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Are multi-core processors supported?

Caldari State
#1 - 2012-01-05 10:26:27 UTC
I'm still trying to return to the game, if the client will let me that is... anyways!

AMD Phenom II x6 1090T Processor 3.2 GHz
Windows 7 x64
Bandwidth test shows I have 15mb down and 1mb up

When loading the game everything works fine until I log in, then its as if I have a 12kb (or less) connection. It's not choppy such as a bad graphic card would do and the game isn't locking up or freezing, but I could go walk the dog and take a shower in the time it takes for my captains quarters to load. Additionally IF I can get the game to exit, this problem continues once I reach my desktop.

I've stopped all processes other than EveOnline, antivirus and basic windows processes.
I've deleted my cache and saved folders.
I've updated all drivers and windows updates.
I've checked about overheating and I'm only running at 40°C
I've applied Microsoft Patch KB961894 – VC++ Post 2005 SP1 Redistributable
I've ran a spyware/malware/antivirus scan
I've ran disk checker
I've defragged

Ctrl+Alt+Del fails to respond
Alt+Tab fails to respond

To top it all, EveOnline runs but has choppy graphics on my five year old laptop! So as I'm about to tear it apart my new PC and ensure that all O.C. and multi-core options are disabled I have to ask, are multi-core processors even supported by EveOnline?
Route One
#2 - 2012-01-05 12:25:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Othran
Eve client is a single-thread application - or serial thread would be more accurate. Its not multiprocessor-aware and I doubt it ever will be.

If you have an AMD graphics card then turn off "Physically Simulated Cloth and Hair" in the graphics tab in Eve. Reason is that is coded using the NVidia APIs (PhysX) and if you try to run it on your AMD card then it gets offloaded to the main cpu, rather than running on the graphics card. Edit - its CQ that uses this mainly, but anyone who actually plays Eve has CQ disabled Blink

I doubt that's what is causing your problem though.
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-01-05 12:39:37 UTC
Well its not the x6 core, turbo or O.C. options
I've tried the changing NVIDIA settings from AUTO to CPU
I've tried a "clean load"
I've searched the forums, various websites and spent about 5-6hrs on it so far...

Reloading PC... (and I the wife and kids were out of the house tonight too Sad )
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-01-06 00:06:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Nadio
WOW! I spent the entire night reloading my computer and the problem STILL exists...

The only thing on there is:

Required drivers
Antivirus/spyware/malware software
All Windows 7 updates
Adobe reader X

I'll submit a petition for support but seeing how my other petition has gone several days without a response I'm not going to hold my breath.

Starting to have buyers remorse for returning...


LOL logserver is not responding when the game finally exits, I need to go to work I'm late as is

Edit again:

Problem solved
Ironman Inc.
#5 - 2012-01-06 10:10:48 UTC
Can you please update us on what solved your problem?
Caldari State
#6 - 2012-01-07 10:40:38 UTC
Shpenat wrote:
Can you please update us on what solved your problem?

I did write a giant post detailing what to do except I hit the preview button and everything got deleted, this is the abbreviated version.

I use VIPRE Internet Security 2012. When EveOnline client accesses the server it causes SBAMsvc.exe to become "suspended" which results in the computer nearly failing to function even after EveOnline is closed. According to the performance monitor CPU, memory, disk, temperatures, network traffic and everything still works perfectly except the computer runs slower than a Tandy.

To fix the problem you have to go into VIPRE and allow all eve applications under the web filter settings.

Note this only applies to VIPRE Internet Security 2012 and not other versions of VIPRE such as antivirus premium.

Xander Hunt
#7 - 2012-01-14 21:56:34 UTC
And people are surprised when I don't run any kind of AV software on any of my machines. Rogue AV products decide that they're more important than you actually doing what you want to do. *eyes roll*

I'd rather get a virus and reload than have to deal with AV software chewing my CPU to 25% and watching over my shoulder as I type in NOTEPAD.
Reiss Jovian
Deep Axion
Honorable Third Party
#8 - 2012-01-30 13:09:13 UTC
I've had the EXACT same problem with my PC, pretty much from the get-go after I installed VIPRE 2012.
If only I had read this thread before I deleted the EVE folder to re-d/l lol. Thanks for the fix though, I'll give it a try. :)
Katherine Starlight
#9 - 2012-01-30 17:12:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Katherine Starlight
Use the internet with your brain turned on and you never get viruses. The best firewall and antivirus is your head. Only a fraction has this thing called brain installed.

Use an Antivirus if you are an idiot on the internet Not internet security **** that blocks everything you want to run.
Route One
#10 - 2012-01-31 11:08:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Othran
Katherine Starlight wrote:
Use the internet with your brain turned on and you never get viruses. The best firewall and antivirus is your head. Only a fraction has this thing called brain installed.

Use an Antivirus if you are an idiot on the internet Not internet security **** that blocks everything you want to run.

What a load of BS.

Let me give you an example - daughter running Firefox and adblocker on a fully patched system visits a website with advert scripts last night. The ads are being served by OpenX and Akamai, not all of them are recognised by adblocker. One of the ad scripts isn't an advert at all, its HTML/ScrInject.B.Gen trojan - now confirmed and ads pulled. The antivirus blocked it before it ever got written to disk. Nothing to do with the website either as the trojan was on an OpenX (advert) server.

People like you ARE the problem with your blinkered 1980/1990s view on "how to avoid a virus". You've probably got half a dozen trojans running and you don't even have a clue you have them.

The only way you're going to avoid a drive-by malware download is to unplug your computer from the net. In your case I think that might be the best idea Straight
The Ares project
#11 - 2012-01-31 13:19:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Sellendis
Othran wrote:
Katherine Starlight wrote:
Use the internet with your brain turned on and you never get viruses. The best firewall and antivirus is your head. Only a fraction has this thing called brain installed.

Use an Antivirus if you are an idiot on the internet Not internet security **** that blocks everything you want to run.

What a load of BS.

Let me give you an example - daughter running Firefox and adblocker on a fully patched system visits a website with advert scripts last night. The ads are being served by OpenX and Akamai, not all of them are recognised by adblocker. One of the ad scripts isn't an advert at all, its HTML/ScrInject.B.Gen trojan - now confirmed and ads pulled. The antivirus blocked it before it ever got written to disk. Nothing to do with the website either as the trojan was on an OpenX (advert) server.

People like you ARE the problem with your blinkered 1980/1990s view on "how to avoid a virus". You've probably got half a dozen trojans running and you don't even have a clue you have them.

The only way you're going to avoid a drive-by malware download is to unplug your computer from the net. In your case I think that might be the best idea Straight

AddBlocker blocks Adds....mostly.
NoScript...let me guess...blocks scripts, as you didn't say you have it in FF.

And honestly, how childish can you get when your biggest fact is that he has dozens of trojans and he doesn't know it...

How do you know he doesn't run a malware scan now and then? He doesnt boot a LiveDistro and scans with new AV builds? Just couse he doesnt have a resident AV doesnt mean a damn thing.

I used a lot of AVs on work PCs and my own since i am in that line of work, people surfed the web and whatever crap they found, i didn't see anything they themselves didn't stupidly get.
95% got was from emails and other idiotic stuff, FF + addblock + noscript didn't fail. Now you will probably say that those AVs were crap, sorry, i had tried almost all of them at one point or another, full versions and free ones, licensed or trials...not 1 of them was 100% effective even with last definitions. Peoples stupidity overcome almost all defenses.

Meaning, did ya play Spanish lottery you just won 27mill euros from? Click here (despite the fact they dont know Spanish or that they didn't play any lottery). Got a new screen-saver in an here. Wanna see some celebrity nude photos/movies..install this...
Honestly, some people are just idiots. I have also seen PCs with expensive top-marks AVs installed that got screwed by viruses, latest definitions and they still got by. Nothing is 100% sure aside unplug from web...and that only works if you dont copy any files from outside locations.

As for myself, i use FF + addblock + noscript...not a problem for years, and god knows i get around on the web. By your definition i have hundreds of trojans right?
Well, Mallwarebytes didn't find anything, my AV that is installed just for scans now and then (its not resident) since i just hate when it scans every goddamn thing i try to copy or run, and put into game mode since it conflicts with some games, didn't find anything.

Just because 1 script got by your add-blocker doesnt have to mean that all people not using AVs are "the problem".
That is close to saying that your wife screws dozen of men when you go to work and you dont even know it...unless she wears a chastity belt.
Bare Minimum Bandits
I Showed You My Probes... Please Respond...
#12 - 2012-02-01 05:44:35 UTC  |  Edited by: DigDoug
I'm running ESET on my system and I have my browser 'security' settings set to high and I still get notifications of trojans being blocked.

If you cannot configure your software and firewall correctly you deserve what happens to you.
Dream Five
Renegade Pleasure Androids
#13 - 2012-02-01 11:29:41 UTC
Nadio wrote:
Shpenat wrote:
Can you please update us on what solved your problem?

I did write a giant post detailing what to do except I hit the preview button and everything got deleted, this is the abbreviated version.

I use VIPRE Internet Security 2012. When EveOnline client accesses the server it causes SBAMsvc.exe to become "suspended" which results in the computer nearly failing to function even after EveOnline is closed. According to the performance monitor CPU, memory, disk, temperatures, network traffic and everything still works perfectly except the computer runs slower than a Tandy.

To fix the problem you have to go into VIPRE and allow all eve applications under the web filter settings.

Note this only applies to VIPRE Internet Security 2012 and not other versions of VIPRE such as antivirus premium.

Why use any third party security when there's Microsoft Internet Security? People just don't know about it because Microsoft was banned from advertising it by anti-monopoly crowd.