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Lv4s 100-150mil/h+: Breakdown

First post
Market McSelling Alt
#161 - 2015-11-26 14:15:29 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:
Market McSelling Alt wrote:
The bottom line here is that every single activity in this game that involves PVE pays out more in Null Sec than it does in High Sec, which is as intended.

What pays more in Null is undisputable.

Missions? Yes
Ratting? Yes
Anoms? Yes
Exploration? Yes
Incursions? Yes
Mining? Yes


I don't want to hear one word from the "CCP shouldn't create or deny content, this is a sandbox!" crew that you can't run those in peace in Null sec... The ability to operate alone is not part of the equation here, the fact is payouts are plainly higher in Null.

Can't run them in peace? You have no one to blame but yourself and the people you play this game with.

So quit QQing more and play the darn game you tell everyone to enjoy or gtfo.

On a side note, ever wonder how many missions you can safely run in High-Sec while under war dec? I still contend that running lvl 4s in Venal would be safer than running them in Osmon when you are under dec.

While all of this is technically true, there will be all the usual counter arguments that's all already been covered in this and about half a dozen other threads. Things like dodging war decs for hisec stuff, afk cloakers in null, roaming gangs, missions only in NPC null, risk, etc.

However I have little sympathy for players belonging to any big alliances complaining. Isn't securing the space you want to make isk from part of the reason to belong to a big alliance in the first palce and part of what nullsec is all about or did I miss the memo?

Player created denial of content has no bearing on this or any thread about Null-Sec vs High-Sec income. These people are asking for CCP to do something for them, while in the same breath complaining about people who they think want CCP to do something for them.

Run the same content in Null as you would in High and you will make multitudes more isk, Period.

CCP Quant: Of all those who logon in Eve, 1.5% do Incursions, 13.8% PVP and 19.2% run Missions while 22.4% mine.

40.7% Join a fleet. The idea that Eve is a PVP game is false, the social fabric is in Missions and Mining.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#162 - 2015-11-26 16:00:31 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:

Ah right so now he lies. People said the same thing to me when I initially claimed 200mill/h+ and now you and Jenn are using it as gospel.

Again you are trying to marginalize the effectiveness of things counter to your argument by assuming worse possible scenarios. The 1400 dps was actually with heavy drones (not gecko), not sentries. Having the Rattlesnake stay close to the drones means that it's both close enough that there is a very small time between firing missiles and the missiles hitting the NPCs and that scooping drones is quick.

Warping from one site to another is nothing compared to warping from station, through 1 or 2 gates, warping to the mission pocket (and sometimes acceleration gates) and then doing all that again on the way back. Travel time is near enough a non factor with anoms, unless you're in a carrier I guess. Still no reason you cant fit hypervelocities to the rattlesnake.

Oh, and a Machariel gets 1400 dps too so your argument is irrelevant twice over.

Now factor in travel time of the heavy drones from target to target, also factor in travel time of the missiles and finally factor in travel time for the slower warping rattle.

You seem to have no grasp at all about what I am talking about.

Are you serious? I literally addressed each and every single one of these things in the post you quoted. What the heck man. I even said the Machariel (That has one of the best align times and very best warp speed of all BS, equal to cruisers in fact) ALSO gets 1400 dps.

This is hilarious.

baltec1 wrote:
Are you even reading what I am typing?

Relevant Lol

No you addressed none of it. All you look at is dps charts and nothing else. Drones and missile ships are slower than gunships at shooting stuff because both have flight time on top of their cycle time and reloading. I am also not talking about cruiser warp speeds, you want the best possible warp speeds which with the mach is borderline interceptor warp speeds. Just by going off your last few posts it's clear you have never tried anything like this before.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#163 - 2015-11-26 16:30:03 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:
Also would like to emphasize what you said here:

Ratting in null sovs anoms using a subcap under the very best of circumstances will net you around the same as a mach blitzing level 3 missions in highsec. Greed is blinding people to the problems.

An AFKtar is not the 'very best of circumstances'. You are comparing sub optimal semi-afk ratting with using the very best ship currently available in the game for the job and actively piloting (non-afk) it to boot.

theres that ignorance again. An Ishtar is not the best ship for that. Its convenient , not fast.

My Mach in null will do about 30 mil ticks. That's 90 mil per hour. I've posted the fit before. That's 1.5 bil worth of mach in NULLSEC for 90 mil per hour.

Or I could just do this with a mach that costs exactly half as much (750 mil) IN HIGH SEC blitzing lvl 3 missions and make 4 million isk less.

(this does not even account for the fact that my null mach pilot had more expensive implant and hardwirings in that my high sec mach pilot I used to test Stoicfaux's mach blitzer).

Can you sit there with a straight face Anize and tell me than you think and extra 4 million isk per hour is worth risking a deadspace fit mach in null? It's not, which is why last week after a close call I stopped doing it, I only use that mach for 10/10s now, I use Navy Vexors to rat while doing incursions . Will you tell me that you can look at what I just wrote and not see a problem?
Anize Oramara
#164 - 2015-11-26 16:43:18 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:

Ah right so now he lies. People said the same thing to me when I initially claimed 200mill/h+ and now you and Jenn are using it as gospel.

Again you are trying to marginalize the effectiveness of things counter to your argument by assuming worse possible scenarios. The 1400 dps was actually with heavy drones (not gecko), not sentries. Having the Rattlesnake stay close to the drones means that it's both close enough that there is a very small time between firing missiles and the missiles hitting the NPCs and that scooping drones is quick.

Warping from one site to another is nothing compared to warping from station, through 1 or 2 gates, warping to the mission pocket (and sometimes acceleration gates) and then doing all that again on the way back. Travel time is near enough a non factor with anoms, unless you're in a carrier I guess. Still no reason you cant fit hypervelocities to the rattlesnake.

Oh, and a Machariel gets 1400 dps too so your argument is irrelevant twice over.

Now factor in travel time of the heavy drones from target to target, also factor in travel time of the missiles and finally factor in travel time for the slower warping rattle.

You seem to have no grasp at all about what I am talking about.

Are you serious? I literally addressed each and every single one of these things in the post you quoted. What the heck man. I even said the Machariel (That has one of the best align times and very best warp speed of all BS, equal to cruisers in fact) ALSO gets 1400 dps.

This is hilarious.

baltec1 wrote:
Are you even reading what I am typing?

Relevant Lol

No you addressed none of it. All you look at is dps charts and nothing else. Drones and missile ships are slower than gunships at shooting stuff because both have flight time on top of their cycle time and reloading. I am also not talking about cruiser warp speeds, you want the best possible warp speeds which with the mach is borderline interceptor warp speeds. Just by going off your last few posts it's clear you have never tried anything like this before.

baltec, honestly what are you talking about.

Missile flight time in no way at all affects actual dps. It delays the APPLICATION of that dps by the time it takes for the first volley to hit. This is important so you need to pay attention, it delays, not reduces the dps. Since this is not pvp and the rats wont warp off grid, the dps does not change. This is where volley counting comes in and it looks like you might be unfamiliar with it. This is the technique whereby you know how many volleys it takes to kill something, so you preemptively stop firing your launchers and switch target. The great thing about PvE rats in eve is they have the same stats every single time. One of the few redeeming qualities of missiles is that they will always do the same damage to the same rat going at the same speed if your fit and skills stay constant. Thus you know that rat X, with your dps and application, will die in 4 volleys. Again, there is no reduction in dps, only a single delay of maybe 5 to 10 seconds over the entire site.

That said this can be mitigated or even eliminated by flying real close to the enemy rats. So that way you wont have to count volleys. On the upside to this is the fact that if you're using heavy drones, they will be close to you so you can scoop them easily. The other advantage of an anom is that for the most part the rats all spawn in a nice tight ball. Very little travel time required for you or your drones. Of course Sentries and long range sniping is also a very viable tactic with the rattlesnake because again, missile damage applying same damage regardless of range. Just make sure to practice your volley counting.

And yes, I have plenty of experience with the above, I ratted for many months in null with a Typhoon fleet. If you're unfamiliar with that ship it can fit cruise missiles and use 5 sentries so I had a decent amount of practice on counting volleys and using drones to finish off NPCs so you dont have overkill either. Dank efficiency.

Then theres the Machariel. While it doesn't quite have the application at range of a missile boat it has decently tracking ACs that can hit battleships at point blank very effectively, applying most of its 1400 dps (Small part of that is drones, either sentries of Hevaies)

Now, regarding the warp speed. You're going to need to read both paragraphs this time otherwise you're going to say something silly again. An ishtar has a base warp speed of 3.3 while a Machariel has a base warp speed of 3. However, the ishtar has only two rig slots, while the Mach has 3. This means the Machariel can actually go faster than the ishtar. 5 au/s vs 5.2 au/s. With High-Grade Ascendencies it's 8.1 au/s for the ishtar (a cruiser) and 8.5 au/s for the Mach. I however do not think it is worth spending that much for something that gives such a tiny effect when it comes to ratting. The rattlesnake, granted, is a bit of a slowpoke at only 4 au/s and 5.6 au/s with implants. There's also align time but that's 3 seconds of difference between a cruiser and the Mach so meh.

That said however, this actually matter far more when it comes to missions than it ever will with anoms. Since it's a single, in system warp from site to site (Where you spend 90% or more of your time in the site so warp speed effect on income is reduced over time) while in the case of blitzing missions far less than half the time is actually spent in site and more than half is spent in warp.

Now the fact that you didn't know any of the above is a little distressing baltec1, since you are giving advice as if you know a lot about this stuff.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#165 - 2015-11-26 16:50:42 UTC
Everyone knows Null Sec space is way more safer than High Sec space, especially in the heart of Alliance controlled areas. Infrastructure Upgrades are basically an ISK printing press. Alliance Intel channels give advance notice of any enemy ships entering the area. I just can't see how one lone AFK Cloaker can disrupt and shut down activity in an Alliance controlled system, especially a system that's been upgraded.

Anize Oramara
#166 - 2015-11-26 16:51:15 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:
Also would like to emphasize what you said here:

Ratting in null sovs anoms using a subcap under the very best of circumstances will net you around the same as a mach blitzing level 3 missions in highsec. Greed is blinding people to the problems.

An AFKtar is not the 'very best of circumstances'. You are comparing sub optimal semi-afk ratting with using the very best ship currently available in the game for the job and actively piloting (non-afk) it to boot.

theres that ignorance again. An Ishtar is not the best ship for that. Its convenient , not fast.

My Mach in null will do about 30 mil ticks. That's 90 mil per hour. I've posted the fit before. That's 1.5 bil worth of mach in NULLSEC for 90 mil per hour.

Or I could just do this with a mach that costs exactly half as much (750 mil) IN HIGH SEC blitzing lvl 3 missions and make 4 million isk less.

(this does not even account for the fact that my null mach pilot had more expensive implant and hardwirings in that my high sec mach pilot I used to test Stoicfaux's mach blitzer).

Can you sit there with a straight face Anize and tell me than you think and extra 4 million isk per hour is worth risking a deadspace fit mach in null? It's not, which is why last week after a close call I stopped doing it, I only use that mach for 10/10s now, I use Navy Vexors to rat while doing incursions . Will you tell me that you can look at what I just wrote and not see a problem?

I'm going to tell you the same thing I tell anyone that gets less than 100mill running missions: You're doing it wrong. The reply I usually get is that they like doing it that way and that I should bugger off. It's the exact same thing. I can tell you how to do it right but you'll complain it's not fair and you shouldn't have to do X Y and Z. It's the exact same thing. People don't want to have to run burners to make 200mill/h. People don't want to have to deal with LP stores, people want to be able to do it without having to grind standings, people want to be able to do it afk, people want to not have to pay attention, people don't want to lose ships, people don't want to *effort*, etc, etc, etc.

It's a whole bunch of entitlement and that's all I hear coming from you.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#167 - 2015-11-26 17:15:02 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:

baltec, honestly what are you talking about.

Missile flight time in no way at all affects actual dps. It delays the APPLICATION of that dps by the time it takes for the first volley to hit. This is important so you need to pay attention, it delays, not reduces the dps. Since this is not pvp and the rats wont warp off grid, the dps does not change. This is where volley counting comes in and it looks like you might be unfamiliar with it. This is the technique whereby you know how many volleys it takes to kill something, so you preemptively stop firing your launchers and switch target. The great thing about PvE rats in eve is they have the same stats every single time. One of the few redeeming qualities of missiles is that they will always do the same damage to the same rat going at the same speed if your fit and skills stay constant. Thus you know that rat X, with your dps and application, will die in 4 volleys. Again, there is no reduction in dps, only a single delay of maybe 5 to 10 seconds over the entire site.

That said this can be mitigated or even eliminated by flying real close to the enemy rats. So that way you wont have to count volleys. On the upside to this is the fact that if you're using heavy drones, they will be close to you so you can scoop them easily. The other advantage of an anom is that for the most part the rats all spawn in a nice tight ball. Very little travel time required for you or your drones. Of course Sentries and long range sniping is also a very viable tactic with the rattlesnake because again, missile damage applying same damage regardless of range. Just make sure to practice your volley counting.

And yes, I have plenty of experience with the above, I ratted for many months in null with a Typhoon fleet. If you're unfamiliar with that ship it can fit cruise missiles and use 5 sentries so I had a decent amount of practice on counting volleys and using drones to finish off NPCs so you dont have overkill either. Dank efficiency.

Then theres the Machariel. While it doesn't quite have the application at range of a missile boat it has decently tracking ACs that can hit battleships at point blank very effectively, applying most of its 1400 dps (Small part of that is drones, either sentries of Hevaies)

Now, regarding the warp speed. You're going to need to read both paragraphs this time otherwise you're going to say something silly again. An ishtar has a base warp speed of 3.3 while a Machariel has a base warp speed of 3. However, the ishtar has only two rig slots, while the Mach has 3. This means the Machariel can actually go faster than the ishtar. 5 au/s vs 5.2 au/s. With High-Grade Ascendencies it's 8.1 au/s for the ishtar (a cruiser) and 8.5 au/s for the Mach. I however do not think it is worth spending that much for something that gives such a tiny effect when it comes to ratting. The rattlesnake, granted, is a bit of a slowpoke at only 4 au/s and 5.6 au/s with implants. There's also align time but that's 3 seconds of difference between a cruiser and the Mach so meh.

That said however, this actually matter far more when it comes to missions than it ever will with anoms. Since it's a single, in system warp from site to site (Where you spend 90% or more of your time in the site so warp speed effect on income is reduced over time) while in the case of blitzing missions far less than half the time is actually spent in site and more than half is spent in warp.

Now the fact that you didn't know any of the above is a little distressing baltec1, since you are giving advice as if you know a lot about this stuff.

You are quite correct in saying you don't understand what I am talking about. You need to go research this stuff.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#168 - 2015-11-26 17:18:44 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Everyone knows Null Sec space is way more safer than High Sec space, especially in the heart of Alliance controlled areas. Infrastructure Upgrades are basically an ISK printing press. Alliance Intel channels give advance notice of any enemy ships entering the area. I just can't see how one lone AFK Cloaker can disrupt and shut down activity in an Alliance controlled system, especially a system that's been upgraded.


If we compare mission hubs that have the same population as with dek we find dek has several hundred more killed every month. In total nullsec space beats highsec for ships killed by several million.
The Bigpuns
United Standings Improvement Agency
#169 - 2015-11-26 17:40:43 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Everyone knows Null Sec space is way more safer than High Sec space, especially in the heart of Alliance controlled areas. Infrastructure Upgrades are basically an ISK printing press. Alliance Intel channels give advance notice of any enemy ships entering the area. I just can't see how one lone AFK Cloaker can disrupt and shut down activity in an Alliance controlled system, especially a system that's been upgraded.


If we compare mission hubs that have the same population as with dek we find dek has several hundred more killed every month. In total nullsec space beats highsec for ships killed by several million.

No-one is arguing against that. Is that the major complaint here? That null doesn't have enough agents? Sure that's an easy fix.

Or are you still saying the rewards for all pve in hisec is too much? Can't fix that without an awful lot of balance work, but I don't think that is the main issue here. I don't think it matters how lucrative pve in null relative to hi is, as long as there are people in null who just enjoy spoiling other people's playtime. Until you get to the point where null pve is so lucrative that no-one does anything else. At which point you broke eve again.

Until you have a solution that isn't just "rebalance pve and make people pvp" I don't think you have much of a point.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#170 - 2015-11-26 18:23:43 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:

I'm going to tell you the same thing I tell anyone that gets less than 100mill running missions: You're doing it wrong. The reply I usually get is that they like doing it that way and that I should bugger off. It's the exact same thing. I can tell you how to do it right but you'll complain it's not fair and you shouldn't have to do X Y and Z. It's the exact same thing. People don't want to have to run burners to make 200mill/h. People don't want to have to deal with LP stores, people want to be able to do it without having to grind standings, people want to be able to do it afk, people want to not have to pay attention, people don't want to lose ships, people don't want to *effort*, etc, etc, etc.

It's a whole bunch of entitlement and that's all I hear coming from you.

Are you aware that you didn't address a single thing in the post you quoted? And if you are all using to the fact that you would just tell me to use alt, can you not understand that by doing so, you would be proving the point I and others are making?

Why is it so hard for you to admit that we may be right, and that there is a problem with how things work? pride? stubbornness? Whatever the case is, I simply want you to realize that your doing that about a video game.

Lastly, explain to me how discussing measureable imbalanced while NOT asking for more isk/wealth for myself (or people like me) is 'entitlement. True entitlement is you making use of a broken system and expecting that to never change,
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#171 - 2015-11-26 18:32:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
The Bigpuns wrote:

No-one is arguing against that.

DeMichael Crimson just did. "Null sec is safer than high sec" is an untruth that people tell themselves to justify their own views to themselves. It's nonsense, space with no magical npc cop response can ever be 'safer' that space where it takes human effort to achieve the same thing.


Is that the major complaint here? That null doesn't have enough agents? Sure that's an easy fix.

Sov null has NO agents. Even if you put pirate agents in sov null, that would make another set of problems (sov null would kill the pirate LP stores, negatively affecting both explorers and NPC null mission runners). And people eing able to make 3-400 mil per hour in null sec running sov missions is a whole 'nother set of issues too.

This game already has too many rewards. This is why I reject the 'just buff null' idea. I could never be so selfish.


Or are you still saying the rewards for all pve in hisec is too much?

Can't speak for baltec, but to me it's not all PVE in high sec. Its the pve in Anize Ornamara's guide, and incursions (no more than 1.5% of players on any given day generating the 3rd largest pile of isk in the game), and FW missions in low sec are a similar problem.

The high sec guy puttering around I a raven making maybe 50 mil per hour isn't a problem. We are talking high end PVE here, that's what is unbalanced.


Can't fix that without an awful lot of balance work, but I don't think that is the main issue here. I don't think it matters how lucrative pve in null relative to hi is, as long as there are people in null who just enjoy spoiling other people's playtime. Until you get to the point where null pve is so lucrative that no-one does anything else. At which point you broke eve again.

No, null PVE is lucrative enough. In fact, Anoms are what missions should be, unblitzable.

For some reason, people are displaying this incredible inability to understand the actual issue being discussed, which ends up with "you just want more isk" or "you just want me to move out of high sec", both of which are severe misunderstandings (if not outright lies). Frankly, it's frustrating that some people can't understand simply typed English on an English speaking forum.
Anize Oramara
#172 - 2015-11-26 18:59:12 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:

I'm going to tell you the same thing I tell anyone that gets less than 100mill running missions: You're doing it wrong. The reply I usually get is that they like doing it that way and that I should bugger off. It's the exact same thing. I can tell you how to do it right but you'll complain it's not fair and you shouldn't have to do X Y and Z. It's the exact same thing. People don't want to have to run burners to make 200mill/h. People don't want to have to deal with LP stores, people want to be able to do it without having to grind standings, people want to be able to do it afk, people want to not have to pay attention, people don't want to lose ships, people don't want to *effort*, etc, etc, etc.

It's a whole bunch of entitlement and that's all I hear coming from you.

Are you aware that you didn't address a single thing in the post you quoted? And if you are all using to the fact that you would just tell me to use alt, can you not understand that by doing so, you would be proving the point I and others are making?

Why is it so hard for you to admit that we may be right, and that there is a problem with how things work? pride? stubbornness? Whatever the case is, I simply want you to realize that your doing that about a video game.

Lastly, explain to me how discussing measureable imbalanced while NOT asking for more isk/wealth for myself (or people like me) is 'entitlement. True entitlement is you making use of a broken system and expecting that to never change,

Everything in here is just personal attacks. It's pretty much over at this point if that's all you and baltec have left when I throw facts and evidence at you. Ah well, I'm always up for discussing PvE mechanics and numbers.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

The Bigpuns
United Standings Improvement Agency
#173 - 2015-11-26 19:00:51 UTC
Jenn, your last two posts are so full of hypocrisy I can't even bring myself to quote them.

How about instead of complaining about one tiny problem (people like Anize being a tiny proportion of pve'ers) you specify problem and solution. "Hisec pve can be lucrative" is too vague. Saying to people "why won't you just see things my way" when you won't do likewise is pointless. Accusing people of not understanding plain typed English in an English speaking forum displays ignorance, prejudice, and a refusal to acknowledge that other people's viewpoint may also have merit.

For someone who says that they don't engage with people like us, you do like whining on.
Arthur Aihaken
#174 - 2015-11-26 23:33:15 UTC
Wow, not quite sure how a thread about what you could potentially earn in ISK in high-sec turned into a high-sec vs. low-sec vs. null-sec vs. wormhole income debate... In this (and other) thread(s) I was simply trying to illustrate what was achievable if one put one's mind to it. I don't think high-sec income needs to be nerfed anymore than any other area, simply for the reason that your average player isn't going to run 3 characters (typically 1 or 2 at most).

The Blitz-Burner method for Lv4s can certain pay off dividends, but no more so than using the same method in low-sec or null-sec. It's a fairly huge investment at around 5-billion ISK - not to mention the necessary skills. You can apparently make insane ISK in Faction Warfare and we won't even mention farming C5s and C6s or Incursions (everything has an associated risk vs. reward that accompanies it).

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Sobaan Tali
Caldari Quick Reaction Force
#175 - 2015-11-27 00:21:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Sobaan Tali
I can...which is the sad part.

I don't run burners myself, but I do run L4's in high sec, so thanks for the info anyways, Arthur.


"----in' A, right?"

"Trouble is, those things cost like a million and a half each."

"----, you pay me half that and I'll hump in some c4 and blow the ---- out of it my own damn self."

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#176 - 2015-11-27 01:40:40 UTC
The Bigpuns wrote:
Jenn, your last two posts are so full of hypocrisy I can't even bring myself to quote them.

How about instead of complaining about one tiny problem (people like Anize being a tiny proportion of pve'ers) you specify problem and solution. "Hisec pve can be lucrative" is too vague. Saying to people "why won't you just see things my way" when you won't do likewise is pointless. Accusing people of not understanding plain typed English in an English speaking forum displays ignorance, prejudice, and a refusal to acknowledge that other people's viewpoint may also have merit.

Thats just the problem. The 'viewpoint' doesn't have any merit.

The problem is how you try to reduce it ("high sec pve can be lucrative"). It's supposed to be lucrative. Lucrative means producing profit, it does not mean "produce so much profit in a game for so very few people that people who would be elsewhere are drawn to it". That's why the argument isnt' the high sec is profitable, it's that high sec is "too profitable, so much so as to be unbalanced".

I once explained to a guy at a pve round table event that I wasn't trying to take anyhting out of his wallet, I'm trying to free people like me from high sec. This benefits everyone: people like me get to produce our wealth in space we fought for, and people in high sec get to run incursions they would have otherwise been froze out of because of all the null sec alting.

Same goes for closing the blitzing loophole. Sure, closing those loopholes make people like Anize have to grind a bit harder, but it increases the value of the LPs that the "casual mission runner in a raven" has. Who knows, higher buying power for those casuals after these loopholes are closed might mean they stay longer, because they can do more because the Onamara's of EVE arne't depressing the value of their gameplay anymore.

Of course, one has to actually care about the experiences of others to want to see a major game play feature (PVE) actually be balanced.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#177 - 2015-11-27 01:46:51 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:

The Blitz-Burner method for Lv4s can certain pay off dividends, but no more so than using the same method in low-sec or null-sec. It's a fairly huge investment at around 5-billion ISK - not to mention the necessary skills.

This is not true, burner blitzing pays an individual pilot more than being a memebr of all but the most blingy high sec incursion fleets. In other words, it takes being in the old ISN or a "TVP Elite" fleet of 5 bil isk ships to match what a solo burner blitzer can make. That's jsut a high sec to high sec comparision.

What's even worse to achieve what SOLO Burner Blitzers in high sec can do (the guide proves it), you need a team and a Class 5 wormhole. That's a pure travesty, and i'd bet it's just one more of the reasons why wormhole space is the least traveled/lived in space (according to CCP at the fanfest before last).
Anize Oramara
#178 - 2015-11-27 07:11:31 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Arthur Aihaken wrote:

The Blitz-Burner method for Lv4s can certain pay off dividends, but no more so than using the same method in low-sec or null-sec. It's a fairly huge investment at around 5-billion ISK - not to mention the necessary skills.

This is not true, burner blitzing pays an individual pilot more than being a memebr of all but the most blingy high sec incursion fleets. In other words, it takes being in the old ISN or a "TVP Elite" fleet of 5 bil isk ships to match what a solo burner blitzer can make. That's jsut a high sec to high sec comparision.

What's even worse to achieve what SOLO Burner Blitzers in high sec can do (the guide proves it), you need a team and a Class 5 wormhole. That's a pure travesty, and i'd bet it's just one more of the reasons why wormhole space is the least traveled/lived in space (according to CCP at the fanfest before last).

So now we're blaming things that didn't even exist at the time? Burners only came out after that fanfest if you're talking about 2014, the last one being 2015 and 2014 being before that one. You're not even grasping at straws anymore Jenn, you're blatantly making things up. Not cool.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Anize Oramara
#179 - 2015-11-27 07:30:42 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

Same goes for closing the blitzing loophole. Sure, closing those loopholes make people like Anize have to grind a bit harder, but it increases the value of the LPs that the "casual mission runner in a raven" has. Who knows, higher buying power for those casuals after these loopholes are closed might mean they stay longer, because they can do more because the Onamara's of EVE arne't depressing the value of their gameplay anymore.

Of course, one has to actually care about the experiences of others to want to see a major game play feature (PVE) actually be balanced.

Oh hay, the 'think of the children post'. If this was true SOE LP value would be going down but it's not. In fact it's actually been pretty much stable for the last year except for the huge spike when SOE ships released and they had to increase the number of agents. Also, apparently more people are sunning SOE agents than ever before as well. Oh, and since incursion LP can be converted to SOE LP that's a big part of what's keeping SOE LP at it's current level. It's just below 1k per concord LP currently but doesn't require tags like most of the other stores.

This is turning out to be a witch hunt pure and simple.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

The Bigpuns
United Standings Improvement Agency
#180 - 2015-11-27 08:21:04 UTC  |  Edited by: The Bigpuns
So Jenn, is your solution that blitzing should not be possible? Or that burners should not exist, or should take as long as a normal lvl4? Should Anizes methods just not be possible at all, meaning normal hisec missioners can't have a goal of being better at what they do than a normal player? You keep comparing different activities Seriously, until you tell us exactly what change you would like to see...

And don't try to tell me you're doing this for other people's benefit. You just want it all your way, and people aren't allowed to play how they want.

I am thinking of the children, cos at the moment I'm thinking of you and your grizzling.

Edt: like you have been fond of pointing out Jenn, it's a GAME.