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T2/3 and other specialty ships

DarkAsh Andrard
The Initiative.
#1 - 2015-10-06 23:43:23 UTC
I've been wondering this question for quite awhile and was hoping that CCP could shed light (and possibly change the ship skill bonuses). So in the T2/3's and other ships that required 2 skills in order to fly, most of the time, the first skill has to have a mandatory skill level of V before you are able to inject the secondary, and needed skill, in order to fly the ship.
For example, let's take the interceptor ships. In order to fly these T2 ships, you have to train the racial base frigate skill to V before you can train interceptors. take the crow

Caldari Frigate bonuses (per skill level)
5% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket explosion radius
10% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket max velocity

Interceptor bonuses (per skill level)
15% reduction in Microwarpdrive signature radius penalty
5% bonus to Warp Scrambler and Warp Disruptor optimal range

Role Bonus
80% reduction in Propulsion Jamming systems activation cost
- Immune to ... etc.

Well, if you have to train the Frigate skill to V, why make it seem like there is a choice in skill level for that ship? Why not just take those bonuses and put them in the Role, because essentially, you have it the same for everyone; that they need V before they can train the Interceptor skill. to something like this

Interceptor bonuses (per skill level)
15% reduction in Microwarpdrive signature radius penalty
5% bonus to Warp Scrambler and Warp Disruptor optimal range

Role Bonus
80% reduction in Propulsion Jamming systems activation cost
- Immune to ... etc.
25% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket explosion radius
50% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket max velocity

Is there a reason why this isn't the case? Just seems odd why you would leave it like that. To have that "(per skill level)" I think is misleading. the second is a lot 'cleaner' in that you can see exactly what your bonuses are (yea, I know multiply by 5 isn't that hard..) Are there plans to soften the skills requirement later, so you could have Frigate and Interceptor skills at level I and still fly it?

thanks for your time :)
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#2 - 2015-10-07 00:39:43 UTC
1. It makes it easier to read the ships and compare them with T1 ships with similar bonuses, since you get a better idea how the T1 ship will perform at V relative to the T2 ship then.
2. It used to be possible to lose skill points from clones.
DarkAsh Andrard
The Initiative.
#3 - 2015-10-07 00:47:05 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
1. It makes it easier to read the ships and compare them with T1 ships with similar bonuses, since you get a better idea how the T1 ship will perform at V relative to the T2 ship then.
2. It used to be possible to lose skill points from clones.

1. well, not really because while they might share some bonuses, its not a 1=1 increase from T1 to T2. Idk, it seems like if you can see the role bonuses. I can definitely see the need for the 'per skill level' read on the T1s because you have to skill them, but like I said, it seems misleading to say you can train per level on the t2's when you need lvl V anyway.

2. yes, I know, but that wouldn't change what I'm saying, like if you lost a frigate skill from V -> IV, you couldn't fly the Crow anyway, regardless if had it like it is now or how I'm proposing.

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#4 - 2015-10-07 00:54:43 UTC
Asks 'Is there a reason' then dismisses all the reasons as 'I don't use this so obviously no-one does'.....
Goon of the day award goes to you, for exemplary gooning
Ice Fire Warriors
#5 - 2015-10-07 01:03:11 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
This subject comes up from time to time.

It is there for consistency reasons.

People who care about data structure want to see the "increments" more than the total result because it is easier for us to read and calculate it in our heads at a glance (changing the bonus structure because "it's a T2" is arbitrary to us).
(edit: also... you would not believe the number of newbies that think that "Role Bonuses" increase with each ship level like they do with the other bonuses)

Also... I would not put it past the DEVs that they want to flexibility to be able to change bonuses in small amounts. Keeping the bonuses in an "increment" structure allows them to do this (more so than a "flat" bonus... which is what "role bonuses" are).
Celthric Kanerian
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2015-10-07 10:03:23 UTC
This has been brought up multiple times already...
Lugh Crow-Slave
#7 - 2015-10-07 10:45:20 UTC
The only issue is that CCP isn't consistent on weather the t1 effects are listed first or the t2
Zan Shiro
#8 - 2015-10-07 13:19:17 UTC
CCP is also leaving the door open. When they pulled clone upgrade they said they may have plans to bring something back one day. What and when....who knows. trademark stamp of soon they can stamp this with all day long tbh.

Beyond that its really a case of 6 on one hand, half a dozen in the other. Why recode for the same effect really. 5% tied to a must have 5 not really an issue imo.

Question to lowering skill for t2....not seeing that. they are specialized ships. Put some time in, get the ship. Want to fast track fly pirate ships. many offer a taste of the t2 experience. Granted some more than others but still.
DarkAsh Andrard
The Initiative.
#9 - 2015-10-07 15:04:47 UTC
Ah, ok, understood. Thank you all for your time in answering the question. I appreciate it :)