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New Invulnerability Fields and Null Ammo buffs incoming

Uppsy Daisy
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-01-06 17:15:17 UTC

Null Ammo goes from 25% to 40% optimal and falloff bonuses.

New Deadspace Invulnerability Fields.

Three's a Crowd
#2 - 2012-01-06 17:17:47 UTC
Price check on deadspace Invul mods pl0x

If anyone ever looks at you and says,_ "Hold my beer, watch this,"_  you're probably going to want to pay attention.

#3 - 2012-01-06 17:30:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Sarmatiko
1. It already have been discussed on FHC for a few days.
2. This particular pastebin is old and current Sisi data have proper values.
3. Things will change anyway.

Nothing to discuss here
Caldari Provisions
#4 - 2012-01-06 17:35:08 UTC
Caldari space buffed yet again. Cool

"Music is a mysterious thing. Sometimes it makes people remember things they do not expect. Many thoughts, feelings, memories... things almost forgotten... Regardless of whether the listener desires to remember or not." - Citan Uzuki, Xenogears

#5 - 2012-01-06 17:57:58 UTC
Kilrayn wrote:
Winmatar space buffed yet again. Cool

FYP Cool
Bad Girl Posse
#6 - 2012-01-06 22:23:01 UTC
Sarmatiko wrote:
Kilrayn wrote:
Winmatar killmails buffed yet again. Cool

FYP Cool


R.I.P. Vile Rat

1-Up Mushroom
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2012-01-06 22:44:33 UTC
There is no way EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER that those deadspace Invuls will EVER, EVER go into game, EVER!
5 Senses In A Person... 4 Seasons In A Year... 3 Colors In A Stoplight... 2 Poles On The Earth... ONLY 1-UP MUSHROOM!!!  If You Like My Sig, Like Me!   Remember EVE is EVErything!
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#8 - 2012-01-07 00:02:28 UTC
Null boost, I like it.

Invulns are still cap hungry little bitches, but I can dig it.
Dr Karsun
Coffee Lovers Brewing Club
#9 - 2012-01-07 00:13:58 UTC
I'd prefer to give void a buff... Now I'll actually have to chose if void or null is a better idea... D:

"Have you had your morning coffee?" -> the Coffee Lovers Brewing Club is recruiting!

Tanya Powers
#10 - 2012-01-07 00:32:23 UTC
Null buff is not something exceptional but a due for a long time now. It's still in need for both T2 ammos the same penalties quality than barrage/hail/scorch/multi or whateverlaserscrapname
Blasters are getting decent, not overpowered or fotom at all, just decent. Rails are still in need of a much bigger "take-a-look-at", also ships need individual tweaks now so this stuff becomes serious internet spaceship business.

New dead space invuls... nice, I will have a good reason now to gank at gates since gank some PVE Tengu is easy and at those Invuls price deserves very well at least 2 T1 shield fitted Gank talos, because they're just great for this matter.
Nova Fox
Novafox Shipyards
#11 - 2012-01-07 00:43:07 UTC
Lol those deadspace invuns are already in game just they go by different name and drop rate

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