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Sell Orders

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#241 - 2012-01-05 15:49:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Urodus
Boot Party wrote:
I would like to purchase the next available Caldari Standings corporation - I will send you a mail and the isk.

Your custom corp will be ready on the 12th. 100M received, CEO will be yours once the standings are applied.

Thank you for using my services, ladies and gentlemens.

The next pre-made corp (7+ amarr/caldari/khanid/ammatar) ready for sale Arrow 09.01.2012
The next pre-made corp (7+ gallente/minmatar) ready for sale Arrow now
Available to start a custom job for amarr/caldari/ammatar/khanid standings Arrow now
Available to start a custom job for gallente/minmatar standings Arrow 06.01.2012

To the top.
Snorre Sturlasson
Xi Nostrum Inc.
#242 - 2012-01-05 21:49:56 UTC
Urodus wrote:
************************ PRE-MADE CORPORATIONS FOR SALE ***********************

Next pre-made amarr/caldari/khanid/ammatar corp available for sale Arrow 09.01.2012

Please reserve this corp with standings to caldari for me. I will take the corp immediatly at the 9th jan.

#243 - 2012-01-06 20:35:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Urodus
Snorre Sturlasson, the corp is reserved.

The next pre-made corp (7+ amarr/caldari/khanid/ammatar) ready for sale Arrow 09.01.2012
The next pre-made corp (7+ gallente/minmatar) ready for sale Arrow now
Available to start a custom job for amarr/caldari/ammatar/khanid standings Arrow 09.01.2012
Available to start a custom job for gallente/minmatar standings Arrow now

To the top.
Gulfonodi Gerstensaft GmbH
#244 - 2012-01-07 00:40:57 UTC
Very good servic, 10/10.
#245 - 2012-01-08 17:43:47 UTC
Thank you, Gondebor.

The next pre-made corp (7+ amarr/caldari/khanid/ammatar) ready for sale Arrow 09.01.2012
The next pre-made corp (7+ gallente/minmatar) ready for sale Arrow 13.01.2012
Available to start a custom job for amarr/caldari/ammatar/khanid standings Arrow 09.01.2012
Available to start a custom job for gallente/minmatar standings Arrow now

To the top.
Snorre Sturlasson
Xi Nostrum Inc.
#246 - 2012-01-09 11:28:34 UTC
Excellent service!
Vlhare Soulseed
Material School
#247 - 2012-01-09 19:38:04 UTC
Urodus wrote:

The next pre-made corp (7+ gallente/minmatar) ready for sale Arrow 13.01.2012

Reserve this for me please.
Becky Dreck
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#248 - 2012-01-09 21:01:20 UTC
Hey all.

Honestly i was secptical at first but i paid to have my corps standings increased and member count incrased, was a really good service, very professional

Just waiting for CEO to be handed back and i'll be good to go,

I highly recommend this to anyone wanting standing increase/Members limit increase.

Fly safe
Becky Dreck
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#249 - 2012-01-09 23:24:30 UTC
Just an update, CEO handed to myself, all set up

Very happy:)

Peace x
#250 - 2012-01-09 23:42:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Urodus
Vlhare Soulseed wrote:
Urodus wrote:

The next pre-made corp (7+ gallente/minmatar) ready for sale Arrow 13.01.2012

Reserve this for me please.

The corp has been reserved. You have mail.

Snorre Sturlasson and Becky Dreck, thank you very much!

The next pre-made corp (7+ amarr/caldari/khanid/ammatar) ready for sale Arrow 10.01.2012
The next pre-made corp (7+ gallente/minmatar) ready for sale Arrow 14.01.2012
Available to start a custom job for amarr/caldari/ammatar/khanid standings Arrow 11.01.2012
Available to start a custom job for gallente/minmatar standings Arrow now

To the top.
Granix Uvelian
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#251 - 2012-01-10 00:28:28 UTC
I need an Amarr > 5.0 standing raise for my alt's corp. Please contact me via EVE mail with dates for when you're available. Thanks, G.
#252 - 2012-01-10 23:15:35 UTC
Granix Uvelian, will start on the 11th, after DT.

The next pre-made corp (7+ amarr/caldari/khanid/ammatar) ready for sale Arrow now
The next pre-made corp (7+ gallente/minmatar) ready for sale Arrow 14.01.2012
Available to start a custom job for amarr/caldari/ammatar/khanid standings Arrow 12.01.2012
Available to start a custom job for gallente/minmatar standings Arrow now

To the top.
#253 - 2012-01-11 22:14:35 UTC
The next pre-made corp (7+ amarr/caldari/khanid/ammatar) ready for sale Arrow 12.01.2012
The next pre-made corp (7+ gallente/minmatar) ready for sale Arrow 14.01.2012
Available to start a custom job for amarr/caldari/ammatar/khanid standings Arrow 12.01.2012
Available to start a custom job for gallente/minmatar standings Arrow now

To the top.
Carribean Queen
Vadimus Quarrier Works
#254 - 2012-01-12 12:51:10 UTC

The Big Dirty supports Urodas!

Same Day Alliance Creation. Fee is reasonable. Recommended!

Boot Party
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#255 - 2012-01-12 20:57:11 UTC
Quick and professional service!
#256 - 2012-01-12 23:23:49 UTC
Carribean Queen and Boot Party, thank you!

The next pre-made corp (7+ amarr/caldari/khanid/ammatar) ready for sale Arrow now
The next pre-made corp (7+ gallente/minmatar) ready for sale Arrow 17.01.2012
Available to start a custom job for amarr/caldari/ammatar/khanid standings Arrow 14.01.2012
Available to start a custom job for gallente/minmatar standings Arrow now

To the top.
#257 - 2012-01-13 16:50:02 UTC
The next pre-made corp (7+ amarr/caldari/khanid/ammatar) ready for sale Arrow now
The next pre-made corp (7+ gallente/minmatar) ready for sale Arrow 17.01.2012
Available to start a custom job for amarr/caldari/ammatar/khanid standings Arrow 14.01.2012
Available to start a custom job for gallente/minmatar standings Arrow now

To the top.
Vlhare Soulseed
Material School
#258 - 2012-01-13 19:14:57 UTC
Perfect service. Thank you!
Gallifrey Enterprises
#259 - 2012-01-14 01:15:04 UTC
I would like to buy an amarr/ caldari corp as soon as possible please get with me ingame i have already sent u a evemail TY
#260 - 2012-01-14 19:37:02 UTC
Meledan wrote:
I would like to buy an amarr/ caldari corp as soon as possible please get with me ingame i have already sent u a evemail TY

CEO will be yours as soon as your statis will be done.

Thank you for using my services, Vlhare Soulseed.

The next pre-made corp (7+ amarr/caldari/khanid/ammatar) ready for sale Arrow now
The next pre-made corp (7+ gallente/minmatar) ready for sale Arrow 19.01.2012
Available to start a custom job for amarr/caldari/ammatar/khanid standings Arrow now
Available to start a custom job for gallente/minmatar standings Arrow now

To the top.