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Making money through pew-pew

Kaivar Lancer
#1 - 2015-11-11 19:09:47 UTC
Is it possible to source most of your ISK from pvp, especially solo pvp? I know there's FW, but completing plexes or missions isn't quite the same thing. I spent the last week carebearing and saving half a billion isk for pvp, but carebear + pvp doesn't quite gel. It seems like PVP is an ISK sink for nearly everyone, no?
Titus Heldane
The Vomit Comets
#2 - 2015-11-11 19:18:34 UTC
if youre good at it and loot all your wrecks, sure. it depends on how much you die and what you die in. ive always tried to be isk efficient but its a very hard thing to do, and it gets in the way of having fun pretty quickly.

it also depends on what kind of pvp you do. FW does not often have juicy targets, while ganking explorers/ratters can make you a lot of money.

personally, ive found pvp is a massive isk sink and since i tend to die quite often ive resorted to buying plex to fund my pvp needs. 1 hour of RL work nets me 1.2b while an hour of PVE in eve only gets me 150m at most.
Raffael Ramirez
Alcohol Fuelled
#3 - 2015-11-12 00:14:38 UTC
Short answer : Yes you can!

In general If you know what you are doing and pick fights that you know you can win it is a way to make isk.
For most paying PVP adventures you need questionable morals, an intelligence network and stay in Empire space. FW is a source of PVP income if you are patient and smart you can make a good heap of cash relieving players of their faction items. Ransoming players for ships is dead as far as I know - used to be a good source if money in low sec. Piracy now depends on ganking/loot rather than blackmail, time moved on I guess. Everything in EvE is harder solo (probably by design being a multiplayer game etc.) but doable - you just reduce your potential targets tenfold since you cannot be sure to win alone.

Null space usually dominated by hit and run or big engagements in which looting is frowned upon (correct me if I am wrong).

Laphroaig Inc.
#4 - 2015-11-12 00:20:52 UTC
well, yes. but how much will depend heavily on how good you are at not losing ships &/or how good your corp/alliance Ship Replacement Policy is.

Occasional Resident Newbie Correspondent for TMC:

This is my Forum Main. My Combat Alt is sambo Inkura

Switch Savage
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2015-11-12 11:27:13 UTC
Its frankly amazing how much isk gets left around FW areas unlooted. Loot everything you see, pick up those poor lost drones and stash it away to be picked up by a hauler later. Really adds up quick.
David Devant
#6 - 2015-11-12 12:02:47 UTC
As long as you stick to T1 frigs it's quite easy to stay isk positive and even make some good cash if you hit upon some overconfident loot piƱata. It's a shame, but if you fly anything bigger you'll have a smaller window of opportunity and you'll die a lot more too.
Demerius Xenocratus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2015-11-12 20:11:18 UTC
I imagine running regular, properly set-up (instalocks and long range webs with overwhelming DPS) gatecamps in choke point systems is pretty profitable.

Ganking overstuffed untanked T1 industrials in highsec is also profitable.

Most PvP ships don't have expensive faction mods...hunting bad garmur pilots is probably your best bet there...a properly fit atron can catch and eat one and they tend to be pinatas.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#8 - 2015-11-12 21:39:55 UTC
Good mercs get paid.

Granted I've never met a good merc in it for the isk but still.
Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#9 - 2015-11-13 12:22:55 UTC
Mostly no.

Suicide ganking brings in the best isk, but you can debate wether that is pvp or just farming players. Either way it's not what I would call fun or challenging.

I think you're looking for fun pvp that shows profit. That's not really possible. Good fun pvp involves challenge and risk. That means you'll lose sometimes.

You can be like Vimsy and do the empire leet pvp and never lose a ship. Mercs don't pay all that well, but you can totally find a group that doesn't really lose. That's a trap all in itself. Not losing IS fun. Taking only fights you know you'll win will get stale pretty fast. The trap is that you'll fall into a pattern of not taking risks at which point you can either become a slave to kb stats (which is fun for a while) or it just gets to be 'not as fun as it used to be'.

I'll use kb as a rough metric. Keep in mind kb stats will only ever tell you part of the story - they are by no means the end all measure of pvp greatness. I like to see about 80% efficiency. That tells me a pilot is good, because he's winning, but also that he takes and loses some fights which I also like. The guy is challenging himself, learnign and probably getting better.

My RL analogy is 2 carpenters show up to build a new deck in your back yard. Would you rather hire the guy with the brand new unscratched truck (seriously cool logo air brushed on 5 different places), clean white work pants and a perfect 'box new' set of tools? OR Would you rather have the guy with the callused hands, work boots that you can see some steel toe through the wear marks and so on? Personally I don't want the dude w/ the manicure. I want the guy w/ the broken in tools.

You're at a crossroads my friend. pvp for profit or pvp for the love and enjoyment of pvp? Most guys do something on the side to support their pvp. This game isn't easy, having pvp fun is even harder - don't let anyone blow sunshine up you butt explaining how you can have it both ways - if you could - everyone would be doing it.
Sigma Sagittarii Inc.
#10 - 2015-11-13 14:49:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Pookoko
You can pvp with ships but remember you can also pvp with your wallet in the market. That way you can support your pvp with pvp. ;)

Edit to add: My mate's corp was in war and he was at the time updating his sell orders in a trade hub. Then he noticed a war target docked in the same station, and his wallet started blinking. He checked his wallet transactions and it turns out the war target was buying an Ishkur and full accompanying mods and ammo and drones off his sell orders. He reshipped to a suitable ship immediately and when the war target undocked in his brand new ishkur bought from my mate, my mate followed, blew him up, looted and put them back on the market for more iskies. Kaching!