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[QOL] New Inventory / Item Hangar

Damjan Fox
Fox Industries and Exploration
#1 - 2015-11-27 00:33:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Damjan Fox
Hello fellow capsuleers,

first of all, there is a TL;DR at the end of this post, for the slightly impatient type of guys amongst you Blink

Now to the point:
The other day i was managing/sorting some of my inventory on my Jita trading Alt.
Like many of you, i use containers for this, but i quickly ran into the limitations, you face, using this method.

If an item is NOT located in your item hangar, but in a container, you are missing some of the options in the right-click menu.
To be exact:
- Get Repair Quote
- Create Contract
- Reprocess
- Repackage
- Trash It

Furthermore, you cannot place containers (repackaged or not) inside of containers, since ,apparently ,this containerception would cause some serious database carnage.

Many players have complained about this in the past, but to this day, we haven't seen a solution for this.
At first i thought, maybe with the introduction of Brain In A Box, the database would finally be able to handle all those things, but then another thought came to mind. Why not go without containers entirely?

So, if we don't use containers anymore, to sort our stuff, what would we use instead?

My proposal is, give us the ability to create custom folders in the item hangar, just like we have in the Quickbar in the Market window.

To illustrate, i'll use the inventory of my Jita Alt (which currently looks like THIS) as example.
With a Quickbar style of Item Hangar, it would look something like THIS.
Now, to navigate through all these folders, it would greatly help, if we could select custom icons for each folder (see HERE). There are already more than enough suitable icons in the market window, which could be used for that.

With this way of sorting, all items could be stored in the Item Hangar, without the need of containers. Specific items are just made visible/invisible depending on which folder they "are in" (are assigned to) and which folder is currently selected. All options in the right-click menu (like Repair, or Repackage) will be available on all items, because everything is physically stored in the top level of the Item Hangar. No containerception, no database carnage. This also provides the possibility of multiple levels of subfolders, see HERE.

A few things, that have to be taken into consideration, though:

If all items, which were previously stored in containers, now are located in the top level of the Item Hangar,...

1. ... all unassembled ships (which are then automatically moved to the Ship Hangar) will now appear under the "Hangars" tab in the Station Panel (see HERE).
This would completely clutter up the Hangar Station Panel of players, who have a large amount of unassembled ships in their inventory.

Possible Solution: Unassembled ships, which are put in the Item Hangar, will stay there and not automatically be moved to the Station Hangar, untill you assemble them.

2. ... creating a Contract can become pretty confusing, if you have a lot in your inventory and you select the items in the 2nd part (2/4) of the Contract Creation window.

Possible Solution: Give the Contract Creation window the same Quickbar style of navigation, see HERE.

3. ... the Personal Assets window would need a redesign aswell. (Sorry, no Mockup for that Big smile)

So, this is basically it.
Wow, this took way longer than expected... If you have made it this far, i thank you for your time.
All constructive feedback is welcome. And if you like the concept, i really would appreciate a bump or like, to spread the idea.

Damjan Fox

Give the Item Hangar a Market Quickbar type of Navigation, to improve item sorting and managing, while avoiding containers.
Pic1, Pic2

At the beginning, this idea was designed to improve the usability of the item hangar. But today i saw this thread on reddit and the problem this player has, to sort all his ships. I then realized, that customizable folders would be a huge improvement to the ship hangar aswell (how did i not see this in the first place?Roll).

This way of sorting would give every player, who has to deal with a lot of ships in his ship hangar (PVPers, Directors, etc...), the ability to categorize and quickly go through hundreds of ships.
Darth Squeemus
#2 - 2015-11-27 03:46:32 UTC
#3 - 2015-11-27 04:43:17 UTC
I could see something along these lines being incredibly useful for a more accessible hangar. As far as selecting items for contracts go, I like this, a lot. As a part time station trader, this would be make my life all the more colorful.

The custom icons would be far more pretty than ugly cans. Great mockups, they really communicate the idea well. Did you do that in photoshop or something else?
Amarisen Gream
#4 - 2015-11-27 04:49:52 UTC
I support this -
I also want up this saying -contract window could be drag and drop as well.

"The Lord loosed upon them his fierce anger All of his fury and rage. He dispatched against them a band of Avenging Angels" - The Scriptures, Book II, Apocalypse 10:1

#NPCLivesMatter #Freetheboobs

Damjan Fox
Fox Industries and Exploration
#5 - 2015-11-27 10:19:32 UTC
Thank you for your feedback so far!

Trevton wrote:
Great mockups, they really communicate the idea well. Did you do that in photoshop or something else?

Yes, i made the mockups in Photoshop.
Damjan Fox
Fox Industries and Exploration
#6 - 2015-11-29 00:53:26 UTC
Another problem with containers, this concept would avoid:
Since you can't repackage or trash no longer needed secure containers for 3 weeks, those tend to clutter up your inventory.
With customizable folders, you could just move them out of the way. Blink
Braden Fanguard
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#7 - 2015-11-29 01:11:11 UTC
Also Supported. +1
Zansha Expansion
#8 - 2015-11-29 01:14:11 UTC
Agreed as long as you add an QOL to your subject.

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Damjan Fox
Fox Industries and Exploration
#9 - 2015-11-29 12:06:35 UTC
elitatwo wrote:
as long as you add an QOL to your subject

Sure, whatever makes you happy.Blink
Phoenix Connection
#10 - 2016-01-25 09:18:01 UTC
I like this idea, but will it be even looked at by CCP, they have ignored this for years.
FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#11 - 2016-01-25 16:07:47 UTC

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#12 - 2016-01-25 16:28:36 UTC
I rather don't want to get rid of containers. They are still superior for sorting things because they move the hundreds of BPCs or items out of the hangar and thus remove the lag when you dock/undock from a station. It is also easier to move items between two windows than between 2 inventory categories in the drop down lists; for instance, ammo from the Item Hangar window onto a ship in the Ship Hangar window. Another important advantage of containers is that you cannot accidentally fall for scams or sell things you do not want to sell.

Your suggestion would also mean that you need to have a huge Inventory window, which is not exactly a great way to deal with the uselessness of inventory. My cargo bay/hangar windows are small and would cover about 1/3rd of the list length you show so that I see more of more important windows like fitting, market or contracts.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Damjan Fox
Fox Industries and Exploration
#13 - 2016-01-25 18:32:57 UTC
@Rivr Luzade
Thank you for your feedback.

But to make it clear, i never intended this to replace containers entirely. Creating folders would be completely optional.

If sorting with containers works for you, with this method implemented, you wouldn't even see a difference. Since you don't have to create folders, nothing would change for you.

But i'm sure, there are many players out there, me included, who dislike the restrictions caused by containers.

They are still superior for sorting things because they move the hundreds of BPCs or items out of the hangar and thus remove the lag when you dock/undock from a station.

Only the contents of the selected folder would visible. Very much like with containers now. There is no need to load the entire inventory. This would mean no extra loading time or lag, compared to containers.

It is also easier to move items between two windows than between 2 inventory categories in the drop down lists

It wouldn't be that difficult to add the ability, to open folders in seperate windows.

Your suggestion would also mean that you need to have a huge Inventory window, which is not exactly a great way to deal with the uselessness of inventory. My cargo bay/hangar windows are small and would cover about 1/3rd of the list length you show so that I see more of more important windows like fitting, market or contracts.

I'm sure each player has his own way of window placement and sorting. If you think, that this method is not the right for you, i can of course accept that. But like i said above, if you decide not to use this new option to create folders, nothing would change for you. So players could choose, which method works best for them, folders, containers or a mixture of both.

Amarisen Gream
#14 - 2016-01-25 20:01:54 UTC
Still got my support.

"The Lord loosed upon them his fierce anger All of his fury and rage. He dispatched against them a band of Avenging Angels" - The Scriptures, Book II, Apocalypse 10:1

#NPCLivesMatter #Freetheboobs

Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#15 - 2016-01-25 20:04:07 UTC
Only the contents of the selected folder would visible. Very much like with containers now. There is no need to load the entire inventory. This would mean no extra loading time or lag, compared to containers.

Begs the question how that would work. When you dock, the selected default option would be Item Hangar where you see all items. At least that's under the current system.

I'm sure each player has his own way of window placement and sorting. If you think, that this method is not the right for you, i can of course accept that. But like i said above, if you decide not to use this new option to create folders, nothing would change for you. So players could choose, which method works best for them, folders, containers or a mixture of both.

They certainly do. Your system, however, would require to have a high window in order to see most of the list and not depend on EVE's weird scrolling and category jumping/expanding mechanisms.

However, don't get me wrong (despite my rather unpleasant comment). I would really like to see some improvements on the Inventory handling: among other things that ship hangars (cargo bays) always remain collapsed so that I do not have to scroll through dozens of ship hangars to reach the Corp hangar section. Should CCP take a cue from your idea, they should also look into that. Blink

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Damjan Fox
Fox Industries and Exploration
#16 - 2016-01-25 20:18:19 UTC
@Rivr Luzade
Rivr Luzade wrote:
Begs the question how that would work. When you dock, the selected default option would be Item Hangar where you see all items. At least that's under the current system.

Excuse me, if i didn't convey my idea properly. To use your example, when docking and the item hangar being the default selection, one would only see items, which are not assigend to any folder at all. Only the unsorted items would be visible.

Your system, however, would require to have a high window in order to see most of the list and not depend on EVE's weird scrolling and category jumping/expanding mechanisms.

Not necessarily. The folder index would be scrollable, so you could make the window as short as you want. But i do agree with you, that the "weird scrolling and category jumping/expanding mechanisms" is annoying. Big smile

@Amarisen Gream
Thank you for your support. Big smile
Damjan Fox
Fox Industries and Exploration
#17 - 2016-01-26 21:05:45 UTC
Added to first post:

At the beginning, this idea was designed to improve the usability of the item hangar. But today i saw this thread on reddit and the problem this player has, to sort all his ships. I then realized, that customizable folders would be a huge improvement to the ship hangar aswell (how did i not see this in the first place?Roll).

This way of sorting would give every player, who has to deal with a lot of ships in his ship hangar (PVPers, Directors, etc...), the ability to categorize and quickly go through hundreds of ships.
Royal Search and Recovery Institute
#18 - 2016-03-29 23:20:18 UTC
Good job!
+1 from me. This deserves a push.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2016-03-30 00:03:46 UTC
Like this.

Would also be nice to have in ship hangers.
Ghaustyl Kathix
Rising Thunder
#20 - 2016-03-30 17:09:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Ghaustyl Kathix
Damjan Fox wrote:
But to make it clear, i never intended this to replace containers entirely. Creating folders would be completely optional.
Why would I use a station container over this, though? It sounds like sorting everything into folders is easier and cheaper, and containers (thinks people have already invested in blueprints for) would be obsoleted. Smaller containers would still be useful in ship inventories for a variety of reasons, but station and warehouse containers would literally be useless.

I think a better solution is three relatively simple changes:
- Allow things in containers in stations to show up in the menus that you've listed (get repair quote, create contract, etc.). Maybe make it look like how containers show up in kill mails, where it's clear the item is in a container.
- Allow context menu entries for those things when you right-click on an item in a container. I usually sort dead-space mods I have into a station container, for example, it would be nice if I could repackage it while it's in the container rather than moving it to the main item hanger to do so.
- If you try to repackage a container that has something in it, give a pop-up notification saying so and ask if you want to proceed. It's really annoying when you ctrl+a your inventory and hit repackage and accidentally snag a container as well.
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