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[Request] That CCP clarify what is the future of Incarna.

First post
Caldari State
#61 - 2011-12-26 16:15:24 UTC
hello there


Schwester Minotaur
Caldari State
#62 - 2011-12-26 21:26:03 UTC
Ok, some season greetings from germany. CCP what are u thinking what you doing ? EVE is a good game - no discussion.


I wrote several informations to you about Incarna or walking in station. What ever it will be named in the future. I know - Incarna is the technology to solve your future problems. But have u realized the giant amount of coding doing a unique station environment, having the capability to get "housed" (like corp-offices, bars etc...) was to much, and not deeply thoughted by you.

That was your fault. To declaring that incarna and for what this stands, is laying now on ICE - isn't a solution.

I beg to get recognized. i - and i hope other players do not want to let "Incarna" die.

We need a plan to solve this problems. We need to focus to communicate with the players. No matter if a response come from a CSM-Member, a GM, or from Hilmar on his own - we need communication here.

Give us a plan - a roadmap - where we can see, how it looks like with incarna. But do not talk nothing. Silence is no gold in that case.

I want a Open space Experience - and i do not want a station environment like in star trek. This crappy station - is not bigger than the ISS station. I mean - realize - like JIta. There is a station, where hundreds of freighters are docked in. can u realize the dimensions of this ? The stations must be so big, that it needs hours to get from one place to the others. This is a new MMO, what you have to program. I cant understand, why are u are not realizing this big amount of coding work.

If u solve this problem (thanks for your designers giving us the captain quarters) - in the future, i will kiss you - and this is the reason why i am paying for this game - every month. Because i believe - you can solve this, and doing a milestone in programming a whole simulation.

But anyhow. Get started. Tell us what happen. Tell us, what you are planning, and goddamn, if you have problems to solve this in one part - try smaller steps. Captain quarters was a small step. I am a coder (sorry only flash applications) i know it needs time. I do not want a solution from your side, wich is half-hearted . I want a system, an environment, wich allows to do a scalable future orientaded solution for solving the "Incarna" Problem.

If you say, you have the solution, then tell us, that we have to wait, until the "levels" have to be designed. Keep us informed.


XS Tech
#63 - 2011-12-26 23:29:24 UTC
Schwester Minotaur wrote:
Tell us what happen. Tell us, what you are planning, and goddamn, if you have problems to solve this in one part - try smaller steps.

(this is tongue in cheek, and no CCP never said this outright)
CCP Games wrote:

Hi Eve Community,

We're sorry we ****** up with the terribad incarna release. We're leaving it in the hands of a skeleton crew for a bit so we can keep our jobs, and will be focusing on FIS content so that we don't lose all of you and have to close shop. WIS stuff may be added in the next expansion or two, but we promise that we're going to focus on the important things that you've been yelling at us for years to fix (war, sov, Faction War, etc).

We're sorry to those of you who joined up for $1000 jeans and WIS -- you'll have to bear with us as we get back to the core demographic that we've neglected for the last two years.

The minutes from the December CSM Summit will give everyone more information about where our new direction will be taking us. It'll be out soon(tm).

<3 CCP

In seriousness though, CCP just went through probably the worst year since TQ has gone live. All of you who are screaming for them to go back to WIS have to realise that the rest of us have been here waiting for CCP to get back to fixing things in FIS. Soundwave's blog was joking about the :18 months: meme that CCP created when they told us that we'd get three expansions of NOTHING for FIS, because of their plans for ~awesome~.

Right now today, and at least until after the 2012 summer expansion (i.e. the next six months), CCP really *has* to focus on FiS -- they don't have a choice, because most of the playerbase is watching what they do.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Caldari State
#64 - 2011-12-27 00:35:59 UTC
Velicitia wrote:
Schwester Minotaur wrote:
Tell us what happen. Tell us, what you are planning, and goddamn, if you have problems to solve this in one part - try smaller steps.

(this is tongue in cheek, and no CCP never said this outright)
CCP Games wrote:

Hi Eve Community,

We're sorry we ****** up with the terribad incarna release. We're leaving it in the hands of a skeleton crew for a bit so we can keep our jobs, and will be focusing on FIS content so that we don't lose all of you and have to close shop. WIS stuff may be added in the next expansion or two, but we promise that we're going to focus on the important things that you've been yelling at us for years to fix (war, sov, Faction War, etc).

We're sorry to those of you who joined up for $1000 jeans and WIS -- you'll have to bear with us as we get back to the core demographic that we've neglected for the last two years.

The minutes from the December CSM Summit will give everyone more information about where our new direction will be taking us. It'll be out soon(tm).

<3 CCP

In seriousness though, CCP just went through probably the worst year since TQ has gone live. All of you who are screaming for them to go back to WIS have to realise that the rest of us have been here waiting for CCP to get back to fixing things in FIS. Soundwave's blog was joking about the :18 months: meme that CCP created when they told us that we'd get three expansions of NOTHING for FIS, because of their plans for ~awesome~.

Right now today, and at least until after the 2012 summer expansion (i.e. the next six months), CCP really *has* to focus on FiS -- they don't have a choice, because most of the playerbase is watching what they do.

we are not screaming for anything .
we just want some info ,is that so hard to understand
i have said this so many times ,i like what they did with crubicle and want them to continue that way
CCP stated themselves that crubicle was done in six weeks ,plus some needed bug fixes afterwards
They can do a lot more in 6 months and still give the WISpart a small crew

But DUST beta is coming so EVE development is on ICE anyway


XS Tech
#65 - 2011-12-27 01:03:48 UTC
oldbutfeelingyoung wrote:
Velicitia wrote:
Schwester Minotaur wrote:
Tell us what happen. Tell us, what you are planning, and goddamn, if you have problems to solve this in one part - try smaller steps.

(this is tongue in cheek, and no CCP never said this outright)
CCP Games wrote:

Hi Eve Community,

We're sorry we ****** up with the terribad incarna release. We're leaving it in the hands of a skeleton crew for a bit so we can keep our jobs, and will be focusing on FIS content so that we don't lose all of you and have to close shop. WIS stuff may be added in the next expansion or two, but we promise that we're going to focus on the important things that you've been yelling at us for years to fix (war, sov, Faction War, etc).

We're sorry to those of you who joined up for $1000 jeans and WIS -- you'll have to bear with us as we get back to the core demographic that we've neglected for the last two years.

The minutes from the December CSM Summit will give everyone more information about where our new direction will be taking us. It'll be out soon(tm).

<3 CCP

In seriousness though, CCP just went through probably the worst year since TQ has gone live. All of you who are screaming for them to go back to WIS have to realise that the rest of us have been here waiting for CCP to get back to fixing things in FIS. Soundwave's blog was joking about the :18 months: meme that CCP created when they told us that we'd get three expansions of NOTHING for FIS, because of their plans for ~awesome~.

Right now today, and at least until after the 2012 summer expansion (i.e. the next six months), CCP really *has* to focus on FiS -- they don't have a choice, because most of the playerbase is watching what they do.

we are not screaming for anything .
we just want some info ,is that so hard to understand
i have said this so many times ,i like what they did with crubicle and want them to continue that way
CCP stated themselves that crubicle was done in six weeks ,plus some needed bug fixes afterwards
They can do a lot more in 6 months and still give the WISpart a small crew

But DUST beta is coming so EVE development is on ICE anyway

It's been said by CCP that WiS (and WoD) is pretty much running a skeleton crew for the forseeable future, and is essentially on ice for the next expansion cycle or two; yet people are continuing to ask for "updates" or "information" about WiS/Incarna.

news article about the layoffs and re-structuring -->

From the devblogs:
CCP Soundwave wrote:

The good news is that the 18 months are over and it feels pretty good. We had about 4-6 weeks of actual development time to put this release together and I honestly feel that this is the best release we’ve done in years. The recipe contains a few teaspoons of really good looking people, an ounce of love for EVE and is topped off with good ideas from the community.

It’s really only the beginning though. If you liked this release, all of next year should be right up your alley. If it’s old, rusty and not in good shape, there is a chance it will be looked at.

The update/information has already been given. There's nothing else to tell you at this time. So why do you keep asking the same question over and over again?

DUST and EvE are two separate teams (though, yeah, some of the EVE Devs might get dragged over there for a bit).

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#66 - 2011-12-27 07:57:40 UTC
They talk and talk about FiS, which is fine. We agree that needs attention and probably the focus for at least one expansion.

But those who want WiS don't want it to become the next damn abandoned feature that nobody is gonna look a for years. We don't want to log in to see the damn lonely hearts CQ band wondering "what if".

And guess what? So far nobody is looking at it. That's the first step in becoming the abandoned elephant in the room, and with the background we have, it's udnerstandable that we want some atention and some PR fluff specially for us.

Ignoring a thread that's been going on for 2 motnhs and has reached 80+ pages is not going to fix anything, rather will put CCP in trouble sooner or later. "We care about our players and listen to them" does not mix well with "we flip the bird to a whole bunch of our players for no good reason".
Caldari State
#67 - 2011-12-27 16:11:25 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
They talk and talk about FiS, which is fine. We agree that needs attention and probably the focus for at least one expansion.

But those who want WiS don't want it to become the next damn abandoned feature that nobody is gonna look a for years. We don't want to log in to see the damn lonely hearts CQ band wondering "what if".

And guess what? So far nobody is looking at it. That's the first step in becoming the abandoned elephant in the room, and with the background we have, it's udnerstandable that we want some atention and some PR fluff specially for us.

Ignoring a thread that's been going on for 2 motnhs and has reached 80+ pages is not going to fix anything, rather will put CCP in trouble sooner or later. "We care about our players and listen to them" does not mix well with "we flip the bird to a whole bunch of our players for no good reason".

so CCP don,t care ,tell me something new


DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#68 - 2012-01-02 02:20:45 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:

CCP's exact prioritization for the next couple of expansions is still up in the air, but it will focus heavily on FiS work. There may be some more information in the Summit minutes about manpower allocations, but I can't go into more details at present.

Jeeze, how did you get elected?

What you're actually saying is that you have no idea whatsoever. Obviously you can't go into more detail because you don't know anything or have been bought out by CCP and sworn to secrecy.

Everyone can see right now CCP is busy placating the subscribers with mediocre FiS game updates consisting of re-balancing and fixing (long overdue) various bugs. It's also generally understood that this new focus will continue for a while.

Basically you and the rest of the CSM are too scared to ask CCP if they have made any definite plans for or against future WiS development.

Summit minutes, what a joke. That's like asking for the missing Watergate Tapes.

Hrodgar Ortal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#69 - 2012-01-05 20:07:27 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
They talk and talk about FiS, which is fine. We agree that needs attention and probably the focus for at least one expansion.

But those who want WiS don't want it to become the next damn abandoned feature that nobody is gonna look a for years. We don't want to log in to see the damn lonely hearts CQ band wondering "what if".

And guess what? So far nobody is looking at it. That's the first step in becoming the abandoned elephant in the room, and with the background we have, it's udnerstandable that we want some atention and some PR fluff specially for us.

Ignoring a thread that's been going on for 2 motnhs and has reached 80+ pages is not going to fix anything, rather will put CCP in trouble sooner or later. "We care about our players and listen to them" does not mix well with "we flip the bird to a whole bunch of our players for no good reason".

Eve went from about 50k peak concurrent users to maybe 35k when incarna was released... Coincidence?
The VAST! majority of players are not interested in WiS, there are several other games/playgrounds for that. Eve is a game about spaceships and CCP focusing on spaceships is good. For all I care they can remove the captains quarters completely and throw all WiS completely out together with emo teen girl mmo game they were working on (vampires...)

Most of us are into eve due to "spaceships" not WiS so CCP focusing on the core demographic isn't bad, its good. If you can't stand that maybe EVE isn't for you?
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#70 - 2012-01-05 21:20:20 UTC
Hrodgar Ortal wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
They talk and talk about FiS, which is fine. We agree that needs attention and probably the focus for at least one expansion.

But those who want WiS don't want it to become the next damn abandoned feature that nobody is gonna look a for years. We don't want to log in to see the damn lonely hearts CQ band wondering "what if".

And guess what? So far nobody is looking at it. That's the first step in becoming the abandoned elephant in the room, and with the background we have, it's udnerstandable that we want some atention and some PR fluff specially for us.

Ignoring a thread that's been going on for 2 motnhs and has reached 80+ pages is not going to fix anything, rather will put CCP in trouble sooner or later. "We care about our players and listen to them" does not mix well with "we flip the bird to a whole bunch of our players for no good reason".

Eve went from about 50k peak concurrent users to maybe 35k when incarna was released... Coincidence?
The VAST! majority of players are not interested in WiS, there are several other games/playgrounds for that. Eve is a game about spaceships and CCP focusing on spaceships is good. For all I care they can remove the captains quarters completely and throw all WiS completely out together with emo teen girl mmo game they were working on (vampires...)

Most of us are into eve due to "spaceships" not WiS so CCP focusing on the core demographic isn't bad, its good. If you can't stand that maybe EVE isn't for you?

You're delusional in many ways that have been adressed too many times to bother again.

EVE is gonna die without WiS. FiS content can only be developed so far before jumping the shark and breaking the core game. So you need something else to do, and that something else is WiS.
XS Tech
#71 - 2012-01-05 21:31:16 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Hrodgar Ortal wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
They talk and talk about FiS, which is fine. We agree that needs attention and probably the focus for at least one expansion.

But those who want WiS don't want it to become the next damn abandoned feature that nobody is gonna look a for years. We don't want to log in to see the damn lonely hearts CQ band wondering "what if".

And guess what? So far nobody is looking at it. That's the first step in becoming the abandoned elephant in the room, and with the background we have, it's udnerstandable that we want some atention and some PR fluff specially for us.

Ignoring a thread that's been going on for 2 motnhs and has reached 80+ pages is not going to fix anything, rather will put CCP in trouble sooner or later. "We care about our players and listen to them" does not mix well with "we flip the bird to a whole bunch of our players for no good reason".

Eve went from about 50k peak concurrent users to maybe 35k when incarna was released... Coincidence?
The VAST! majority of players are not interested in WiS, there are several other games/playgrounds for that. Eve is a game about spaceships and CCP focusing on spaceships is good. For all I care they can remove the captains quarters completely and throw all WiS completely out together with emo teen girl mmo game they were working on (vampires...)

Most of us are into eve due to "spaceships" not WiS so CCP focusing on the core demographic isn't bad, its good. If you can't stand that maybe EVE isn't for you?

You're delusional in many ways that have been adressed too many times to bother again.

EVE is gonna die without WiS. FiS content can only be developed so far before jumping the shark and breaking the core game. So you need something else to do, and that something else is WiS.

or, they add a few thousand more nullsec and/or w-space systems, and we keep shooting at each other as intended...

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

#72 - 2012-01-05 22:10:28 UTC
Hrodgar Ortal wrote:

Eve went from about 50k peak concurrent users to maybe 35k when incarna was released... Coincidence?
The VAST! majority of players are not interested in WiS, there are several other games/playgrounds for that. Eve is a game about spaceships and CCP focusing on spaceships is good. For all I care they can remove the captains quarters completely and throw all WiS completely out together with emo teen girl mmo game they were working on (vampires...)

Most of us are into eve due to "spaceships" not WiS so CCP focusing on the core demographic isn't bad, its good. If you can't stand that maybe EVE isn't for you?

The figures you quote you incorrectly attribute sorely to Incarna, when anyone who has been following the trend knows that the decrease has been happening for a while.

No-one has provided any evidence that the 'Vast majority of players' don't want Incarna. Evidence has been provided that some don't. But then again, some players don't want faction warfare, PVP, planetary interaction, or their favourite ship to be rebalanced. Different players have different preferred ways of experiencing EVE.

Whereas to provide support for my claim that a significant portion of players do want Walking in Stations, I can provide you with fanfest videos, a 100 page thread on the forums that is largely in support of Incarna (except for a handfull of trolls), threads in the features and ideas forums on how Incarna can be used, CSM minutes that show that the CSM is in support of WiS as long as it has a meaningful connection to FiS and doesn't detract from the rest of EVE.

What do you have? Poor reasoning, and goon rhetoric.
Hrodgar Ortal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#73 - 2012-01-06 07:36:37 UTC
There being a 100 page thread means very little.
I remember several threads longer than that about poses, sov mechanics and moon-goo which was ignored. I'm not disputing that there are people who want WiS. However it is a fact that PCU are down since Incarna came along, it might be a trend from before but I remember there being around 45-50k players online at all times when i logged on before incarna and after my 6 month hiatus it hovers around 35k. Sure the reason might be something else than the lack of wis... it could be crucible and that we had 45-50k players until it was released I don't know. But given that CCP has publicly apologized for incarna and publicly revealed they will focus on spaceships I'm fairly certain they can read statistics.

Like it or not, CCP has faced a significant drop in active accounts due to NOT focusing on spaceships. Regardless of support for the idea of WiS I'm nearly 100% certain that ALL in the CSM agree with that spaceships are the basis of the game and always need to come before WiS (if any of them say otherwise please point at it).
So WiS will come when CCP has gotten eve back on track with growth and PCU up. What more do you need to know? (this is also what CCP basically said in their communications with the playerbase, they still want WiS but will focus on FiS)

Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#74 - 2012-01-06 07:42:44 UTC
Hrodgar Ortal wrote:

Most of us are into eve due to "spaceships" not WiS so CCP focusing on the core demographic isn't bad, its good. If you can't stand that maybe EVE isn't for you?

An increasing number of Eve players who got into Eve for spaceships want more than just spaceships. Eve has that potential to add more to it's core game play beyond spaceships, without forcing you to leave your spaceship way of gaming. It can even allow players to forget about spaceships and do things differently all together without effecting your game at all.

If you can't stand that... maybe Eve won't be for you much longer.

Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!

Hrodgar Ortal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#75 - 2012-01-06 07:44:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Hrodgar Ortal
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:

You're delusional in many ways that have been adressed too many times to bother again.

EVE is gonna die without WiS. FiS content can only be developed so far before jumping the shark and breaking the core game. So you need something else to do, and that something else is WiS.

I'm delusional? Hmm perhaps. But what does sharks have to do with anything?

Why do people need something else to do? It is a game about spaceships (well subs in oil really but anyways) from what I've seen and read the core demographic isn't interested in WiS. At least not enough for it to be the focus of the game. There are other dressup games around, second life i think is still around.

I'm not saying they shouldn't eventually get WiS if they can do so without taking resources from the core game which is and always should be spaceships since quite frankly most who are interested in WiS (or similar) to the degree they play a game with that kind of gameplay would not be interested in EvE. Thinking that they will come is foolish.

WiS had the majority of CCP development assets for what 1-1,5 years and the result was disastrous for the core game. But sure CCP could always again tell you that it is on the back burner but their vision is for it to come eventually.
Jestoni Avila
Arkolyn Ventures
#76 - 2012-01-08 10:41:26 UTC
I'm glad FiS is being focused on, but anyone who says WiS has no place in the EVE universe need to take a look at any space sci-fi material that's out there. None of it's confined in ships. Even the EVE chronicles emphasize on this aspect of the lore. Heck if EVE had SWTOR gameplay mixed in it would be the only thing you'd need for a space sci-fi fix, but that's asking too much. I've ended my subscriptions in the past not because of a feature I didn't want to see, but because I simply got bored with the game. Really got burned out with flying all the time. I'm one of those who would like to see a different aspect to the game I can fall back on without having to switch games or hobbies (though that may be healthy).
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#77 - 2012-01-08 11:29:41 UTC
Hrodgar Ortal wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:

You're delusional in many ways that have been adressed too many times to bother again.

EVE is gonna die without WiS. FiS content can only be developed so far before jumping the shark and breaking the core game. So you need something else to do, and that something else is WiS.

I'm delusional? Hmm perhaps. But what does sharks have to do with anything?

The usage of "jump the shark" has subsequently broadened beyond television, indicating the moment in its evolution when a brand, design, or creative effort moves beyond the essential qualities that initially defined its success, beyond relevance or recovery.

Why do people need something else to do? It is a game about spaceships (well subs in oil really but anyways) from what I've seen and read the core demographic isn't interested in WiS. At least not enough for it to be the focus of the game. There are other dressup games around, second life i think is still around.

I'm not saying they shouldn't eventually get WiS if they can do so without taking resources from the core game which is and always should be spaceships since quite frankly most who are interested in WiS (or similar) to the degree they play a game with that kind of gameplay would not be interested in EvE. Thinking that they will come is foolish.

Delusional thinking... nobody wants WiS to be the focus of the game, rather to add gameplay to people who can't be interested in the current endgame content. Also WiS could open new venues for gameplay before the current FiS gameplay is exausted.

WiS had the majority of CCP development assets for what 1-1,5 years and the result was disastrous for the core game. But sure CCP could always again tell you that it is on the back burner but their vision is for it to come eventually.

And, utterly wrong. Did you ever heard of the "18 months"? If not, i'm not going to lecture you on them, but that's exactly what happened and what fueled the Incarna disaster.

And by the way, FiSers got Crucible as a special delivery, whereas WiSers can't get an answer to our bloody relevant threadnaught.
#78 - 2012-01-08 11:42:19 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:

And by the way, FiSers got Crucible as a special delivery, whereas WiSers can't get an answer to our bloody relevant threadnaught.

Yeah. It's really stupid. Most players are wanting clarification on where WiS stands now. No-one is asking that FiS is abandoned in favour of WiS. The haters can't seem to fathom this.