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[Focus Group] Tactical Destroyers

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Thanatos Marathon
#201 - 2015-11-06 15:46:52 UTC
Could we get an update on what else the Focus Group has come up with for T3Ds?

As a response to a few off topic posts in the thread though, most AFs function very well in FW lowsec if you exclude T3Ds from the equation. They don't need, nor warrant, a buff in most cases.
FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#202 - 2015-11-06 16:01:26 UTC
Thanatos Marathon wrote:
Could we get an update on what else the Focus Group has come up with for T3Ds?

As a response to a few off topic posts in the thread though, most AFs function very well in FW lowsec if you exclude T3Ds from the equation. They don't need, nor warrant, a buff in most cases.

It would indeed be nice to have an update on this...

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Barrogh Habalu
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#203 - 2015-11-07 19:38:41 UTC
Thanatos Marathon wrote:
Could we get an update on what else the Focus Group has come up with for T3Ds?

As a response to a few off topic posts in the thread though, most AFs function very well in FW lowsec if you exclude T3Ds from the equation. They don't need, nor warrant, a buff in most cases.

The issue is that there is a world outside FW, and t3ds won't probably become non-factor there even if you ban them in small plexes or something.
Shalashaska Adam
Snakes and Lasers
#204 - 2015-11-10 04:07:21 UTC
My concern with the Focus Group approach, is that many people are going to have many ideas, and implementing many of them at the same time is going to trash these ships.

The Jackdaw and Hecate I believe are already perfectly fine, after the two already announced nerfs, the insurance and the banishment from small plex's, I don't see them needing any other changes.

The Svipul I think it's evident, will need a further alteration to its stats, but the Confessor should be given the two nerfs already announced and then left for a bit to see if it really requires any more after that.
Johnny Riko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#205 - 2015-11-10 04:18:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Johnny Riko
Shalashaska Adam wrote:
My concern with the Focus Group approach, is that many people are going to have many ideas, and implementing many of them at the same time is going to trash these ships.

The Jackdaw and Hecate I believe are already perfectly fine, after the two already announced nerfs, the insurance and the banishment from small plex's, I don't see them needing any other changes.

The Svipul I think it's evident, will need a further alteration to its stats, but the Confessor should be given the two nerfs already announced and then left for a bit to see if it really requires any more after that.

If you think that the Hecate and Jackdaw are already in line with the meta, then why is it fair to only give the Confessor the same nerfs? I think everyone can agree the Svipul needs an actual nerf to it's ability. What I don't understand is why you don't believe the Confessor needs the same. It's clearly better than the Gallente and Caldari versions, but obviously not as massively overpowered as the Svipul. So surely the conclusion should be to give all T3D the insurance and small plex nerf, whilst giving the Confessor a slight reduction in ability and the Svipul a more severe nerf.

I'm more interested to see what will be done to Assault Frigates, because even with the proposed changes, the Hecate and Jackdaw are still making AFs redundant. If AFs are to maintain the same role, they need to/should be faster than the T3Ds, or they need to be completely rebranded into a different role.

I wanna join up. I think I got what it takes to be a Citizen.

Daniela Doran
#206 - 2015-11-10 06:01:06 UTC
Johnny Riko wrote:
Shalashaska Adam wrote:
My concern with the Focus Group approach, is that many people are going to have many ideas, and implementing many of them at the same time is going to trash these ships.

The Jackdaw and Hecate I believe are already perfectly fine, after the two already announced nerfs, the insurance and the banishment from small plex's, I don't see them needing any other changes.

The Svipul I think it's evident, will need a further alteration to its stats, but the Confessor should be given the two nerfs already announced and then left for a bit to see if it really requires any more after that.

If you think that the Hecate and Jackdaw are already in line with the meta, then why is it fair to only give the Confessor the same nerfs? I think everyone can agree the Svipul needs an actual nerf to it's ability. What I don't understand is why you don't believe the Confessor needs the same. It's clearly better than the Gallente and Caldari versions, but obviously not as massively overpowered as the Svipul. So surely the conclusion should be to give all T3D the insurance and small plex nerf, whilst giving the Confessor a slight reduction in ability and the Svipul a more severe nerf.

I'm more interested to see what will be done to Assault Frigates, because even with the proposed changes, the Hecate and Jackdaw are still making AFs redundant. If AFs are to maintain the same role, they need to/should be faster than the T3Ds, or they need to be completely rebranded into a different role.

I just stumbled upon some really delicious Svipul fits that's gotten me feeling giddy as of late, but alas I know it's only temporary. Just be careful how badly you nerf this ship, it's one of the better Minnie ships at there right now.

The Confessor is more cap dependent than any other T3D, it doesn't need any more nerfs.
Shiva Furnace
#207 - 2015-11-10 08:39:02 UTC
Daniela Doran wrote:

The Confessor is more cap dependent than any other T3D, it doesn't need any more nerfs.

No, it's way less cap dependent than the Hecate, which has less total capacitor and higher cap use for running a repper.
Spatial Enterprises
#208 - 2015-11-12 23:48:46 UTC
As far as insurance goes; why not do a rework?

For Example:

T1 - 75% After Cost of Insurance Hull Price Returned
Nv - 55% After Cost of Insurance Hull Price Returned
T2 - 45% After Cost of Insurance Hull Price Returned
Pr - 35% After Cost of Insurance Hull Price Returned
T3 - 25% After Cost of Insurance Hull Price Returned

I would also like to see T3 abilities come into effect at end of cycle time. If this is done, I wouldn't mind a cut in half for cool-down, but not really needed as they are good even without it.

Eagle's Talon's
#209 - 2015-11-14 10:26:49 UTC
I mean you actually want us to believe that each time we dock the ship repairs cost 30 million ISK.
#210 - 2015-11-14 16:24:40 UTC
Get rid of oversized AB
Harmonize PG needs for small Arty/AC
Tweak Svipul PG

#211 - 2015-11-14 16:26:04 UTC
How about you loose skill points every time you blow up in a t3d and keep them powerful. This way, with great power comes great responsibility, and people would start flying cruisers once again.
Aisha Shimaya
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#212 - 2015-11-14 16:44:11 UTC
Budrick3 wrote:
How about you loose skill points every time you blow up in a t3d and keep them powerful. This way, with great power comes great responsibility, and people would start flying cruisers once again.

That sure worked for Strategic Cruisers
Klatus Doshu
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#213 - 2015-11-16 14:23:30 UTC
Just bringing again my thoughts on the T3 from a producer's point view, since there were some statements, that T3D are too cheap.
Well, perhaps you can tweak that, by adding the need to produce also 3 subsytems (offensive, propulsion and defensive) for the 3TD plus of course the hull. Then you assemble it to the final TD3.
You could use the same relics for reverse engineering as for the T3 cruisers, you just have to select which BPC you want you already have to do now.
By the extra effort in research and production the prices should also raise for the T3D. You can adjust the material need for the BPCs in such way, that you gain the desired raise in prices.

This would be only a minor intervention, which perhaps adresses some concerns about the TD3s.
Gregor Parud
Imperial Academy
#214 - 2015-11-19 04:22:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Gregor Parud
You'd think that ships thought up and introduced by 2 pvpers, turned devs, shouldn't result in such a mess that it requires a focus group to try and fix it.
Medio Morde
Army of n0ne
#215 - 2015-11-22 21:10:15 UTC

Why don't T3 destroyers cost skills when they die? They should. They are strong enough to warrant people still flying them, despite the potential loss.
Iyacia Cyric'ai
Lai Dai Counterintelligence
#216 - 2015-11-23 02:05:43 UTC
Medio Morde wrote:

Why don't T3 destroyers cost skills when they die? They should. They are strong enough to warrant people still flying them, despite the potential loss.

Yeah let's encourage more risk adverse behaviour in PvP. Roll
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#217 - 2015-11-23 02:39:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Soltys
Gregor Parud wrote:
You'd think that ships thought up and introduced by 2 pvpers, turned devs, shouldn't result in such a mess that it requires a focus group to try and fix it.

TBH, the wole T3 concept has been rather superfluous since its introduction .... if not right out damaging. We have:

- generic T1 stuff - dirt cheap and derp-forgiving, but still good and fulfiling their role
- "T1" pirate and faction variations - much stronger and expensive, often with specific roles/perks (pirate ones esp.)
- specialized T2 stuff - more expensive but still able to be mass produced, excelling at their roles but lacking in the other ares (in theory)

There is enough issues with all those groups to have a lifetime of balancing. And those 3 groups are enough cover any and all EvE needs.

The hell we need T3 for, roughly stomping over everything else around their respective class sizes ? As I mentioned earlier - considering T3 is supposed to be overpowered one or the other way - it's practically unbalancable, as any nerfs getting them in line with the other groups automatically lead to the quesiton: then what is the point of T3 if it's not more powerful ? This sutff is basically an absolute endgame "gear" to borrow nomenclature from other mmos (and to get the point across). But in this game ?

Jita Flipping Inc.: Kovl & Kuvl

Gregor Parud
Imperial Academy
#218 - 2015-11-23 05:12:23 UTC
Soltys wrote:
Gregor Parud wrote:
You'd think that ships thought up and introduced by 2 pvpers, turned devs, shouldn't result in such a mess that it requires a focus group to try and fix it.

TBH, the wole T3 concept has been rather superfluous since its introduction .... if not right out damaging. We have:

- generic T1 stuff - dirt cheap and derp-forgiving, but still good and fulfiling their role
- "T1" pirate and faction variations - much stronger and expensive, often with specific roles/perks (pirate ones esp.)
- specialized T2 stuff - more expensive but still able to be mass produced, excelling at their roles but lacking in the other ares (in theory)

There is enough issues with all those groups to have a lifetime of balancing. And those 3 groups are enough cover any and all EvE needs.

The hell we need T3 for, roughly stomping over everything else around their respective class sizes ? As I mentioned earlier - considering T3 is supposed to be overpowered one or the other way - it's practically unbalancable, as any nerfs getting them in line with the other groups automatically lead to the quesiton: then what is the point of T3 if it's not more powerful ? This sutff is basically an absolute endgame "gear" to borrow nomenclature from other mmos (and to get the point across). But in this game ?

T3D should never have been implemented. Anyone with a brain could/should realise that it would completely disrupt the landscape, the second someone brought that up the rest of the devs should have reacted with "don't be a moron, it's a dumb idea" and leave it at that. However, somehow our fantastically clever pvp DEVS didn't see that coming.
Zansha Expansion
#219 - 2015-11-23 08:39:22 UTC
Medio Morde wrote:

Why don't T3 destroyers cost skills when they die? They should. They are strong enough to warrant people still flying them, despite the potential loss.

Hi, go find a class 3-6 wormhole, go inside and have a look. Maybe make some isk in an Ibis and tell us how that went.

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#220 - 2015-11-23 15:41:07 UTC
Iyacia Cyric'ai wrote:
Medio Morde wrote:

Why don't T3 destroyers cost skills when they die? They should. They are strong enough to warrant people still flying them, despite the potential loss.

Yeah let's encourage more risk adverse behaviour in PvP. Roll

Risk aversion is in one's soul. It's not in the ship at all.