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Restored account after 3 years: ..lost everything! [SOLVED, thanks CCP!]

First post
Valhaber Delacroix
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-01-06 17:01:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Valhaber Delacroix
On January 1st I reactivated my account since I stopped playing during EVE Trinity. My one and only character, (Valhaber Delacroix) gets successfully recovered, goes through the character 3D and portrait customization and then I start playing..

..when I notice that:
1) I have no corp history
2) No assets, no money, no skill points
3) No learning SP bonus skill points

Basically my character was recovered but started out BRAND NEW. I lost between 6 months and 1 year of progress, assets, jump clones etc. in addition to my trial time.

I immediately opened a petition but it is still unanswered. At this point I thought about going public.

Please, help. Period ;)
GM Karidor
Game Masters
C C P Alliance
#2 - 2012-01-06 17:56:13 UTC
Chances are that you are remembering things incorrectly. I haven't looked into it, but is it possible that you had any other characters or accounts, eventually named slightly different? Most cases like this turn out to be this way.

Either way, all I can suggest is to make sure that your petition is still open (should be if you don't have a reply yet) so this can be investigated further and that we can go look for any other accounts you may have but no longer remember once we get to it (after all, it's been quite a while since Trinity). Unfortunately, it may take a bit longer at the moment due to high petition traffic.

GM Karidor | Senior Game Master

Valhaber Delacroix
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2012-01-06 18:32:33 UTC
GM Karidor wrote:
Chances are that you are remembering things incorrectly. I haven't looked into it, but is it possible that you had any other characters or accounts, eventually named slightly different? Most cases like this turn out to be this way.

Either way, all I can suggest is to make sure that your petition is still open (should be if you don't have a reply yet) so this can be investigated further and that we can go look for any other accounts you may have but no longer remember once we get to it (after all, it's been quite a while since Trinity). Unfortunately, it may take a bit longer at the moment due to high petition traffic.

Thanks Karidor. I am 100% sure about my problem because I only had ONE account and ONE character: never had anything more than this. My entire game time was with this character.

I am going to keep my petition open and People and Places list is intact so I reconnected with old friends who are dazzled by this inconvenience..they remember my playing with them on a daily basis..

I have plenty of proof for what my char was..I also brought in my fiancee to play (she's on trial account now)..I really hope this can be solved in a way or another..I do not want to think about learning from scratch one year of game time...argh.

Thanks for the reply,
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-01-07 08:21:48 UTC
is it possible that you had mostly trained learning skills? i think we still had those in trinity. They get removed some time ago and everyones attributes were raised accordingly. If you had pretty much just learning skills trained, then this would be a reason why a lot of skillpoints could be missing.
Valhaber Delacroix
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2012-01-07 13:57:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Valhaber Delacroix
Ezurae wrote:
is it possible that you had mostly trained learning skills? i think we still had those in trinity. They get removed some time ago and everyones attributes were raised accordingly. If you had pretty much just learning skills trained, then this would be a reason why a lot of skillpoints could be missing.

I have not been clear enough, sorry:
1) My skill points ran from millions to around 16k (the starter set). There is no trace of T2 skills like Stealth Bombers and Covert Ops ships which were my role in the Corporation I was in

2) No trace of Learning Skills bonuses, which were all at Level 5 exception made for Learning, which was at Level 4.

My character is easily said a starter the body of an old character.

After 7 days my petition is still unanswered

but I have tons of feedback from old corp friends, videos I recorded, XML sheets from EVEmon etc. that can back this up.

I've been told this will not be necessary as CCP has everything logged and will restore it as soon as my petition is considered..

..hence my patient wait.

I don't mind playing as a noob again, but most people told me of pretty insane things they would do if this happened to them..and I feel for them. :)
Valhaber Delacroix
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2012-01-08 12:52:39 UTC
Quick update for all the fellow capsuleers following this topic: my petition is still unanswered.
Adeena Torcfist
Right Hand Of The Legion.
Get Off My Lawn
#7 - 2012-01-09 02:49:21 UTC
Valhaber Delacroix
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2012-01-09 16:38:25 UTC
Thanks for your compassion, Adeena ;) Still nothing but I am confident CCP will soon come in support. They keep backups of everything.

I'll keep you guys up on this weird situation!
Valhaber Delacroix
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2012-01-11 16:53:51 UTC
Update: Still nothing.
Route One
#10 - 2012-01-11 17:56:33 UTC
Valhaber Delacroix wrote:
Update: Still nothing.

You are very optimistic to expect resolution in 5 days.

I'd be surprised if you have it sorted in a month - and no, I'm not joking.
Valhaber Delacroix
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2012-01-11 18:50:11 UTC
You are very optimistic to expect resolution in 5 days.

I'd be surprised if you have it sorted in a month - and no, I'm not joking.

Thanks for the info, I am still paying for my own ETC and having my girlfriend invited via the buddy team program. I agree with you that I am keeping it optimistic: I am basically restarting the character and re-living everything I've done in almost 1 year of previous game experience.

I don't mind, playing with my g/f is the main reason. I am definitely having fun anyway but I DO want this thing sorted out, sooner or later ;)
Valhaber Delacroix
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2012-01-14 16:19:45 UTC
Quick update: still nothing.
Valhaber Delacroix
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2012-01-15 03:20:20 UTC
Ok this is enough. I asked my money back for the EVE Game time that I paid and is left.

I don't care about my character being restored, anymore. I want my account disabled, my money refunded for this latest game time code I've entered and I will not subscribe my girlfriend, IGN: Vivienne Delacroix, through the buddy invite that I gave her. You lost us, I am sorry.

If any CCP GM is reading this, please contact us as soon as possible for the refund.

This was all in all very frustrating. I wish everyone a better experience than me and my girlfriend had. Not everything can go as planned, I understand. We play games for the fun of playing together, so we will try to look elsewhere for another MMO title we can have fun in.

Fly safe everyone.
Valhaber Delacroix
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2012-01-16 22:29:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Valhaber Delacroix
A GM just replied, saying that it could be a client cache problem. Can't be..because this was a new machine and a new install of the EVE client..anyway

Just to make it as clear as possible: I am asking for NOTHING more than what I had before. My skill points, assets and ISKs, I ask that - what I had at the time I disabled my account (disabled, not deleted..) is still there now that I re activated it (re-activated, not "created new account).

I am happy because my petition is being finally looked at ;)
Ironman Inc.
#15 - 2012-01-18 10:58:16 UTC
As GM Karidor said

GM Karidor wrote:
Unfortunately, it may take a bit longer at the moment due to high petition traffic.

Longer means 14+ days usually. Especially in your case as trinity is very long time ago and and GMs would have to dig logs from time period going all the way to presence.

I would suggest starting new char on the same account so you have something to play with in the meantime.
Valhaber Delacroix
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2012-01-18 18:30:04 UTC
Problem solved. I escalated the petition to a senior GM, turns out the wrong account was accidentally moved to a new email address I had requested prior to purchasing the latest game time code.

Ah feels good to be back in my original character. I have more than 12M Skill Points, still a lot of SPs to reallocate and CCP was kind enough to give me a free 60-days game time code on this character and leaving the old time unaltered. I was also granted free 30 days for the buddy invite with my girlfriend's account and some cerebral augmentation to learn faster and keep up the good work ;)

<3 CCP

Problem solved. Fly safe! I have so many things to do now, I won't be checking the forums for weeks XD