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Lv4s 100-150mil/h+: Breakdown

First post
David Therman
#221 - 2015-11-28 10:20:40 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:

If PvE was truly broken, there would be a hell of a lot more than just 2 players complaining about it here on the forums.


You haven't seen the incursion thread, have you? P
Daniela Doran
#222 - 2015-11-28 13:56:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Daniela Doran
David Therman wrote:
DeMichael Crimson wrote:

If PvE was truly broken, there would be a hell of a lot more than just 2 players complaining about it here on the forums.


You haven't seen the incursion thread, have you? P

That's about incursions, this thread is about level 4 missions, big difference.

Jenn apparently has a beef with hi-sec income activites in general especially if the activities makes more than he/her makes ratting in null. Unfortunately it hasn't occur to him/her that she just plain sucks at null ratting and should do some other activity to improve isk per hour instead of whimpering about how much more can be made there than she makes in null. But then again some people are just born whiners.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#223 - 2015-11-28 17:07:54 UTC
Daniela Doran wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Estella Osoka wrote:
Nullies also get the odd deadspace/faction drop when ratting belts and anoms. Of course you can't really factor that into your hourly equation, but it is an additional factor in ratting income.

That's true, and you can make a lving in null.

The whole point is that the game as it stands creates the backwards incentive to not do that. WHY do that (if isk for other things like PLEX is part of the goal of doign the content) would you do null PVE when you could spend less time achieving the same goal from high sec.

That means that people like me (who would prefer to do pve in null) have to make the choice between "do what I like but attain goal slower, or do what I don't like as much but attain goal faster" In my case it's rat in null, or run incursions and make that plex or get that isk for that New Barghest I want to fly quicker.

IMO it's nonsense. Not the end of the world, but still nonsense.

Again it boils down to your jealously. People do want they like in Eve, if you like ratting in null then stay the hell in null. It shouldn't matter what players are making in hi-sec. This type of jealously is so immature and you really really should get over it.

You've been playing Eve for 7 years and you're having trouble making 150 mill an hour in null? I find this very disappointing in you as a player. If you've been playing this long why aren't you doing Cap Escalations in C5 Wormholes making 50-75 bill isk a month? Something like this should be what entices you since you're seeking elite PVE max risk for isk reward gameplay, unless of course you're scared of wormholes. So not only you're a null crybaby but also a coward.

I make plenty. For some reason you people are unwilling to admit glaring problems(well, you did in the GD thread, but the rest aren't).

That's fine, you can't expect everyone to care about how PVE players out in a mostly pvp focused game. Sorry, but I do, I play every day and sure it's maybe getting a bit better (the upping of escalation chances was good, drifter incursion have the possibility of fixing the incursion scene, and the removal of off grid boosting means incursion fleets might experience a slight bit more danger), but there's still a lot left to do.

I know a lot of you don't like my passion about this. Tough beans. you can keep lying to yourself about 'jealousy' (how does one envy their own wallet I wonder), but you know it's not about that, im building up the ships/skills to truly do Anize's plan, I have a FW and Incursion alt and if you look on zkillboard you will see this character has 2 afk vni deaths (and I despise afk ratting, but whenin Paris...) Adaptation is not the issue either. I've adapted to the realties, even the ones I think need to be hammered into the ground.

PVE is the issue. You guys go on not caring, that's your right.
Arthur Aihaken
#224 - 2015-11-28 17:48:09 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
PVE is the issue. You guys go on not caring, that's your right.

I guess I don't understand what the issue is then...

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

The Bigpuns
United Standings Improvement Agency
#225 - 2015-11-28 20:42:21 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
PVE is the issue. You guys go on not caring, that's your right.

I guess I don't understand what the issue is then...

Most of eve doesn't see the issue. Cos most people can accept reality.

I for one think things aren't as balanced as they ideally would be. I see that Jenn has a point about certain things. But she is not putting it forward very well, and the rest is just plain misguided. It's tough to accept things that aren't ideal if you don't understand the reasons behind them. Look at capitalism for example. Looks like an evil thing. But the alternatives don't work. In eve, wealth is created by player activity. Ccp have spent a long time tweaking various aspects, but genuine "balance" is one of those holy grails that not many games actually achieve. I applaud Jenn for having the energy to crusade about these issues, but her manner and blind optimism don't do her any favours.

And frankly, I would like to extend you an apology that your thread got hijacked by this nonsense.
Chainsaw Plankton
#226 - 2015-11-28 22:04:52 UTC
the issue is when I press f10 and select show pilots in space most of 0.0 space is empty. there is simply very little incentive for anyone to be out there. Sure moon mining is great but as an individual I have almost no access to that, and joining a blob isn't worth it to me. Or maybe access to high end ores yea no thanks.

I think that incentives to be in 0.0 for individual pilots would lead to more people in null sec, which could lead to more conflict in nullsec. And then hopefully all that gets even more people interested in null. for example all the nullsec alts that are in high simply because they can make more, or people that like the idea of null but get bored every time they go out there (like me), and then there are the people that will min/max their profit and move to wherever suits that. I think it would be the right move for the game.

Yes there are plenty of people that won't leave highsec for pretty much any reason I'm fine with that and think they should still have access to interesting game play. Straight up taking things away just seems like a bad idea, I find it very hard to take the remove lv4s from highsec threads seriously.

and yes "balance" is a holy grail that is impossible to hit, but lately it seems ccp hasn't even tried. Mission blitzing in general has been around for a long time now, and incursions too. Although players seemed to have min/maxed the burner thing rather quickly. Compare the time taken when you average 4-5 jumps (most systems) vs 1-2 jumps (lanngisi). Although this is also where it gets hard to add incentives for null. Flooding resources is a no good situation with isk inflation would be a problem, with some other resource you could crash markets. So far in eve it seems that players always end up being better at farming then the devs expected.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Arthur Aihaken
#227 - 2015-11-28 22:51:17 UTC
The Bigpuns wrote:
And frankly, I would like to extend you an apology that your thread got hijacked by this nonsense.

It's cool. In fairness, it's hard to have any kind of separate PvE/balanced-ISK discussion because anything ISK balance-related things tends to turn into a 'nerf this/that income', it immediately becomes emotionally charged and few (if any) facts are ever presented.

From what I've been able to observe and ascertain, if you're setup and well-organized (whatever that may entail) - you can make obscene ISK outside of high-sec. Well in excess of any of the most ultra-realistic ISK/hour numbers any of us have been able to obtain with either the 'several character blitz' or 'Burner/blitz' scenarios. Neither of the these scenarios are without risk, as you are relegated to running rather shiny fits in some instances - which leaves you at the mercy of being ganked (particularly in 0.5 or popular systems).. Running multiple characters is also more involved in terms of micromanagement (not to mention ongoing costs), and you will never achieve the DPS or salvage potential of a single ship.

Burners are also fairly unforgiving (especially Team Burners right now), and will become even more so with the pending elimination of off-grid links - and it is quite easy to see your ISK/hour implode with an easy mistake.

Can't even comment on Incursions - and not sure I even want to touch that snake with a 50-foot pole...

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Arthur Aihaken
#228 - 2015-11-28 23:06:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
Short update with a different twist (for those that like experimenting with fits). Same 0.6 system setup, 'shoot everything' scenario with minimal (implant only) cargo salvage. This was with a trio of Golems, running a passive shield fit with T2 FoF cruise launchers, three precision-scripted MGCs and three BCUs. All V missile skills (Cruise Missile Specialization IV) with Security/Negotiation V on one character and IV on the other two. High-grade Ascendancy implants and +5 Zainou missile implants with an average warp speed of just shy of 5.0 AU/s. No drones (I hate drones).

With semi-AFK fits I can run this all day without really having to worry about screwing anything up (the biggest detractions are losing volleys and not paying attention to reloads). This can probably be duplicated with Navy Ravens to some extent, although with half the cargo space and twice the ammunition consumption you will literally bleed missiles (there's also the issue of the Golem's tank).

Anomaly 3/3, Score, Scarlet, Informant, Rogue Drone.
• Total ISK/rewards: 92.75m ISK
• Total LP: 32.07m ISK (26,731 LP)
• Grand Total: 124.82m ISK / 01:02:00 or 120.80m ISK/hour

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Daniela Doran
#229 - 2015-11-29 00:38:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Daniela Doran
Jenn aSide wrote:
Daniela Doran wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Estella Osoka wrote:
Nullies also get the odd deadspace/faction drop when ratting belts and anoms. Of course you can't really factor that into your hourly equation, but it is an additional factor in ratting income.

That's true, and you can make a lving in null.

The whole point is that the game as it stands creates the backwards incentive to not do that. WHY do that (if isk for other things like PLEX is part of the goal of doign the content) would you do null PVE when you could spend less time achieving the same goal from high sec.

That means that people like me (who would prefer to do pve in null) have to make the choice between "do what I like but attain goal slower, or do what I don't like as much but attain goal faster" In my case it's rat in null, or run incursions and make that plex or get that isk for that New Barghest I want to fly quicker.

IMO it's nonsense. Not the end of the world, but still nonsense.

Again it boils down to your jealously. People do want they like in Eve, if you like ratting in null then stay the hell in null. It shouldn't matter what players are making in hi-sec. This type of jealously is so immature and you really really should get over it.

You've been playing Eve for 7 years and you're having trouble making 150 mill an hour in null? I find this very disappointing in you as a player. If you've been playing this long why aren't you doing Cap Escalations in C5 Wormholes making 50-75 bill isk a month? Something like this should be what entices you since you're seeking elite PVE max risk for isk reward gameplay, unless of course you're scared of wormholes. So not only you're a null crybaby but also a coward.

I make plenty. For some reason you people are unwilling to admit glaring problems(well, you did in the GD thread, but the rest aren't).

That's fine, you can't expect everyone to care about how PVE players out in a mostly pvp focused game. Sorry, but I do, I play every day and sure it's maybe getting a bit better (the upping of escalation chances was good, drifter incursion have the possibility of fixing the incursion scene, and the removal of off grid boosting means incursion fleets might experience a slight bit more danger), but there's still a lot left to do.

I know a lot of you don't like my passion about this. Tough beans. you can keep lying to yourself about 'jealousy' (how does one envy their own wallet I wonder), but you know it's not about that, im building up the ships/skills to truly do Anize's plan, I have a FW and Incursion alt and if you look on zkillboard you will see this character has 2 afk vni deaths (and I despise afk ratting, but whenin Paris...) Adaptation is not the issue either. I've adapted to the realties, even the ones I think need to be hammered into the ground.

PVE is the issue. You guys go on not caring, that's your right.

You had a somewhat justifiable argument about how broken Incursions are. After putting myself in your shoes and re reading the posts in that Incursion thread, I was able to see this. But the complaints in this thread you are making are just rants out of sheer jealously. They are completely out of place and uncalled for.

I can see if the LP stores in all the empires were as lucrative as SOE and Thurker Tribe but that's totally not the case. SOE and Thurker Tribe are the ONLY Factions you can run for that pays anything decent in hi-sec. The LP store for the other major empires are worthless and are in dire need of a complete rebalance. If the other major empire faction had attractive LP stores with good LP to isk returns then I'd be running Lev 5s in low sec with 2 Rattlesnakes.

Maybe in another year or 2, I'll develop your mentality of wanting a more balance PVE environment in Eve but not at this time. Right now I just want to make isk in the most proficient way as possible with my current experience and resources. And for me right now, that is running Lev 4 missions with SOE using 10 mission pulling alts. WIth this setup I make on average 150-200 mill isk an hour (actually maybe up to 250 mill but I don't like to brag). I can only achieve this because I'm using multiple accounts. If I was only using one account then I'd say 50-70 mill isk an hour is what you're looking at running Lev 4 missions for SOE in hi-sec. I do full clear when I run missions and cherry pick the loot/salvage. I've seen whereas if I were to just flat out blitz I could probably make a little more but that gameplay style is too tedious for me and blitzing while multiboxing doesn't scale as well as when doing full clear.

My goal is to do C5 Wormholes multiboxing my 3 Paladins/Vargurs making 400-500 mill isk an hour non-escalated. But to be able to pull that off you need vast amounts of experience in wormholes or you'll die....alot. If I had access to capitals like you and your experience, i'd be raking in stupid isk running cap escalations in those C5s making 1 bill isk an hour. If you're looking for ultimate PVE then that's where your aim should be, not null sec and definitely not hi-sec.
Market McSelling Alt
#230 - 2015-11-29 00:57:46 UTC
Just FYI

I would trade removing lvl 4's and incursions from High-Sec if we got local removed in Null.

No Local Null is a wet dream. Twisted

CCP Quant: Of all those who logon in Eve, 1.5% do Incursions, 13.8% PVP and 19.2% run Missions while 22.4% mine.

40.7% Join a fleet. The idea that Eve is a PVP game is false, the social fabric is in Missions and Mining.

Arthur Aihaken
#231 - 2015-11-29 01:19:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
Market McSelling Alt wrote:
I would trade removing lvl 4's and incursions from High-Sec if we got local removed in Null.

Include removing local from low-sec and my interest is perked.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Daniela Doran
#232 - 2015-11-29 01:55:47 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:

Burners are also fairly unforgiving (especially Team Burners right now), and will become even more so with the pending elimination of off-grid links

What pending elimination of off grid links??

A link...send me a link of this discussion please.
Arthur Aihaken
#233 - 2015-11-29 03:57:11 UTC
Daniela Doran wrote:
What pending elimination of off grid links??
A link...send me a link of this discussion please.

There was a thread on Reddit, but it's also mentioned here.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Daniela Doran
#234 - 2015-11-29 05:15:53 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Daniela Doran wrote:
What pending elimination of off grid links??
A link...send me a link of this discussion please.

There was a thread on Reddit, but it's also mentioned here.

Thank you Arthur.

Still looking at about 6 months to a year before this kicks in which should be plenty of time to convert my OGB Tengu/Legion alt to be able to fly the Nighthawk/Damnation.
Arthur Aihaken
#235 - 2015-11-29 05:42:50 UTC
Daniela Doran wrote:
Thank you Arthur. Still looking at about 6 months to a year before this kicks in which should be plenty of time to convert my OGB Tengu/Legion alt to be able to fly the Nighthawk/Damnation.

Sorry I couldn't find the original CCP quote (I assume there's some Twitter or Reddit reference somewhere). My guess would be that the successful implementation of Brain-in-a-Box is probably a deciding factor.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Chainsaw Plankton
#236 - 2015-11-29 09:54:16 UTC
Daniela Doran wrote:
I can see if the LP stores in all the empires were as lucrative as SOE and Thurker Tribe but that's totally not the case. SOE and Thurker Tribe are the ONLY Factions you can run for that pays anything decent in hi-sec. The LP store for the other major empires are worthless and are in dire need of a complete rebalance. If the other major empire faction had attractive LP stores with good LP to isk returns then I'd be running Lev 5s in low sec with 2 Rattlesnakes.

The empires do have lucrative LP stores, they just don't always have good agents to gain LP with. The major factions typically have 3 different styles of LP stores. there are very often high isk/lp items from one or two of these stores. Then there is the "navy" corp which has a similar LP store to FW.

I'll break it down with gallente as I have pretty much no interest in running with them:

There are 17 corps with Fed navy webs/tracking comps/sensor boosters BPCs in the LP store. So a good number of items to trade in, although it can require a lot of investment in tags. Not so sure about agents.

then there are another 10 corps with the LP store that sells Federation navy mag stab bpcs. tbh I'm not really sure what else is in there, or what that is trading for right now but you could look it up. I would guess it is a decent trade.

then there are 5 navy style corps, one of which is the FW store which has a lot of extra goodies and reduced prices on some items. oh and the LP generation method is a bit different so that can as I've said already easily devalue other items. these generally aren't worth running for.

I could repeat myself with caldari/amarr/minmatar. and probably add on an analysis of "good" agents (and then "great" agents I can count on one hand)

my main complaint is incursion runners can convert concord LP into any empire LP so any time any trades get good they can go fill demand. This ends up being a cap on isk/lp rates and imo the result is a lot of corps just aren't worth running for as they don't have any good agents to gain LP with. If there isn't a good agent LP values should increase to compensate. Making 3k isk/lp but running with a less desirable agent should more or less balance out with running for a good agent and getting more LP but trading at a lower rate. However with CONCORD convertible LP that can't happen. And you end up just being better off running for SoE in lanngisi or apanake instead of most empire corps. And if you want to max out with burners it is lanngisi or bust. I had a nice thing going in a 0.6 system at one point, but it just doesn't seem worth it at this point.

The main problems with not running SoE are:
1. how many corps have desirable agents? For standard missions the main aim is for a 0.5 in a constellation without a lowsec, and short warps are preferred. If you start to look at burners it is hard to even think past Lanngisi. Sure they might have a nice looking LP store but running in a 0.7 lowers your LP to the point you would have been better off going to an SoE hub.

2. It can be easy to flood markets with some stores. According to fuzzworks the 5 run Fed navy tracking comps are 1967 isk/lp to BUY orders. but how much could you really cash out on? I'm sure you can maintain the high rate over time but when each one costs ~11k lp it would be very easy to over produce. However that store also has a few other nice looking trades and then fed navy web blueprints so that should provide a lot of volume, but other stores might not be so lucky. Another advantage of SoE, many items and lots of LP sinks so it is hard to overproduce. I found an item with a good rate in another store and just by myself I can nearly meet demand, however a few other people found it, so price competition gets in the way. with SoE stuff I put up an order, walk away and come back to isk in the wallet. Oh yea and I get more LP per mission with SoE.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Daniela Doran
#237 - 2015-11-29 12:56:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Daniela Doran
Chainsaw Plankton wrote:
Daniela Doran wrote:
I can see if the LP stores in all the empires were as lucrative as SOE and Thurker Tribe but that's totally not the case. SOE and Thurker Tribe are the ONLY Factions you can run for that pays anything decent in hi-sec. The LP store for the other major empires are worthless and are in dire need of a complete rebalance. If the other major empire faction had attractive LP stores with good LP to isk returns then I'd be running Lev 5s in low sec with 2 Rattlesnakes.

The empires do have lucrative LP stores, they just don't always have good agents to gain LP with. The major factions typically have 3 different styles of LP stores. there are very often high isk/lp items from one or two of these stores. Then there is the "navy" corp which has a similar LP store to FW.

I'll break it down with gallente as I have pretty much no interest in running with them:

There are 17 corps with Fed navy webs/tracking comps/sensor boosters BPCs in the LP store. So a good number of items to trade in, although it can require a lot of investment in tags. Not so sure about agents.

then there are another 10 corps with the LP store that sells Federation navy mag stab bpcs. tbh I'm not really sure what else is in there, or what that is trading for right now but you could look it up. I would guess it is a decent trade.

then there are 5 navy style corps, one of which is the FW store which has a lot of extra goodies and reduced prices on some items. oh and the LP generation method is a bit different so that can as I've said already easily devalue other items. these generally aren't worth running for.

I could repeat myself with caldari/amarr/minmatar. and probably add on an analysis of "good" agents (and then "great" agents I can count on one hand)

my main complaint is incursion runners can convert concord LP into any empire LP so any time any trades get good they can go fill demand. This ends up being a cap on isk/lp rates and imo the result is a lot of corps just aren't worth running for as they don't have any good agents to gain LP with. If there isn't a good agent LP values should increase to compensate. Making 3k isk/lp but running with a less desirable agent should more or less balance out with running for a good agent and getting more LP but trading at a lower rate. However with CONCORD convertible LP that can't happen. And you end up just being better off running for SoE in lanngisi or apanake instead of most empire corps. And if you want to max out with burners it is lanngisi or bust. I had a nice thing going in a 0.6 system at one point, but it just doesn't seem worth it at this point.

The main problems with not running SoE are:
1. how many corps have desirable agents? For standard missions the main aim is for a 0.5 in a constellation without a lowsec, and short warps are preferred. If you start to look at burners it is hard to even think past Lanngisi. Sure they might have a nice looking LP store but running in a 0.7 lowers your LP to the point you would have been better off going to an SoE hub.

2. It can be easy to flood markets with some stores. According to fuzzworks the 5 run Fed navy tracking comps are 1967 isk/lp to BUY orders. but how much could you really cash out on? I'm sure you can maintain the high rate over time but when each one costs ~11k lp it would be very easy to over produce. However that store also has a few other nice looking trades and then fed navy web blueprints so that should provide a lot of volume, but other stores might not be so lucky. Another advantage of SoE, many items and lots of LP sinks so it is hard to overproduce. I found an item with a good rate in another store and just by myself I can nearly meet demand, however a few other people found it, so price competition gets in the way. with SoE stuff I put up an order, walk away and come back to isk in the wallet. Oh yea and I get more LP per mission with SoE.

Good post Chainsaw, a lot of good info here. I have some questions.

From this post are you saying that incursions runners universal LP is the reason the other major empires LP are in such a poor state?

You mention BPCs often, how are these converted into isk ? Like do you produce the item the BPC is for or do you just sell the BPC on contract?

I found that Apanake missions has the better loot compared to Lanngisi but you referred to Lanngisi as THE place to run burners at, why?
Market McSelling Alt
#238 - 2015-11-29 13:57:14 UTC
Daniela Doran wrote:
Chainsaw Plankton wrote:
Daniela Doran wrote:
I can see if the LP stores in all the empires were as lucrative as SOE and Thurker Tribe but that's totally not the case. SOE and Thurker Tribe are the ONLY Factions you can run for that pays anything decent in hi-sec. The LP store for the other major empires are worthless and are in dire need of a complete rebalance. If the other major empire faction had attractive LP stores with good LP to isk returns then I'd be running Lev 5s in low sec with 2 Rattlesnakes.

The empires do have lucrative LP stores, they just don't always have good agents to gain LP with. The major factions typically have 3 different styles of LP stores. there are very often high isk/lp items from one or two of these stores. Then there is the "navy" corp which has a similar LP store to FW.

I'll break it down with gallente as I have pretty much no interest in running with them:

There are 17 corps with Fed navy webs/tracking comps/sensor boosters BPCs in the LP store. So a good number of items to trade in, although it can require a lot of investment in tags. Not so sure about agents.

then there are another 10 corps with the LP store that sells Federation navy mag stab bpcs. tbh I'm not really sure what else is in there, or what that is trading for right now but you could look it up. I would guess it is a decent trade.

then there are 5 navy style corps, one of which is the FW store which has a lot of extra goodies and reduced prices on some items. oh and the LP generation method is a bit different so that can as I've said already easily devalue other items. these generally aren't worth running for.

I could repeat myself with caldari/amarr/minmatar. and probably add on an analysis of "good" agents (and then "great" agents I can count on one hand)

my main complaint is incursion runners can convert concord LP into any empire LP so any time any trades get good they can go fill demand. This ends up being a cap on isk/lp rates and imo the result is a lot of corps just aren't worth running for as they don't have any good agents to gain LP with. If there isn't a good agent LP values should increase to compensate. Making 3k isk/lp but running with a less desirable agent should more or less balance out with running for a good agent and getting more LP but trading at a lower rate. However with CONCORD convertible LP that can't happen. And you end up just being better off running for SoE in lanngisi or apanake instead of most empire corps. And if you want to max out with burners it is lanngisi or bust. I had a nice thing going in a 0.6 system at one point, but it just doesn't seem worth it at this point.

The main problems with not running SoE are:
1. how many corps have desirable agents? For standard missions the main aim is for a 0.5 in a constellation without a lowsec, and short warps are preferred. If you start to look at burners it is hard to even think past Lanngisi. Sure they might have a nice looking LP store but running in a 0.7 lowers your LP to the point you would have been better off going to an SoE hub.

2. It can be easy to flood markets with some stores. According to fuzzworks the 5 run Fed navy tracking comps are 1967 isk/lp to BUY orders. but how much could you really cash out on? I'm sure you can maintain the high rate over time but when each one costs ~11k lp it would be very easy to over produce. However that store also has a few other nice looking trades and then fed navy web blueprints so that should provide a lot of volume, but other stores might not be so lucky. Another advantage of SoE, many items and lots of LP sinks so it is hard to overproduce. I found an item with a good rate in another store and just by myself I can nearly meet demand, however a few other people found it, so price competition gets in the way. with SoE stuff I put up an order, walk away and come back to isk in the wallet. Oh yea and I get more LP per mission with SoE.

Good post Chainsaw, a lot of good info here. I have some questions.

From this post are you saying that incursions runners universal LP is the reason the other major empires LP are in such a poor state?

You mention BPCs often, how are these converted into isk ? Like do you produce the item the BPC is for or do you just sell the BPC on contract?

I found that Apanake missions has the better loot compared to Lanngisi but you referred to Lanngisi as THE place to run burners at, why?

1) FW is the major reason for most items from the Navies to be worthless, but Concord LP from incursions is really stupid too.

2) You really need to build the items from the BPC to make better isk per LP. Some people prefer to find contracts to sell into or set up their own, but that is time consuming for some items and harder than a market trade.

3) Lann is better than Apanake because of the constellation layout. Burners will be closer, and you will almost never get a low sec. It is the only system for SoE that gives you that really.

CCP Quant: Of all those who logon in Eve, 1.5% do Incursions, 13.8% PVP and 19.2% run Missions while 22.4% mine.

40.7% Join a fleet. The idea that Eve is a PVP game is false, the social fabric is in Missions and Mining.

Arthur Aihaken
#239 - 2015-11-29 14:17:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
Market McSelling Alt wrote:
FW is the major reason for most items from the Navies to be worthless, but Concord LP from incursions is really stupid too.

So... Can we surmise that Faction Warfare and Incursions may need a review with respect to the actual LP loot tables so that there are less conflicts with standard missions and the LP rewards from Empire corporations? (I'm not talking about a nerf, just a rebalance with respect to the LP rewards)

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#240 - 2015-11-29 17:14:16 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Market McSelling Alt wrote:
I would trade removing lvl 4's and incursions from High-Sec if we got local removed in Null.

Include removing local from low-sec and my interest is perked.

Add in highsec and we might have a deal.