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Dev blog: Testing a new EVE Launcher

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CCP raRaRa
C C P Alliance
#181 - 2015-10-08 08:09:40 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP raRaRa
justin666 wrote:
is there any word on ccp sorting out the launcher when it comes to launching 8 clients etc?

it launches the accounts in the wrong order even after dragging them into the correct order on the launch screen.. so everytime i launch my toons its next to useless as i can not multi box if my toons are in the wrong order etc..

The problem was that all clients were launched at the same time. You can now set launch delay between launching clients under settings, the default value is 1.5 seconds. I recommend increasing the time if clients are still launched in the wrong order.

CCP raRaRa // Web Developer // Team Webster

Nora Miller
Nikana Enterprises
#182 - 2015-10-08 08:16:25 UTC
Love the new launcher and all the features!

One question though: I have multiple installations of EVE because I read that it would help with performance of each client running. Will there be or is there a way to tell the launcher which .exe to launch for which account? Or any way to tell which .exe the launcher choses?
#183 - 2015-10-08 08:30:16 UTC
Nora Miller wrote:
One question though: I have multiple installations of EVE because I read that it would help with performance of each client running. Will there be or is there a way to tell the launcher which .exe to launch for which account? Or any way to tell which .exe the launcher choses?
The new Launcher uses a single installation of the client binaries itself (for each server). The default location of the binaries is C:\ProgramData\CCP\EVE\SharedCache\[tq|sisi|duality].

For the client settings of your individual accounts you can set one of the settings profiles within the launcher which will handle the rest for you.

No need to have multiple client binaries. The Launcher will launch the correct .exe for you, depending on whether you want to connect to tq, sisi or duality.

You can remove your previously existing client installations if you like.


Estevan Andrard
#184 - 2015-10-08 10:45:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Estevan Andrard
The setup, cache and account keeping is really nice.

In my use I have faced a lot of problems with the multiple launch feature though.

Changed interval to absurd values and still not working most of the times.


Although the launcher is designed to handle multi accounts, it is a hard fact that
installing and running indepent instalations of EVE in Windows wil affect the
performance. It has to do on how windows will handle them, not how eve handles
itself. The change may not be noticeable using 2 or 3 accounts, but when you run
6, 10, then you notice clearly the difference.

If con is the opposite of pro, then is Congress the opposite of progress?

Slappy Andven
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#185 - 2015-10-08 11:01:53 UTC
Amazing work! Thank you!

Would it be possible, when launching multiple clients for the very first time, to assume the player will want them in windowed mode rather than full screen?


Slappy Andven

CEO Natural Born Killas

Xindi Kraid
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#186 - 2015-10-08 11:09:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Xindi Kraid
When the final version goes live, is it going to wipe all of our settings? I launched the test version and it obviously isn't using the settings we already have.

Also, while you are streamlining, is it possible to have the launcher tell the launching client which character to load?
Also, when I launch eve I always have to move it from it being a half sized window on one screen to a maximized window on another, is it possible to save my window state and launch in that state next time?
Jovian Disease
#187 - 2015-10-08 11:15:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Jovian Disease
server status and active players does not updat while the launcher is opened or it updates really slow

only after closing the launcher and opening it again it shows the server status
Raphendyr Nardieu
Hole Control
#188 - 2015-10-08 11:16:12 UTC
While working with the launcher (even though this is probably sso thing) could you fix what happens when you write wrong password?

Currently when user account or password is wrong it will ask you about your character with message "You haven't logged in from this IP before". This is a bit misleading as sometimes I'm actually logging from different IP and need to answer for that question.

Instead it should tell something like "username or password is wrong".
#189 - 2015-10-08 11:17:00 UTC
Moe Lesture wrote:

Is there any reason why the new launcher cant store EVE settings under Documents (like logs, screenshots, overview & fittings) instead of buried deep in sub folders inside our AppData directory?

My Current location of eve files using the BETA launcher:


My Current location of eve files using the current launcher:


Default "pleb mode" installed EVE location:


Change the new launcher so these files are stored under:


What this accomplishes:

Just look at the posts above. Every time someone wants to backup their eve files, xfer their eve settings across multiple pc, duplicate character setups, xfer their window positions and hotkeys to SISI, I have to navigate them to the path above. Their eyes glaze over and they begin to drool. Plus consistency wise, why are my screenshots, chat logs, overview files, and fittings in a nice folder in my Documents, yet the most important files (core_char),(core_user) buried inside folders inside folders inside folders?

INB4 "multiple users" or "localization and name differences" arguments.


Also, new launcher should have shortcuts to screenshots, fittings, overview, and/or settings folder as a button built in.

+1 for this!!

I really want my settings permanently moved out of AppData too.


A New Eden pilot, fighting against slavery in New Eden


Brian Harrelstein
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#190 - 2015-10-08 11:18:10 UTC
extremely slow to launch, even worse than the current launcher. all i got is a white screen that says "please wait".
Sir Constantin
#191 - 2015-10-08 11:26:33 UTC
On darker desktop backgrounds the Title Bar is kind of hard to see.
A nice little feature i would like is to be able to drag the launcher around the screen by clicking on the launcher's background.

Samuel the Terrible
#192 - 2015-10-08 11:30:45 UTC
I love it, nice clean simple multi server all the good buz words.

I do feel like its missing one thing. Some sort of new/announcement area. - after all its how I find out about most things as I'm to lasy to check here!

Perfect thing would be a news ticker down the bottom that just has headlines scrolling alone, a headline peeks your interest. you click it it opens like it would if you clicked on an announcement on the old launcher. Otherwise nice job CCP

**CEO of

Trashing space one wreck at a time!**

Harold Tuphlos
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#193 - 2015-10-08 11:32:56 UTC
When I try to install the launcher, the installer crashes when it tries to close. Attempting to run the launcher then fails with the following message:

evelauncher.exe - entry point Not Found

The procedure entry point K32GetProcessMemoryInfo could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll.

The OS I'm running is vista.
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#194 - 2015-10-08 11:53:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Rivr Luzade
What is the purpose of the username/password boxes increasing in size 2px when you hover over them and in the process moving and lagging out functionality like the drop down button for usernames? It can't be helpful to people with bad sight or color blindness, as the effect not exactly noticeable and irritating, This should be removed and replaced with something easier to notice and less irritating, like giving the mouse-overed field a darker color.

I just installed the launcher and now the progress bar does something with 166 files (I guess it's importing my settings?) but there is no tooltip, no explanatory text like when the old launcher DL'd a patch on what exactly it does.

Furthermore, and this is a thing I never understood and that makes no sense whatsoever, why is the Cancel button on the left and the Continue button on the right in the char selection in the second step of the login process? The mouse hovers on the left side of that box anyways, not the right side, making it move over to the bottom right to continue a nuisance.

Next thing: The launcher still downloads the background image at every start up of the launcher. When are you going to fix this and store the image on the computer as you do not bother to update it every day anyways. The only thing this daily download of the background image does nothing but make the startup of the launcher slower and appear sluggish.

I know that you like to play a lot, that's fine, but why does the account list recede when you click the gear wheel to open settings and when you close the settings, the list increases in size again/moves forward again? Does not make any sense and is wasted dev effort and system resources.

The age/rating notification icons are placed right over the progress bar, overlapping it.

Only a minor thing, but a different icon for the launcher from the actual client would be good to have. The old launcher has a different icon than the actual game, which makes alt-tabbing as well as differentiation on the task bar easier.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Josef Djugashvilis
#195 - 2015-10-08 12:02:43 UTC
At long, long, last I get to use SiSi.

Thank you CCP

This is not a signature.

marly cortez
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#196 - 2015-10-08 12:44:32 UTC
Good that there is a possible way to get on SiSi without all the rave we had before, may try that one of these days.

Two things though that concern me about this launcher set up,

1, As it is a beta there has been no information regarding reverting should....And it will, the thing break your clients, might encourage a few more to use it if they knew they could can the thing in the future.

2, The client choice set up for starting multiples is so clunky, in fact the word used when we looked at it was stone age compared to a long standing product were clients can be grouped, named and booted in chosen multiples with a single mouse click.

This later gives players the choice of setting up there clients in groups, naming them for easy reference and as long as there happy to use a single pass word for them boot the whole lot in one go in rapid sequence, for comparison, I was getting speeds for ten clients of less than four minutes, I know it's a beta version guys but you really should stop with this and the bling you feel the players really REALLY, want and concentrate on getting it to load clients quickly, simply and efficiently.

Tbh if it does this players will not be bothered if it displays the face of Donald duck while it does it, Oh and could you please add multi screen formatting while you at it, Saves tabbing....Less of a click fest you see, Not all players have sixty inch screens in multiples of ten, you know how it is.

Humanity is the thin veneer that remains after you remove the baffled chimp.

Anna Ohu
#197 - 2015-10-08 12:59:18 UTC
Whish List:
Ability to show Character on each account before logging in (either last saved info or current info)
Would be great to see each character's ISK, location, Current training and completion, total training skill queue time.
so you would click on account name and a box would drop down showing Character's name and additional info
(oh you could so much from here like set to primary character log in, and skip toon selection option...
ok now i'm getting greedy)

Even cooler (i'm american bad grammar is my birthright :P ) would be the ability to set different settings to each Character

Next to each account show the number of days and date till active game time ends (and additional queue game time)
would be really cool to see a notation of which character is using additional training queue and time and date till expiration

and you could take it a step further by putting click boxes by expiration time or non-training characters that link to that account to purchase additional in game/training queue time
Archeras Umangiar
Snuffed Out
#198 - 2015-10-08 14:18:54 UTC
Anna Ohu wrote:
Whish List:
Ability to show Character on each account before logging in (either last saved info or current info)
Would be great to see each character's ISK, location, Current training and completion, total training skill queue time.
so you would click on account name and a box would drop down showing Character's name and additional info
(oh you could so much from here like set to primary character log in, and skip toon selection option...
ok now i'm getting greedy)

Even cooler (i'm american bad grammar is my birthright :P ) would be the ability to set different settings to each Character

Next to each account show the number of days and date till active game time ends (and additional queue game time)
would be really cool to see a notation of which character is using additional training queue and time and date till expiration

and you could take it a step further by putting click boxes by expiration time or non-training characters that link to that account to purchase additional in game/training queue time

i do agree, that having the (maybe as an option) launcher as a *sort of* evemon, to see atleast how much isk/location/gametime remaining for each account/char, and the default/skip char things sounds great aswell.

ideally aswell would to be able to save *sets*

letz say, you have a mining team: you could have the client launch your mining / orca / hauler, and have on the same accouts a pvp set, that you can launch seperated (with that skip character thing option)
just some random toughts there... guess the possibilities are pretty much limitess
#199 - 2015-10-08 14:46:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Net7
Checking in to confirm a few other posters here with GPU Driver crashing when launching the new launcher.

On the flip side, the issue seems to be Crossfire... I have an APU setup to crossfire with a dedicated GPU which has worked fine in the past (2 years)... with the new launcher... NOPE!

Might need others here to test if they have a Crossfire setup, but the moment I turned mine off, it worked like a charm! Also might want to have some SLI testers report as well!

Windows 10 x64, latest RELEASE AMD drivers, then the BETA drivers, same issue, the moment I disable Crossfire, the new launcher works!

*Also, the updater asking me if i want to restart to install an update for the updater... DO THAT AUTOMATICALLY! (or at least provide an option!!!)
Gerowien Sunrunner
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#200 - 2015-10-08 14:54:58 UTC
After downtime today I am not able to use the new launcher to login into the game, it quits with an incompatible build and I seem to not find any option within the launcher to update the game client.

Any idea ?