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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Just returned vet looking for a wh corp; 110m sp

Handon Guild
The Glenn Quagmire Finishing School for Young Ladies
#1 - 2015-10-27 19:53:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Handon Guild
Right, been away from the game for quite some time now, and im currently training up some skills needed for wh space (yup, my probing skills does suck, and i just trained up for t3 cruisers as they were not ingame when i left)

Left the char in the hands of a friend, but it turns out that he quit right after me, so sadly he havnt skilled him up either, but, now with the char back in the correct arms, its time to step back into the ring.

Currently got 110m sp, so im by no means useless, tho as mentioned, some skills needs to be trained up, so thank god for remaps and the blood raider accelerator =D
Im a Norwegian, so im mainly on from around 19:00 onwards.
Do have teamspeak and knows when to shut up, and when not to shut up Lol

Looking for a fun wh corp with main focus on pvp, tho im not all that rich atm, so i wouldnt mind being able to make the isk needed to fund the pvp as well.
Right, well thats all i can think of right now, but if there are any questions, just convo me or shoot me a mail.
Currently sitting in a rl friends corp, but i just dont feel the urge to go -10 again anytime soon.
Handon Guild
The Glenn Quagmire Finishing School for Young Ladies
#2 - 2015-10-28 14:49:01 UTC
And up we go...
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2015-10-28 14:50:14 UTC
TDSIN are recruiting

Go to TDSIN Pub channel in game to speak to someone and see our application process

Watch this.

Welcome back to the game :) check us out on the above
Davos Azizora
Dissident Aggressors
Mordus Angels
#4 - 2015-10-28 15:12:43 UTC
As the name implies, we are a bunch of null-sec jack of all trades, masters of none. We do BLOPS, small gang, big fleet, cap, mining, building, high sec, wh space, D all of the above kind of corp. The leadership has an average of 8 years in game experience in all aspects. Most of the members have been in the game an average of 3 years. We are a very social, teamspeak based corp that prides itself in that if you are in Misfits, you are treated like family. We get RL. We understand that everyone wants to play the game based on different interests.

Some points that make us Full of Awesome-sauce!

-affiliated high sec training corp that offers a place to train, and get ready for null sec, and meet the group before going 100% committing!
-No forced fleets
-mine, rat, or pew we dont care
-FC training
-leadership positions available
-good null sec, not ******
-large group of BFF's that love to create content
-diverse group and very interesting, non censored conversations
-Full api required, TS required

And if all of that doesn't make you want to come and say HI, we can offer different tastes for those with.....refined palettes. You know who you are.

:) Feel free to join Misfits Recruitment channel or mail me anytime
Roseline Penshar
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2015-10-28 17:17:46 UTC
check us out we are recruiting

looking for indy, pve and pvp player
Missy Bunnz
Caldari State
#6 - 2015-10-29 16:51:18 UTC
Hit me up ingame.
Handon Guild
The Glenn Quagmire Finishing School for Young Ladies
#7 - 2015-10-30 00:02:53 UTC
Handon Guild
The Glenn Quagmire Finishing School for Young Ladies
#8 - 2015-10-30 20:41:51 UTC
Handon Guild
The Glenn Quagmire Finishing School for Young Ladies
#9 - 2015-11-06 17:34:35 UTC
Still not found the Perfect wh corp for me
Handon Guild
The Glenn Quagmire Finishing School for Young Ladies
#10 - 2015-11-07 20:04:28 UTC
And bump.