to happen here, what exactly is your argument, that null should be buffed, or the SOE agents should be nerfed?

PVE in all areas of space needs a top down revamp. Remove the ability to blitz missions, massively reduce incursion payouts in highsec, FW missions need to also be revamped so you cant blitz them in a bomber, Anoms need to be retired as the primary form of making isk in null and replaced with mission agents. Loot and LP markets also need to be revamped to better reward people who fly in the more dangerous areas of space. Moon mining needs to become active not passive income. If the highsec bears in this thread actually read what I was saying they would realise that I'm calling for just as big nerfs in low and null areas of space.
Market McSelling Alt wrote:

you have options, you can crash the price of all SOE items

That's not an option, the SOE market will only crash if CCP nerfs the items it sells.

You can very easily crash any market in this game.

I certainly can agree it does need to be looked at Top down, your ideas would bring some great conflicts, particular the moon mining, but i think alliances that hold sov need some income to balance all the isk required to "live" there.

My idea is a little simpler. leave everything as it is, Missions in Nullsec need to be easier to complete, so the players there can use cheaper ships / pvp ships to do the content.

Imagine If a PVP vexor could complete a nullsec L4 PVE mission.


Jerry T Pepridge
Meta Game Analysis and Investment INC.
#457 - 2015-12-07 02:39:51 UTC
Daniela Doran wrote:

There are lots of other Factions you can run missions for in nullsec, like Mordus. But I do agree that they are far more dangerous to run then in hi-sec and for that reason I feel it to be justified to make many more agents available that offer these missions there in nullsec. In addition, adding new types of level 5s would also be beneficial for nullsec PVE improvement.

Very true, i used to run Transtellar Shipping L4's in syndicate back in the day, but never min/maxed them.

Making them easier to complete, requiring less tank/dps to complete is whats needed, lower the sec, easier to complete.


Chainsaw Plankton
#458 - 2015-12-07 04:36:30 UTC
Market McSelling Alt wrote:
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

So would you like to reverse the tech moon nerf?

Implying you directly received any of it anyway, Roll, its personal income argument here not alliance wide.

Im well aware of the struggles for nullsec PVE, toiled with it b4 i became rich enough to not worry about fun/hour.

If you want to take action, tank the SOE prices, rather than cry about it tbh, else HTFU.

That is the problem with Baltec and Jenn. Their issue with income in High Sec is with Incursions (which 1.5% run) and lvl 4's (Which are LP value dependent).

Incursions just got a nerf in the form of Logi fitting, module fitting, cycle times, range. Incursions had a nerf before that in drone assist limits. Incursions are about to be nerfed harder by OGB changes.

Is it enough for them? Nope, they minimalize it.

Null sec got Anoms boosted this summer, are they happy? Nope

And their lvl 4 arguments revolve around a broken LP market for 3 total agents in High Sec, only two that are particularly useful. So really they have an issue with the market value of LP, while ignoring the fact they could make 2x as much running the same missions in Null.

And LOL@ "FC's probe on alt accounts while running a fleet so missions are easy to multibox"

Where you flying? MoA?!

I'm not a goon so I cant say what they do with their tech money, but I'm sure a lot of that goes into infrastructure, logistics, and SRP, so it is hard to say members don't benefit from it. But it is also a hard to measure figure.

Incursion problems: pull players out of null and into highsec for isk making activities. Is a large isk faucet, when you look at the 1.5% of players run incursions, and then look at the graph showing how much isk is put into game by incursions that is where my problem arises. And also effectively caps LP markets for mission runners.

Missions: Most level 4 agents offer better income than nullsec anoms. pretty much any corp with a decent BPC in a 0.5 or 0.6 system (maybe even higher sec?). Lanngisi is simply the perfect storm of conditions that push income up and is an easy example.

incursion nerf is indirect and hasn't hit yet. I can't say what will happen. If anyone knows what the results of dropping 2 dps for an extra logi + on grid links it would be interesting to know.

if I'm not mistake the main anom change was adding an extra one or two. which doesn't really change income, and barely increases the amount of players that can use a system. Also I don't really like the idea of afk game play.

I agree the jump from FCing to multboxing missions isn't exactly useful. however it does illustrate that some people are either far more dedicated to making things work, or simply just more proficient than other players. If I can do something in eve there are many pilots that can simply do it better than me.

That highsec missions pay as much as they do and are as convenient as they are just doesn't seem very eve to me. One of the stories that helped sell me on eve was of players running out to null, mining ABC ores for an afternoon and being able to buy a GTC. Now it seems like ABCs are damn near everywhere. Also there was a guy flying around ninjaing DED Plexes making billions. By comparison sitting around in highsec running lv4s just isn't a compelling story.

I don't necessarily want to see nerfs like Jenn or baltec1 are proposing, but giving the people that want to get out of highsec better options for income in dangerous space doesn't seem like a bad idea. I also tend to think in terms of isk sinks/faucets, and less isk in game doesn't really seem like a bad thing. Should be interesting to see how many of those 700b x-l citadel bpos sell.

Market McSelling Alt wrote:
Player created content should not play into an equation of CCP manifested environment. The idea here put out but Baltec and Jenn is no one is ever ganked in HS running missions, so it is prefectly fair for us on the other side to present the same in Null.

That being said, I realize that running missions can be harder in Null. But with a cloak, MWD and a scout you are good to go as long as you can fit a depot. You could probably even take some of the more blingy fits out there but you can blitz lvl 4's just fine in a 500mil Mach.

I mostly agree however missions aren't available in a large portion of null. Also cloak+scout+depots are all things that will slow you down. do they slow you down enough that your profit makes it worth it? one of those things I just don't know.

baltec1 wrote:
That's not an option, the SOE market will only crash if CCP nerfs the items it sells.

people can only buy so many probe launchers. that said throwing enough people at it that they do crash seems like a huge waste of time. and also potentially counterproductive as I'd guess at least some goons are running for the sanctuary out in x-7o, and making a bunch of isk there.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Arthur Aihaken
#459 - 2015-12-07 04:55:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
baltec1 wrote:
How about we bring back tracking titans again so we can earn 500mil/hr?

I think this was before my time; can you expand on this a bit?

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Chainsaw Plankton
#460 - 2015-12-07 05:27:21 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
How about we bring back tracking titans again so we can earn 500mil/hr?

I think this was before my time, so can you expand on this a bit?

A long time ago capital weapons used to have decent tracking, and siege modules had a huge tracking debuff so in seige dreads were designed to only hit other dreads or poses. on one of the capital rebalances they gave titans a huge damage bonus. This resulted in people warping titans into anoms at range and blapping pretty much everything.

now titans have a role bonus "turrets fitted to this ship will do reduced damage to small targets" On the max skilled test server thingy I tried shooting something small (and stationary) with a titan gun, it did ~20 damage on a hit.

It was kinda funny watching videos of titans one volleying npc battleships. But perhaps something not good for the game. Although how much of the nerf was because a tracking titan could be used effectively in pvp vs in ratting? Having titans in anoms seems like something that might actually be interesting and generate some content. although I imagine they would stay aligned pretty much all of the time, so maybe not that interesting.

sadly I can't find a good video, although there are a bunch of titan/super carrier kill videos

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter