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I really think it's time for a statement from CCP about the Mac client

First post
#1 - 2015-09-29 14:13:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Manssell
What the title says, I think you owe your Mac customers a statement, Q and A, a town hall, something.

You fixed nothing in the Vanguard patch. Nothing. The Mac client is riddled with bugs and yet you fixed nothing?

Just in the last year we have had the cloak bug (for over 5 months!), the related shader setting not being available, the IGB crashes the whole client, there is a huge, huge freeze/lag when opening markets/windows or undocking. Peoples ships loose parts. Multiple clients crash. We can not see the new effects that are coming out in game (such as the anchoring effect, and new dirt on ships) and so on. Too much to list (not to mention we never know if the new OS updates will work ahead of time). Hell the only major bug you’ve fixed recently was the random crash due to download that literally took you years to fix while we watch PC bugs get fixed constantly.

And as much as you like to pretend we don’t, your users can actually read the internet and we know Transgamming sold off Cider to NVIDIA who wants to use it for something else months ago.

So what the bloody hell is going on. For reals this time! You have continually said you are “acutely aware that the Mac EVE experience could be better and we're working to make it better.” yet we do not see that happening. On the contrary, things just seem to get worse. For all the ‘we’re working on it’ but “no ETA” talk the bottom line is you are continually giving your Mac customers a gaming experience that other developers are publicly apologizing for and giving refunds (FFXIV did this with it’s cider release). Your actions do not match your words.

If there is a roadmap for the future of the Mac client then at least lay that out for us the way you did with the rest of EVE when people where mad. We’re adults, treat us like ones. If you’re not going to fix the IGB because you want it to go away, tell us. If you’re having problems with your ‘partners’ not being home anymore, we’ll understand. If the sale left you uncertain on what to do, we can help and give suggestions and options. If you’re under contract and can’t say anything… tell us that. If you're working constantly on it and just can't get it to work say that. Even if you just don't care about how the Mac clients runs let us know. But when everyone on coms or in fleet in a social game laughs at the mac users because we cant do or see something and the most given advise from you Mac users to other Mac users is to run a windows copy while other publishers are giving refunds for the same bugs we live with constantly, the least you can do is keep us in the loop! Is something other than the same ole ‘working on it no timeframe’ too much to ask for?

Come on CCP you know we love you (in a platonic way... but I won't speak for others). We've already drank the EVE cool aid and are invested in the game. Stop treating us the same way I treat girlfriends i'm not really that into.
Erin Crawford
#2 - 2015-09-29 16:43:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Erin Crawford
I just wish CCP would finally make a native OS X version of EVE, one that takes full advantage of Apple's Metal potential.

Apple SVP of Software Engineering Craig Federighi announced Metal for Mac, which combines the power of OpenCL and graphics crunching capability of OpenGL into a unified API that reduces draw rendering times by 50 percent.

First introduced as a feature in iOS 8, Metal is a core-level graphics technology that allows developers nearly untethered access to system GPU hardware for highly efficient processing. Metal for Mac works almost identically to its iOS counterpart, as developers can stack on apps on core animation and core graphics, as well as built-in OpenGL and OpenCL API support.

"Those who talk don’t know. Those who know don’t talk. "

Amarisen Gream
#3 - 2015-09-30 08:07:13 UTC
I have the same feelings on how we get left in the dark. It sucks - and once in a while CCP is nice and says something, but the silence has been much to long this time.

On building a native app - I would love it, but there would be a lot of time consumed as well as possible issues.
My thing with rebuilding the code

Much of the newer code works. Legacy code could be trashed and replaced. The assets and other items work great and probably transition over well. CCP should (could) have taken this approach vs the new structure system (could still be done as a back end item) due to the fact that developing/rebuilding the games core engine and graphics engine could lead to fewer headaches and errors down the rode.

The #1 issue - does CCP see taking 6-12 months redeveloping and updating all of the games code worth it. There could be any number of bugs and errors (major one being character data). But that is what the test servers are for - helping to find issues.

Maybe if anyone is at EVE Vegas or wherever should just keep asking them about the Mac client.

"The Lord loosed upon them his fierce anger All of his fury and rage. He dispatched against them a band of Avenging Angels" - The Scriptures, Book II, Apocalypse 10:1

#NPCLivesMatter #Freetheboobs

Arthur Aihaken
#4 - 2015-10-01 00:19:26 UTC

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

K1ra Yamata
Space Exploration Company
#5 - 2015-10-01 07:17:53 UTC
yeah this is really frustrating.
This is like the Third thread about thoses problems.
Yet we do not get a answer.
No Eta, no information, not even a Statement - nothing.

really disappointing.
CCP Darwin
C C P Alliance
#6 - 2015-10-01 20:20:25 UTC
We are working on a couple of paths to improving the Mac experience, but until we're sure that something in particular is going to resolve specific issues and can be released in a specific timeframe, we really can't announce anything.

We are tracking and working on resolving several defects that seem to be specific to the Mac platform, but please submit bugs when you run into issues, since without a report it may be impossible to correct an issue on our own.

CCP Darwin  •  Senior Software Engineer, Art & Graphics, EVE Online  •  @mark_wilkins

Quiggle Queue
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2015-10-01 22:43:53 UTC
I have been using PlayOnMac, a free wine based program which has allowed me to play Eve easily, and with amazing amount of performance improvements over the native CCP mac client.
Arthur Aihaken
#8 - 2015-10-02 08:17:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
CCP Darwin wrote:
We are tracking and working on resolving several defects that seem to be specific to the Mac platform, but please submit bugs when you run into issues, since without a report it may be impossible to correct an issue on our own.

The ones all of us have been reporting have been present for several updates now.

Quiggle Queue wrote:
I have been using PlayOnMac, a free wine based program which has allowed me to play Eve easily, and with amazing amount of performance improvements over the native CCP mac client.

What attracted me to EVE was that I could actually run it on my Mac.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

CCP Darwin
C C P Alliance
#9 - 2015-10-02 14:05:59 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
The ones all of us have been reporting have been present for several updates now.

Please report bugs anyway. The reason is that if you do so from within game we get a package of information about your system. You may be having a problem that leaves you dead in the water, but if neither you nor anyone else reports it (and I mean a bug report, not a post here) then it may not be tracked.

CCP Darwin  •  Senior Software Engineer, Art & Graphics, EVE Online  •  @mark_wilkins

#10 - 2015-10-02 17:47:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Manssell
CCP Darwin wrote:
We are working on a couple of paths to improving the Mac experience, but until we're sure that something in particular is going to resolve specific issues and can be released in a specific timeframe, we really can't announce anything.

We are tracking and working on resolving several defects that seem to be specific to the Mac platform, but please submit bugs when you run into issues, since without a report it may be impossible to correct an issue on our own.

Darwin, thanks for replying but this is exactly why this is so infuriating.

We already report bugs like Authur Aihaken says. Hell all the ones I mentioned in my original post Devs have acknowledged they know about. The problem isn’t we don’t report them (and yes in game)… the problem is they don’t get fixed! Then after these bugs languish for months and years and someone finally has enough and makes a post demanding answers all we get is ‘file a bug report’ and ‘we have plans but can’t tell you anything’. Every single time…and yet nothing ever changes.

Also are we to now file bug reports in game that we can’t see the shinny new graphics that CCP said in the release Dev blog won’t be available to Mac players? You kinda already know that.

This cycle of reporting bugs in and out of game, having a Dev acknowledge bug exist (and usually blaming it on your ‘partners’ whoever that is now anyway) then having Devs disappear from sight while bug continues for months or years, until finally showing back up after customer frustration with said bug spills out, only to tell us to ‘file a bug report’ is really getting frustrating (a colossal understatement). And it really kinda comes off as CCP blaming it’s own Mac customers for the state of the Mac client (‘If only these damn Mac users will file bug reports about bugs we know about we could fix them’).

Sorry and I don't mean this to be a GRRR post, you guys work hard and I appreciate that. But this is just become too frustrating, nothing seem to actually get better. You guys made some great progress on the Mac client after Incarna to get it close to the PC side but as for the last year or two it's really feels like your Mac gaming experience has slipped back into a state of steady decline.
CCP Darwin
C C P Alliance
#11 - 2015-10-02 23:43:44 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Darwin
Manssell wrote:
And it really kinda comes off as CCP blaming it’s own Mac customers for the state of the Mac client (‘If only these damn Mac users will file bug reports about bugs we know about we could fix them’).

We investigate all bug reports that come in. Often, bug reports from Mac players are issues we can address in-house or impact all platforms.

As I'm sure you're aware, we use a third-party API layer to get EVE running on the Mac. Some of the bugs we encounter require updates or fixes to that code, and that requires us reaching outside the company to get fixes. This can take time, and we don't always control that schedule.

We definitely have a round of fixes and improvements for the Mac coming later in the year (as part of an update to that third-party API layer), we're working on compatibility testing with the release version of El Capitan right now in the hope that we can add it to our supported platforms soon, and our graphics QA analysts and software developers have Macs on their desks that they use to test each new feature as it goes into the game.

Beyond that, please continue reporting bugs you encounter, because the bug that has been driving you crazy for the last year may simply never have happened on our test systems. We try to do enough testing to render that unnecessary, but there's no way to find every bug in our in-house environment.

Also, if you are having a problem that prevents you from, say, playing the game at all, please, please open a support ticket. Most such issues, even if they are the result of an underlying bug, can be worked around, and our technical GMs are there to help.

CCP Darwin  •  Senior Software Engineer, Art & Graphics, EVE Online  •  @mark_wilkins

Octavius Baboli
256th Shadow Wing
#12 - 2015-10-03 12:11:08 UTC
after quitting eve for over 6months i came back to see if the mac experience had gotten better and of course its not.

Last nite I could not sign in because the launcher freezes up and goes no where

Any eta on this????
CCP Darwin
C C P Alliance
#13 - 2015-10-04 23:38:52 UTC
Octavius Baboli wrote:
Last nite I could not sign in because the launcher freezes up and goes no where

Any eta on this????

What you're describing is not normal or expected behavior. My first suggestion would be to open a support ticket here:

You can also submit a bug report here:

Be sure to attach your launcher log, which you can get using the instructions here:

We've had an ongoing issue with bug reports with attachments that have a .log extension (yeah I know!) that our web team is looking at, so if you have any troubles submitting such a bug report, just rename that .log file to have another ending. .txt works.

CCP Darwin  •  Senior Software Engineer, Art & Graphics, EVE Online  •  @mark_wilkins

Hits the Fan
#14 - 2015-10-09 17:27:17 UTC
I have to disagree as someone that's been on both platforms for 5+ years. It might not be expected, but it's certainly is normal behavior for the mac client to have a massive amount of bugs and UI issues.

It's just enough to call it "not broken", but if this were my car, I wouldn't drive it.

It's so bad, I'd say either drop the mac client and decide that users should opt for parallels+windows, or hire more and convert the whole thing to Metal. You're using a modified version of WINE, which has never ever worked well for gaming on any Unix/Linux OS. It's the wrong approach, and you'll always have pissed off customers.

I'm going windows on my mac for my option. If I can afford a mac, I can afford a VM.
#15 - 2015-10-09 18:28:09 UTC
I work on a 12 core xeon with my Mac Pro Late 2013 and its running ok I guess, compared to my windows 10 build it can be a lot better. Of course I didnt buy my nMP to play eve its for work but I'm just saying.
Axtex Veila
#16 - 2015-10-12 02:13:49 UTC
Yeah, I don't think that CCP even cares enough for their clients.
CCP can't just make stuff work well, they releasing a pile of c rap and tell everyone to write a support tickets.
That's it - no QA, no proper automated testing... they're just developing a game with an overall organizational level of 00-05 years.
Peter Grayson
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2015-10-13 12:18:38 UTC
I became a bit tired too these months with the accumulation of unsolved problems.

from my side:
- Cloaking texture bug
- Client freeze several seconds (!) while getting info or accessing database windows ingame
- Black screen of death when launching game
- Mapping problems on ships textures (some textures blocks floating around ship in space)

Mac Pro 1.1 , ATI Radeon HD 4870, Yosemite 10.10

I know this is old, but it worked perfectly few months ago.
Otherwise it works flawlessly on my MBP 15' retina with the 2GO nvidia sup card, but I prefer to play on my mac pro


I know its harsh but we (macusers) are gamers too.
Octavius Baboli
256th Shadow Wing
#18 - 2015-10-13 15:03:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Octavius Baboli
I don't know if anyone else is having this issue but my experience is this:

Eve crashes and restarts my CPU after about 10-15mins of play. This happens several times and makes game play impossible.

Before I quit eve in march 2015 i didn't have this problem. I could play eve and not have crashing at all for hours and hours. Now its not even 10 min before cpu crashes and this happens every time after it crashes. Restart cpu and run eve and crash, sometimes it is 5 min sometimes its 30min, but the crash and restart all are the same. So something has changed with eve in the 6 months since i came back and its clear by all these post that there is a specific lack of mac support.

So before I quit again I would like some answers to why this is happening and when we can see a fix??