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SCRAP micro-jump-portals

Marauder Initiative
#21 - 2015-10-08 20:39:01 UTC
This thread smell like butthurt.

Leto Aramaus wrote:
Without knowing how they work there's no way to tell which effect they'll have.

But we do know how MJD works, and thus we can make general guesses about that new module.

  • How large is the AOE?
  • How far is the teleport going? Are there modifying factors?
  • Does it only affect friendly ships?
  • How long is the cooldown/spoolup?
  • Is it possible to chain MJD, with enough T2 dessies?
  • How are the ships being MJDed teleported? Along their own alignment? Or along the MJDing dessie alignment?
  • Does the module have ship size/mass restriction to what can be MJDed?
  • Does the module have a max number/mass of ship moved?
  • How does the module choose what is being MJDed if you go other the limit?
  • Does it consume some kind of fuel?
  • Are there any restriction based on system security status?

I probably forgot a few things, but most of the points i suggested can be answered with a yes/no answer, thus letting just a few plausible combinations. From which we can guess what will come out of it. (I do know of a few people which are theorycrafting fleet compositions already, and by the day details are announced, we'll be ready to field a few doctrines based on that.

French half-noob.

Non, je ne suis pas gentil.

Leto Aramaus
Frog Team Four
Of Essence
#22 - 2015-10-08 20:49:16 UTC
Nyalnara wrote:
This thread smell like butthurt.

But we do know how MJD works, and thus we can make general guesses about that new module.

  • How large is the AOE?
  • How far is the teleport going? Are there modifying factors?
  • Does it only affect friendly ships?
  • How long is the cooldown/spoolup?
  • Is it possible to chain MJD, with enough T2 dessies?
  • How are the ships being MJDed teleported? Along their own alignment? Or along the MJDing dessie alignment?
  • Does the module have ship size/mass restriction to what can be MJDed?
  • Does the module have a max number/mass of ship moved?
  • How does the module choose what is being MJDed if you go other the limit?
  • Does it consume some kind of fuel?
  • Are there any restriction based on system security status?

I probably forgot a few things, but most of the points i suggested can be answered with a yes/no answer, thus letting just a few plausible combinations. From which we can guess what will come out of it. (I do know of a few people which are theorycrafting fleet compositions already, and by the day details are announced, we'll be ready to field a few doctrines based on that.

Butthurt is one way to put it. I see a game that I love and wish was getting good development get another new, IMO dumb item. Yes it hurts me, deep down inside.

Nice list of questions that aren't answered yet, what's your point? You quoted me like what I said was false. We don't know exactly how they'll work, so we don't know what they're going to be good for doing/not doing. And my stance is still that no matter the answers to those questions, ANY combination of Yes/No to any of those questions... this will be a dumb gimmick mechanic. Can't really say it any other way.
Rosal Milag
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#23 - 2015-10-08 21:14:28 UTC
Your biggest argument against the implementation of this idea is that its is new, taking away precious development time from your preferred area. You have stuck your fingers in your ears and are screaming "LALALALALA". Games produce new content and features regularly. Once these ships are in game, you will pick a new upcoming feature and do the same thing. If you want to be taken seriously by developers, show a legitimate, in-game reason why the addition would be harmful for a game. Otherwise, you are just making noise to promote your agenda. I can name several reasons why this is a good addition to the game and will help solve some issues out in deep null sec. I challenge you to come up with at least two good reasons, in-game reasons, why an AoE MJD is bad, aside from 'wasting resources from what I think should be fixed'.

Good reasons:
Logi is no longer safe 30 km behind the main fleet, out of range of the guns of the opposing fleet. One successful AoE MJD in the logi blob and the logi ships get shredded or your main fleet loses reps until they can warp off grid and reposition.

Supers are much more difficult to catch now. 3 HICs pointing your Titan but sitting next to each other, one AoE MJD and your Titan is gone.

F1 monkey fleets need to be on the ball and help out with fleet defense. Aside from taking down dictors and EWAR, this is another target that needs to be destroyed ASAP or your fleet is going to be in ruins, no matter if the jump is direction of the dessie or the direction of your ship. This grows fleet member engagement organically without needing a fleet warp change.

Gate camp on the other side of the gate? Don't have time to go around? Jump 6 of these new dessies in, and voila, your gate is clear.

This new mechanic, AoE MJD from a ship, has the potential to disrupt fleet fights dramatically. And disrupting fights makes for a more interesting game and less of "press approach and F1".

Other TL;DR
Don't complain about a new mechanic on the sole argument of "its new". If you want to freeze all upcoming ideas until your list of issues is fixed, then protest everything. Citadels, capital ship rebalance, module tiericides, little things improvements, Brain in the Box, new star gate technology, and more. If CCP was doing only new features, you may have a leg to stand on. But from where I am sitting, every patch has been looking at legacy systems and new ones. This isn't Incarna. We aren't getting new features at the expense of balancing.

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#24 - 2015-10-08 21:21:43 UTC
The biggest potential issue these new ships have is that they are destroyers.
This would be like giving Cruisers jump drives.

If it was on Battle Cruisers or Battleships it would make sense, but it's going on a ship that can't even fit a personal MJD, and suddenly it can fit an AOE one?
Haatakan Reppola
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#25 - 2015-10-08 22:22:58 UTC
Rosal Milag wrote:

Don't complain about a new mechanic on the sole argument of "its new". If you want to freeze all upcoming ideas until your list of issues is fixed, then protest everything. Citadels, capital ship rebalance, module tiericides, little things improvements, Brain in the Box, new star gate technology, and more. If CCP was doing only new features, you may have a leg to stand on. But from where I am sitting, every patch has been looking at legacy systems and new ones. This isn't Incarna. We aren't getting new features at the expense of balancing.

-Citadels is to fix POS problems we have had for many years (current issue)
-Capital ship rebalance is to finish the balance work that have already started, sadly capitals are not vey balanced so its s current issue also
-Module tiercide is working on fixing the issue with alot of useless modules
-Brain in the box is partly to lower server load (issue) and also give the benefit that they can force boosters on grid (another issue)

I dont have any info about the little things improvements or new star gate technology you mentioned, but rest of those things listed are being done to fix existing issues in the game.
Arla Sarain
#26 - 2015-10-08 22:43:23 UTC
slippery petes counter?
Leto Aramaus
Frog Team Four
Of Essence
#27 - 2015-10-08 23:10:07 UTC
Haatakan Reppola wrote:
Rosal Milag wrote:

Don't complain about a new mechanic on the sole argument of "its new". If you want to freeze all upcoming ideas until your list of issues is fixed, then protest everything. Citadels, capital ship rebalance, module tiericides, little things improvements, Brain in the Box, new star gate technology, and more. If CCP was doing only new features, you may have a leg to stand on. But from where I am sitting, every patch has been looking at legacy systems and new ones. This isn't Incarna. We aren't getting new features at the expense of balancing.

-Citadels is to fix POS problems we have had for many years (current issue)
-Capital ship rebalance is to finish the balance work that have already started, sadly capitals are not vey balanced so its s current issue also
-Module tiercide is working on fixing the issue with alot of useless modules
-Brain in the box is partly to lower server load (issue) and also give the benefit that they can force boosters on grid (another issue)

I dont have any info about the little things improvements or new star gate technology you mentioned, but rest of those things listed are being done to fix existing issues in the game.

Well said.
Marauder Initiative
#28 - 2015-10-09 00:03:02 UTC
Whatever. CCP keep rebalancing, AND adding new features. Also, they are doing a pass at T3 dessies. (They are being throwed out of small, check CSM day 4 minutes for more details about FW).

The interesting thing about those new T2 dessies is the fact that they are going to change the current meta, due to making fleet placements way more relevant. Whether in LS or Null.

French half-noob.

Non, je ne suis pas gentil.

epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#29 - 2015-10-09 22:12:08 UTC
It is far to early to say what these will be, but the phrases area of effect and versatile, might be giving the game away

These may be as significant as Dictors. If so they will seriously disrupt, cosy and set tactics, and preconceived ideas of what combat in EVE is.

There will be much upset, and a matching amount of applause.

We are living in interesting times.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#30 - 2015-10-30 00:43:00 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
It is far to early to say what these will be, but the phrases area of effect and versatile, might be giving the game away

These may be as significant as Dictors. If so they will seriously disrupt, cosy and set tactics, and preconceived ideas of what combat in EVE is.

There will be much upset, and a matching amount of applause.

We are living in interesting times.

That's the spirit! It's certainly a good time to have Racial Destroyers V...

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

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