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This is why people don't ever go into 0.0 space anymore

First post
Keno Skir
#41 - 2012-01-07 02:59:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Keno Skir
You started an MMO and decided to walk right into the most dangerous PVP area you could see and gave the .|.. to the biggest hardest dude in there, causing him to kick your teeth in. You did no damage and died because you are a beginner and dont know how to survive lowsec, that's entirely forgivable. However busting onto the forums yelling about how unfair the game is because you couldnt beat a much more experienced player with your beginner skills is lame. EvE is supposed to be brutal and hard, learn from the experience and do a bit better next time. Team up with some friends (even newbie ones) and do a LOT better next time. Learn all about resisists and don't go back to lowsec without a cloaking device or a really fast ship.

EDIT Because i just read all your silly replies :

You went into LOWSEC. That means LOW SECURITY. If you wanted to stay in a safe place you could have stayed in HIGH SEC. Instead you went to --> LOW <-- SEC, where security is LOW and you are LESS protected from other players. You are clearly either 13 and butthurt or very immature and still equally butthurt since you seem unable to answer anyones posts with anything in the slightest bit constructive. When you make a point and someone clearly and concisely points out WHY you are wrong, the mature thing to do is either reply with constructive well thought out counter-points or just admit you were wrong and be thankful for the knowledge you have gained.

Your wall of text (which i did read absolutely properly) comes across as nothing more than an un-necessary rant about things you clearly have no grasp of. I move effortlessly in and out of lowsec every day because i have a better knowledge of the game than you, not because i have some ship or skills you dont (aside from cloaking maybe). If i engaged that broadsword i'd likely die too, but if i do meet him he'll never even know i was there because i have a good understanding of lowsec and its rules.
Tallianna Avenkarde
Pyre of Gods
#42 - 2012-01-07 03:00:19 UTC
so many people raging at you op


And a sudden plunge in the sullen swell. Ten fathoms deep on the road to hell.

Valei Khurelem
#43 - 2012-01-07 03:01:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Valei Khurelem
Tallianna Avenkarde wrote:
so many people raging at you op


*high fives*

Bringing you the truth! No matter how bad it hurts ;D

"don't get us wrong, we don't want to screw new players, on the contrary. The core problem here is that tech 1 frigates and cruisers should be appealing enough to be viable platforms in both PvE and PvP."   - CCP Ytterbium

Tiberius Sunstealer
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#44 - 2012-01-07 03:05:35 UTC
Valei Khurelem wrote:
or with a system much like Counter-Strike source, where I won't be punished for choosing the pistol and going up against an AWP.

And that's when I knew...I had been trolled.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#45 - 2012-01-07 03:07:12 UTC
Valei Khurelem wrote:
Bringing you the truth! No matter how bad it hurts ;D
Which truth would that be? That it was indeed a troll, scoring 8/10, or that you don't quite understand how EVE works yet?
FadeIN Fr0St
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2012-01-07 03:09:18 UTC
Messoroz wrote:
1. It's a fudging thrasher, you should be far faster than a single broadsword
2. If you travel in 0.0 without a burner of some kind, YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG
3. Most frigs and sometimes destroyers can easily just burn back to gate and jump back out of the gate they spawned on when running into camps, this is a valid tactic assuming the campers shoot at you and aggress themselves meaning they can't jump for a minute. This also assumes you weren't stupid enough to shoot as well. AND it assumes you are properly fit.

The problem isn't an balancing issue, IT'S AN INTELLIGENCE ISSUE. I suggest reading some guides/tips/how tos on how to properly traverse null sec.

Have to agree. Though my loss's tonight we not smart. They were fun. Thinking ahead and knowing the game dose wonders.

But fudge them sabres that burn out of my bomb when i come for revenge :P

If you jump from a high to 0.0 or a null conected to low sec with a high population to 0.0 expect to loose something. Simple as that, just dont get mad about it. GIve a GF. and a wave. Have fun. and hope to run into the same ppl with or against some day. cause they like you are the content. That is what is fun. Noobs without blues will not ever run 0.0 missions. simple as that, even skilled players trying to do it on there own struggle.

o/ to all the KB residents. Happy to see ppl still camping and having fun in that region.

Noob tip. fit a mwd. anytime in 0.0 and if u dont want to loose a ship. crash the gate. Or go down shooting<---much more fun.

"All hail Wang ... the little fella in Command. When 'trouble' starts to spread, I'm sure he will rise to the occasion."

Azahni Vah'nos (Best reply ever)

Valei Khurelem
#47 - 2012-01-07 03:10:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Valei Khurelem
What, so you mean it isn't just an overhyped and graphically enchanced version of this?

Note: Replace hand icons with appropriate EVE spaceships

"don't get us wrong, we don't want to screw new players, on the contrary. The core problem here is that tech 1 frigates and cruisers should be appealing enough to be viable platforms in both PvE and PvP."   - CCP Ytterbium

Order of the Divine Shadow
#48 - 2012-01-07 03:17:18 UTC
@Valei Khurelem,

Heres the thing, PvP in Eve is abit like Paper, Rock, Scissors there really is not one all be all ship/setup per say (which is great in my opinion), so its a bit of toss up when you travel even more so into lower sec areas and by that i mean your ship type and setup, i cant count the amount of times i see players traveling in what their beloved "EFT DPS FROM HELL" setup dictated only to be torn apart by a smaller more experienced players (and by that i mean, more in tune with Eve's game mechanics, not SP).

Now take that and add in a touch of fairly unforgiving PvP death penalty, so what you end up with is the "I Must Win" syndrome which typically means if an individual or group are out for blood they will make sure they get it and will do so in a manner that will ensure a higher chance for them/him/her to win, and it usually means you end up fighting on their terms (back yard per say) which provides them an even bigger advantage over you.

At the end of the day, its really up to you. Eve is really a niche type of game, and its just one of those games you either love or hate, me personally i love Eve and will continues to always play as its still one of the VERY few games that can still get my adrenaline going!

Well Good Luck, give it a chance and time. Remember, you get your kill rights and theres nothing better than getting sweet revenge when your opponent least expects it or at the most inconvenient time for some payback!..
Connaght Badasaz
Lewis and Clark Inc.
#49 - 2012-01-07 03:18:41 UTC
Messoroz wrote:
1. It's a fudging thrasher, you should be far faster than a single broadsword
2. If you travel in 0.0 without a burner of some kind, YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG
3. Most frigs and sometimes destroyers can easily just burn back to gate and jump back out of the gate they spawned on when running into camps, this is a valid tactic assuming the campers shoot at you and aggress themselves meaning they can't jump for a minute. This also assumes you weren't stupid enough to shoot as well. AND it assumes you are properly fit.

The problem isn't an balancing issue, IT'S AN INTELLIGENCE ISSUE. I suggest reading some guides/tips/how tos on how to properly traverse null sec.

You aren't the biggest bullet in the gun, are ya? Not everyone is born with gate agression mechanic knowledge. Keep ASSuming,it's fun.

Take arrows in the forehead, never the back

Abdiel Kavash
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#50 - 2012-01-07 03:38:31 UTC
Valei Khurelem wrote:
What, so you mean it isn't just an overhyped and graphically enchanced version of this?

Note: Replace hand icons with appropriate EVE spaceships

Kind of. Only when both people throw the same thing, it is not a draw. It is then called PvP.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#51 - 2012-01-07 03:48:33 UTC  |  Edited by: BeastlyRage
Valei Khurelem wrote:
Jason McCoy wrote:
wow blame ccp for your stupidity

another one, jeeze its friday night, and im stuck at work. Someone get me a double rum and coke plz.

Okay then, how do you beat a tech 2 broadsword with a tech 1 destroyer?

Ok well you are asking "How do I kill a 300mil ship with a 2mil ship?". How about you just don't engage him? And don't give me that "I was scrammed I couldn't do anything" crap. I am a PvPer and its very rare to be stuck in a situation in which you unintentionally ended up out of which you cannot get out. I think it has only happened to me twice in my life. Thats why EVE is broken, its too hard to actually catch people, if they so choose they can just skip on by most of the time.

You are a carebear. Get out and pvp. Join fleets. Die, ALOT. That is how you ******* LEARN. Don't just ******* die once and whine. You learned something. Go die again. That is what you ******* do. Do you think any pros out there didn't loose 200 T1 rifters when they started?
Valei Khurelem
#52 - 2012-01-07 04:26:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Valei Khurelem
Ok well you are asking "How do I kill a 300mil ship with a 2mil ship?". How about you just don't engage him? And don't give me that "I was scrammed I couldn't do anything" crap.

So let me get this straight, because I have less ISK than the other guy, I should run away from him ( which I tried to do ) if we take the scrambler out of the equation then what do I do if he has two other of his buddies waiting at the other gate for me with equally powerful ships? Is there some kind of magical counter that I'm missing with that? Or are you just saying because I have less ISK and haven't spent enough on modules or trained enough I should automatically die for daring to make a dash for 0.0 space?

It's amazing how people actually think this game is balanced, sometimes I really wish EVE would die purely so it would put the player base out of its misery and maybe get them outside once in awhile without being in denial, look at how long SWG took to get killed and how much rage that caused.

The problem here is simple, CCP have created a game based around ganking, but made it impossible for people to run away, you say run away but if the ship is far more superior and they're even given essentially an "IWIN" button ( the scrambler ) how the hell do you expect noobs to get anywhere near 0.0 space or do anything out of high security for that matter? Or at all be viable in PvP in any way if gankers are determined enough to go after them?

"don't get us wrong, we don't want to screw new players, on the contrary. The core problem here is that tech 1 frigates and cruisers should be appealing enough to be viable platforms in both PvE and PvP."   - CCP Ytterbium

Abdiel Kavash
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#53 - 2012-01-07 04:39:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Abdiel Kavash
Valei Khurelem wrote:
Ok well you are asking "How do I kill a 300mil ship with a 2mil ship?". How about you just don't engage him? And don't give me that "I was scrammed I couldn't do anything" crap.

So let me get this straight, because I have less ISK than the other guy, I should run away from him ( which I tried to do ) if we take the scrambler out of the equation then what do I do if he has two other of his buddies waiting at the other gate for me with equally powerful ships? Is there some kind of magical counter that I'm missing with that?

Get two of your buddies in 300mil ships and fight them.

It's amazing how people actually think this game is balanced...

Would you really call it balanced if months of training skills and hundreds of milions spent on a ship would be all for nothing, because someone out for their first time who got their ship from their tutorial mission could easily blow you up?

EVE is not Counterstrike. You don't spawn into a match together with and on the same time as other people. You're trying to fight someone older, wealthier, with more skills, better knowledge of the area, more experienced, and in a ship specifically designed to kill your ship type - and you expect the fight to be on equal terms?

The problem here is simple, CCP have created a game based around ganking, but made it impossible for people to run away, you say run away but if the ship is far more superior and they're even given essentially an "IWIN" button ( the scrambler ) how the hell do you expect noobs to get anywhere near 0.0 space or do anything out of high security for that matter?

You've already been given many ways you could have gotten away in this thread. "Noobs" are expected to learn from their mistakes and take advice so that they don't die again.
Brotherhood of Spacers
#54 - 2012-01-07 04:39:59 UTC
I remember one of my first PVP encounters. Afterwards, I made a list of all the things that I did wrong. The encounter lasted maybe 30 seconds, but my list had 13 items on it ranging from scouting to fitting to positioning and movement. Basically, according to your post, you did almost everything in your situation wrong, yet refuse to admit that the outcome could be based on your decisions.
Mars Theran
Foreign Interloper
#55 - 2012-01-07 04:49:00 UTC
My typical excursion into Lowsec usually finds me solo against 5-10 member gangs. If I manage to get past the entrance and decide to stay put anywhere for a bit, it's pretty much guaranteed there will be more than 6.

Nullsec I usually encounter either 50+ Blobs, 10+ fleets, or gangs of 3-6, and that solo as well. Even if they don't mind fighting relatively fair; you have to consider that if there is more than one, none will want to miss the opportunity for a fight; fair or not.

PvP is pretty much guaranteed to be multi-player.
Santiago Fahahrri
Gallente Federation
#56 - 2012-01-07 04:54:33 UTC
I go solo or with just a few corp mates in deep 0.0 all the time - in fact we live out here. We can't stand empire space and it's limitations. We don't bow to the alliances and the gatecamps - we beat or avoid them.

Sorry you've had bad experiences. Perhaps you need a seasoned 0.0 corp or "teacher". I'm not being condescending or sarcastic - 0.0 requires conscious and adaptive strategy. It's not really that hard to survive out here, it's just different. It's the "when in Rome" analogy. Start thinking like a Roman and you'll be fine. (note: 0.0 is not like Rome - that's just an old saying)

Santiago Fahahrri
Gallente Federation
#57 - 2012-01-07 04:59:10 UTC
Note: We've had successful "newbs" in our corp in nothing more than T1 frigates be very successful in 0.0. It's not about character skills. It's about player skills. It's about thinking. It's about out-thinking your opponent. It's about the "art of war". If you're relying on game mechanics to get you through you've missed the point. This isn't checkers, it's chess and poker and a martial arts cage match and a jungle guerrilla war all at once. Pick your strengths and play them against your enemies weakness. These are brain skills - player skills - human skills. CCP doesn't need to "balance eve" - the minds of the players do that.
Souchek Lehman
#58 - 2012-01-07 05:08:49 UTC
I have an alt with very few skills (only train on her occasionally), she is set up for Sansha ships and can just barely fly a Succubus. Recently I was thinking I would aim towards being a Sansha sypathizer with her, however I was trying to decide where to run missions and realized that by the time I was likely to go to 0.0 with her my Sansha standings would be tanked utterly.
So I decided to take a chance and get her out there now to occasionally run lvl1s while recruiting of the noob corp. This entailed about 6 jumps through lowsec and then 10+ through null. I carefully picked a route that had the least activity and late one night I went for it. No prop mod, little experience in pvp and virtually none in null. I fitted two stabs instead of the nano/gun mod fit I run for missions.
Long story short I went through three bubbles, one heavily camped. Was chased by Imperial Legion and AAA pilots, passed two 20+ man roaming gangs and I made it in a little over a half hour.
Now said toon is in a Sansha station, med clone set so even if I do get caught in the Succubus Im still out there and can find another ship.
So if any new player is reading this, dont believe the OP or even many of the responders who tell you null is some automatic deathtrap to a single player. Will I eventually get ganked? Probably. But I will also learn some things while Im out there. Pro tip, remember you can warp to other celestials in systems and then to your outgoing gate to avoid many bubbles.
Good luck and have fun.

TEN THOUSAND YEARS - Recruiting chill dudes for exploration! In game channel - 10k lounge

Critical Mass Inc
#59 - 2012-01-07 05:33:39 UTC
The phrase, "You brought a knife to a gun fight" comes to mind.

You do not need a huge wallet to live and fight in Low or 0.0(hell I recently went off to wander low-sec with 0.01 isk and worked back up from there), but you do need to bring your brain along with some tactics to protect it. It actually isn't that hard, but you need to have the discipline to do it at the proper pace and know when to run away and/or hide.

This message brought to you by Experience(tm). When common sense fails you, experience will come to the rescue. Experience(tm) from the makers of CONCORD.

"If you are part of the problem, you will be nerfed." -MadMuppet

Mars Theran
Foreign Interloper
#60 - 2012-01-07 05:35:03 UTC
Souchek Lehman wrote:
I have an alt with very few skills (only train on her occasionally), she is set up for Sansha ships and can just barely fly a Succubus. Recently I was thinking I would aim towards being a Sansha sypathizer with her, however I was trying to decide where to run missions and realized that by the time I was likely to go to 0.0 with her my Sansha standings would be tanked utterly.
So I decided to take a chance and get her out there now to occasionally run lvl1s while recruiting of the noob corp. This entailed about 6 jumps through lowsec and then 10+ through null. I carefully picked a route that had the least activity and late one night I went for it. No prop mod, little experience in pvp and virtually none in null. I fitted two stabs instead of the nano/gun mod fit I run for missions.
Long story short I went through three bubbles, one heavily camped. Was chased by Imperial Legion and AAA pilots, passed two 20+ man roaming gangs and I made it in a little over a half hour.
Now said toon is in a Sansha station, med clone set so even if I do get caught in the Succubus Im still out there and can find another ship.
So if any new player is reading this, dont believe the OP or even many of the responders who tell you null is some automatic deathtrap to a single player. Will I eventually get ganked? Probably. But I will also learn some things while Im out there. Pro tip, remember you can warp to other celestials in systems and then to your outgoing gate to avoid many bubbles.
Good luck and have fun.

..and sometimes the gate back to highsec is so bubbled up, anything less than a Interdiction Nullifier TIII won't get through. I hit one of these once in a pod. Actually landed something like 100km off gate in the middle of a large sucker. bubble. There was maybe 20 other bubbles on the gate back to highsec, and I was travelling slow as slow can get in this thing.

Somebody mercifully podded me. If I could have said thank you, I would have.